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N'Wood MG/ Moonestone Pillar & Drape Lamp Shade
N'Wood Marigold Oriental Poppy 7 Pc Water Set
Fenton Marigold "Forget Me Not" Enameled Tan
N'Wood Pastel MG Stippled Peacock @ Urn Sauce
N'Wood Blue Stippled Peacock @ Urn 6 Pc IC Set
N'Wood Marigold Peacock @ Urn Master ICS Bowl
N'Wood Purple Peacock @ Urn 5 Pc Ice Cream Set
Fenton Blue Two Flower Lg Ruffled Ftd Bowl
Fenton Blue Captive Rose 3/1 Edge Bowl
Fenton Green Dragon & Lotus ICS Bowl
N'Wood Purple Butterfly Bon Bon
N'Wood Green Butterfly Bon Bon
N'Wood Blue Embroidered Mums Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Purple Embroidered Mums Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Blue Verre D'Or Grape Frieze Ftd ICS Bowl
N'Wood Blue Verre D'Or Shasta Daisy ICS Bowl
N'Wood Purple Peacock @ Fountain 7 Pc Water Set
N'Wood Purple Greek Key PCE Bowl
N'Wood Custard Nutmeg Peacocks Master ICS Bowl
N'Wood Green Wild Strawberry Ruffled Bowl
Lot of 17 Carnival Glass Buttons
Dugan White Big Basketweave Vase
Dugan White Puzzle Handled Bon Bon
Dugan Purple Holly & Berry Ruffled Bowl
Elec. Purple Imperial Grape 6 1/4" Plate
Fenton Green Pinecone 6 1/2" Plate
Fenton Marigold Peacock @ Urn Plate
Dugan Purple Wishbone & Spades 6 1/2" Plate
Fenton Green Orange Tree Loving Cup
N'Wood White Corn Base
N'Wood Ice Green Round Bushel Basket
N'Wood Amethyst Sunflower Ftd Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Green Blackberry Wreath 3/1 Edge Bowl
Dugan Purple Flowers & Frames Ruffled Bowl
Dugan Purple Six Petals Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Purple Sunflower Ruffled Ftd Bowl
Fenton White Orange Tree ICS Bowl
Imperial Amethyst Pansy Ruffled Bowl
Imperial IG Smoke Luster Road Chop Plate
Imperial Purple Star of David Ruffled Bowl
Imperial MG/MG Floral Optic ICS Ftd Bowl
Fenton Aqua Opal Cactus Crimped Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Green/ Teal Lions Ruffled Ftd Bowl
Imerial Green Flute Punch Bowl & Base & 3 Cups
Inwald Jacobean Ranger Cologne Bottle
Fenton Blue Orange Tree Flared Punch Bowl & Base
Fenton Blue Paneled Dandelion 7 Pc Tankard Set
U.S. Glass Honey Amber Cosmos & Cane Round Bowl
Fenton Dk Marigold Waterlily ICS Ftd Bowl
M'Burg Amethyst Peacock Flared Bowl
M'Burg Amethyst Rays & Ribbons Round Bowl
Two Fenton Carnival Glass Items
N'Wood Marigold Blossomtime Ruffled Compote
N'Wood Dark Marigold Peacock @ Fountain Spooner
Fenton Blue Thistle Banana Bowl
N'Wood Purple Fine Rib JIP Ftd Vase
N'Wood Purple Three Fruits Medallion Ftd Bowl
Two N'Wood Grape & Cable Hatpin Holders
Crown Crystal Marigold Lily Vase
N'Wood Ice Blue Peacock @ Urns Sauce
Three N'Wood Ice Blue Peacock @ Urn Sauces
N'Wood Purple Raspberry Ftd Creamer
Two N'Wood Marigold Peacock @ Urn Sauces
Two N'Wood Blue Peacock @ Urn Sauces
Two N'Wood Blue Peacock @ Urn Sauces
N'Wood Purple Grape & Cable 7 Pc Water Set
N'Wood Purple Singing Birds 7 Pc Water Set
N'Wood Blue Peacock @ the Fountain Tumbler
Two Fenton Blue Dragon & Lotus ICS Bowls
Fenton Green Spatula Ftd Grape & Cable Plate
Two Fenton Grecian Gold # 232 Candlesticks
Lot of Four Vintage Hatpins
