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1878 8TF Morgan Silver Dollar
1879 CC Morgan Silver Dollar
1879-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1879 Morgan Silver Dollar
1880-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1880 Morgan Silver Dollar
1881-S Morgan Silver Dollar
1881 Morgan Silver Dollar
1884 Morgan Silver Dollar
1886-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1887-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1888 Morgan Silver Dollar
1888-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1880-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1889-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1889-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1889-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1890CC Morgan Silver Dollar
1890 Morgan Silver Dollar
1890-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1890-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1891-S Morgan Silver Dollar, Beautiful
1891-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1891-S Morgan Silver Dollar
1896 Morgan Silver Dollar
1896-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1897 Morgan Silver Dollar
1897 Morgan Silver Dollar
1897 Morgan Silver Dollar
1897 Morgan Silver Dollar
1898 Morgan Silver Dollar
1899-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1899 Morgan Silver Dollar
1900-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1900-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1900-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1900-S Morgan Silver Dollar
1904-O Morgan Silver Dollar
Pair of 1921 Morgan Silver Dollars
Pair of 1921 Morgan Silver Dollars
1921 & 1921-S Morgan Silver Dollars
1923 Peace Silver Dollar
1925 & 1925-S Peace Silver Dollars
1928 Peace Silver Dollar
Pair of Damaged American Silver Eagles
2004 American Silver Eagle
1934-S Peace Silver Dollar
10 Eisenhower Dollars
28 Assorted Susan B. Anthony Dollars
2 Rolls Presidential Dollars
81 Golden, Sacagewea & Presidential Dollars
FAKE 1955 Double Die Cent
FAKE 2.5 Dollar 1926
FAKE 1943-D Copper Penny
ALTERED 1944-D Lincoln Cent
ALTERED 1944-D Lincoln Cent
Gold Plated 1883 V Nickel
1969 Lincoln Cent Mis Strike
1804 Half Cent Piece
1832 Half Cent Piece
1834 Half Cent Piece
1864, 1865 & 1866 2 Cent Pieces
1864, 1865 & 1866 2 Cent Pieces
1864, 1865 & 1866 2 Cent Pieces
1864, 1865 & 1868 2 Cent Pieces
1864, 1865 & 1870 2 Cent Pieces
1864, 1870 & 1871 2 Cent Pieces
1806 Large Cent
1811 Large Cent
1812 Large Cent
1813 Large Cent
1816 Large Cent
1818 Large Cent
1823 Large Cent
1829 Large Cent
1833 Large Cent
1837 & 1840 Large Cents
1840 & 1843 Large Cents
1846 & 1847 Large Cents
1847 & 1848 Large Cents
1849 & 1850 Large Cents
1851 & 1852 Large Cents
1852 UNC Large Cent
1852 & 1854 Large Cents
1855 & 1856 Large Cents
1885 & 1857 Large Cents
Assortment of Large Cents
Assortment of Large Cents
1852 Trime
1852 & 1853 Trimes
1852, 1853 & 1854 Trimes
1865 3 Cent Nickel
1865 & 1869 3 Cent Nickels
1856 Half Dime
1857-O Half Dime
1857 Half Dime
1872 & 1872-S Half Dimes
1835 Capped Bust Dime
1849 Seated Liberty Dime
1853 Seated Dime w/arrows
1888-S Seated Liberty Dime
1916-D Mercury Dime
1916-D Mercury Dime
1916 Mercury Dime
1917-D & 1921 Mercury dimes
1921 & 1921-D Mercury Dimes
1921-D Mercury Dime
1921-D Mercury Dime
1925-D Mercury Dime
1926-S Mercury Dime
1934 Mercury Dime
1942 Over 41 Mercury Dime, see photos
1911-D, 1912-D & 1912-S Barber Dimes
1912-D & 1916 Barber Dimes
Civil War Tokens
Civil War Tokens
Civil War Tokens
Civil War Tokens
Civil War Tokens
Civil War Tokens
Civil War Tokens
Civil War Tokens
Civil War Tokens
Civil War Tokens
Masonic Pennies & Dimes
2.5" Hawaii 50th State Medal
2.5" Alaska 49th State Medal
2.41ozt. .999 Silver Medal
Bank Tokens
Store Cards
Assorted Tokens & Medals
Assorted Misc.
