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Knole House, L. S. West, Illustr. Private Prt 1906
Home Guardian Jan-Dec 1876 Half Leather Binding
Moliere's Tartuffe, Illustr Steiner-Prag, LE Club
Faulkner Hunting Stories Illustr Welliver, LE Club
Apollonius Argonautica, Illustr Tassos, LE Club
Chaucer Troilus & Cressida, George Jones, LE Club
2 Vol Book of the Dead, Limited Editions Club 1972
Paine, Rights of Man, Illustr Ward, LE Club 1961
Life Christopher Columbus Illustr Freitas, LE Club
Discovery Conquest Mexico Illust. Covarruias, LEC
Rabbits' Wedding Illust Story Bk Garth Williams 58
Atq Ephemera, Letters Zollman / Burns Circa 1878+
In His Name A Christmas Story E.E. Hale, 1873
Across the Space Frontier 1st Ed 1952 Illustr w DJ
Gallery of Famous Poets English & American 1870
Our Firemen, A Record in Detroit, 1894 Scarce
Gray Moon Tales Signed Inscription Minnie Mitchell
Dickens 2V Barnaby Rudge Sotheran Fine Binding
2V W. Tidd, Practice of Court of King's Bench 1807
1832 Commentaries Law of Bailments, Story, 1st Ed
1854 Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane, Illustr
Strand Magazine Illustr Vol III 1892 Incl AC Doyle
Le Nouveau Paris Vols 1-2 Bound Mercier Circa 1799
Did Hen or Egg Exist First, Talks w Horner, C1899
Lives of Clemens Romanus Ignatius & Polycarp 1846
1793 Adventurer Vol. II, London Illustrated
1824 Treatise on Criminal Pleading, 1st Amer Ed
4V Irish Text Society Duanaire Finn+, Marchand Asc
5V Luchaire Innocent III 1906-1911 Scarce Cmpl Set
1854 Hildegard Leben und Schriften, Briefe 2V in 1
1903 Die Fragmente Vorsokratiker H. Diels
1807 Harrison Practice Court of Chancery Vol II
1834 Memoirs Benjamin Franklin V2, Philadelphia
3V Gomperez Griechische Denker 1909-1912
2V Vetus Testamentum Graece, Latin & Greek 1880
1908 Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens w 50 Plates
1961 Russian Phonetic Tables f/English Foreigners
Pozzatti, Barnstone Physiologus Theobaldi Episcopi
Moliere Tartuffe & Gentleman, Illustr Ivanoff, LEC
Wilder, Bridge San Luis Rey, Illustr Charlot, LEC
2V Journals Lewis & Clark, Illustr 1962, LE Club
Galsworthy Man of Property Illustr Mozley 1964 LEC
Shaw Man & Superman +, Illustr Mozley 1962 LEC
Longus, Daphnis & Chloe, Etchings Reeves 1934 LEC
Swiss Family Robinson, Wyss, Illustr Gentleman LEC
Peter Ibbetson, du Maurier, Illustr du Maurier LEC
Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra, LE Club 1964
Browning, Sonnets From Portuguese Illst Angelo LEC
3 Issues Flair Monthly Magazine Feb, March 1950
Chile Pais de Belleza / Country of Beauty
Theorie der Prym'schen Funktionen, Prym, 1st 1911
Eichenberg, Art of the Print 1976 Illustr. Abrams
Dreier, Power of Print & Men, 1936 Linotype Co
Charles Darwin's Notebooks 1836-1844, Cornell 1987
Hulbert, Forty-Niners, Illustr. 1931 First Ed.
