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Bert Graves Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
Bert Graves Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
Bert Graves Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
Mike Borrett Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Mike Borrett Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Mike Borrett Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Delbert "Cigar" Daisey Brant Decoy
Delbert "Cigar" Daisey Brant Decoy
Delbert "Cigar" Daisey Brant Decoy
Delbert "Cigar" Daisey Black Duck Decoy
Delbert "Cigar" Daisey Black Duck Decoy
Delbert "Cigar" Daisey Black Duck Decoy
Mike Pavlovich Pr of Canvasback Duck Decoys
Mike Pavlovich Pr of Canvasback Duck Decoys
Mike Pavlovich Pr of Canvasback Duck Decoys
Rare Charles Walker Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Rare Charles Walker Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Rare Charles Walker Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Phineaus Reeves Redhead Duck Decoy
Phineaus Reeves Redhead Duck Decoy
Phineaus Reeves Redhead Duck Decoy
George Strunk Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
George Strunk Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
George Strunk Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Joe Knittler Pr of Canvasback Duck Decoys
Joe Knittler Pr of Canvasback Duck Decoys
Joe Knittler Pr of Canvasback Duck Decoys
Michael Vallero Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Michael Vallero Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Michael Vallero Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Gerald Fitch Redhead Hen Duck Decoy
Gerald Fitch Redhead Hen Duck Decoy
Gerald Fitch Redhead Hen Duck Decoy
Black Duck Decoy
Black Duck Decoy
Black Duck Decoy
Hooded Merganser Hen Duck Decoy
Hooded Merganser Hen Duck Decoy
Hooded Merganser Hen Duck Decoy
Wisconsin Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Wisconsin Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Wisconsin Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
George Warin Bluebill Hen Duck Decoy
George Warin Bluebill Hen Duck Decoy
George Warin Bluebill Hen Duck Decoy
Herters 1893 Series Swan
Herters 1893 Series Swan
Herters 1893 Series Swan
Bob White Long Tail Hen Duck Decoy
Bob White Long Tail Hen Duck Decoy
Bob White Long Tail Hen Duck Decoy
Burton Lange Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Burton Lange Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Burton Lange Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Fred Coleman Green-Winged Teal Drake
Fred Coleman Green-Winged Teal Drake
Fred Coleman Green-Winged Teal Drake
Ken Harris Pr Mallard Duck Decoys
Ken Harris Pr Mallard Duck Decoys
Ken Harris Pr Mallard Duck Decoys
John Roth Canvasback Duck Decoy
John Roth Canvasback Duck Decoy
John Roth Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Billy Ellis Goldeneye Hen Duck Decoy
Billy Ellis Goldeneye Hen Duck Decoy
Billy Ellis Goldeneye Hen Duck Decoy
Evans Redhead Drake Duck Decoy
Evans Redhead Drake Duck Decoy
Evans Redhead Drake Duck Decoy
Nathan Horner Brant Decoy
Nathan Horner Brant Decoy
Nathan Horner Brant Decoy
Mason Canada Goose Decoy
Rare Marty Hanson Canada Goose Decoy
Rare Marty Hanson Canada Goose Decoy
Bert Graves Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Torry Ward Canada Goose Decoy
Torry Ward Canada Goose Decoy
Bert Graves Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Mason Canada Goose Decoy
Mason Canada Goose Decoy
Perdew Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Bert Graves Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Bert Graves Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Charles Perdew Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Bert Graves Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Bert Graves Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Perdew Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Bert Graves Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Bert Graves Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Robert Elliston Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Burt Graves Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Bert Graves Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Robert Elliston Redhead Duck Decoy
Perdew Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Perdew Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Robert Elliston Redhead Duck Decoy
Charles Perdew Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Charles Perdew Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Robert Elliston Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
Charles Perdew Pintail Drake Duck Decoy
Mason Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Perdew Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Perdew Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Mason Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
Perdew Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Perdew Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Hurley Conklin Shoveler Drake Duck Decoy
Henry Ruggles Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Henry Ruggles Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Madison Mitchell Canada Goose Decoy
Robert Elliston Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Robert Elliston Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
2 Chesapeake Bay Goose Decoys
Robert Elliston Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Robert Elliston Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
2 Madison Mitchell Widgeon Duck Decoys
Robert Elliston Redhead Duck Decoy
Robert Elliston Redhead Drake Duck Decoy
Madison Mitchell Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Robert Elliston Redhead Duck Decoy
Robert Elliston Redhead Drake Duck Decoy
3 Chesapeake Bay Canvasback Duck Decoys
Robert Elliston Pintail Drake Duck Decoy
Robert Elliston Pintail Drake Duck Decoy
2 Duck Decoys
Robert Elliston Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Robert Elliston Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
3 Chesapeake Bay Duck Decoys
Robert Elliston Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
Robert Elliston Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
2 Robert "Mad Dog" Billings Duck Decoys
Heck Whittington Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
Heck Whittington Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
2 Robert "Mad Dog" Billings Duck Decoys
Early Harvey Stevens Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Early Harvey Stevens Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Perdew Style Pr of Widgeon Duck Decoys
Harvey Stevens Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Harvey Stevens Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Perdew Style Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
Harvey Stevens Black Duck Decoy
Harvey Stevens Black Duck Decoy
Perdew Style Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
George Stevens Redhead Drake Duck Decoy
George Stevens Redhead Drake Duck Decoy
Perdew Style Pr of Green-Winged Teal
Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
Perdew Style Pr of Blue-Winged Teal
Stevens Redhead Drake Duck Decoy
Stevens Redhead Drake Duck Decoy
Perdew Style Black Duck Decoy
Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
