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Estate Sale Photo Gallery
b&m st.clair turtle penholder
merrlee rice & joe rice windowed yellow rose
b&m st.clair ashtray
greentown glass salt & pepper
joe rice ringhlder
joe rice insulator
st.clair pitcher
zimmerman perfume bottle
small deer & president glass
1976 atlanta glass paperweight
unmarked rose paperweight
zimmerman candleholder
2 st.clair toothpickers
tom st.clair large apple paperweight
joe rice paperweight
bob st.clair ashtray
jack conner owl sulphide paperweight
joe rice purple bell
peacock bird
joe rice santa claus sulphide paperweight
joe rice paperweight
joe rice paperweight
joe rice bell
boyds airplanes & tractors
boyds trains
roy-al paperweight
2 st.clair candleholders
joe rice elwood high school sulphide paperweight
unmarked jadite doghead
joe rice bell
st.clair & madison co. indian head toothpickers
boyds cars
boyds cars
joe rice paperweight
st.clair pitcher
joe st.clair paperweight
2 cobalt blue bowls
joe rice paperweight
2 joe rice birds
joe rice & elwood,IN birds
etched joe rice 3 ball lamp w/shade
joe rice 1 ball lamp w/shade
etched joe rice 2 ball lamp
joe rice 1 ball lamp
joe rice 2 ball lamp
st.clair 1 ball finger lamp (works)
st.clair tv lamp (has crack in in top part)(works)
joe rice bookends
st.clair floor lamp
bob st.clair ashtray
red ruby glassware
joe rice heart
4 finials
3 finials
red deer paperweight
5 finials
large zimmer covered dish
smaller st.clair oil lamp
2 st.clair bells
st.clair lamp part
joe rice angel
joe st.clair rose postcards
joe st.clair toothpicker
joe st.clair postcards
joe rice angel
joe st.clair witch
joe rice angel
boyds airplanes & tractors
st.clair pitcher
st.clair penholder
jeff butler bird on nest
bob st.clair toothpicker & unmarked wheelbarrow
st.clair wheelbarrow & toothpicker
joe st.clair ringholder
b&m st.clair vase
joe st.clair covered bird dish
2 joe st.clair toothpickers
8 st.clair cactus pattern glasses
2 joe st.clair toothpickers
joe rice heart penholder
joe rice snowman
3 jim davis paperweights
joe st.clair santa claus toothpicker
2 joe st.clair shoes
st.clair glass pcs.
zimmerman deer sulphide paperweight
zimmerman toothpicker
joe rice hat
joe rice st.jude children paperweight
b&m st.clair bell
mitchell glass paperweight
paul st.clair abe lincoln plate
joe rice bear
joe rice squirrel sulphide paperweight
joe rice apple
unmarked paperweight & bird
b&m st.clair paperweight
peacock fish sulphide paperweight
jack conner duck sulphide paperweight
prestige windowed purple rose paperweight
2 unmarked birds
security bank paperweight
small joe rice ringholder
joe rice bowl
joe st.clair carnival glass hand bell
st.clair bell
st.clair bowl
apple paperweight
zimmerman toothpicker & unmarked paperweight
joe st.clair indian
white vase & pitcher
unmarked glass dolphin
2 st.clair toothpickers
joe st.clair toothpicker
joe rice united we stand paperweight
2 st.clair toothpickers
2 st.clair indian head toothpickers
b&m st.clair bell
2 st.clair toothpickers
joe rice blue insulator
b&m st.clair candleholder
joe rice angel
jadite covered dish
joe rice paperweight
joe rice paperweight
joe rice mercy hospital paperweight
joe st.clair doghead
joe rice bird
boyds glass airplanes & tractors
joe rice angel sulphide paperweight
joe rice paperweight
peacock dog sulphide paperweight
2 st.clair birds
2 st.clair birds
bob st.clair gold trimmed toothpicker
2 paperweights(1marked ed st.clair)
unmarked witch
st.clair grand opening toothpickers
zimmerman paperweight
b&m st.clair elwood glass festv. toothpicker
5 birds incl: 2 joe rice
all animals incl: 2 joe rice
glass eggs & wilkie marble
4 glass marbles & cases
2 bob st.clair gold trimmed toothpickers
2 bob st.clair toothpickers incl:owl
2 st.clair toothpickers
paul st.clair paperweight
joe rice bird
small fenton rabbit
joe rice control bubble paperweight
jim cline paperweight
joe rice paperweight
joe rice bell
unmarked ashtray
2 st.clair toothpickers
b&m st.clair toothpicker
2 bob st.clair toothpickers
joe st.clair bird on nest
merrilee rice joe rice windowed rose paperweight
joe rice bell
joe rice paperweight
joe rice purple hand bell
unmarked st.clair swan salt dip
joe rice windowed etched sulphide paperweight
1971 joe st.clair ashtray
joe rice paperweight
b&m st.clair pitcher
jack conner duck sulphide paperweight
joe rice bell
murat fez hat
unmarked train
peacock sulphide paperweight
joe st.clair bell
joe st.clair bird
st.clair candleholder
peacock ringholder
2 joe st.clair wheelbarrows
joe st.clair toothpicker
unmarked witch
joe rice bell
joe rice etched paperweight
b&m st.clair bell
joe rice heart
st.clair pitcher
3 st.clair pcs.