Brady's Great Americans, Photos frm Orig Negs 1976
Welch Scientific Instruments Catalog f/HS 1936
Venetic Language 1949 U Cal, Signed Beeler, Scarce
2V Int'l Journal Amer. Linguistics 1958-59 Chinook
Children of Bible w/8 Illustrations 1860 Miniature
1634 C. Sallustius Crispus Historicorum Fragmentis
Thomas Kempis Die Kleine Kempis, Pennsylvania 1828
Rare German / English Hymnal f/Worship Ohio 1837-8
1810 Philadelphia Holy Bible Old & New Testaments
US Dept Ag, Report Bureau of Animal Industry 1899
Life of Abraham Lincoln 1866 J.G. Holland
1858 House Documents, Message from Pres V2, Part 2
Kent, Commentaries on American Law V3, 1836 3rd Ed
1868 Acts of the State of Tennessee for 1867-68
95 Poems E.E. Cummings 1st Ed 1958 Harcourt w DJ
13 Vols Child's Own Book of Great Musicians 1917
Ludwig Bemelmans, Fifi, 1st Ed 1940 Illustrated
Clark, Southern Cross Fairy Tale, 1891 Illustrated
Miss Pert's Christmas Tree 1929 Illustrated
Boyd, So Long Ago, 1944, w Marguerite Young Inscrp
Weihnachtsgeschichte (Christmas Story) Illstr 1930
Ludwig Bemelmans, Madeline, 1st Ed 1939 Illustr
Raggedy Ann's Sunny Songs 1930, Illustr Gruelle
Alexander, King's Fountain Illustr EJ Keats 1971
Hale, Henrietta Faithful Hen, Illustr, 1st Ed 1943
Bacon, Ballad of Tangle Street, 1929 Illustrated
Tootleoo Two, B & E Darwin, 1st American Ed 1927
Pop-Up Goldilocks & Three Bears w 3 Pop-Ups 1934
Robert Bright, Georgie, Illustrated First Ed, 1944
D.Thomas, Hi-Po the Hippo, Illustr R.Gannett, 1942
Latvian Album: Latvija, UNRRA Circa 1943-7, 1st Ed
Baudelaire Paradis Artificiels Illustr + Pub Signd
Jacques Callot Miroir de son Temps, Illustr 1969
13 Vols Plays of Bernard Shaw, Constable & Co 1927
7 Vols Pope's Works 1777-8 London Leather Bindings
1877 Furness, Variorum Shakespeare Hamlet V I+II
Dictionnaire Geographique-Portatif 1790 w/2 Maps
Pensees de Milord Bolingbroke,1771 Chez Prault
Fairy Tales by Couness D'Aulnoy, 1868 Illustrated
History of England Under Norman Kings 1857 Transl
Burton Pilgrimage El-Medinah & Meccah 1856 1st Am.
Lemistre, Theatre Complet de J. Racine, Paris
Gertrude Stein, Four in America, 1st Ed 1947 Yale
3V Ferlinghetti, City Lights Journal #1-3, 1963-66
Haikal, Hieratic Funerary Papyri Nesmin Pt 2 1972
El-Sayed, Documents Relatifs Sais & Divinites 1975
Sturtevant & Bechtel, Hittite Chrestomathy 1935
Gronbech & Krueger, Intro Classical Mongolian 1976
Josa, Intro Hindi Language 1907, Marchand Associat
Bunyan, Pilgrim's Progress, Altemus 1890, Illustr
Leavitt, Kings of Capital & Knights of Labor, 1885
Huston, Around an Old Homestead 1906, Illustr
Scott, 2V Kenilworth Illustr Holiday Ed, 1893