Wooden Nickels, etc
30 1968 Sandusky Ohio Sesquicentennial Tokens
1920 Pilgrim Half Dollar
1920 Pilgrim Half Dollar
6-40% JFK, 8-90% JFk & 5-W.L. Half Dollars
47 Carded Clad JFK Half Dollars
100 Assorted Clad JFK Half Dollars
100 Assorted Clad JFK Half Dollars
58 Assorted Clad JFK Half Dollars
1854 & 185? Seated Quarters
Pair of 1932-D Washington Quarters
Pair of 1932-D Washington Quarters
9 Asoorted 90% Silver Quarters
55 Assorted Carded Clad Quarters
2 Rolls Clad Quarters
5 Rolls of State Quarters
5 Rolls State Quarters
5 Rolls of State Quarters
11 Assorted Silver Dimes
17 Carded Clad Dimes
17 Clad Eisenhower Dollars
2009 U.S. Mint Silver Proof Set
1997 Botanic Garden Prestige Set
2- 1966 Special Mint Sets
1995 Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
1995 Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
1995 Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
1990-S Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
1990-S Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
1990-S Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
1990-S Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
1998 Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
2010-W Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
2010-W Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
2010-W Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
2010-W Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
2010-W Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
2010-W Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
2011-W Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
2012-W Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
2013-W Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
2014-W Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
2015-W Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
2015-W Amercian Silver Eagle Proof
1990 Silver Eagle Proof ( missing paper)
Pair 1992 Olympic Half Dollars (clad)
Pair 1964 Coin Sets
1981, 1986 & 1992 Coin Sets
1982 Lincoln Cents
1982 Lincoln Cents
1982 Lincoln Cents
WWII Obsolete Coinage
Partial Set War Nickels
2- 2000 Proof sets + 3-1999 Quarters Sets
Assorted Mint Sets, see photo
Assorted Mint Sets, see photo
Assorted Mint Sets, see photo
Assorted Mint Sets, see photo
Assorted Mint Sets, see photo
1972 & 1973 Silver Eisenhower Dollars
15.87 Face Value Loose Mint Sets, etc
Uncirculated 1883 V Nickels
1885 V Nickel, faint but it is an 1885
Lot of Carded V Nickels, see photo
Lot of Carded V Nickels, see photo
Lot of 62 Carded V Nickels, see photo
Lot of Carded Buffalo Nickels, see photo
155 Buffalo Nickels, nice assortment
175 Buffalo Nickels, nice assortment
Long Tray of 105 Carded Assorted Buffalo Nickels
200+/- Jefferson Nickels in Tubes
160+/- Jefferson Nickels in Tubes
230+/- Jefferson Nickels in Tubes
200+/- Jefferson Nickels in Tubes
200+/- Jefferson Nickels in Tubes
180+/- Jefferson Nickels in Tubes
150+/- Jefferson Nickels in Tubes
160+/- Jefferson Nickels in Tubes
150+/- Jefferson Nickels in Tubes
200+/- Jefferson Nickels in Tubes
2 Tubes War Nickels (80 Coins)
49 War Ncikels
1939-D Jefferson Nickel
1950-D Jefferson Nickel
5 Rotated Dies Jefferson Nickels
Carded Jefferson War Nickels, see photo
Carded Jefferson War Nickels, see photo
Carded Jefferson War Nickels, see photo
Carded Jefferson War Nickels, see photo
Carded Jefferson War Nickels, see photo
Carded Jefferson War Nickels, see photo
1936-S Carded Jefferson Nickels, see photo
54 Carded Jefferson Nickels, see photo
Long Tray of 112 Carded Jefferson Nickels
Long Tray of 125 Carded Jefferson Nickels
75 +/- 30's & 40's Jefferson Nickels
1857 Flying Eagle Cent, see photo
1858 Flying Eagle Cent, see photo
1858 Flying Eagle Cent, see photo
1857 Flying Eagle Cent, see photo
1857 Flying Eagle Cent, see photo
1857 & 1858 Flying Eagle Cents, see photo
1857 & 1858 Flying Eagle Cents, see photo
1857 & 1858 Flying Eagle Cents, see photo
1857 & 1858 Flying Eagle Cents, see photo
Pair of 1858 Flying Eagle Cents, see photo
Pair of 1858 Flying Eagle Cents, see photo
