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The Federalist on the New Constitution 1788
The Federalist on The New Constitution 1788
Pennsylvania Second Geological Survey (lot of 4)
Pennsylvania Second Geological Survey (4 book lot)
(5) Pennsylvania Second Geological Survey
1869 Manual for Use of Legislature for NY
1793 History of the American Revolutions - Ramsay
1794 History of the American War - Stedman
(4) Alexander Hamilton Books - Bios & Federalist
1834 Life of Hamilton Volumes 1 & 2
History of the Republic by Hamilton Vol 1-7
(7) Biographies: Petigru, Paine, Pennypacker ++
1822 Principles & Acts of the Revolution - Niles
Works of Alexander Hamilton Vol 1-12 Federal Ed.
1801 Works of Alexander Hamilton Vol. 1-7
(5) Memoirs/Biographies: Hamilton, Mosby +++
1844 Pictorial History of the United States
History of the American People - Woodrow Wilson
Works of Hamilton Letter-Press Edition
(4) Biographies - John Hancock & General Hancock
(5) Memoirs/Bios: Peale, Truman, Polk ++
(5) Biographies: Sforza, Taft, Steuben +++
(4) Biographies: Alfred, Kirby & William Smith
(4) Bios/Memoirs: Tilghman & Several Shermans
(3) Books Dealing with Trials and The Slave Trade
(5) Memoirs/Bios: Marcus Hanna, Carter Harrison +
(6) Biographies: Harding, Harriman, Harrison ++
(4) Biographies: Patrick Henry, William Hickey ++
Reminiscences of Carl Schurz Vol 1-3
Carl Schurz Speeches, etc. Volumes 1-6
(4) Books About George Washington
(5) Hardcover Books on John F. Kennedy
Writings of Thomas Jefferson Volumes 1-10
Writings of Thomas Jefferson Volumes 11-20
(6) Biographies - Philip Kearny, La Follette, Lee
1819 Memoirs of Andrew Jackson and Others
1828 Memoirs of Andrew Jackson
Correspondence of Andrew Jackson Vol 1-6
(4) Bios/Commemorations: Roosevelt, Jones +
Daniel Webster Obituary Addresses & Biography
(8) Books on George Washington
R. E. Lee A Biography Volume 1-4
(4) Memoirs/Bios on Robert E Lee
R. E. Lee Volumes 1-4 by Freeman
Legal Papers of John Adams Vol. 1-3
1837/1839 The Writings of George Washington Vol. 1
(4) Books on George Washington: Writings, Mason
Life of Washington by John Marshall Vol 1-5
1901/15 Calendar of Correspondence of Washington
Abolition of the African Slave-Trade by Clarkson
1891 History of Seattle, Washington - Grant
16th US Census: 1940 - Manufactures
(2) Conveyancing in Pennsylvania Books
George Washington A Biography Volumes 1-7
Memoranda of a Residence at Court of London
(5) Biographies: Columbus, Charles II, Connell ++
(2) Books on Indiana in the Civil War
(5) Biographies: Taylor, Cox, Debs ++
(5) Biographies: Jefferson Davis, Henry Davis ++
(4) American Politics & Biographies
Eloquence of the United States ++
Independence of the United States by Botta ++
(6) History books on the American Revolution
Narrative & Critical History of America by Winsor
(3) Books on the Civil War & Secession
Ohio at Vicksburg/Last Hours of Sheridans Cavalry
(2) Biographies: Life Of Ulysses S. Grant
(4) Biographies: Stephen Douglas/Charles De Gaulle
Biographies: Decatur, Hale, Drannan, Eddy
(4) Books on the History of the Civil War
(5) Biographies - General Ulysses S. Grant
1869 Year-Book & Other Books on US Government
Senate Journals - PA & US - early 1800's
(6) PA House of Representatives Journals - 1800's
(6) Books: Lincoln, Gettysburg, Emancipation ++
(6) History Books - Fillmore Papers, Philadelphia
Senate & House Manuals, 1827 Survey of US Politics
(7) Biographies on Abraham & Mary Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln Vol 1-8 Constitutional Ed.
