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Estate Sale Photo Gallery
1910 - John Deere Manure Spreader
1909 Banner Buggies - Price Book
1912 Banner Buggies - Literature and Price book
Feb. 1894 Pacific Medical Journal - 65 Pages
1910 Catalog - Union County Carriage Co.
1913 Thanksgiving Post Card - to Susanne Dickson
1913 Catalog 9" x 8" - Parry Buggy Co.
Creamer and Scott Co. , Richmond, IN - Buggies
1911 Sixth Annual Corn Show - Purdue University
U.S. Depart. of Agriculture - Crossbreeding Corn
1910 Purdue Experiment Station Annual Report
1910 Purdue Experiment Station - Dairy
1902 - Coqillard Wagon Works - Henderson, KY
1909 Banner Buggy Co. - St. Louis
1911 Gedge Bros. Iron Roofing Co.
July 1912 - "The Four Wheeler"
1910 - Buggy Lit. Cinn. Co.
1912 - United Engine Co., Lansing, MI
1911-1912 American Grain Drill Co.
1912 - Government Crop Report
1910 - 1912 J.I. Case
1911 - Deal Motor Car, Jonesville, MI
1912 - Reeves Gasoline Engine
Strawberries "How to Grow", 64 pages
1910 - Banner Buggy - Large Fold Up Mailing
1911 - Brownie Auto Puncture Kits
1909 - Michigan Buggy Co. -Dealer Mailing
1912 - Perfect Oil Co. - Chicago, IL
1912 - Fairbanks Morse Light Planters Letters
November 1909 - Swine Breeders Journal
September 1900 Indiana Farmer State Fair Edition
1912 - Banner Buggy Foldout
1912 - Banner Buggy Lit.
1912 - Banner Buggy Lit.
1912- Parry Buggies, Indianapolis
1909 - Banner Buggy Auto Top
1912 - Rex Buggy Storm Shield
1912 - Ames Co. Buggy and Carts
1909 - Banner Buggy
1910 - Banner Buggy
1909 - Banner Buggy and Nov Calendar
1909 - Acorn Buggy, Cinncinati, 5th & Eagleston
1909 - Star Storm Front, 24 page catalog
1911 - Banner Buggy and May Calender
1910 - Banner Buggy, St. Louis
1908 Parry Buggy, Letter and Literature
1912 - Chas .E. Miller Auto Supply House
1912 - Waterloo Gas Engine, Iowa
1910- 1912 Pontiac Springs and Wagon Works, MI
1911 - Parry Storm Buggy, IN
1910-1912 - Wayne Oil Tank and Pumps
1909 - Chicago Flex Shaft Co.
1902 - J. I. Case Pocket Ledger
1908- 1909 - Parry Buggy, (2) Pocket Price Books
1910 - Polarine Oil, standard oil pocket books
1909 - Jarecki Chemical Co., Fertilizer Catalog
1911 - Gilbert and Barker, gas storage tanks
1906 - Swift Fert, Chicago pocket book
1911 - Albert Dickson Seeds, Chicago order book
1912 - Gray Motor Co., Detroit, MI engines
1912 - United Engine Co., Lansing, MI
1912 - Fuller and Johnson Co. Gas Engine
1910-1912 - Seager Engine Works, Detroit, MI
1913 - Great Western "Tattler" Auto Peru, IN
1908 Parry buggies catalog
Beaumont Vehicle's catalog
1912 banner buggy catalog 18 1/2" x 14"
Eureka Fence Manufacturing Co. Richmond Indiana
1911 new idea spreader company Coldwater Ohio
Fish brothers wagon company Indianapolis Indiana
The Blackhawk manure spreader catalog Moline
Sellers kitchen cabinet catalog Elwood Indiana
1912 Robinson and company Threshing and Baling
Arkansas's accurate and reliable description for
1902 Coquillard wagons advertising cards
The Thornburg manufacturing company Bowling G
1917 blue valley bulletin
Hopkins and Allen arms company 1909 the report
Ann Arbor they press company advertising card
1909 Pittsburgh riding machine Company catalog
The Ohio valley rake bar loader catalog Bowling
Champion self feed and lever speed drills c
The Thomas Green drills Manufacturing Company
Indiana brotherhood of Threshermen 1930 yearbook
The Whitaker manufacturing company mower knives
Champion bailing presses and farming implements
Parlin and Orendorff Engine and plow company ink
John Deere spreader advertising catalog early
The Webber Corn Grader Milwaukee Wisconsin early
Birdsell Wagons South bend Indiana early 1900s
R Herschel Manufacturing company Peru Illinois
WD Allen manufacturing company the red stitch
Rude Brothers manufacturing liberty Indiana
Fetzer And company farm machinery catalog early
1912 John Deere plow company of Indianapolis
1908 harvest supplies the Whitaker manufacturing
Peninsular stoves 1912 calendar with original
Parlin And Oh are ENDORFF company Canton I
The BUCHER and Gibbs plow company Canton Ohio
Chicago flexible shaft company advertiser 1911
John Siebenthaler Fruits and ornamental trees
1912 Adam h Bartley Company Richmondindiana. ink
1906 Eastern rock island plow company
1900 illustrated catalog B.A. company Chicago