Perdew Style Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
Early Mason-Dodge Blue-Winged Teal Drake
Early Mason-Dodge Blue-Winged Teal Drake
Mason Blue-Winged Teal Drake Duck Decoy
Evans Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Mason Blue-Winged Teal Drake Duck Decoy
Evans Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Pr of Mason Canvasback Duck Decoys
Pr of Mason Canvasback Duck Decoys
Evans Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Mason Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Mason Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Evans Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Mason Redhead Drake Duck Decoy
Mason Redhead Drake Duck Decoy
Evans Coot Duck Decoy
Mason Redhead Drake Duck Decoy
Mason Redhead Drake Duck Decoy
Ralph Malpage Pr of Wood Duck Decoys
Mason Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Mason Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Ralph Malpage Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Mason Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
Mason Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
Ralph Malpage Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
Mason Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Mason Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
3 Ralph Malpage Black Duck Decoys
Mason Black Duck Decoy
Mason Black Duck Decoy
Rare Wragg & Burrell Snow Goose Decoy
Mason Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
Mason Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
Wragg & Burrell Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
Paul Dittman Pr of Red-Breasted Mergansers
Paul Dittman Pr of Red-Breasted Mergansers
Wragg & Burrell Pr of Green-Winged Teal
Paul Dittman Preening Black Duck
Paul Dittman Preening Black Duck
Wragg & Burrell Pr of Blue-Winged Teal
Matt Spielman Pr of Green-Winged Teal
Matt Spielman Pr of Green-Winged Teal
Wragg & Burrell Pr of Redhead Duck Decoys
Ray Schalk Pr of Miniature Pintail Decoys
Ray Schalk Pr of Miniature Pintail Decoys
Wragg & Burrell Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
Ray Schalk Pr of Miniature Merganser Decoys
Ray Schalk Pr of Miniature Merganser Decoys
2 Wragg & Burrell Canvasback Hen Duck Decoys
Ray Schalk Pr of Miniature Goldeneye Decoys
Ray Schalk Pr of Miniature Goldeneye Decoys
2 Brant Decoys
Ray Schalk Pr of Miniature Blue-Winged Teal
Ray Schalk Pr of Miniature Blue-Winged Teal
William Goenne Pr of Green-Winged Teal Decoys
Ray Schalk Pr of Miniature Green-Winged Teal
Ray Schalk Pr of Miniature Green-Winged Teal
Mike Valley Flying Red-Breasted Merganser Drake
Ray Schalk Pr of Miniature Redhead Decoys
Ray Schalk Pr of Miniature Redhead Decoys
Flying Blue-Winged Teal Drake
Hurley Conklin Pr of Red-Breasted Mergansers
Hurley Conklin Pr of Red-Breasted Mergansers
Hand Carved Owl Decoy
2 hurley Conklin Duck Decoys
2 hurley Conklin Duck Decoys
13 Tinnie Shorebirds
2 Brandt Decoys
2 Brandt Decoys
10 Tinnie Shorebirds
Hurley Conklin Shoveler Drake Duck Decoy
Hurley Conklin Shoveler Drake Duck Decoy
5 Strater & Sohier Tinnie Shorebirds
Madison Mitchell Canada Goose Decoy
Madison Mitchell Canada Goose Decoy
5 Strater & Sohier Tinnie Shorebirds
2 Chesapeake Bay Goose Decoys
2 Chesapeake Bay Goose Decoys
5 Strater & Sohier Tinnie Shorebirds
2 Madison Mitchell Widgeon Duck Decoys
2 Madison Mitchell Widgeon Duck Decoys
3 Tinnie Shorebirds
Madison Mitchell Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Madison Mitchell Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
3 David Rhodes Shorebirds
3 Chesapeake Bay Canvasback Duck Decoys
3 Chesapeake Bay Canvasback Duck Decoys
David Rhodes Dowitcher Shorebird
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
David Rhodes Eskimo Curlew Shorebird
3 Chesapeake Bay Duck Decoys
3 Chesapeake Bay Duck Decoys
2 David Rhodes Shorebirds
2 Robert "Mad Dog" Billings Duck Decoys
2 Robert "Mad Dog" Billings Duck Decoys
2 David Rhodes Shorebirds
2 Robert "Mad Dog" Billings Duck Decoys
2 Robert "Mad Dog" Billings Duck Decoys
2 Anthony Hillman Shorebirds
Perdew Style Pr of Widgeon Duck Decoys
Perdew Style Pr of Widgeon Duck Decoys
3 Anthony Hillman Shorebirds
Perdew Style Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
Perdew Style Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
3 Shorebirds
Perdew Style Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Perdew Style Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
3 Harold Van Dyck Shorebirds
Perdew Style Pr of Green-Winged Teal
Perdew Style Pr of Green-Winged Teal
3 Harold Van Dyck Shorebirds
Perdew Style Pr of Blue-Winged Teal
Perdew Style Pr of Blue-Winged Teal
3 Ken Kirby Bird Carvings
Perdew Style Black Duck Decoy
Perdew Style Black Duck Decoy
3 Hand Carved Shorebirds
Perdew Style Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
Perdew Style Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
3 William Kirkpatrick Shorebirds
Evans Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Evans Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
3 Charles Perdew Crow Calls
Evans Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Evans Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
5 Various Calls
Evans Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Evans Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
The Natural Duck Call
Evans Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Evans Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
3 Duck Calls
Evans Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Evans Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
6 Tongue Pincher Duck Calls
Evans Coot Duck Decoy
Evans Coot Duck Decoy
7 Various Calls
Evans Bluebill Drake Duck Decoy
Evans Bluebill Drake Duck Decoy
5 Duck Calls
Wisconsin Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
Wisconsin Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
16 Duck & Crow Calls
James Walton Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
James Walton Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
16 Various Duck Calls
Rare Ben Schmidt Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Rare Ben Schmidt Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
15 Various Calls
Ed "One Arm" Kellie Canvasback Hen Duck Decoy
Ed "One Arm" Kellie Canvasback Hen Duck Decoy
21 Various Calls
Dodge Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
Dodge Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
6 Crow Calls
Dodge Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
Dodge Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
4 Goose Calls
Dodge Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
Dodge Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
5 Fred Allen Calls
Ralph Malpage Pr of Wood Duck Decoys
Ralph Malpage Pr of Wood Duck Decoys
4 Duck Calls
Ralph Malpage Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Ralph Malpage Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
11 Crow Calls
Ralph Malpage Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
Ralph Malpage Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
13 Whistles, Calls & Lanyards
3 Ralph Malpage Black Duck Decoys
3 Ralph Malpage Black Duck Decoys
17 Various Calls & Misc. Items
Rare Wragg & Burrell Snow Goose Decoy
Rare Wragg & Burrell Snow Goose Decoy
9 Various Hunting Items
