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United Nations Stamps 1950s-80s in two albums, man
US Stamps 1996-1998 Mint and Used, mostly mint in
US Stamps 1990s Mint Plate blocks & Multiples, fac
US Stamps 1850s-1970s mint and used in Liberty Alb
United Nations Stamps 1950s & 60s mint plate block
US Stamps 1980s-90s Mint Plate blocks & Multiples,
US Stamps 1990s Mint Plate blocks & Multiples, fac
US Stamps in 5 Albums, mostly used, some covers, e
Worldwide Stamps in 9 Albums, mostly used, some co
Worldwide Stamps 1,000+ in large flat rate box
US Stamps Duck Stamp Collection including many min
Worldwide Stamps Disney Collection in three albums
US Stamps Recalled Legends of the West sheet with
Germany DDR Stamps 1965-72 Mint Never Hinged, many
Great Britain Stamps 1962-1984 500 Mint NH commemo
Ireland Stamps 1971-80 Mint NH Scott #290//491, J1
Spain Stamps 1971-82 Mint NH 650+ stamps, CV $200+
Supplies New Album pages in Minkus format for Boli
US Stamps $90+ Face Value in mint NH plate and zip
US Stamps $130+ Face Value in sealed USPS packages
US Stamps $189 Face Value in sealed USPS packages
US Stamps $240+ Face Value on White Ace Pages
US Stamps 22 Golden Replica and 97 other first day
2021 Scott Specialized US Catalogue Used in fair
Netherlands Antilles-Curacao Stamps Used and Mint
New Caledonia Stamps Used and Mint hinged
New Hebrides Stamps Used and Mint hinged collect
New Zealand Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection
Nicaragua Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection
Niger Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection
Nigeria Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection on
Niue Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection on mix
Norfolk Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection on
Norway Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection on
Oman Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection on mix
Pakistan Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection on
Panama Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection on
Papua New Guinea Stamps Used and Mint hinged
Paraguay Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection on
Peru Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection on mix
Philippines Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection
Pitcairn Islands Stamps Used and Mint hinged
Poland Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection on
Portugal Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection on
Reunion Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection on
Romania Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection on
Russia Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection on
Russia Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection on
Rwanda Stamps Used and Mint hinged collection on
US Stamps FACE VALUE $150+, 1941-1991 Mint NH in
US Stamps Mint Postal Stationery 1970s-1990s
US Stamps #PS4 Mint NH Plate Number Blocks of 4,
US Stamps 40+, 3 Cent Mint Sheets 1940s and 1950s,
US Stamps 40+, 4 Cent Mint Sheets 1950s and 1960s,
US Stamps 40+, 8-10 Cent Mint Sheets mostly 1970s,
US Stamps 40+, 6-8 Cent Mint Sheets mostly 1960-19
US Stamps 40+, 5-6 Cent Mint Sheets mostly 1960s,
Armenia Nagorno Karabakh Stamps 2011 Imperf Space
German States Stamps collection on pages plus a
US Stamps Forever Stamps Sheets FACE VALUE $140+