Imperial Field Flower 9 Pc Water Set
Fenton Blue American Presidents Planter
Fenton Purple Carnival Glass Beaded Flower Lamp
Imperial AIG Purpe Homestead Chop Plate
Fenton Ruby Red Pagoda Covered Candy
Three Fenton PNWCGC Fisherman Mugs
Fenton Woodsland Green Opaque Pinecone Plate
Two Fenton Cobalt Blue Miniature Mugs
Fenton Cobalt Blue Paneled Daisy Miniature Basket
Fenton Cobalt Blue Daffodil Ruffled Vase
Fenton Cobalt Blue Innovation Compote
Maker? Red Childs Wide Panel Pitcher & 6 Tumblers
Westmoreland Ice Blue Checkerboard 7 Pc Water Set
Two Westmoreland Green Lily of the Valley Vases
Two Westmoreland Lily of the Valley Vases
Two Fenton Red Amberina Inverted Strawberry S&P's
Large Summit? Purple Carnival Glass Swan
Two Fenton Miniature Pastel Swans
Two Fenton Stretch Glass Ruffled Bells
Two Fenton Ice Blue Stretch Gass Melon Rib Baskets
Fent. Velva Rose Persian Medallion 3 Pc Fairy Lamp
Fenton Red Double Dolphin Stretch Glass Fan Vase
Fent. Purple Double Dolphin Stretch Glass Fan Vase
2 Fenton Green Opal Inverted Strawberry Baskets
Fenton Red Stretch Glass JIP Crimped Bowl
Two Fenton Velva Rose Double Dolphin Fan Vases
Fenton Amethyst Threaded Diamond Basket
Fenton Purple Carnival Glass Poppy GWTW Lamp
Fenton Purple Stretch Glass 4 Lily Epergne
Fenton Red Stretch Glass Interior Panel Hat
Fenton Red Stretch Glass Dome Ftd Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Purple Threaded Diamond Optic Ftd Vase
Fenton Celeste Blue Stretch Glass Fan Vase
Fenton Amethyst Dbl Dolphin Round Ftd Compotes
2 Vintage Fenton Ruby Red Dbl Dolphin Candlesticks
2 Summit /Westmoreland Scroll & Lace Candlesticks
2 Imperial IG Blue Aurora Jewel Ftd Candlesticks
Fenton Velva Rose Stretch Glass 4 Lily Epergne
Fenton Purple Carnival Glass Covered Swan
Westmoreland Red Carnival Glass Covered Swan
Two Westmoreland Hen on Nest Covered Candy Dishes
N'Wood Horehound Tornado Vase
N'Wood Amethyst G&C Cologne Bottle
N'Wood G&C Covered Sweetmeat
N'Wood Amethyst Leaf Columns Squatty Vase
N'Wood Ice Blue Tri Cornered Ftd Candy Dish
Two Fenton Marigold Kitten Items
Fenton Marigold Kittens Cup & Saucer
Two Fenton Marigold Kitten Items
Fenton Blue Four Sided Square Bowl
Vintage Fenton Red Slag # 847 Melon Rib Fan Vase
Vintage Fenton Jade Green # 847 Vase
Cambridge Green Inverted Feather Cracker Jar
Inwald Dk Marigold Jacobean Ranger Cologne Bottle
2 Inwald Marigold Jacobean Ranger Perfume Bottles
2 Fenton Carnival Glass Open Edge Baskets
Fenton Blue Ruffled Plaid Bowl
Fenton? Ebony Interior Panel Mid Size Funeral Vase
Dugan Art Glass Clambroth Twisted Vase
Dugan Art Glass Clambroth Pinched Ruffled Vase
Dugan Frit Gold Frit Double Pinched Vase
Dugan Lime Green Three Peaks Art Glass Vase
Dugan Lime Green Art Glass Double Twist Vase
Dugan Aqua Triple Pinched Dimpled Art Glass Vase
Dugan Amethyst Art Glass Fan Vase
Dugan Aqua Frit Spatter Triple Pinched Rose Bowl
Dugan Amethyst Art Glass 4 Peaks Vase
Imperial Marigold Lead Luster Bulbous Vase
Inwald Dk Marigold Panels & Pins Lg Celery Vase
Eda Blue Floral Sunburst Flared Bowl
U.S. Glass? Marigold Rising Sun Ftd Water Pitcher
Dugan Amethyst Flowers & Frames Ruffled Ftd Bowl