Lower Grade Flying Eagle Cents, see photo
1857 & 1858 Flying Eagle Cents, see photo
1857 & 1858 Flying Eagle Cents, see photo
1857 & 1858 Flying Eagle Cents, see photo
1858 Lower Grade Flying Eagle Cents
1856 Fantasy Flying Eagle Cent Copy
1859 Indian Head Cent
1859 Indian Head Cent
1862 Indian Head Cent
1862 Indian Head Cent
1881 Indian Head Cent
1883 Indian Head Cent
1886 Indian Head Cent
1888 Indian Head Cent
1891 Indian Head Cent
1893 Indian Head Cent
1894 Indian Head Cent
1901 Indian Head Cent
1901 Indian Head Cent
1908-S Indian Head Cent
1908-S Indian Head Cent
1909-S Indian Head Cent
1909 Indian Head Cent
1909 Indian Head Cent
Early Indian Head Cents, see photo
Early Indian Head Cents, see photo
Early Indian Head Cents, see photo
Early Indian Head Cents, see photo
Early Indian Head Cents, see photo
Early Indian Head Cents, see photo
Carded Indian Head Cents, see photo
Carded Indian Head Cents, see photo
Carded Indian Head Cents, see photo
Carded Indian Head Cents, see photo
Carded Indian Head Cents, see photo
Carded Indian Head Cents, see photo
Carded Indian Head Cents, see photo
Carded Indian Head Cents, see photo
Carded Indian Head Cents, see photo
Carded Indian Head Cents, see photo
Carded Indian Head Cents, see photo
69 Carded Indian Head Cents, see photo
Carded Indian Head Cents, see photo
Carded Indian Head Cents, see photo
Carded Indian Head Cents, see photo
85 Carded Indian Head Cents, see photo
1909-S V.D.B. Lincoln Cent
1909-S V.D.B. Lincoln Cent
1909-S V.D.B. Lincoln Cent
1909-S V.D.B. Lincoln Cent
1909-S Lincoln Cent
1909-S Lincoln Cent
1909-S Lincoln Cent
1909-S Lincoln Cent
Pair of 1909 VDB Cents
Pair of 1909 VDB Cents
Pair of 1910-S Lincoln Cents
Pair of 1910-S Lincoln Cents
Pair of 1910-S Lincoln Cents
Trio of 1911-S Lincoln Cents
Trio of 1911-S Lincoln Cents
Pair of 1911-D Lincoln Cents
1912-D & 1912-S Lincoln Cents
Pair of 1912-S Lincoln Cents
1913-S & 1913-D Lincoln Cents
1914-P, 1914-D & 1914-S Lincoln Cents
1914-D Lincoln Cent
1914-D Lincoln Cent
Pair of 1915-S Lincoln Cents
1917-S Lincoln Cent
Pair of 1916-S Lincoln Cents
1918 & 1918-S Lincoln Cents
1918 & 1918-S Lincoln Cents
1919 & 1919-S Lincoln Cents
Pair of 1920 Lincoln Cents
1922 No D Lincoln Cent
1922 Plain No D Lincoln Cent
Pair of 1922-D Lincoln Cents
Pair of 1922-Weak D Lincoln Cents
1922 Broken D & 1922 No D Weak Reverse
1921-S & 1924-S Lincoln Cents
1924-D Lincoln Cents
1924-D Lincoln Cents
1924-D Lincoln Cents
1931-S Lincoln Cents
1931-S Lincoln Cents
1931-S Lincoln Cents
1926 & 1926-S Lincoln Cents
Assorted 1941 Lincoln Cents, see photo
Assorted 1944 Lincoln Cents, see photo
Pair of 1951-D Lincoln Cents
Large Lot Carded Wheat Cents, better dates (69)
Tray of 100 Carded Cents 1909-1920
Tray of 100 Carded Cents 1920-1931
Tray of 95 Carded Cents 1940-1950
Tray of 100 Carded Cents 1930-1939
Tray of 109 Carded Cents 1950-1958
1954 D over D Lincoln Cent
Long Tray of 109 Carded Wheat Cents, mostly 50's
Long Tray of 130 Carded Wheat Cents, 40's & 50's
Long Box of Carded Wheat Cents 43's & 44's
Long Tray of 95 Carded Wheat Cents, mostly 40's
1972 Doubled Die Lincoln Cent
1972 Off Struck Lincoln Cent
Collection of Carded Modern Lincoln Cents
Collection of Carded Modern Lincoln Cents
Carded 1922-D Weak D Lincoln Cents
Carded 1922-D Lincoln Cents Cleaned
1922-D Lincoln Cents
1922-D Lincoln Cents
1922-D Lincoln Cents
1922-D Lincoln Cents
BU 1955-S Lincoln Cents
BU 1955-S Lincoln Cents
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tube of Mix Date Indian Head Cents
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photos
Rolls of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Rolls of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Rolls of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Rolls of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Rolls of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Tubes of Lincoln Cents, see photo
Tubes of 1909 VDB Lincoln Cents, see photo
2 Tubes of Assorted Date Indian Head Cents
9 Pounds of Lincoln Memorial Cents, some UNC
8 Pounds assorted Wheat Cents