US Stamps 1860s-1880s Used on a few pages and
US Stamps #2970 Mint NH Legends of the West Recall
Germany Stamps #B68 Mint No Gumm, tears, CV $975
France Stamps #241 Mint HR with a few, CV $1000
Worldwide Stamps Cut Squares Mint Used on Stock
US Stamps Mint NH Prexies, #834 with gum creases,
US Stamps 1923-1940 Mint NH on pages
US Stamps Back of Book collection on pages include
US Stamps 1930s Farley Follies Imperf issues on
US Stamps STS-8 NASA Flight Covers, 2 in original
French Foreign Legion World War II Stamp labels,
Mexico Stamps 1913 Civil War unissued stamps, mint
US Stamps #76 Used with perf faults, light CV $125
US Stamps #285-286 Mint NH Post Office, CV $147.50
US Stamps #287 Mint NH Post Office fresh, CV $330
US Stamps #325 Mint NH 3 cent Louisiana, CV $170
US Stamps #403 Mint LH perf 10 Pan-Pacific CV $160
US Stamps #604 Mint NH Line Pairs, 4 very well
US Stamp #C6 Mint HR attractive 24 cent, CV $65
US Stamp #C18 Used fresh baby Zeppelin, CV $47.50
US Stamp #79-E8a 3 colors, hinged on non gummed
US Stamp 1909 Hudson-Fulton flight label, seldom
Atlantis Stamps Fantasies, 5 values mint hinged
Great Britain Stamp #96, 108, and 109, CV $1090
Netherlands Stamps #31 Mint HR with a pulled perf
San Marino Stamps #17 Mint OG with paper, CV $925
San Marino Stamps #28 Mint HR with creases,CV $300
Stamp Supplies Canal Zone album pages, color 1904-
Malaya-Trengganu Stamps #J1-J4 Mint, CV $157.25
Niue Stamps #86, 88 and 89 Mint Hinged, CV $315
Niue Stamps #87 Used, CV $300
Niue Stamps #89A-89D, Mint Hinged, CV $475.75
Northern Rhodesia Stamps #48-49, Mint, CV $100.30
New Guinea Stamps #C46-C59, CV $720.50+
New Hebrides-British Stamps #50-61, Mint CV $212
New Zealand Stamps #AR60, Mint Hinged, CV $550
New Zealand Stamps #AR67, Mint Hinged, CV $400
New Zealand Stamps #AR70, Mint NH, CV $500
New Zealand Stamps #AR72-AR74, Mint Hinged,CV $460
New Zealand Stamps #AR87, Mint LH, CV $500
New Zealand Stamps #AR88, Mint Hinged, CV $250
New Zealand Stamps #AR90, Mint Hinged, CV $400
New Zealand Stamps #AR91, Used, CV $125
New Zealand Stamps #AR93, Mint Hinged, CV $150
New Zealand Stamps #AR94, Mint Hinged, CV $175
New Zealand Stamps #AR98, Mint Hinged, CV $325
US Stamps FACE VALUE $500+ Sheets Mint NH in 2 she
US Stamps FACE VALUE $470+ Sheets Mint NH in 3 she
US Stamps FACE VALUE $900+ Sheets Mint NH in 2 she
US Stamps FACE VALUE $800+ Sheets Mint NH in 3 she
US Stamps FACE VALUE $391 Sheets Mint NH in 2 shee
US Stamps FACE VALUE $675+ Sheets Mint NH in 2 she
US Stamps FACE VALUE $675+ Sheets Mint NH in 2 she
US Stamps FACE VALUE $360+ Plate Blocks Mint NH in
US Stamps FACE VALUE $370+ Plate Blocks Mint NH in
US Stamps FACE VALUE $490+ Plate Blocks Mint NH in
US Stamps Mint Booklets (uncounted) plus a few ear
New Hebrides-British Stamps #J6-J10, CV $125
New Zealand Stamps #O61-O71 Mint Hinged,CV $182.25
New Zealand Stamps #O76-O86 Mint Hinged, Complete
North Borneo Stamps #205-207, CV $542.50
North Borneo Stamps #208-222 Used, CV $135.50
North Borneo Stamps #J50-J54 Mint Hinged, CV $99
Nyasaland Stamps #65-67 Mint LH, CV $100
Nyasaland Stamps #J1-J5 Mint Hinged, CV $106.50
Pakistan Stamps #18-19 Mint Hinged, CV $160
Pakistan-Bahawalpur Stamps #2-15, CV $198.75
Pakistan-Bahawalpur Stamps #O7-O9 Mint NH, CV $245
Samoa Stamps #195-202 Mint Hinged and NH, CV $1324
Sarawak Stamps #135-154 Mint Hinged, CV $335.95
South Africa Stamps #54 Used, CV $110