N'Wood Purple G&C Covered Cracker Jar
Fenton Marigold Holly Plate
Three Boyd Opaque Pink Iridised Chicken Items
Fenton Celeste Blue Diamond Optic Ruffled Ftd Vase
2 Fent. Cel. Blue Decorated Stretch Glass Items
Fenton Amethyst Stretch Dbl Dolphin Fan Vase
Fenton Velva Rose Dbl Dolphin Covered Candy
Vintage Fenton Pink Dbl Dolphin Ft Compote
Two Fenton Beaded Daisy Stretch Glass Rose Bowls
Two Fenton Candle Holders
Fenton Celeste Blue Squattyy Candlesticks
Fenton Periwinkle Blue Ruffled Nymph Bowl Only
Two Fenton Velva Rose # 857 Stretch Glass tems
Fenton Wisteria Sretch Open Handled Sugar
Two Velav Rose # 847 Done Ftd Cupped Bowls
Mosser Ice Green Cherry & Cable Mini Punch Set
2 Mosser Ice Green Cherry & Cable Mini Water Sets
Lot of Mosser Ice Green Carnival Glass Miniatures
3 Boyd Mini Carnival Glass Vaseline Hen on Nets
Three Fenton Wild Strawberry Toothpicks
2 Fenton Velva Hobnail Sretch Glass Toothpicks
Two Fenton Toothpick Holders
Imperial White Heavy Grape Chop Plate
Fenton Red Vintage Grape Carnival Glass Basket
Fenton ACGA Red Inverted Strawberry Basket
Fenton Red Ruffled Carnival Glass Basket
Westmoreland Purple Diamont Point Basket
Two Imperial # 300 Plain Jane Baskets
3 Vintage Imperial Carnival Glass Baskets
Two Imperial Smoke Plain Jane Baskets
4 Piece Imperial "Trudy" Cut Carnival Glass Items
Imperial Marigold Hobstar & Waffle Block Basket
Fenton Lavender Opal Miniature Basket
Possinger Red 7" Plate
Imperial Red Chesterfiled # 600 Sherbet/ Plate
Imperial Red Interior Panel Mayonnaise
Fenton Green Squatty April Showers Vase
M'Burg Amethyst Isaac Benesch Ruffled Bowl
Imperial Red Wide Panel Plate
Imperial Smoke Floral & Optic Ftd Bowl
2 Imperial Red/ Amberina Iron Cross Items
2 Imperial Red/ Amberina Iron Cross Relish Trays
2 Imperial Amberina Iron Cross Items
2 Imperial Pastel Marigold Iron Cross Items
Imperial PM Iron Cross Optic & Buttons Flared Bowl
Imperial White Iron Cross Interior Optic Rose Bowl
Imperial Iron Cross Wide Panel Flared Console Bowl
Two Imperial Iron Cross Compotes
Imperial White Floral & Optic Ftd Chop Plate
Fenton Red SGS Dbl Dolphin Stretch Fan vase
Fenton Purple Diamond Point Columns Vase
Imperial Crystal Ripple Funeral Vase
Fenton Persian Pearl # 562 Rib Optic Fan Vase
Fenton Persian Pearl # 400 Four Ruffled Vase
Imperial Marigold Crab Claw 6 Pc Water Set
Imperial Iris Ice Iron Crosss Paneled Chop Plate
Imperial Marigold Iron Cross Deep Flared Bowl
N'Wood Marigold # 693 Flared Cupped Bowl
N'Wood Blue Stain Decorated Water Pitcher
U.S. Glass Green Croesus 7 Pc Water Set
N'Wood Green Peach Three Piece Table Set
N'Wood Green Memphis Table Set
Cambridge Jade Opaque 3 Pc Console Set
N'Wood Topaz Lg Flared Bowl with Gold Trim
Dugan Purple Storks & Rushes 9 Pc Punch Set/No
Imperial Blue Ice Stretch Glass Wide Panel Plate
Two Marigold Jain Hand Vases
Fenton Celeste Blue #202 Ashtray with Match Holder
Diamond Blue Candlestick Center Bowl
Smith Red Amberina Hobstar Shell Iridised Basket
Fenton Cranberry IVT Crimped Pinched Vase
Two Fenton Baskets
Fenton Cranberry Opal Striped Basket
Fenton Cranberry Opal Swirl Creamer
Two Fairy Lamps