Abraham Lincoln Writings Vol 1-8 Centennial Ed
(4) History Books - Mexican War - dated 1846, 1849
(6) Congress of the Confederate States Journals
Emergence of Lincoln/First Lincoln Campaign
Annals of the War & Other Civil War Titles
Life of Lincoln by Tarbell + Other Lincoln Titles
Lincoln Biographies by Sandburg, Beveridge +
(5) Books on Abraham Lincoln - Reminiscences
(8) Biographies on Abraham Lincoln
(10) Biographies on Abraham Lincoln
(7) Biographies on Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln A History by Nicolay & Hay
11th Census Report on Indians Taxed & Not Taxed
Debates of Convention to Amend Constitution of PA
Debates of Convention to Amend Constitution of PA
Debates of Convention to Amend Constitution of PA
Debates of Convention to Amend Constitution of PA
Debates of Convention to Amend Constitution of PA
Laws of the Commonwealth of PA Vol. 1
Debates of Convention to Amend Constitution of PA
Debates of Convention to Amend Constitution of PA
Debates of Convention to Amend Constitution of PA
(7) Books of PA - Historical Events & Accounts
(5) Mixed Books - DAR, SAR, Univ. of Pennsylvania
(5) Books on US Soldiers - Naval, Cavalry
Amer. Campaigns, Cadet Register, Fed War Agency
(6) Books on US Constitution & Supreme Court
Where to Emigrate & Pilgrim's Progress
PA Reports/Conventions - 1825, 1837, 1896
Digests - Laws of PA 1700 to 1907 - Pepper & Lewis
Laws of the Commonwealth of PA - 1830's
Laws of the Commonwealth of PA: 1818-1820
Laws of the Commonwealth of PA: 1815-1817
Laws/Acts of the Commonwealth of PA: 1810, 13, 14
Laws/Acts of Commonwealth of PA: 1822, 27, 28
Laws of the Commonwealth of PA 1829-1831
Laws of the Commonwealth of PA 1841-1843
Laws of the Commonwealth of PA 1832, 33, 35
Laws of Pennsylvania - 1935 & 1976
Laws of the Commonwealth of PA 1846, 47, 49
Laws of the Commonwealth of PA 1845, 48, 51
Laws of the Commonwealth of PA - 1852, 53, 55
Laws of the Commonwealth of PA 1840, 44, 71
Laws of the Commonwealth of PA 1838, 50, 67
Laws of the Commonwealth of PA: 1860-62
Laws of the Commonwealth of PA 1859, 63, 64
Laws of the State of PA: 1854, 1856-1858
Laws/Acts of Commonwealth of PA: 1821 & 1822
(3) Dept of Agriculture Books: 1862/1888/1916
(4) US Dept of Agriculture Yearbooks: 20's-40's
(9) US Dept of Agriculture Yearbooks - 50's-70's
(8) US Dept of Agriculture Yearbooks 1960's-70's
(8) US Dept of Agriculture Yearbooks: 1970's-80's
(9) US Dept of Agriculture Yearbooks - 1980's
(3) Pennsylvania School Laws & Reports 1864 +
Documentary History of the Constitution - Vol 1-3
(2) Books on PA State Constitution & Government
"Baedeker's United States" 1909 Travel Guide
The Making of America - La Follette - 10 Vols
(6) Vintage Books on Business, Industry and Labor
Signed Copy Andrew D. White Autobiography ++
George Washington - 1857 German by Schroder
Diary of Gideon Welles: In Three Volumes +
Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences: Vol. I-XV
Mixed Lot - US Prisons, History of the South, etc
(2) English Dictionaries - 1818 & 1839
(4) Antique Dictionaries from 1700 & 1800's
(4) Books - Harmony Society/Meeting of Friends
Washington & the American Republic - Lossing
8 Vols. Woodrow Wilson: Life & Letters - Baker
John Adams - Letters to His Wife & Biographies
(5) Hardcover Biographies: J. Adams, E. Allen ++
1880 "Life of Benedict Arnold" - Isaac Arnold ++
(8) Biographies: Burr, Bryan, Butt, Blaine ++
(6) Biographies: Wilson, Burr, Blaine ++
(4) Historical Statistic Books: US, Iowa, Illinois
(5) Non-Fiction US & State Government Books
(7) Biographies: Bryan, Boone, Brewster ++
(5) Biographies: Brown, Adams, Bacon ++
"Writings of John Quincy Adams" 7pc Set - 1913
Mixed Lot - Folk Lore, American People +++
Vol 1-7 "Dictionary of American Biography" 1928-31
Vol 8-14 "Dictionary of American Biography" 1932-4
Vol 15-20 "Dictionary of American Biography"
"Dictionary of American Biography" Supplements
Zell's Popular Encyclopedia Volumes 1 & 2
(2) Antique Books on Natural Resources & Minerals
(5) Bibles, Apostles' Creed, Sermons ++
(8) Genealogy & Bibliography Books
(9) Bibliographies/Guides to Literature & Archives
(6) War of the Rebellion Series I - 1894
(6) War of the Rebellion Series I - 1899
(7) War of the Rebellion Series I - 1902
(6) War of the Rebellion Series I - 1906
(3) War of the Rebellion Series II - 1921
(9) Biographies & Memorial Addresses
(8) Biographical Books on Grover Cleveland
(8) Biographies Featuring Rich/Prominent Men
The Presidents of the United States - 4 Vols.