Bethune, British Female Poets Illustrated 1848 PA
Baby's Kingdom, 1885 Memories, Mother's Story +
Whittier, Snow-Bound A Winter Idyl, Boston 1868
1832 Fox & Goodrich, Book of Martyrs, Early Am. Ed
1841, Combe 3V Notes on United States N Amer Visit
1831, History of Martyrs, Illustr Rare Early Am Ed
1922 Carolina Folk Plays, Author Signed F. Koch
Wiyot Language, Karl Teeter, UCal 1964, Scarce
Daumas, Instruments Scientifiques 17-18th C, 1953
1882 Holy Bible w Ornate Embossed Binding, Illustr
2V Langland, Piers Plowman & Richard Redeless 1886
7V Chaucer, Works of Geoffrey Chaucer 1894
4V Wilkins, Concilia Magnae Britanniae Hib, 1964
1874-5 Popular Science Monthly Bound, E.L. Youmans
1835 Recollections Excursion Monasteries Portugal
1808 Studies of Nature 2 of 3 Vol US Ed St-Pierre
1842 Lever, Jack Hinton Guardsman Scarce Format
1909 Geiger, Goethes Briefwechsel mit Humboldt
1909 Musaus, Die Marchen vom Rubezahl, Illustr
Mann, Deutsche Horer 25 Radiosendungen 1st Ed 1942
Wilcox, Every-Day Thoughts in Prose & Verse 1901
Moore's Poetical Works Illustrated w Fine Binding
James, Daisy Miller, 1904 Illustrated Ed Harper
Seton-Thompson, Lives of Hunted, Illustr 1901, 1st
1886 Men of Renown: Character Sketches, D. Wise
Baedeker's Canada w 13 Maps, 1907
Baedeker's Belgium & Holland w 19 Maps + 1910
Godey's Lady's Book Vol XXIV Jan-June 1842, Bound
1834 Nat'l Portrait Gallery VI, Illust Assoc Copy
1860 Coggeshall Poets & Poetry of the West, Scarce
2V Scripturam Sacram, Lapide, 1861 Paris
12V Encyclopaedia of Religion & Ethics 1922 Scribn
21 V Scripturam Sacram + 4 V Addenda 1860s-70s
Taflor Olaus Rudbecks Atlantica Facsimile, 1938
1889 Famous Etchers w 20 Original Etchings 144/280
Kubin, Ein Neuer Toten Tanz, Illustr, 1947 Folio
1910 Fisher, Pictures in Color, Illustr Folio
1937 Lordly Hudson Signed Henry C. Brown #203/920
Orders, Plates Illustr Orders of Architecture 1906
Early Engl Mscpt Facsimile XIX, Vercelli Book 1976
2V Findens' Tableaux, Scenes of Character, Beauty
1931 American Boy Jan-Dec, Bound Editions
Raoul Dufy L'Amovr de L'Art, Colette 4562/5000, DJ
2V Theodore of Mopsuestia on Minor Epistles S Paul
Sullivan, Prodigal Son, C.H. Lloyd Assoc Copy
Bonaparte, L'Epoque Mongole 13th & 14th C. 1896
Thomsen, Turcica Inscriptions Turques 1916
Pelliot & Duyvendak, T'Oung Pao Archives 1944
3V Lorris & Clopinel, Romance of the Rose 1900
1818 Catechism of Nature f/Children Early Amer. Ed
2V 1823 Wm. Cowper Poems, Early Boston Ed.
1831 Wm. Cowper, Task & Other Poems, Amer. Ed
8V Bound Taiwan Woodblock Stab Sewn Red Chamber
4 Wood-Block Printings in 4 Seasons of Nikko Folio
Condulets 1914 Catalog No. 1000 Crouse-Hinds Co.