South Africa Stamps #O28 Mint Hinged Pair
South Africa Stamps #O36 Mint Hinged Pair
South Africa Stamps #O40, CV $525 (as horizontal)
Southern Rhodesia Stamps #J5a Mint Hinged
Trinidad and Tobago Stamps #J5-J8 Mint, CV $262.50
Uruguay Stamps Collection many hundreds of stamps
Vietnam Stamps in old APS Sales Book, many hundred
France and Colonies stamps mint and used, sets and
Cape of Good Hope Stamp Collection on page,
Manchukuo Stamp Collection on page, interesting
Mongolia Stamps Mint NH Souvenir Sheets on pages
Mongolia Stamps Mint NH Souvenir Sheets on pages,
Botswana Stamps Mint NH Souvenir Sheets on page,
Gambia, Natal, Bechuanaland Preotectorate and St
India State Stamps, nice selection of Used and
Iran Stamps 1907-1910 Mint NH issues in,CV $226.50
China PRC Stamps #1749-1760 Mint NH, CV $65.60
Brazil Stamps Mint NH 1983 Souvenir Sheets,CV $175
French Polynesia Stamps Mint NH with some wrinkles
Hong Kong Stamps #218 Mint NH Block of 4, CV $230
US Stamps FAKE #10X1 and #39- old time fakes, the
US Stamps #244 Mint No gum $4 Columbian, CV $1000
US Stamps Mint No Gum American Letter Mail reprint
East Africa and Uganda Protectorate Stamps CV $172
Bechuanaland Stamp #19 Used with faults, CV $180
Switzerland Stamps #226 Mint HR 1934, CV $500
US and Worldwide Stamps in 3 Bankers boxes,
Worldwide Stamps Mint NH Souvenir Sheets, total of
Worldwide Stamps Mint NH Souvenir Sheets, total of
Worldwide Stamps Mint NH Souvenir Sheets, total of
Worldwide Stamps Mint NH Souvenir Sheets and strip
US and Worldwide remainders lot, covers and post
Worldwide Stamps in bankers box accumulation, incl
Worldwide Stamps Coffee Table Collections Albums
Lithuania, Memel, Central Lithuania Stamps Balance
Worldwide Stamps in glassines from Used to Mint NH
Worldwide Stamps Remainders lot, fills large flat
Worldwide Stamps Remainders lot, on and off paper,
Worldwide Stamps floor sweepings group no rhyme or
Worldwide Stamps Large Flat Rate box of singles,
Worldwide Stamps Remainders lot, fills large flat
Liechtenstein to Netherlands Stamps Vario pages in
Philippines Stamps mint NH Blocks and multiples in
Worldwide Stamps "M" Countries Mint Hinged and
Worldwide and US Stamps Topicals Collection on
Worldwide Stamps A-B on Vario Pages in binders,
Worldwide Stamps Mint NH singles and blocks, nice
Malawi Stamps 1964 to 1984 Mostly Mint NH and Mint
Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania Stamps 1960s and 1970s
British Commonwealths Stamps 25th Queen Elizabeth
Italian Colonies, Italy and Area Stamps on
US Stamps PN1-PN18 Plate Blocks Mint NH, CV $390
Worldwide Stamps hundreds on dealer cards in small
US Stamps in cigar box, dealer cards, glassines,
Worldwide Stamps in cigar box, dealer cards, glass
Worldwide Postcards mostly small sized European
US Stamps Mint NH in Mystic glassines and packs
Worldwide Stamps a few thousand off paper in
Italy Stamps #C95-C99 Mint NH, complete, CV $335
Italy Stamps #C106-C114 Used
Italy Stamps #C111 Used
Italy Stamps #C113 Mint NH
Italy Stamps #C127-C128 Used
Italy Stamps #C127 Used
Italy Stamps #C128 Used
Italy Stamps #C128 Used
Italy Stamps #J21 Used
Italy Stamps #J22 Used
Italy Stamps #J23 Used
Italy Stamps #J25-J27 Used
Italy Stamps #Q5 Used
Italy Stamps #Q6 Used
Italy Stamps #J4-J11 Used
Italy Stamps #J4 Used
Italy Stamps #J13 Used
Italy Stamps #J15 Used
Italy Stamps #J26 Used
Italy Stamps #B31 Mint NH
Calino Stamps #25 Used