Messages and Papers of the Presidents - 10 vols
Messages and Papers of the Presidents - 10 vols
(8) Biographies: Gilbert, Greeley, Gould ++
(9) Biographies: Ike, Edwards, Farragut ++
John Fiske: Life & Letters & More!
Henry Clay, George Canning & Others
(7) Biographies: Coolidge, Columbus +++
Bull Run to Bull Run by Baylor + Others
The Works of Benjamin Franklin Volumes 1-3
The Works of Benjamin Franklin: Vols 4-6
The Blue Coats & Other Civil War Books
Public & Domestic Life of George the Third
(8) Memorial Addresses & Biographies
Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Vol. 1-4
History of the United States of America - Bancroft
Histoire de la Participation de la France 1-5
Jefferson Davis Constitutionalist by Rowland
The Works of Henry Clay by Colton
(5) Revolutionary War Books - Mixed Ages
(2) Pepper & Lewis's Digest - Laws of PA
Papers of Benjamin Franklin Vol. 1-10
Papers of Benjamin Franklin Vol. 11-20
Papers of Benjamin Franklin Vol. 21-28
Commentaries on The Constitution by J. Story
Gordon's America - Vol 1-3 - 1794
The American Revolution - Fiske + More
Lot of Books on American Facts & History
Revolutionary War History books from 1800s ++
Report - The Conduct of the War - Civil War
(4) Reports on PA Public Instruction 1890's
(4) Reports on PA Public Instruction 1880's
(4) Reports on PA Public Instruction 1880's
Diary/Letters of Rutherford B. Hayes by Williams
Rutherford B. Hayes Biography Book Lot
(4) Reports on PA Common Schools 1800's
(5) Reports on PA Common Schools 1860's
(4) Reports on PA Common Schools 1860's
(4) Reports on PA Common Schools 1890's
Dictionary of American History
(4) Reports on PA Public Instruction 1900's
(4) Reports on PA Public Instruction 1900's
(4) Reports on PA Public Instruction Early 1900's
(4) Reports on PA Common Schools 1870's
(5) Reports on PA Common Schools 1870's
Memoirs of Rhode Island Officers - Civil War
(5) Reports on PA Public Instruction 1900's
(3) Reports on PA Public Instruction 1910's
(6) Books on The American Revolution - (1) 1850
Annual Report of Pa Bar Assoc: 1903-1908
Annual Report of PA Bar Assoc 1896-1902
(4) PA German School Reports - 1800's
Annual Report of PA Bar Assoc: 1927-33
Annual Report of PA Bar Assoc: 30's & 40's
Annual Report PA Bar Assoc 1909-1917
Annual Report PA Bar Assoc 1918-1926
(2) Leatherbound US History books 1824/1839
Battles of the US by Sea & Land by Henry Dawson
Our First Century by R. M. Devens 1876
Impartial History of the War in America - 1782/3
Gordon's History of America Vol. 1-4 1788
(6) US History Books - Revolutionary War, etc
Portrait Gallery of Eminent Men & Women (1873)
(4) Genealogy Books/Lists from 1897 to 1982
(5) Genealogy Books/Lists & Lincolniana
The Pennsylvania College Monthly
Battles & Commanders / Story of the War of 1898
Rand McNally Commercial Atlas of America
The Soldier in Our Civil War Volume 1
The Soldier in Our Civil War Volume 2
Official Portraits of the Presidents - 1901
Pictorial Record of War with Spain & Philippines
The Soldier in Our Civil War - Abridged
Historical Register of the Centennial Exposition
The Stage & Its Stars - 1887
Colton's Atlas of the World Vol. 1
Rand McNally Enlarged Business Atlas 35th Ed
(3) US & World Atlases - Collier, The Times +
5pc Lot: Atlases & Geographical Dictionary
(4) Antique Atlases - 1875 Historical Atlas
(2) Civil War History Books - one from 1912
A List of Maps of America 1909-1920
Warrantee Atlas of Lawrence County, PA 1909
(5) Geological Studies of PA 1877, 1880 and 1910
(3) PA Geological Surveys / Final Reports 1892/5
(4) PA Geological Surveys 1881-1883 Coal Mining