1869 Poetical Works Samuel Rogers Illustr
1902 Message from President of United States 1/2
1902 Message from President of United States 2/2
Salesman's Dummy Golden Links in Chain 1890
Ohlgren, Insular & Anglo-Saxon Illumin. Mscpt 1986
6 Academic Papers Submitted to Nobel Winner Ostrom
2V Stith Thompson Folklorist's Progress Manuscrpts
Lupus of Ferrieres Study w Facsimilie MAA 1930
1910, Seymour, Up Hill & Down Dale in Anc. Etruria
1923 Book of Fate w Fold Out Chart & Illustrations
1939, Stewart Anthropometric Obsv Eskimos, Indians
1886, Beaugrand, Promenades du Docteur Bob, Illust
Naturopath Bound 1927 Jan-Dec Complete
1909, Life Knowledge: Women's Duties All Periods
1922, Libby, History of Medicine, Illustr, w DJ
1872, Raue, Annual Record Homoeopathic Literature
1855, By an American (Christy), Cotton is King
1864, Owen, Wrong of Slavery Right of Emancipation
2V 1860 Diary American Revolution from Orig Docs
1834, Bulwer-Lytton, Pilgrims of the Rhine
2V Anciennes Litteratures Chretiennes Greek, Syria
1899, Langlois & Seignobos, Etudes Historiques
1925, Vinaver, Malory's Tristan et Iseut, Illustr
1903 History of Bethlehem Pennsylvania 1741-1892
2V Montesquieu, Spirit of Laws Illustr, 1900
1892 O'Grady Silva Gadelica I-XXXI, Tales in Irish
1854, Message from President of US, Part I, Pierce
1902 Courts Justice Bench & Bar Washington Co PA
1917 Puckler-Muskau, Landscape Gardening w Maps
Signed LE Major Campaign Speeches Adlai Stevenson
1902 Brower, Practical Manual of Insanity
1888 Hyde Diseases of Skin 2nd Ed w/2 Color Plates
1848 Wilson System Human Anatomy 4th Amer Ed Illus
1848 Malignant Fever Minutes on Phila Committee
1919, Sturmdorf, Gynoplastic Technology, Illustr
1851, Cooper, Dislocations & Fractures, Illustr
1916, Cooke, Diseases of Rectum & Anus Illustr 2nd
1912, A.A. Marks Manual of Artificial Limbs Illust
1923, Schellberg, Colonic Therapy, Illustr
1906, Walker, Intro to Dermatology, Illustr
1908, Dodge, Practical Embalmer, Illustr, Rare
1925, Cheinisse, Les Medicaments Cardiaques
1956, Singer, Galen on Anatomical Procedures w DJ
1952, Singer, Vesalius on the Human Brain w DJ
1768, Bordeu, Recherches sur Pouls aux Crises V2
1841 Barth & Roger, Traite Pratique D'Auscultation
1845 Hawes, Religion of East, Impr Foreign Travel
1969 Impact of Science on Society Vol. XIX, No. 4
1952 Gesell, Karl Marx in Error, Lecture Condens'd
1950, Socialism in America, Committee Econ Policy
1930's Geographia Fold Out Map of Ireland
1871 Travellers Guide Ottawa Hotel Montreal w Maps
1911 Carrel's Illustr Guide & Map Quebec, Railway
1909 C.A. Mason, Spell of Italy Illustr 1st Ed
1912 C.A. Mason, Spell of France, Illustr 1st Ed
Henry Glassie Signed Passing Time Ballymenone 1982
1892 History Hibernian Society, Sons St. Patrick
1896 Scandinavian Folk-Lore, Craigie
1896 Scandinavian Folk-Lore, Craigie - Scarce
1937 Concise Dictionary Bini Language S Nigeria
Roll Call Blessed Ones, Signed Janos Starker, Ills
Dear Ez: Letters Williams to Pound, Lilly Lib 1985
1910 Music of the Wild, G. Stratton-Porter, Illust
1902 Illustr JW Riley, An Old Sweetheart of Mine
1867 Poetical Works Robert Burns Full Leather
Cotsworth, Rational Almanac Circa 1905
Signed J.A. Herman 1909 Dedication Statue A. Wayne
1877 National Ode, Bayard Taylor, Illustr, Leather
1897 Praktischen Erlernung Arabischen, L. Bauer
1879 Homoeopathic Therapeutics 2nd Ed, Lilienthal
1929 Industrial Poisons in United States, Hamilton
1924 Goiter: Nonsurgical Types & Treatment, Bram
Negligence with Food, Drink, Drugs, F. Turner 1933
1921 Stammering Origin & Cure, Millard - Scarce
Horace Odes & Epodes + Accompaniment LEC 1961
Aeschylus Oresteia, Illustr Ayrton, LEC 1961
Satyricon of Petronius, Illustr Sotomayor LEC 1964
Melville, BIlly Budd, Benito Cereno LEC 1965 Illus
Schreiner, Story of African Farm, LEC 1961 Illustr
Aeschylus & Shelley, Prometheus Un/Bound, LEC 1965
O. Henry, Stories Illustr Groth, LEC 1965
1938 Paul Hoffman Signed Country Christmas 34/500
1889 Folk-Lore & Legends Oriental, Signed Binding
Aldine Ed Poetical Works William Collins, 19th C
1820 Village Sermons by "A Country Clergyman"
2V 1865 Dickens, Pickwick Club w Frontis Illustr
1910 Wilde, Happy Prince & Other Fairy Tales
Dent Lyric Poems of Edmund Spenser Signed Binding
1925 Golden Sayings Epictetus, Signed Binding