Wragg & Burrell Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
Wragg & Burrell Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
4 Fish Spearing Decoys & 2 Lures
Wragg & Burrell Pr of Gadwall Duck Decoys
Wragg & Burrell Pr of Gadwall Duck Decoys
2 Fish Spearing Decoys
Wragg & Burrell Pr of Green-Winged Teal
Wragg & Burrell Pr of Green-Winged Teal
2 Carved Fish
Wragg & Burrell Pr of Blue-Winged Teal
Wragg & Burrell Pr of Blue-Winged Teal
Duluth Fish Decoy
Wragg & Burrell Pr of Redhead Duck Decoys
Wragg & Burrell Pr of Redhead Duck Decoys
Robert Weeks Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Wragg & Burrell Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
Wragg & Burrell Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
2 Mason Duck Decoys
2 Wragg & Burrell Canvasback Hen Duck Decoys
2 Wragg & Burrell Canvasback Hen Duck Decoys
Fred Mott Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Marty Dahl Pr of Merganser Duck Decoys
Marty Dahl Pr of Merganser Duck Decoys
Tube Dawson Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
James Stangland Pr of Hooded Mergansers
James Stangland Pr of Hooded Mergansers
Tube Dawson Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
William Powell Pr of Green-Winged Teal
William Powell Pr of Green-Winged Teal
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
2 Brant Decoys
2 Brant Decoys
Leonard Koehler Pintail Drake Duck Decoy
William Goenne Pr of Green-Winged Teal Decoys
William Goenne Pr of Green-Winged Teal Decoys
Pr of Pratt Canvasback Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Bluebill Duck Decoys
Mike Valley Flying Red-Breasted Merganser Drake
Mike Valley Flying Red-Breasted Merganser Drake
Flying Blue-Winged Teal Drake
3 Duck Decoys
Flying Blue-Winged Teal Drake
John Powilaites Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
Hand Carved Owl Decoy
Hand Carved Owl Decoy
3 Duck Decoys
Mike Borrett Flying Mallard Drake
Mike Borrett Flying Mallard Drake
Torry Ward Canada Goose Decoy
Casey Edwards Flying Tern
Casey Edwards Flying Tern
East Coast Brant Decoy
2 Casey Edwards Shorebirds
2 Casey Edwards Shorebirds
Padco Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
13 Tinnie Shorebirds
13 Tinnie Shorebirds
Larson Boat Works Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
10 Tinnie Shorebirds
10 Tinnie Shorebirds
4 Mallard Duck Decoys
5 Strater & Sohier Tinnie Shorebirds
5 Strater & Sohier Tinnie Shorebirds
3 Gundelfinger Duck Decoys
5 Strater & Sohier Tinnie Shorebirds
5 Strater & Sohier Tinnie Shorebirds
3 Tuveson Mallard Duck Decoys
5 Strater & Sohier Tinnie Shorebirds
5 Strater & Sohier Tinnie Shorebirds
3 Duck Decoys
3 Tinnie Shorebirds
3 Tinnie Shorebirds
5 Duck Decoys
3 David Rhodes Shorebirds
3 David Rhodes Shorebirds
Jim Slack Pr of Red-Breasted Mergansers
David Rhodes Dowitcher Shorebird
David Rhodes Dowitcher Shorebird
2 Canada Goose Decoys
David Rhodes Eskimo Curlew Shorebird
David Rhodes Eskimo Curlew Shorebird
Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys by Decoys Unlimited
2 David Rhodes Shorebirds
2 David Rhodes Shorebirds
4 Duck Decoys
2 David Rhodes Shorebirds
2 David Rhodes Shorebirds
4 Duck Decoys
2 Anthony Hillman Shorebirds
2 Anthony Hillman Shorebirds
Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
3 Anthony Hillman Shorebirds
3 Anthony Hillman Shorebirds
5 Duck Decoys
3 Shorebirds
3 Shorebirds
3 Duck Decoys
3 Harold Van Dyck Shorebirds
3 Harold Van Dyck Shorebirds
2 Duck Decoys
3 Harold Van Dyck Shorebirds
3 Harold Van Dyck Shorebirds
4 Bluebill Duck Decoys
3 Ken Kirby Bird Carvings
3 Ken Kirby Bird Carvings
3 Pintail Duck Decoys
3 Hand Carved Shorebirds
3 Hand Carved Shorebirds
4 Duck Decoys
3 William Kirkpatrick Shorebirds
3 William Kirkpatrick Shorebirds
7 Contemporary Bird Carvings
3 Charles Perdew Crow Calls
3 Charles Perdew Crow Calls
2 Mason Duck Decoys
5 Various Calls
5 Various Calls
2 Mason Teal Duck Decoys
The Natural Duck Call
The Natural Duck Call
Standing Mallard Drake
3 Duck Calls
3 Duck Calls
Pair of Illinois River Mallard Duck Decoys
6 Tongue Pincher Duck Calls
6 Tongue Pincher Duck Calls
4 Contemporary Duck Decoys
7 Various Calls
7 Various Calls
4 Al Ries Tru-Dux Mallards
5 Duck Calls
5 Duck Calls
Herters 1893 Series Common Merganser Duck Decoy
16 Duck & Crow Calls
16 Duck & Crow Calls
2 Herters Decoys
16 Various Duck Calls
16 Various Duck Calls
Herters Black Duck Decoy
15 Various Calls
15 Various Calls
Wildfowler Pr of Canvasback Duck Decoys
21 Various Calls
21 Various Calls
3 Wildfowler Duck Decoys
6 Crow Calls
6 Crow Calls
2 Wildfowler Duck Decoys
4 Goose Calls
4 Goose Calls
2 Wildfowler Black Duck Decoys
5 Fred Allen Calls
5 Fred Allen Calls
3 Duck Decoys
4 Duck Calls
4 Duck Calls
Guy Soule Goldeneye Drake Duck Decoy
11 Crow Calls
11 Crow Calls
Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
13 Whistles, Calls & Lanyards
13 Whistles, Calls & Lanyards
Black Duck Decoy
17 Various Calls & Misc. Items
17 Various Calls & Misc. Items
Capt. John Glenn Goldeneye Drake Duck Decoy
9 Various Hunting Items
9 Various Hunting Items
Paul Gibson Pr of Canvasback Duck Decoys
Oscar Peterson Perch Spearing Decoy
Oscar Peterson Perch Spearing Decoy
Brant Decoy
Oscar Peterson Brook Trout Spearing Decoy
Oscar Peterson Brook Trout Spearing Decoy
Charles Creighton Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
Oscar Peterson Sucker Spearing Decoy
Oscar Peterson Sucker Spearing Decoy
Brant Decoy
Oscar Peterson Musky Spearing Decoy
Oscar Peterson Musky Spearing Decoy
2 Brant Decoys by Shourds
Oscar Peterson Shiner Spearing Decoy
Oscar Peterson Shiner Spearing Decoy
2 Brant Decoys
Oscar Peterson Brook Trout Spearing Decoy
Oscar Peterson Brook Trout Spearing Decoy
Pr of Goldeneye Duck Decoys
Oscar Peterson Sucker Spearing Decoy
Oscar Peterson Sucker Spearing Decoy
2 Brant Decoys
Paw Paw Fish Spearing Decoy
Paw Paw Fish Spearing Decoy
Butch Gilmore Wagner Pr of Shovelers Duck Decoys
Bud Stewart Fish Spearing Decoy
Bud Stewart Fish Spearing Decoy
4 Capt. Harry Jobes Duck Decoys
Bud Stewart Fish Spearing Decoy
Bud Stewart Fish Spearing Decoy
Capt. Harry Jobes Pr of Green-Winged Teal
2 Bud Stewart Fishing Lures
2 Bud Stewart Fishing Lures
3 Capt. Harry Jobes Duck Decoys
4 Fish Spearing Decoys & 2 Lures
4 Fish Spearing Decoys & 2 Lures
3 Duck Decoys
4 Carl Christiansen Fish Spearing Decoys
4 Carl Christiansen Fish Spearing Decoys
2 Bluebill Duck Decoys
4 Carl Christiansen Fish Spearing Decoys
4 Carl Christiansen Fish Spearing Decoys
3 Coot Decoys
4 Carl Christiansen Fish Spearing Decoys
4 Carl Christiansen Fish Spearing Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
4 Carl Christiansen Fish Spearing Decoys
4 Carl Christiansen Fish Spearing Decoys
3 Green-Winged Teal Duck Decoys
8 Carl Christiansen Carvings
8 Carl Christiansen Carvings
2 Merganser Hen Duck Decoys
3 Carl Christiansen Carvings
3 Carl Christiansen Carvings
3 Chesapeake Bay Duck Decoys
4 Benziejo Fish Spearing Decoys
4 Benziejo Fish Spearing Decoys
Harry Shourds Goldeneye Drake Duck Decoy
3 Tom Richards Fish Spearing Decoys
3 Tom Richards Fish Spearing Decoys
Lloyd Parker Bluebill Drake Duck Decoy
4 Fish Spearing Decoys
4 Fish Spearing Decoys
John Clark Swan Decoy
J. McEvers Fish Spearing Decoy
J. McEvers Fish Spearing Decoy
Evans Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
6 Fish Spearing Decoys
6 Fish Spearing Decoys
Evans Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