(4) PA Geological Surveys - Late 1800's
The Soldier in Our Civil War Vol 1-2
(4) PA Second Geological Surveys 1880-3
(4) PA Second Geological Surveys 1878-80
(3) PA Second Geological Surveys 1878-91
PA 2nd Geological Survey Berks/Lehigh/Northampton
(4) PA Second Geological Surveys - Coal Flora ++
(3) PA Second Geological Surveys: 1877-84
(3) PA Second Geological Surveys: 1875-90 Oil/Gas
(3) PA Second Geological Surveys: 1877-81 Coal
(4) PA Second Geological Surveys: 1877-1878
The Pageant of America Volumes 1-5
The Pageant of America Volumes 6-10
The Pageant of America Volumes 11-15
(17) Books on Museum Management, Security +++
History of the People of the United States Vol 1-8
(4) Books - VA Bibliography, 18th Cent. Newspapers
1859 Sacred Biography & History (+ Others)
US Census Reports from 1852, 1900 & 1920
(5) Annals of Congress 1807-1812
(5) Annals of Congress 1813-1818
(5) Annals of Congress 1818-1821
(4) Annals of Congress 1821-1824
(4) Annals of Congress 1789-1795
(5) Annals of Congress 1796-1801
(4) Annals of Congress 1802-1808
The Oil Regions of Pennsylvania by Wright +++
12th US Census -1900- Population Vol 1&2
12th US Census -1900- Agriculture
12th US Census -1900- Manufactures Pt 1-3
Statistical Atlas of the United States 1900
Acts of Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania
Early European History - Russia/Helvetic Union
(4) Biographies on Stonewall Jackson 1876++
Narrative of Military Operations by Gen. Johnston
(5) Books on US & British Military
The American Nation A History Vols 1-14
The American Nation A History Vols 15-28
Memoirs of General Sherman Vol 1 & 2 (1875)
"A History of American LIfe" Vol. 1-13
(8) Dept of Agriculture Yearbooks 1948-56
(6) Books on Agriculture and Farming
(3) Books: The MET, Du Pont, British Museum
Fremont: West's Greatest Adventurer & Fithian
(5) Alexander Hamilton Biographies - most pre-1900
(6) Alexander Hamilton Biographies & Bibliography
The Colonial Period of American History by Andrews
(6) Books on Discovery of America & Early History
The Works of Benjamin Franklin Vol. 1-12
Civil War Soldier Diary & Recollections
(8) History Books - Revolutionary War, Colonies ++
(5) Indian Wars/Native American History Books
Lincoln Finds a General Vol. 1-5 by Williams
(4) Civil War Books: NJ, Mass., Rhode Island
(3) History Books - Heroes, Spies, Traitors
(5) Civil War History Books
(6) Civil War / Grant History Books
History of the Wars of the French Revolution 1817
The Youths' History of the United States Vol 1-4
(5) Epitaphs, Records, Etc - Plymouth, Mass
(9) Books on New England - Records, History, etc
(5) Town Records: Cambridge, Brookline ++
(7) Biographies: Van Buren, Rufus Jones ++
Memoirs/Papers: Herbert Hoover/Henry Villard
(5) Books on Thomas Jefferson & Monticello
(5) Books on Woodrow Wilson
(5) Books: Life & Memorial of Woodrow Wilson
(6) Books on the Life of Theodore Roosevelt
(6) Books on Roosevelt - Wilderness Hunter ++
(5) Biographies - Paul Revere, Ben Franklin ++
(6) Biographies: Polk, John Marshall ++
(6) Biographies: Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt
F. D. R. His Personal Letter - 4 Volumes
(7) Books on the Life of Theodore Roosevelt
Life of Gen. Francis Marion + others
(5) Biographies: Thad. Stevens/Chas. Steedman +
Papers of James Monroe & Biographies
(6) Biographies: Houk, Harrison, Hull ++
Lifes & Times of Washington Parts 1-17 & 19-25
(5) Biographies: Madison, MacArthur, McClellan +
The St. Clair Papers by Wm. Henry Smith
Photographic History of the Civil War Vol 1-10
Boyer's Royal Dictionary Abridged Vol 1-2
Annals Natural History & Natural Philosophy