1922 Boccaccio Decameron Fine Leather Binding
Selected Poems Robert Burns Leather Fine Binding
Diadem: Selection of Poetry, Fine Leather Binding
1777 Les Georgiques de Virgile, Vers Francois
Poems of Robert Burns, Illustr Hassall, LEC 1965
Virgil, Eclogues Illustr Vertes, LEC 1960
Dickens, Cricket Hearth, Illustr Thomson LEC 1933
Beowulf Transl Modern Verse, Illustr Ward LEC 1952
Plato, Trial Death Socrates, Illustr Erni LEC 1962
2V 1927 Beard, Rise of American Civilization
1860 Bound Peterson's Magazine w Patterns, Illustr
1927 Bound Hygeia Health Magazine, Illustr 12 Mo.
1929 Huidobro, Mio Cid Campeador Hazana, Illustr
1951 Rilke, Cartas, Zig-Zag Chile Spanish Language
1921 Wallen, Things That Live Forever, Roycrofters
1908 Alice Hubbard, Woman's Work, Roycrofters
1835 Goodrich, Religious Ceremonies & Customs
1936 Latcham, Agricultura Precolombiana en Chile
New Testament in Yiddish, Bermann's Rev 1912
1906 Ibsen, Casa de Muneca, Barcelona Spanish Lang
2V 1904, Hewlett, Road in Tuscany, A Commentary
1979 First Ed, Tom Wolfe, Right Stuff Cloth w DJ
1902 Herter, Lectures on Chemical Pathology
1929 Aldous Huxley, Do What You Will, First Ed
2V Tom Brown's School Days & Tom Brown at Oxford
1817-19, 3V Selecta Opuscula Academica, Norbergi
1855 Arabian Nights' Entertainments, Illustr
1885 Stevenson Dynamiter, More New Arabian Nights
1912 Signed Rives, Valiants of Virginia, Illustr
1902 Carroll, Hunting of the Snark, Illustr
1925 Plato's Symposium Fortune Press LE 519/1250
1897, 2V Fortnightly Library Two Captains, Russell
1929 Indianapolis Star Directory, Business Street+
France, Sign of Queen Pedauque, LEC Illustr 1933
1965 Kyger, Tapestry & Web Limited Ed 1st Book
1982 Signed Wood, Night of the Game LE 10/25
1927, Life & Correspondence of Lodowick Bryskett
1964 MacArthur "Duty, Honor, Country" Address W Pt
1937, How & When, Marco's Chicago, First Edition
1961 Hearings, Committee Science & Astronautics
1956, 2V Soviet Total War US Un-American Activity
1863 Tuthill, West India Boys, Sunday-School Union
1790s, 2nd Connecticut Ed Geography World, Dwight
1801 Instructor, American Young Man's Best Compan.
1832 Liljegren, Run-Lara w 9 Runic Charts
1808 Edwards Anedcdotes of Painters, England
Whyte-Melville, Katerfelto, Exmoor, Fine Binding
1919, Weidersheim, Lebenserinnerungen
1894, Biological Lectures Marine Biological Lab
1894, Biological Lectures Marine Biological Lab
1897 Morocco V2, Ed. de Aquarelles Fine Binding
1858, Wood, Dispensatory of the USA 11th Ed.
1913 Taussig, Aobrtion Prevention & Treatment
1919 Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics Abstract
1830 Goodrich, History United States w Engravings
1877 Poems by Jean Ingelow, 20th Ed Fine Binding
1845 Proceedings Nat'l Institute Promot. Science
1898 Vondel's Lucifer, Transl from Dutch, Illustr
Whyte-Melville, Brookes Bridlemere, Fine Binding
2V Barriere, Bibliotheque des Memoires, Souvenirs+
1922 Bibliophile Society Love Letters JW Riley
1918, The Absolute Truth, 30 Photos WWI
1906 Andrews, Bibliography of Franz Boas, Marchand
1836 Das Sanskrit-Verbum, Marchand
2V 1854 Life of Marguerite D'Angouleme of Navarre
1907 Strindberg, Hemsoborna Skargardsberattelse
1793, Fabulous Histories Children's Treatment Anim
1911, Riley When She Was About 16, Illustr, Boxed
Paine, Rights of Man, Illustr Lynd Ward, LED 1961
Beerbohm, Zuleika Dobson, Illustr G. Him, LED 1960
Conrad, Nostromo Illustr Lima de Freitas, LED 1961
Conrad, Three Tales of Sea Illustr Shore, LEC 1972
Browne, Religio Medici, Printed JH Nash LEC 1939
Aristotle Politics Poetics, Illus Baskin, LEC 1964
Essays of F. Bacon, LEC Presentation Copy 1944
Hudson, Far Away Long Ago, LEC 1943 w Hide Cover
Confucius, Analects, Illustr Tseng Yu-Ho LEC 1970
1850, Memoirs of County & City of Lincoln History+
1874 Campaigning on Oxus & Fall of Khiva Illustr
1796 Baxterus, Q. Horatii Flacci Opera Editio Nova
2V Essays R.W. Emerson Circa 1900 Uncommon Edition
4V George Sand Transl Vols, LE #191/750 Each
3V Scott's Poetical Works, Dodd, Mead & Co
1830 Three Courses & Dessert, First Ed Illustr
1849 History Puritans in England & Pilgrim Fathers
1850 Three Years in California, Walter Colton
1837, Captain Marryatt, The Naval Officer, Scarce
1873, Offices de L'Eglise du Matin, Soir Suivant
1846, Antiforario Romano Colle Lodi, 4th Turin Ed.