b&m st.clair president sulphide paperweight
st.clair paperweight
joe rice cup & saucer
st.clair ashtray
joe rice sulphide paperweight
prestige duck sulphide paperweight
prestige paperweight
joe rice ringholder
b&m st.clair paperweight
joe rice bird
joe rice paperweight
bird & paperweight
boyds trains
boyds airplanes & tractors
boyds elephant
st.clair vase
joe rice insulator
unmarked train
joe st.clair dolphin
boyds elephant
2 unmarked paperweights
st.clair paperweight
b&m st.clair pitcher
zimmerman toothpicker
2 bob st.clair toothpickers
2 st.clair toothpickers
jack conner bird
peacock paperweight
jack conner kewpie sulphide paperweight
joe rice hand bell
gibson paperweight
2 st.clair toothpickers
joe st.clair toothpicker
2 joe st.clair wheelbarrows
bell & jack conner sulphide elephant
joe st.clair bell
unmarked st.clair swan salt dip
joe st.clair hand bell
joe st.clair bell
joe rice apple
joe rice bird
joe rice turtle
joe st.clair red buffalo
joe st.clair kewpie doll
st.clair pitcher
joe rice etched paperweight
jack conner sulphide paperweight
joe rice paperweight
unmarked witch
jack conner owl sulphide paperweight
4 small joe st.clair plates
4 small joe st.clair plates
unmarked ashtray & paperweight
cactus pattern salt & peppers
2 st.clair toothpickers
1973 greentown glass society doghead
st.clair toothpicker & wheelbarrow
small joe rice paperweight
joe rice & elwood,IN birds
2 tiny joe st.clair hearts
joe rice hand bell
boyds hoppy toothpicker
unmarked indian
st.clair pitcher
3 paperweights
joe rice heart pen holder
joe rice bear sulphide paperweight
joe st.clair dolphin
unmarked st.clair train
joe rice turtle
joe rice windowed etched black rose paperweight
joe st.clair kewpie doll
st.clair toothpicker
joe st.clair red buffalo
joe rice bell
jack conner bird
jack conner squirrel sulphide paperweight
joe rice alligator sulphide paperweight
joe rice windowed etched raggedy ann sulphide
roy al paperweight
2 small joe rice birds
joe rice turtle
joe rice hand bell
unmarked st.clair train
2 joe rice birds
small tom st.clair paperweight
b&m st.clair toothpicker & stopper
unmarked covered horse dish
joe rice angel
boyds hoppy toothpicker
11 st.clair small deer plates
joe rice angel
11 st.clair small deer plates
joe rice swan sulphide paperweight
small b&m st.clair strawberry
bell & bird
boyds hoppy toothpicker
bell,toothpicker & zimmer paperweight
4 insulators incl:joe st.clair & glass conventions
joe rice angel
3 joe rice paperweights
joe st.clair covered bird dish
st.clair doorstop
joe rice toothpicker
joe st.clair chocolate buffalo
jack conner bird
joe st.clair toothpicker
unmarked witch
2 st.clair toothpickers incl:owl
zimmerman covered rose dish
5 small glass pcs
all glassware
all glassware
st.clair pitcher
st.clair bowl
joe st.clair santa claus toothpicker
2 bob st.clair toothpickers incl:owl
6 st.clair glasses
4 blue joe st.clair stem glasses
creamers & sugar
5 glasses incl:1 st.clair
unmarked doorstop
tom st.clair I.U. hoosiers paperweight
bob st.clair apple & strawberry
st.clair vase
joe st.clair owl
degenhart toothpicker
joe rice hand bell
joe st.clair chocolate dolphin
st.clair candleholder
joe st.clair control bubble owl sulphide
boyds hoppy toothpicker
gibson pitcher
joe st.clair owl
2 jim davis birds
b&m st.clair kennedy sulphide paperweight
fenton deer
2 bells(red is marked fenton)
b&m st.clair pen holder
clown & jadite owl
2 boyds cars