(6) Books on Charles Lee and Robert E. Lee
Journal of the Congress of the Confederate States
History of the Civil War in America - 2 Volumes ++
(6) History Books - Revolutionary War
(5) Books: Famous Women in History
Authentic Life of President McKinley + Others
Pictorial History of The United States +++
People's Standard History of the United States
Journals of Major Samuel Shaw (1847) ++
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson Vol 1-3
(8) Songbooks and Books on Music
Dictionaries of Music and Musicians - Grove
(6) Books Relating to the Revolutionary War
58th Congress Document No. 77 in French
(9) Books: Revolutionary War Topics
(5) Books Pertaining to The Revolutionary War
(8) Books: War Related Topics (WWI)
1940 Census & Other Books on US
A Book of the United States (1835) - Mellen
Trial of Andrew Johnson & Other Gov't Reports
History of the United States Since Civil War
(4) Books on US History - Parkman & Schlarman
(7) Books on Early American History
Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain/Walsh
(5) Historical Books - US and Britain
The History of France - Nathaniel Wraxall
(6) Books on Early US History
Nonfiction Book Menagerie - 7 Books
(9) Books on US Capital & Other Cities
Book Lot: Essays, Writing About History +++
Lot of (7) Historical Essay Books
Life and Campaigns of Lieut.-Gen. U.S. Grant
(4) Books on Univ of Pennsylvania & Vicinity
Smithsonian Institution Documents...1901
(4) Books on American History by Charles Beard
(6) Books on US History & Diplomacy
(5) Vintage/Antique Books on New York City
Twenty Years of Congress & Republican Court
The Last Four Weeks of the War - 1891
Antique Books: Portraits, Martin Luther, Battles
(7) Books on the US Presidents & The White House
Mixed Lot: Artists, Businessmen, Gettysburg ++
Mixed Lot: Diseases of the Horse - 1890 ++
1844 Webster's Dictionary + Others
(4) German/English Dictionaries - Kunst 1850
(4) Civil War/Gettysburg Books - Indiana/Wisconsin
Travels in Southeast Asia - Howard Malcom 1839
(6) Books: Genealogy, Concord Mass. Records +++
Biographical Sketches of Eminent Amer Statesmen
Reminiscences of Wilmington - Montgomery 1851
Mixed Lot: Epitaphs, Flags and More
(7) Antique Books on Epitaphs & Burial Grounds
(11) Books -Bible Art, Restoration, Wash. Monument
(7) Vintage/Antique Books on Places & History
New Jersey Revolutionary Correspondence
(6) Books/Biographies on Famous Americans
(6) Books on US History: Battles, Andrew Jackson
(5) US History Books - Civil War, Andrew Jackson
(5) Books: Lectures, Speeches, Writings, etc
10pc Book Lot: Hodgepodge of Topics
(7) Books on US History: Thirteen Colonies ++
Frenau's Poems (1865) & Bacon's Essays (1857)
Choice Pearls or Gems of Literature 1860
"American Notes" by Rudyard Kipling
(4) Book on Literary History, Poetry/Poems
Story of the Great War - Volumes 1-8
War of the Rebellion Official Records Vol 1-9
War of the Rebellion Official Records Vol. 10-12
War of the Rebellion Official Records Vol. 13-18
War of the Rebellion Official Records Vol. 19-23
War of the Rebellion Official Records Vol. 24-26
War of the Rebellion Official Records Vol. 27-29
War of the Rebellion Official Records Vol. 30-31
War of the Rebellion Official Records Vol. 32-34
War of the Rebellion Official Records Vol. 35-37
War of the Rebellion Official Records Vol. 38-39
War of the Rebellion Official Records Vol. 40-41
War of the Rebellion Official Records Vol. 42-44
War of the Rebellion Official Records Vol. 45-47
War of the Rebellion Official Records Vol. 48-50
War of the Rebellion Official Records Vol. 51-53