5 Lawrence Bethel Fish Spearing Decoys
5 Lawrence Bethel Fish Spearing Decoys
Evans Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
6 Fish Spearing Decoys
6 Fish Spearing Decoys
Evans Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Fish Decoys & Carvings
Fish Decoys & Carvings
3 Coot Decoys
6 Fish Spearing Decoys
6 Fish Spearing Decoys
Perdew Style Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
6 Fish Spearing Decoys
6 Fish Spearing Decoys
2 Perdew Style Duck Decoys
5 Fish Spearing Decoys
5 Fish Spearing Decoys
Perdew Style Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Fish Spearing Decoys & Lures
Fish Spearing Decoys & Lures
Perdew Style Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
8 Fish Spearing Decoys
8 Fish Spearing Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
6 Fish Spearing Decoys
6 Fish Spearing Decoys
Wilfred Bush Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
6 Fish Spearing Decoys
6 Fish Spearing Decoys
2 Early Jim Slack Duck Decoys
6 Fish Spearing Decoys
6 Fish Spearing Decoys
Newt Rule Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
6 Fish Spearing Decoys
6 Fish Spearing Decoys
2 Robert Elliston Duck Decoys
6 Fish Spearing Decoys
6 Fish Spearing Decoys
Pr of Hooded Merganser Duck Decoys
2 Fish Spearing Decoys
2 Fish Spearing Decoys
Hooded Merganser Drake Duck Decoy
2 Carved Fish
2 Carved Fish
Anthony Hillman Hooded Merganser Drake
Duluth Fish Decoy
Duluth Fish Decoy
Illinois River Pintail Drake Duck Decoy
Vintage Oil On Canvas Painting
Vintage Oil On Canvas Painting
2 Robert Elliston Bluebill Drake Duck Decoys
Ron Wood Painting On Canvas
Ron Wood Painting On Canvas
2 Illinois River Mallard Drake Duck Decoys
Vintage Painting On Board
Vintage Painting On Board
Henry Holmes Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Rob Leslie Framed Print
Rob Leslie Framed Print
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
J.J. Audubon "Passenger Pigeon" by Havell
2 Hand Carved Birds
J.J. Audubon Print
J.J. Audubon Print
2 Ken Kirby Shorebirds
J.J. Audubon Print
J.J. Audubon Print
Steve Morey Hudsonian Godwit Shorebird
J.J. Audubon Framed & Matted Print
J.J. Audubon Framed & Matted Print
3 Hand Carved Shorebirds
William McVaugh, Jr. Framed & Matted Print
William McVaugh, Jr. Framed & Matted Print
3 Curlew Shorebirds
William McVaugh, Jr. Framed & Matted Print
William McVaugh, Jr. Framed & Matted Print
3 Shorebirds
4 J.J. Audubon Engravings
4 J.J. Audubon Engravings
4 Shorebirds
3 Harold Van Dyck Shorebirds
7 Audubon Prints
7 Audubon Prints
2 Dave Rhodes Shorebirds
Misc. Audubon Prints
Misc. Audubon Prints
R. Kurhewicz Long-Billed Curlew
Quantity Of Prints
Quantity Of Prints
2 Ruddy Turnstone Shorebirds
Frank Finney Miniature Canada Goose
Frank Finney Miniature Canada Goose
3 Wood Carvings
Robert Weeks Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Robert Weeks Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
Robert Weeks Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Robert Weeks Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Robert Wagner Oyster Catcher
Mason Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Mason Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
2 David Rhodes Shorebirds
Mason Redhead Hen Duck Decoy
Mason Redhead Hen Duck Decoy
3 Shorebirds
Mason Redhead Drake Duck Decoy
Mason Redhead Drake Duck Decoy
5 Various Bird Carvings
Mason Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Mason Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
6 Various Miniatures
2 Mason Bluebill Hen Duck Decoys
2 Mason Bluebill Hen Duck Decoys
9 Various Miniature Ducks
Mason Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
Mason Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
4 Various Shorebird Carvings
Mason Widgeon Drake Duck Decoy
Mason Widgeon Drake Duck Decoy
2 Mason Duck Decoys
6 Songbird Carvings
2 Mason Duck Decoys
3 Wooden Carvings
Robert Elliston Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Robert Elliston Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
6 Vintage Bird Carvings
Walter Dalrymple Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Walter Dalrymple Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
6 Various Bird Carvings
Pr of Illinois River Mallard Duck Decoys
Pr of Illinois River Mallard Duck Decoys
6 Various Songbirds
Fred Mott Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Fred Mott Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
5 Various Carvings
Fred Mott Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Fred Mott Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
3 Bluebill Duck Decoys
Charles Kelso Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Charles Kelso Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
Illinois River Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Illinois River Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
2 Scoter Duck Decoys
Tube Dawson Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Tube Dawson Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
2 Duck Decoys
Tube Dawson Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Tube Dawson Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Guy Soule Goldeneye Hen Duck Decoy
Tube Dawson Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Tube Dawson Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
2 Goldeneye Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
Leonard Koehler Pintail Drake Duck Decoy
Leonard Koehler Pintail Drake Duck Decoy
2 Goldeneye Duck Decoys
Pr of Pratt Canvasback Duck Decoys
Pr of Pratt Canvasback Duck Decoys
2 Bluebill Drake Duck Decoys
3 Bluebill Duck Decoys
3 Bluebill Duck Decoys
2 Michigan Mallard Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Michigan Duck Decoys
John Powilaites Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
John Powilaites Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
2 Black Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Evans Duck Decoys
Torry Ward Canada Goose Decoy
Torry Ward Canada Goose Decoy
2 Duck Decoys
East Coast Brant Decoy
East Coast Brant Decoy
2 Mason Mallard Drake Duck Decoys
Padco Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Padco Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Dodge Widgeon Drake Duck Decoy
Larson Boat Works Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Larson Boat Works Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Wallace Young Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
4 Mallard Duck Decoys
4 Mallard Duck Decoys
Pratt Blue-Winged Teal Duck Decoy
3 Gundelfinger Duck Decoys
3 Gundelfinger Duck Decoys
Carl Koch Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
3 Tuveson Mallard Duck Decoys
3 Tuveson Mallard Duck Decoys
George Shurts Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
Henry Holmes Pintail Drake Duck Decoy
5 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
Illinois River Mallard Drake
3 Bluebill Drake Duck Decoys
3 Bluebill Drake Duck Decoys
Irvin Redshaw Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Jim Slack Pr of Red-Breasted Mergansers
Jim Slack Pr of Red-Breasted Mergansers
Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
2 Canada Goose Decoys
2 Canada Goose Decoys
Henry Holmes Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys by Decoys Unlimited
Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys by Decoys Unlimited