tiny fenton chicken
2 westmoreland toothpickers
boyds glassware
joe rice windowed etched rose paperweight
st.clair bell
st.clair etched bell
st.clair bird on nest
fenton bear
boyds airplanes & tractors
green unmarked ashtray
unmarked bookends
st.clair paperweight
b&m st.clair windowed dove sulphide paperweight
b&m st.clair windowed kewpie sulphide paperweight
joe rice paperweight
joe st.clair green dolphin
fenton bird
degenhart toothpicker
joe st.clair owl
boyds hoppy toothpicker
boyds covered bird dish
st.clair mcgovern sulphide paperweight
1973 st.clair easter egg on nest
2 toothpickers incl:westmoreland
boyds indian head
small fenton duck
boyds amish boy & girl
glass bird,duck & turtle
joe rice windowed etched paperweight
2 st.clair toothpickers
prestige santa claus sulphide hand bell
hen on nest,mouse & dish
joe rice glass gavel
2 st.clair green glasses
ed st.clair windowed etched kennedy sulphide
joe st.clair paperweight
3 paperweights
joe rice I.U. hoosiers paperweight
2 st.clair grand opening toothpickers
joe rice elwood glass festv. paperweight
unmarked owl
3 tiny glass animals
boyds glass airplanes & tractors
toothpicker,squirrel & boyds airplane
b&m st.clair toothpicker
prestige betsy ross windowed etched sulphide
boyds hoppy toothpicker
joe rice penholder
monte dunlavy paperweight
b&m st.clair vase
joe st.clair witch
2 st.clair toothpickers
joe st.clair toothpicker
tiny fenton duck
joe st.clair toothpicker
zimmerman rose paperweight
2 st.clair glasses
2 unmarked toothpickers
joe st.clair buffalo
b&m st.clair red vase
covered dish
joe rice etched paperweight
st.clair president sulphide paperweight
joe st.clair red rose sulphide paperweight
2 paperweight(1 is st.clair)
prestige basket
2 unmarked toothpickers
2 st.clair bells
2 joe rice indian head toothpickers
red fenton bell
b&m st.clair paperweight
bob st.clair basket
mike mitchell bowl
joe st.clair fez hat
ed st.clair control bubble lincoln sulphide
st.clair basket
b&m st.clair pitcher
fenton bird & st.clair bird
joe rice control bubble santa claus sulphide
2 st.clair indian head toothpickers
large jim davis apple paperweight
bob st.clair owl toothpicker
2 tiny fenton ducks
boyds indian head
small fenton duck
monte dunlavy bowl
joe rice purdue paperweight
zimmerman yellow rose
unmarked st.clair glass piano
fenton glass
st.clair bowl
3 glass animals incl:boyds
small joe rice apple
unmarked glass mushroom
joe rice perfumer
jim davis sulphide pear
boyds hoppy toothpicker
joe rice paperweight
2 joe rice indian head toothpickers
2 bob st.clair toothpickers
b&m st.clair kennedy sulphide paperweight
larger prestige control bubble ringholder
joe rice house of glass paperweight
joe st.clair bell
unmarked green pitcher
joe rice paperweight
2 bob st.clair toothpickers
dunlavy paperweight
zimmerman paperweight
unmarked vase
st.clair pitcher
unmarked blue owl
joe st.clair santa claus toothpicker
peacock womens final four paperweight
frankton,IN I.U. hoosiers windowed paperweight
2 boyds boots
st.clair candleholder
joe rice sleigh sulphide paperweight
joe st.clair buffalo
bob st.clair gold trimmed toothpicker
joe st.clair witch
bob st.clair owl toothpicker
2 bob st.clair toothpickers
merrilee rice joe rice windowed etched paperweight
st.clair penholder
cactus pattern white glass
joe rice elwood don powell paperweight
joe rice rocking horse sulphide paperweight
2 joe rice indian head toothpickers