Whitman and Barnes manufacturing company early
1900s Moline plow company Moline Illinois catalog
Simmons quality beds catalog early 1900s
The PAPE brothers molding company manufacturer o
1895 Koenig and gamer furniture company catalog
The new empire mowers reapers and binders JF
1896 sears and roebuck catalog
1909 banner buggies pocket catalog
1909 implement age catalog in Philadelphia
1913 woman's world magazine
1895 Cleveland bicycles catalog
The Stoddard manufacturing company Dayton Ohio
1890 bicycle step ladder company catalog
1895 Crescent bicycles catalog
Hartman manufacturing company Vincennes Indiana
1896 J.G starr and son harvest Company pocket
Triumph sulky plow j.l. Case Plow works racing
1894 the Brown Manufacturing Company Zanesville
Scioto Buggy company Columbus Ohio early 1900
1895 October the review of reviews illustrated
The long and allStatter company rakes and
J.S. And H .C. Starr Slays vehicles and bicycles
Birdsell Manufacturing company clover huller
1895 the review of reviews November monthly
J T case plow works Racine Wisconsin catalog
Parry Buggy catalog 1897 Indianapolis Indiana
The Whitman and Barnes manufacturing company
1895 Montgomery ward in Company catalog
1895 American cabinet maker in a Postrio catalog
1897 the iron age catalog
1888 home magazine advertiser
Sayers and Scovill Makers of young men's buggy
The Birdsell Clover Huller Company catalog early
Prosperous Farmers Lake Erie and other f
1893 N.K Fairbanks &company cottolene pocket
Siegel Cooper &company 1900s Colombian souvenir
The Crown pianos and organs GEO. P. Bent
D.M. Osborne and Company harvesting machinery
1894 the James squire company Youngstown Ohio
1895 the central cycle manufacturing company
1893 Ohio board of agricultural official report
1893 Wyoming Central association petroleum, i
1894 Hess, Snyder and Company boomer furnaces
1895 the American carriage Company Cincinnati
Crescent bicycles 1895 catalog
Ames in Forest Company 1895 bicycle catalog
1895 crystal creamery company Lansing Michigan
1895 chas riser manufacturing company baby
1893 New South Wales exhibit forestry catalog
F.S Anderson Company Richmond Indiana lawnmowers
GEO. P. Bent Manufacturing crown pianos and
1895 GEO. Worthington Company Cleveland Ohio
Burg Wagon Company Burlington Iowa postcard e
F.E Myers and brothers Ashland Ohio pumpkin hey
Teel plows outh Bend chilled plow company South
The Marion Steamshovel company pocket catalog
1898 Osborne Columbia mower company foldout
Myers's Stayon Door hangers pocket catalog late
Crescent bicycles 1895 Western will works c
Steinman And Meijer furniture company Cincinnati
1909 Southside lumber Company spring edition
1892 North Dakota special edition of the Herald
1910 bucks shot stove catalog And poster
1909 Union furniture company catalog Rockford
Shropdhire Cheap buy a H Foster souvenir h
Lehigh Portland cement company pocket catalog
F.E Myers's And brothers Ashland Ohio worlds f
The Foos Manufacturing Company Springfield Ohio
The Pontiac buggy Company Pontiac Michigan
1912 acme rapid fire dry batteries pamphlet
1895 Crescent bicycles catalog and cardboard
Ramen lead company Chicago drop shop 25 pound
1894 Janesville machine Company catalog
Standard mail order company New York city w
Crown fountain pen blotters early 1900s
1896 Parry buggies catalog Indianapolis Indiana
1895 Crescent bicycles catalog
1911 D. D. COTTRELL newspaper and magazine catalog
1893 the dairy messengers quarterly review
1894 1895 practical farmer papers Philadelphia
1894 Horse shoe brands advertising
Aspinwall Manufacturing company potato machinery
1895 Cleveland bicycles H.A Lozier and Company
The American well works catalog 1885
Crescent bicycles Western will works 1895 catalog
1892 armor and Company souvenir booklet
The Deshler Mailbox company Deshler Ohio late
1909 mule foot cell Edinburg Indiana booklet
1894 horseshoe brands advertising calendar and
1906 John Deere plow company farmers pocket
1909 Lucy Webb Hayes national training school f
Rushville furniture Company catalog early 1900s
Scioto buggy. Company Columbus Ohio catalog e
1895 the Thorpe carriage company catalog Jackson
1906 farmers pocket companion John Deere plow
1894 horseshoe brands calendar and pocket notepad
1878 the Graf - MORSBACH company saddle and
Murphy chair company harvest time advertiser