Bert Graves Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
4 Duck Decoys
4 Duck Decoys
Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
4 Duck Decoys
4 Duck Decoys
William Clark Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
2 Alvin Meekins Red-Breasted Mergansers
5 Duck Decoys
5 Duck Decoys
Fred Plichta Pr of Blue Bill Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
Maine Eider Duck Decoy
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
Mason Pr of Canvasback Duck Decoys
4 Bluebill Duck Decoys
4 Bluebill Duck Decoys
2 Black Duck Decoys
3 Pintail Duck Decoys
3 Pintail Duck Decoys
2 Merganser Duck Decoys
4 Duck Decoys
4 Duck Decoys
Pair of Michigan Canvasback Decoys
7 Contemporary Bird Carvings
7 Contemporary Bird Carvings
2 Illinois Duck Decoys
2 Mason Duck Decoys
2 Mason Duck Decoys
T.J. Hooker Canada Goose Decoy
2 Mason Teal Duck Decoys
2 Mason Teal Duck Decoys
2 William Goenne Hen Green-Winged Teal
Standing Mallard Drake
Standing Mallard Drake
2 Illinois River Mallard Drakes
Pair of Illinois River Mallard Duck Decoys
Pair of Illinois River Mallard Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
4 Contemporary Duck Decoys
4 Contemporary Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Mallard Duck Decoys
4 Al Ries Tru-Dux Mallards
4 Al Ries Tru-Dux Mallards
2 Duck Decoys
Herters Model 1893 Loon Decoy
Herters Model 1893 Loon Decoy
Charlie Moore Pr of Wood Duck Decoys
Herters Model 1893 Ruddy Duck Decoy
Herters Model 1893 Ruddy Duck Decoy
2 Havre de Grace Mallard Duck Decoys
Herters 1893 Series Common Merganser Duck Decoy
Herters 1893 Series Common Merganser Duck Decoy
Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
2 Herters Decoys
2 Herters Decoys
3 Chesapeake Bay Blue-Winged Teal Decoys
Herters Black Duck Decoy
Herters Black Duck Decoy
2 Canvasback Drake Duck Decoys
3 Herters Duck Decoys
3 Herters Duck Decoys
Eider Duck Decoy
2 Herters Goose Decoys
2 Herters Goose Decoys
2 Sea Duck Decoys
2 Herters Canada Goose Decoys
2 Canada Goose Decoys
2 Eider Duck Decoys
Wildfowler Pr of Canvasback Duck Decoys
Wildfowler Pr of Canvasback Duck Decoys
Bill Brown Swimming Brant Decoy
Wildfowler Swan Decoy
Wildfowler Swan Decoy
2 Vintage Decoys
Wildfowler Pr of Goldeneye Duck Decoys
Wildfowler Pr of Goldeneye Duck Decoys
2 Brant Duck Decoys
3 Wildfowler Duck Decoys
3 Wildfowler Duck Decoys
Canada Goose Decoy
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
2 Chesapeake Bay Duck Decoys
2 Wildfowler Duck Decoys
2 Wildfowler Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
Wildfowler Pr of Mallard Bookends
Wildfowler Pr of Mallard Bookends
2 Contemporary Duck Decoys
2 Wildfowler Black Duck Decoys
2 Wildfowler Black Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
Guy Soule Goldeneye Drake Duck Decoy
Guy Soule Goldeneye Drake Duck Decoy
4 Charles "Pete" Wilbur Duck Decoys
Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
3 Confidence Decoys
Black Duck Decoy
Black Duck Decoy
3 Duck Decoys
Capt. John Glenn Goldeneye Drake Duck Decoy
Capt. John Glenn Goldeneye Drake Duck Decoy
3 Duck Decoys
Paul Gibson Pr of Canvasback Duck Decoys
Paul Gibson Pr of Canvasback Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
Brant Decoy
Brant Decoy
2 Bluebill Hen Duck Decoys
Charles Creighton Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
Charles Creighton Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
Brant Decoy
Brant Decoy
4 Mallard Duck Decoys
2 Brant Decoys by Shourds
2 Brant Decoys by Shourds
2 Canvasback Duck Decoys
2 Brant Decoys
2 Brant Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
Pr of Goldeneye Duck Decoys
Pr of Goldeneye Duck Decoys
2 Black Duck Decoys
2 Brant Decoys
2 Brant Decoys
2 Ken Harris Black Ducks
Butch Gilmore Wagner Pr of Shovelers Duck Decoys
Butch Gilmore Wagner Pr of Shovelers Duck Decoys
2 Bluebill Duck Decoys
Capt. Harry Jobes Brandt Decoy
Capt. Harry Jobes Brandt Decoy
2 Blue-Winged Teal Duck Decoys
4 Capt. Harry Jobes Duck Decoys
4 Capt. Harry Jobes Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Mallard Duck Decoys
Capt. Harry Jobes Pr of Green-Winged Teal
Capt. Harry Jobes Pr of Green-Winged Teal
2 Henry Holmes Mallard Duck Decoys
3 Capt. Harry Jobes Duck Decoys
3 Capt. Harry Jobes Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
2 Green-Winged Teal Duck Decoys
Joey Jobes Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
Joey Jobes Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
2 Merganser Duck Decoys
2 Bluebill Duck Decoys
2 Bluebill Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
3 Coot Decoys
3 Coot Decoys
Pr Mississippi River Mallard Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
Louisiana Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
3 Green-Winged Teal Duck Decoys
3 Green-Winged Teal Duck Decoys
2 Canvasback Duck Decoys
2 Merganser Hen Duck Decoys
2 Merganser Hen Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Chesapeake Bay Duck Decoys
3 Chesapeake Bay Duck Decoys
Bob Biddle Pr of Green-Winged Teal
Harry Shourds Goldeneye Drake Duck Decoy
Harry Shourds Goldeneye Drake Duck Decoy
2 Widgeon Duck Decoys
Lloyd Parker Bluebill Drake Duck Decoy
Lloyd Parker Bluebill Drake Duck Decoy
2 Large Duck Decoys
John Clark Swan Decoy
John Clark Swan Decoy
3 Duck Decoys
Early Canada Goose Decoy
Early Canada Goose Decoy
3 Goldeneye Duck Decoys
2 Goose Decoys
2 Goose Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
Paw Paw Bait Co. Pr of Bluebill Decoys
Delbert "Cigar" Daisey Ruddy Duck Decoy
Delbert "Cigar" Daisey Ruddy Duck Decoy
2 Bluebill Duck Decoys
Goldeneye Drake Duck Decoy
Goldeneye Drake Duck Decoy
Pair of New Jersey Bluebill Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
Two East Coast Bluebill Decoys
Preening Widgeon Drake Duck Decoy
Preening Widgeon Drake Duck Decoy
3 East Coast Canvasback Decoys
Mason Canvasback Hen Duck Decoy
Mason Canvasback Hen Duck Decoy
2 East Coast Black Duck Decoys
Mason Bluebill Hen Duck Decoy
Mason Bluebill Hen Duck Decoy
2 Bluebill Duck Decoys
Mason Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Mason Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Mason Green-Winged Teal Drake Duck Decoy
2 Midwest Hen Bluebill Duck Decoys
Mason Green-Winged Teal Drake Duck Decoy
2 East Coast Canvasback Duck Decoys
2 Mason Duck Decoys
2 Mason Duck Decoys
2 James Holly Canvasback Duck Decoys
2 Mason Mallard Hen Duck Decoys
2 Mason Mallard Hen Duck Decoys
2 East Coast Canvasback Duck Decoys
Evans Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Evans Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
2 Brant Decoys
Evans Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Evans Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
3 Mason Duck Decoys
Evans Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Evans Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
3 Wooden Carvings
3 Evans Duck Decoys
3 Evans Duck Decoys
2 Wooden Carvings
Evans Pr of Canvasback Duck Decoys
Evans Pr of Canvasback Duck Decoys
3 Michigan Decoys
Evans Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Evans Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
3 Vintage Duck Decoys
3 Coot Decoys
3 Coot Decoys
4 Duck Decoys
Flying Mallard Drake
Flying Mallard Drake
Ken Anger Pr of Redhead Duck Decoys
English Pigeon Decoy
English Pigeon Decoy
2 Gundelfinger Mallard Duck Decoys