2 joe rice indian head toothpickers
boyds hoppy toothpicker
st.clair bowl
2 unmarked toothpickers
2 bob st.clair toothpickers
2 joe st.clair toothpickers
joe st.clair witch
joe st.clair toothpicker
joe st.clair covered bird dish
2 boyds figurines
ed st.clair lincoln sulphide paperweight
small joe rice apple
st.clair president sulphide paperweight
st.clair glass items
boyds fish ashtray
st.clair president sulphide paperweight
boyds hoppy toothpicker
all glass hearts
boyds & moser small glass plates
boyds elephant
2 st.clair grand opening toothpickers
boyds airplanes & tractor
peacock kennedy sulphide paperweight
joe st.clair buffalo
joe st.clair witch
paul st.clair windowed president sulphide
2 madison co. indian head toothpickers
unmarked st.clair glass piano
boyds elephant
2 st.clair wheelbarrows
boyds airplanes & tractor
2 st.clair bells
2 st.clair toothpickers
boyds hoppy toothpicker
strawtown pottery & glass christmas tree
2 unmarked toothpickers
2 st.clair bells
2 st.clair toothpickers
boyds elephant
fenton mug
bob st.clair toothpicker & st.clair pc
2 unmarked toothpickers
2 st.clair toothpickers
joe rice glass peppers
joe st.clair toothpicker
joe st.clair fez hat
2 boyds airplanes
joe st.clair covered horse dish
small joe rice marble & paperweight
boyds airplanes & tractor
zimmerman paperweight
st.clair president sulphide paperweight
joe st.clair fez hat
2 st.clair toothpickers
2 st.clair toothpickers
boyds airplanes & tractor
sunkist juicer
glass pc.
2 unmarked toothpickers
2 joe st.clair wheelbarrows
2 imperial toothpickers
2 toothpickers incl:imperial
mug & indian head toothpicker
unmarked st.clair glass piano(missing top pc)
glass sleigh,bird & owl pc.
all glassware for 1 money
all glassware for 1 money
glass eggs
strawtown pottery cookie jar
st.clair stoppers & finials
st.clair stoppers
paperweight light,stoppers & glassware
jar & advertising ashtrays incl:noblesville
6 covered dish tops
blenko glass hammer
joe rice glass hammer
5 st.clair christmas & president plates
wheatonware plates
wheatonware plates
plastic display case
stained glass lamp shade
stained glass lamp shade
2 lamps
stained glass hanging light
stained glass hanging shade
all figurines
all fruit jars
box lots of glass & items
mccoy teapot cookie jar(no lid)
shelf,cabinet,peg board & items
glass dome & small cabinet & items
boyds airplanes & car
boyds airplanes & car
boyds airplane & cars
3 boyds cars
3 boyds cars & display cabinet
box lots of glass,avon & items
zimmerman floral coved dish(has damage)
2 joe rice birds
2 joe rice birds
2 joe rice birds
joe rice bird & broken covered dish
wood cabinet & items inside
all glassware for 1 money
roseville dish,crock bowl & pitcher
louisville stoneware crock jug & cups
all glassware for 1 money
small joe st.clair plate
all glassware incl:st.clair wheelbarrow
5 st.clair president & christmas plates
all covered dish tops & items(most have damage)
all glassware & items for 1 money
jenkins glass guide
antique cabinet
2 cabinets
lighted cabinet
lighted cabinet
boyds glass hatchet
all joe st.clair pictures & st.clair postcard
zimmerman pitcher
all joe st.clair pictures
joe rice bird on nest
joe rice bear slide golf course paperweight
jim davis windowed political paperweight
greentown glass mugs & st.clair glasses
larger fez hat
2 st.clair toothpickers
2 toothpickers
toothpickers & boyds salt dip
stained glass hanging light