War of the Rebellion Official Records Vol. 1-8
War of the Rebellion Official Records Series 3 & 4
The Navy in the Civil War Volumes 1-3
History of New-York - Knickerbocker, 1836
(3) Books on the History of PA & Philadelphia
(5) Books on Civil War Naval History
West Chester Centennial Souvenir +Others
Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence Vol 1-6
(5) Civil War Books - Personal Accounts +++
(10) Books on US History & Historical Writing
Scribners Album of American History Vol. 1-5
Military Essays and Recollections Vol 1-3
(8) History Books on the Civil War
History of the United States of North Amer Vol 1-4
Hinton's United States Vol. 1 & 2 - Copyright 1850
(6) Civil War Books - State Accounts ++
Sketches of War History 1861-1865 Volumes 1-4
(7) Books with Topics on the Civil War
The Trials of Charles the First - 1839 London
(3) Antique Books on English History
(5) Books on US History and People
(7) Books on Books! - Bibliographies, Collecting +
Inside the White House in War Times & Others
History of the United States Vol 1-3 by Bartlett
(4) Books on World History & Military History
The Intimate Papers of Colonel House Vol 1-4
Men of Mark in Virginia Vol. 1-5
Old Virginia and Her Neighbours by Fiske
History of England Vol. 1-5 by Smollett
(6) Books on US History & Past Presidents
Nurse and Spy in the Union Army by Edmonds ++
Life of Crockett -Alta Ed / Marching Through Ga.
Rise & Fall of the Confederate Gov't - Davis
History of England Vol 1-10 by Gardiner
Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan Vol 1-2
The Shotwell Papers Vol. 1-2
Pictorial Modern History by John Frost 1846 ++
Connecticut Valley & Mississippi History Books
Historical Collections of Ohio by Henry Howe
(6) Books on the Revolutionary & Civil Wars
Scribner's Campaigns of the Civil War Vol. 2-4/6-7
1881 History of Campaign & Crawford County Ohio
(6) Books on Ohio & Virginia History
Lee's Lieutenants by Freeman Vol 1-3
History of the Southern Rebellion/Vol 1-4 /Victor
1881/97 History Wood Cty, OH & St. Clair Cty, IL
"Suffolk Deeds" Volumes 1-6 Massachusetts
"Suffolk Deeds" Volumes 7-12 Massachusetts
(5) Civil War History Books: Lee, Jackson ++
Story of the Great March & Other Civil War Books
Seventy-Fifth Indian Regiment by Floyd - 1892
History of the Seventh Regiment of NY by Clark
(5) Books on the US Civil War
Four Years in Rebel Capitals by DeLeon +5 Others
Lives of the Signers by Dwight +4 Other History
British Public Records Relating to S. Carolina
Ours: Annals of 10th Regiment by Capt. Newell +
(5) The Colonial Records of South Carolina
(5) Books - Civil War Titles/Topics
Records of the Federal Convention Vol. 1-3
Chronicles of the Great Rebellion - 1866
Rochambeau by Keim & (2) Others
Christ in the Camp or Religion in Lee's Army 1887
(4) Antique Books: State Papers, Iron Furnace ++
New York in the War of the Rebellion Vol. 1-5
Elliot's Debates on the Federal Constitution 1-5
(6) Books on US History & Monument Dedications
Gen. Benjamin Harrison & Whitelaw Reid ++
Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox
Louisiana Purchase & Other US History Books
Butler's Book / Farragut & Naval Commanders
"Yank" and "Reb" by Benson ++Others
(8) History Books - France, US Revolution +++
Lee Papers Vol 1-3 / NY Historical Society
Revolutionary Muster Rolls/ NY Historical Society
Deane Papers / New York Historical Society
(7) Books on US History
(6) Civil War Books - Down in Dixie, Lincoln ++
(6) Books - US History, Presidents, Congress ++
100th Anniversary Constitution of United States
Harper's Pictorial History of Civil War 1&2