Michigan City Toy Boat
Michigan City Toy Boat
2 Duck Decoys
3 Illinois River Duck Decoys
3 Illinois River Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Pintail Duck Decoys
Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
Lloyd Johnson Green-Winged Teal
Perdew Style Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
Perdew Style Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
2 Perdew Style Duck Decoys
2 Perdew Style Duck Decoys
Gundelfinger Black Duck Decoy
Perdew Style Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Perdew Style Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
5 Duck Decoys
Perdew Style Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
Perdew Style Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
5 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
4 Canvas Decoys & 3 Paper Corn Decoys
Wilfred Bush Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
Wilfred Bush Pr of Pintail Duck Decoys
2 Coot Duck Decoys
2 Early Jim Slack Duck Decoys
2 Early Jim Slack Duck Decoys
3 Vintage Mallard Duck Decoys
Newt Rule Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Newt Rule Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
2 Duck Decoys
2 Robert Elliston Duck Decoys
2 Robert Elliston Duck Decoys
2 Black Duck Decoys
Pr of Hooded Merganser Duck Decoys
Pr of Hooded Merganser Duck Decoys
3 Vintage Duck Decoys
Hooded Merganser Drake Duck Decoy
Hooded Merganser Drake Duck Decoy
3 Vintage Canvasback Duck Decoys
Anthony Hillman Hooded Merganser Drake
Anthony Hillman Hooded Merganser Drake
4 Bluebill Duck Decoys
Anthony Hillman Brant Decoy
Anthony Hillman Brant Decoy
3 Mason Duck Decoys
George Constantine Bufflehead Drake Decoy
George Constantine Bufflehead Drake Decoy
3 Mason Mallard Duck Decoys
Clarence Fennimore Wood Duck Hen Decoy
Clarence Fennimore Wood Duck Hen Decoy
3 Mallard Drake Duck Decoys
John Hamilton Seagull Confidence Decoy
John Hamilton Seagull Confidence Decoy
3 Duck Decoys
Illinois River Pintail Drake Duck Decoy
Illinois River Pintail Drake Duck Decoy
3 Duck Decoys
Redhead Drake Duck Decoy
Redhead Drake Duck Decoy
5 Duck Decoys
2 Robert Elliston Bluebill Drake Duck Decoys
2 Robert Elliston Bluebill Drake Duck Decoys
5 Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Mallard Drake Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Mallard Drake Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
Henry Holmes Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Henry Holmes Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
2 Canvasback Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
5 Duck Decoys
Craig Ebner Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Craig Ebner Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
3 Vintage Duck Decoys
2 Mallard Drake Duck Decoys
2 Mallard Drake Duck Decoys
4 Decorative Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
5 Duck Decoys
3 Decoys
3 Decoys
4 Various Decoys
3 Canvasback Drake Duck Decoys
3 Canvasback Drake Duck Decoys
4 Miscellaneous Items
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Lawrence Bethel Spearing Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
4 Fish Spearing Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
2 Bob Foster Fish Spearing Decoys
Decoys & Birds
Decoys & Birds
2 Mako Fish Spearing Decoys
2 Carved Fish
2 Carved Fish
3 Rudy Zwieg Trout Fish Spearing Decoys
3 Fish Spearing Decoys & Loon
3 Fish Spearing Decoys & Loon
2 Vintage Fish Spearing Decoys
4 Decoy Reference Books
4 Decoy Reference Books
4 Fish Spearing Decoys
Richard Watson Canada Goose Decoy
Richard Watson Canada Goose Decoy
3 Bob Foster Spearing Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
3 Fish Spearing Decoys
Delbert Kirgan Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Delbert Kirgan Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
3 Fish Spearing Decoys
Phillip Guyon Pintail Drake Duck Decoy
Phillip Guyon Pintail Drake Duck Decoy
4 Fish Spearing Decoys
Paul Arness Widgeon Drake Duck Decoy
Paul Arness Widgeon Drake Duck Decoy
4 Fish Spearing Decoys
Black Duck Decoy
Black Duck Decoy
3 Fish Spearing Decoys
Black Duck Decoy
Black Duck Decoy
7 Fish Spearing Decoys
2 Mason Duck Decoys
2 Mason Duck Decoys
3 Vintage Spearing Decoys
Illinois River Crow Decoy
Illinois River Crow Decoy
4 Fish Spearing Decoys
Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
3 Vintage Spearing Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
Bob Foster Northern Pike Spearing Decoy
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
Group of Various Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Tri-Fold Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Wendell Sherman Blue-Winged Teal
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
21 Lead Weights
Pr of Illinois River Mallard Duck Decoys
Pr of Illinois River Mallard Duck Decoys
19 Lead Weights
2 Vintage Shorebird Decoys
2 Vintage Shorebird Decoys
2 Vintage Shorebird Decoys
2 Vintage Shorebird Decoys
Vintage Shorebird Decoy
Vintage Shorebird Decoy
2 Vintage Shorebird Decoys
2 Vintage Shorebird Decoys
2 Vintage Shorebird Decoys
2 Vintage Shorebird Decoys
2 Vintage Shorebird Decoys
2 Vintage Shorebird Decoys
3 Shorebird Decoys
3 Shorebird Decoys
Set of 6 Vintage Shorebirds
Set of 6 Vintage Shorebirds
2 Vintage Tin Shorebirds
2 Vintage Tin Shorebirds
2 Hand Carved Birds
2 Hand Carved Birds
2 Hand Carved Birds
2 Hand Carved Birds
2 Ken Kirby Shorebirds
2 Ken Kirby Shorebirds
Steve Morey Hudsonian Godwit Shorebird
Steve Morey Hudsonian Godwit Shorebird
3 Hand Carved Shorebirds
3 Hand Carved Shorebirds
3 Curlew Shorebirds
3 Curlew Shorebirds
3 Shorebirds
3 Shorebirds
4 Shorebirds
4 Shorebirds
3 Harold Van Dyck Shorebirds
3 Harold Van Dyck Shorebirds
2 Dave Rhodes Shorebirds
2 Dave Rhodes Shorebirds
R. Kurhewicz Long-Billed Curlew
R. Kurhewicz Long-Billed Curlew
2 Ruddy Turnstone Shorebirds
2 Ruddy Turnstone Shorebirds
3 Wood Carvings
3 Wood Carvings
2 Duck Decoys
2 Bird Carvings
Robert Wagner Oyster Catcher
Robert Wagner Oyster Catcher
2 David Rhodes Shorebirds
2 David Rhodes Shorebirds
3 Shorebirds
3 Shorebirds
5 Various Bird Carvings
5 Various Bird Carvings
6 Various Miniatures
6 Various Miniatures
9 Various Miniature Ducks
9 Various Miniature Ducks
4 Various Shorebird Carvings
4 Various Shorebird Carvings
6 Songbird Carvings
6 Hand Carved Songbirds
3 Wooden Carvings
3 Wooden Carvings
6 Vintage Bird Carvings
6 Vintage Hand Carved Birds
6 Various Bird Carvings
6 Various Bird Carvings
6 Various Songbirds
6 Various Hand Carved Songbirds
5 Various Carvings
5 Various Carvings
3 Bluebill Duck Decoys
3 Bluebill Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Scoter Duck Decoys
2 Scoter Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
Guy Soule Goldeneye Hen Duck Decoy
Guy Soule Goldeneye Hen Duck Decoy
2 Goldeneye Duck Decoys
2 Goldeneye Drake Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Goldeneye Duck Decoys
2 Goldeneye Drake Duck Decoys
2 Bluebill Drake Duck Decoys
2 Bluebill Drake Duck Decoys
2 Michigan Mallard Duck Decoys
2 Michigan Mallard Duck Decoys
3 Michigan Duck Decoys
3 Michigan Duck Decoys
2 Black Duck Decoys
2 Michigan Black Duck Decoys
3 Evans Duck Decoys
3 Evans Canvasback Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Mason Mallard Drake Duck Decoys
2 Mason Mallard Drake Duck Decoys
Dodge Widgeon Drake Duck Decoy
Dodge Widgeon Drake Duck Decoy