1821, Ayrshire Legatees, or The Pringle Family
1816, Murray, English Grammar, 23rd English Ed.
1813, Clarke, Travels in Europe, Asia, Africa V1
1832, Monthly Repository & Library of Knowledge V2
1795 Young Clerk's Magazine English Law Repository
1806 Dryden, Fables Boccacio & Chaucer 2V Bound
Swift, Travels Remote Nations, Gulliver Cincinnati
1964, Werfel, Maturitne Vyrocie w DJ
1902, Rilke, Das Tagliche Leben German Language
1941, Rilke, Los Cuadernos de Malte Laurids Brigge
1930, Mann, Mario und der Zauberer, German Lang.
1874, Meditaciones Soliloquios San Agustin
1819 British Prose Writers Goldsmith Fine Binding
1864 Holy Bible Old & New Testaments Leather
1870s Holy Bible Old & New Testaments Leather
1829 Holy Bible Old & New Testaments Stereotype Ed
1867 Psalms & Hymns for Worship of God w Clasp
1868 Book of Common Prayer, Miniature w Clasp
1867 Psalms & Hymns for Worship of God
1844 Collection of Hymns Miniature Ed
1833 Works of William Hogarth Illustr w Engravings
1922, Wharton, Ethan Frome, LE 2000 Copies
1914, James, Notes of a Son & Brother, Illustr
1864, Diary of Mary Countess Cowper 1714-1720
1872, 2V Taine, History of English Literature
1860, Sheahan, Life of Stephen A. Douglas
1890s, Defoe, Life & Adventures Robinson Crusoe
1884, Scott Lady of the Lake, FineTree Binding
1884, Bacon's Essays & Wisdom of Ancients Fine Bnd
1899, Russell, Horatio Nelson & Naval Supremacy
1872, Davis, Penetralia Harmonial Answers Fine Bnd
1865, 2V Bound Together, Works of Rev Sydney Smith
1843, Milton's Poetical Works w Fine Leather Bind.
1890, Howells, A Boy's Town, Illustr 1st Ed, State
1880s, Johnson, Lives of English Poets, Chandos
1859, Spenser, Faerie Queene Illustr Corbould
1845, Browne, Religio Medici, Letter to Friend +
1835, 2V Oeuvres Hugo, Odes & Ballades, Orientales
1766, 3 Vol Marmontel, Contes Moraux, Finely Bound
1781, 2V in 1, Meprises Lettres Comte D'Orabel
1697 Paris, Mailley, Avantures et Lettres Galantes
1951, Hazard, Atlas of Islamic History
1884, Atala by Chateaubriand, Illustr G. Dore
2015 Robert Barnes Signed Exhibition Catalog IUAM
1991 El Lissitzky, About 2 Squares, More About 2..
1901, VRI Her Life & Empire, Marquis of Lorne
1889, Principaux Manuscrits de Chants Gregorien
1870 Fables of La Fontaine, Illustr Gustave Dore
1972, Miorita UNESCO Romanian Hand-Printed Volume
1972, Miorita UNESCO Romanian Hand-Printed Volume
2011, Dale Nichols Exhibit Catalog, Author Signed
6V 1937-8 WPA Publications Rural, Migrants +
1968 Sarachek, Doctrine Messiah in Medieval Lit
Jerry Ross Signed Spacewalker, 2013 Purdue U Pr
1882 Eddy, Sabbath-School Century
1811 New Family Bible Vol I, Illustr w Engravings
2V Diary of Cotton Mather, Ungar Amer Classics
1999 Dedication Paul Gutjahr, American Bible Hist.
1905 Haeckel Signed Der Kampf um den Entwickelungs
1857 System Religion After T. Tomkinson, Orig Wrap
1854 Muggleton & Reeve, General Epistle Ministers
1823 Practical Discourse Upon Epistle by Jude
1833 Methodist Magazine & Quarterly Review XV
1834 Methodist Magazine & Quarterly Review XVI
1883 Baptist Home Missions in North America
1914 Rodin, Les Cathedrales de France Illustr
1968 Berkowitz, In Remembrance of Creation Catalog