1897 Parlin & Orendorff company corn planters
Mcsherry Manufacturing company Green drills,
1895 Crescent bicycles catalog
1909 osteopathic health booklet
Rude brothers ink blotter early 1900s
1894 horseshoe brands pocket calendar note pads
Pointers Aspinwall manufacturing company Jackson
1911 G. B lewis company manufactures catalog
J. E. And A. Hoing Tables and sideboards catalog
1895 Crescent bicycles catalog
1904 Mesker and brothers St. Louis Missouri h
1895 iron reservoir vases price pamphlet
20th century manure spreaders catalog
1894 horseshoe brands pocket calendar and notepad
1912 Detroit vapor stove company catalog
1912 De Laval monthly and 1912 big Valley bulletin
1913 prairie farms paper and 1913 farm in fire
F.E. Myers & Bros Pumps and heat tools price
1910 Plymouth twine news MACGOWAN
1889 Whitman's bailing press catalog St. Louis
The Robert Mitchell furniture company catalog
1894 horseshoe brands pocket calendar and notepad
1895 Crescent bicycles catalog
Murphy chair Company 1912 catalog and supplement
1909 stout furniture company supplement Salem
1896 the London fur an cloaks catalog
1912 the chairman monthly Murphy chair company
1911 Albert Dickinson company seed merchant
1905 the evolution of a vast Industry catalogue
The Weltmer Institution of suggestive
Myers Ashland Ohio pump and heater works price
Buckeye power spray pump mast, FOOS and Company
1909 Plymouth products Plymouth cordage company
1912 international conciliation the i
1890 the cottage hearth paper
1909 bucks shot stove company price guide
1909 bucks stove and range company price guide
Amatile Roofing sample and price catalog early
1895D. M. Ferry and Company seed annual catalog
1912 D. M. Kerr manufacturing company tents,
Crescent bicycles 1895 catalog
Heesen Stock feed cookers pocket catalog early
1896 Buckeye feed mills and powers combined
1904 Union furniture company catalog Rockford
1893 new South wills exhibit forestry catalog
1912 Lehigh Exporting Portland cement company
1912 SMALLEY manufacturing company force-fed s
The famous blue ribbon line Durant Dort carriage
The commonwealth magazine volume one number
1906B. F. Biggs pump company catalog Lafayette
The Eclips stove company Mansfield Ohio catalog
1896 Pennsylvania train lines west of Pittsburgh
1896 Goshen buggy top company catalog
The Heliman Plow company Evansville Indiana
Niles iron and steel roofing company Niles Ohio
1909 Murphy chair company Detroit Michigan
1895 Crescent bicycles catalog
F. The. Myers and brothers pump and a tool
Foos Manufacturing company Springfield Ohio the
Eclipse stove and range company catalog early
The Toledo wheel barrel company Toledo Ohio
National cash register company Dayton Ohio
The national bale tie company Indianapolis
1895 Sheffield manufacturing company hand
Chicago house wrecking company price advertiser
1910 DE Laval monthly paper with original
Leclare Seed company advertiser early 1900s
Monarch wind mills MAIL ER early 1900s Celina Ohio
1894 Jarecki chemical company Sandusky Ohio
The McMurray and Fisher sulky company a
1885 ILSEN And Company musical instruments in
1895 H. CLOSTERMANS Descriptive price guide
H.T. Hearsey And company bicycle advertisement
The Brown manufacturing company Zanesville Ohio
1909S. I. E. Paint company fountain pen letter
1912 E. J. Willis company price Catalogue
The Simmons manufacturing company MAILER early
1912 GOULDS manufacturing company pumps and
Anchor supply company Evansville Indiana pocket
The Eclips stove company Mansfield Ohio 1895
1896 GARRY iron and steel and roofing company
1894 Journal of the Association of engineering
Rude wide spread manure spreader Ruen Brothers
1912 Illinois sewing machine company
1898 the dealers journal agricultural implements
MacSherry manufacturing company Middletown Ohio
J.G.Starr And sons harness company Decatur
1912 PENINSULAR stove company advertisement
1897 the youth companion announcement Perry.
Late 1800s HENCH & Dromgold York Pennsylvania
1897 Taylor and PARROTTE hats catalog
Chattanooga plow company Chattanooga Tennessee
1894 horseshoe brands calendar and pocket notebook
The Indiana school journal late 1800s books
Arm and hammer brand ink blotter church in
1895 Birdsell Manufacturing Company South Bend
1912 Spring still fence and wire Company A
Bucks stove and range company advertising poster