Wallace Young Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Wallace Young Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Pratt Blue-Winged Teal Duck Decoy
Pratt Blue-Winged Teal Drake Duck Decoy
Carl Koch Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Carl Koch Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
George Shurts Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
George Shurts Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
Henry Holmes Pintail Drake Duck Decoy
Henry Holmes Pintail Drake Duck Decoy
Illinois River Mallard Drake
Illinois River Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Irvin Redshaw Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Irvin Redshaw Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
Mallard Hen Duck Decoy
Henry Holmes Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Henry Holmes Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Bert Graves Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Bert Graves Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
William Clark Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
William Clark Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
2 Alvin Meekins Red-Breasted Mergansers
2 Alvin Meekins Red-Breasted Merganser Drakes
Fred Plichta Pr of Blue Bill Decoys
Fred Plichta Pr of Bluebill Duck Decoys
Maine Eider Duck Decoy
Maine Eider Duck Decoy
Mason Pr of Canvasback Duck Decoys
Mason Pr of Canvasback Duck Decoys
2 Black Duck Decoys
2 Black Duck Decoys
2 Merganser Duck Decoys
2 Merganser Duck Decoys
Pair of Michigan Canvasback Decoys
Pr of Michigan Canvasback Duck Decoys
2 Illinois Duck Decoys
2 Illinois Duck Decoys
T.J. Hooker Canada Goose Decoy
T.J. Hooker Canada Goose Decoy
George Kessler Bluebill Drake Duck Decoy
George Kessler Bluebill Drake Duck Decoy
Illinois River Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Illinois River Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Dr. Miles Pirnie Ringbill Hen Duck Decoy
Dr. Miles Pirnie Ringbill Hen Duck Decoy
2 William Goenne Hen Green-Winged Teal
2 William Goenne Hen Green-Winged Teal
3 William Goenne Green-Winged Teal
3 William Goenne Green-Winged Teal
2 Illinois River Mallard Drakes
2 Illinois River Mallard Drake Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Mallard Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Mallard Drake Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
3 Vintage Duck Decoys
3 Vintage Duck Decoys
Charlie Moore Pr of Wood Duck Decoys
Charlie Moore Pr of Wood Duck Decoys
2 Havre de Grace Mallard Duck Decoys
2 Chesapeake Bay Mallard Drake Duck Decoys
Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
3 Chesapeake Bay Blue-Winged Teal Decoys
3 Chesapeake Bay Blue-Winged Teal Decoys
2 Canvasback Drake Duck Decoys
2 Canvasback Drake Duck Decoys
Eider Duck Decoy
Eider Duck Decoy
2 Sea Duck Decoys
2 Sea Duck Decoys
2 Eider Duck Decoys
2 Eider Duck Decoys
Bill Brown Swimming Brant Decoy
Bill Brown Brant Decoy
2 Vintage Decoys
2 Vintage Decoys
2 Brant Duck Decoys
2 Brant Decoys
Canada Goose Decoy
Canada Goose Decoy
2 Chesapeake Bay Duck Decoys
2 Chesapeake Bay Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
2 Contemporary Duck Decoys
2 Contemporary Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
4 Charles "Pete" Wilbur Duck Decoys
4 Charles "Pete" Wilbur Duck Decoys
3 Confidence Decoys
3 Confidence Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
2 Bluebill Hen Duck Decoys
2 Bluebill Hen Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
4 Mallard Duck Decoys
4 Mallard Duck Decoys
2 Canvasback Drake Duck Decoys
2 Canvasback Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Black Duck Decoys
2 Black Duck Decoys
2 Ken Harris Black Ducks
2 Ken Harris Black Duck Decoys
2 Bluebill Drake Duck Decoys
2 Bluebill Duck Decoys
2 Blue-Winged Teal Duck Decoys
2 Blue-Winged Teal Drake Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Mallard Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Mallard Duck Decoys
2 Henry Holmes Mallard Duck Decoys
2 Henry Holmes Mallard Drake Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
2 Green-Winged Teal Duck Decoys
2 Green-Winged Teal Drake Duck Decoys
2 Merganser Duck Decoys
2 Merganser Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
Pr Mississippi River Mallard Duck Decoys
Pr Mississippi River Mallard Duck Decoys
Louisiana Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Louisiana Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
2 Canvasback Duck Decoys
2 Canvasback Drake Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
Bob Biddle Pr of Green-Winged Teal
Bob Biddle Pr of Green-Winged Teal
2 Widgeon Drake Duck Decoys
2 Widgeon Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Large Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Goldeneye Duck Decoys
3 Goldeneye Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
Paw Paw Bait Co. Pr of Bluebill Decoys
Paw Paw Bait Co. Pr of Bluebill Decoys
2 Bluebill Duck Decoys
2 Bluebill Drake Duck Decoys
Pair of New Jersey Bluebill Duck Decoys
Pair of New Jersey Bluebill Duck Decoys
Two East Coast Bluebill Decoys
2 East Coast Bluebill Drake Decoys
3 East Coast Canvasback Decoys
3 East Coast Canvasback Duck Decoys
2 East Coast Black Duck Decoys
2 East Coast Black Duck Decoys
2 Bluebill Duck Decoys
2 Bluebill Drake Duck Decoys
2 Midwest Hen Bluebill Duck Decoys
2 Midwest Bluebill Hen Duck Decoys
2 East Coast Canvasback Duck Decoys
2 Chesapeake Bay Canvasback Drake Duck Decoys
2 James Holly Canvasback Duck Decoys
2 James Holly Canvasback Drake Duck Decoys
2 East Coast Canvasback Duck Decoys
2 East Coast Canvasback Duck Decoys
2 Brant Decoys
2 Brant Decoys
3 Mason Duck Decoys
3 Mason Duck Decoys
3 Wooden Carvings
3 Wooden Carvings
2 Wooden Carvings
2 Wooden Carvings
3 Michigan Decoys
3 Mason Duck Decoys
3 Vintage Duck Decoys
3 Vintage Duck Decoys
4 Duck Decoys
4 Duck Decoys
Ken Anger Pr of Redhead Duck Decoys
Ken Anger Pr of Redhead Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Goldeneye Duck Decoys
2 Goldeneye Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
5 Bufflehead Duck Decoys
5 Bufflehead Duck Decoys
2 New Jersey Bufflehead Duck Decoys
2 New Jersey Bufflehead Drake Duck Decoys
3 Mason Duck Decoys
3 Mason Duck Decoys
3 Mason Duck Decoys
3 Mason Duck Decoys
3 Vintage Duck Decoys
3 Vintage Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
5 Canvas Duck Decoys
5 Canvas Duck Decoys
Frank Strey Coot Duck Decoy
Frank Strey Coot Duck Decoy
Blue Goose Decoy
Blue Goose Decoy Attributed To Gus Nelow
2 Blue Goose Decoys
2 Blue Goose Decoys
2 Gundelfinger Mallard Duck Decoys
2 Gundelfinger Mallard Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Pintail Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Pintail Drake Duck Decoys
Lloyd Johnson Green-Winged Teal
Lloyd Johnson Green-Winged Teal Drake
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
Gundelfinger Black Duck Decoy
Gundelfinger Black Duck Decoy
5 Duck Decoys
5 Duck Decoys
5 Duck Decoys
3 Vintage Duck Decoys
Canada Goose Decoy
Canada Goose Decoy
3 Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Hunting Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Maryland Canvasback Duck Decoys
3 Chesapeake Bay Canvasback Duck Decoys
3 Maryland Canvasback Duck Decoys
3 Chesapeake Bay Canvasback Drake Duck Decoys
2 California Pintail Duck Decoys
2 California Pintail Drake Duck Decoys
2 California Pintail Duck Decoys
2 California Pintail Drake Duck Decoys
2 California Pintail Duck Decoys
2 California Pintail Drake Duck Decoys
3 California Pintail Duck Decoys
3 California Pintail Drake Duck Decoys
3 California Pintail Duck Decoys
3 California Pintail Drake Duck Decoys
3 Hunting Decoys
3 Hunting Decoys
Michigan Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
Ben Schmidt Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
John "Daddy" Holly Bluebill Duck Decoy
John "Daddy" Holly Bluebill Drake Duck Decoy
Norman Hudson Bluebill Duck Decoy
Norman Hudson Bluebill Drake Duck Decoy
Ben Hance Brant Decoy
Ben Hance Brant Decoy
2 New Jersey Black Duck Decoys
2 New Jersey Black Duck Decoys
Antonio Bianco Black Duck Decoy
Antonio Bianco Black Duck Decoy
Sam Barnes Mallard Duck Decoy
Sam Barnes Mallard Drake Duck Decoy
Illinois River Blue Bill Hen
Illinois River Blue Bill Hen Duck Decoy
H.V. Shourds Black Duck Decoy
H.V. Shourds Black Duck Decoy
John Rinehart Redhead Hen Duck Decoy
John Rinehart Redhead Hen Duck Decoy
J.J. West Harlequin Duck Decoy
J.J. West Harlequin Drake Duck Decoy
3 Canvasback Drake Duck Decoys
3 Canvasback Drake Duck Decoys
Tom Ferguson Pr of Goldeneye Duck Decoys
Tom Ferguson Pr of Goldeneye Duck Decoys
5 K-D Style Mallard Decoys in Carrying Case
5 K-D Style Mallard Decoys in Carrying Case
3 L.L. Bean Black Duck Decoys
3 L.L. Bean Black Duck Decoys
Dale Drake Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
Dale Drake Pr of Mallard Duck Decoys
4 Duck Decoys
4 Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
2 Illinois River Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
4 Paper Mache Duck Decoys
4 Paper Mache Duck Decoys
4 Canvas Decoys & 3 Paper Corn Decoys
4 Canvas Decoys & 3 Paper Corn Decoys
2 Coot Duck Decoys
2 Coot Duck Decoys
3 Vintage Mallard Duck Decoys
3 Vintage Mallard Drake Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Black Duck Decoys
2 Black Duck Decoys
3 Vintage Duck Decoys
3 Vintage Duck Decoys
3 Vintage Canvasback Duck Decoys
3 Vintage Canvasback Duck Decoys
4 Bluebill Duck Decoys
4 Bluebill Duck Decoys
3 Mason Duck Decoys
3 Mason Duck Decoys
3 Mason Mallard Duck Decoys
3 Mason Mallard Duck Decoys
3 Mallard Drake Duck Decoys
3 Mallard Drake Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
5 Duck Decoys
5 Duck Decoys
5 Duck Decoys
5 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
3 Duck Decoys
2 Canvasback Duck Decoys
2 Canvasback Drake Duck Decoys
5 Duck Decoys
5 Duck Decoys
3 Vintage Duck Decoys
5 Duck Decoys
4 Decorative Decoys
4 Decorative Decoys
5 Duck Decoys
5 Duck Decoys
4 Various Decoys
4 Various Decoys
4 Ariduck Canada Goose Decoys
4 Ariduck Canada Goose Decoys
3 Owl Decoys
3 Owl Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
2 Duck Decoys
Ducks Unlimited Pintail Display
Ducks Unlimited Pintail Display
Standing Mallard Hen
Standing Mallard Hen
Cast Sculpture
Cast Sculpture
Cast Sculpture
Cast Sculpture
Decoy Stands & Magazines
Decoy Stands & Magazines
Misc. Lot
Misc. Lot
Wooden Ammo Box & 17 Decoy Weights
Wooden Ammo Box & 17 Decoy Weights
Wooden Ammo Box & 12 Decoy Weights
Wooden Ammo Box & 11 Decoy Weights
Rainbow Trout & Bass
Rainbow Trout & Bass
Landing Net & Metal Bait Tin
Landing Net & Metal Bait Tin
Vintage Fishing Lures
Vintage Fishing Lures
Hardy Bros. Reel & Misc.
Hardy Bros. Reel & Misc.
Misc. Lot
Misc. Lot
Misc. Lot
Misc. Lot
4 Miscellaneous Items
4 Miscellaneous Items
2 Fish Spearing Decoys
2 Fish Spearing Decoys
5 Frog Fish Spearing Decoys
5 Frog Fish Spearing Decoys
9 Fish Spearing Decoys
9 Fish Spearing Decoys
10 Fish Spearing Decoys
10 Fish Spearing Decoys
5 Fish Spearing Decoys
5 Fish Spearing Decoys
3 Lawrence Bethel Spearing Decoys
3 Lawrence Bethel Fish Spearing Decoys
4 Fish Spearing Decoys
4 Fish Spearing Decoys
2 Bob Foster Fish Spearing Decoys
2 Bob Foster Fish Spearing Decoys
2 Mako Fish Spearing Decoys
2 Mikko Fish Spearing Decoys
3 Rudy Zwieg Trout Fish Spearing Decoys
3 Rudy Zwieg Trout Fish Spearing Decoys
2 Vintage Fish Spearing Decoys
2 Vintage Fish Spearing Decoys
4 Fish Spearing Decoys
4 Fish Spearing Decoys
3 Bob Foster Spearing Decoys
3 Bob Foster Spearing Decoys
3 Fish Spearing Decoys
3 Fish Spearing Decoys
3 Fish Spearing Decoys
3 Fish Spearing Decoys
4 Fish Spearing Decoys
4 Fish Spearing Decoys
4 Fish Spearing Decoys
4 Fish Spearing Decoys
3 Fish Spearing Decoys
3 Fish Spearing Decoys
7 Fish Spearing Decoys
7 Fish Spearing Decoys
3 Vintage Spearing Decoys
3 Vintage Spearing Decoys
4 Fish Spearing Decoys
4 Fish Spearing Decoys
3 Vintage Spearing Decoys
3 Vintage Spearing Decoys
Bob Foster Northern Pike Spearing Decoy
Bob Foster Northern Pike Spearing Decoy
Cast Iron Sink Box Decoy
Cast Iron Sink Box Decoy
Dick Townsend Green-Winged Teal Drake
Dick Townsend Green-Winged Teal Drake
Framed & Matted Print & Wall Plaque
Framed & Matted Print & Wall Plaque
6 Framed & Matted Prints
6 Framed & Matted Prints
2 Framed & Matted Prints
2 Framed & Matted Prints
Early Framed & Matted Print
Early Framed & Matted Print
4 Framed & Matted Prints
4 Framed & Matted Prints
6 Framed & Matted Prints
6 Framed & Matted Prints
2 Framed & Matted Prints With Duck Stamps
2 Framed & Matted Prints With Duck Stamps
Kimballs Set Of Fish Decoy Books
Kimballs Set Of Fish Decoy Books
Decoy Reference Book
Decoy Reference Book
Waterfowl Of North America By William Zimmerman
Waterfowl Of North America By William Zimmerman
5 Decoy Reference Books & Bait Co. Article
5 Decoy Reference Books & Bait Co. Article
5 Fish & Decoy Reference Books
5 Fish & Decoy Reference Books
5 Fish Decoy Reference Books
5 Fish Decoy Reference Books
3 Duck Call Reference Books
3 Duck Call Reference Books
6 Decoy Reference Books
6 Decoy Reference Books
3 Reference Items / Books
3 Reference Items / Books
42 Issues of Decoy Magazine
42 Issues of Decoy Magazine
7 Decoy Reference Books
7 Decoy Reference Books
8 Reference Books
8 Reference Books
5 Reference & Decoy Books
5 Reference & Decoy Books
Assortment of Magazines, Catalogues, Book, Buttons
Assortment of Magazines, Catalogues, Book, Buttons
18 Oliver's Auction Catalogues
18 Oliver's Auction Catalogues
10 Auction Catalogues & 3 Auction Flyers
10 Auction Catalogues & 3 Auction Flyers
5 Decoy Carving & Reference Books
5 Decoy Carving & Reference Books
Decoy Collectors Guides & NFLCC Magazines
Decoy Collectors Guides & NFLCC Magazines
Life of Audubon The Naturalist Hard Cover Book
Life of Audubon The Naturalist Hard Cover Book
2 Daniel Giraud Elliot Books
2 Daniel Giraud Elliot Books
Birds & Trees Of North America
Birds & Trees Of North America
Duck Stamp Collection & Binders
Duck Stamp Collection & Binders
The Federal Duck Stamps Book
The Federal Duck Stamps Book
2 Books
2 Books
Frank W. Benson Reference Book
Frank W. Benson Reference Book
6 Decoy Reference Books
6 Decoy Reference Books
Quantity Of Bird Prints
Quantity Of Bird Prints
5 Prints
5 Prints
3 Prints By William Zimmerman
3 Prints By William Zimmerman
Quantity of Decoys Needing Repair
Quantity of Decoys Needing Repair
5 Decoy Reference Books
5 Decoy Reference Books
Group of Various Decoys
Group of Various Decoys
3 Tri-Fold Duck Decoys
3 Tri-Fold Duck Decoys
2 Wendell Sherman Blue-Winged Teal
2 Wendell Sherman Blue-Winged Teal Drakes
21 Lead Weights
21 Lead Weights
19 Lead Weights
19 Lead Weights
2 Duck Decoys