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US Stamps #1 Used with red grid cancel, CV $350
US Stamps #2 Used with red cancel, CV $750
US Stamps #10 Used Orange Brown rich, CV $190
US Stamps #10A Used Orange Brown with CV $150
US Stamps #11A Mint HR 3 cent Washington, CV $250
US Stamps #12 Used Imperf 1856 Type I, CV $775
US Stamps #13 Used with filled thin, CV $750
US Stamps #17 Used with repaired upper CV $285
US Stamps #18 Mint Regummed and Sound with CV $800
US Stamps #20 Used with a 2022 Doporto cer CV $275
US Stamps #22 Used with light perf toning CV $475
US Stamps #23 Used with scissor cut perfs, CV $650
US Stamps #24 Mint Disturbed Original Gum CV $140
US Stamps #27 Used, with 2022 PSE cert CV $1450
US Stamps #28 Used, CV $1100
US Stamps #29 Used Type I reperforated at CV $400
US Stamps #30 Mint no gum, with 2022 PSE CV $500
US Stamps #30A Used with some nibbled, CV $375
US Stamps #31 Used with a few inclusions, CV $1100
US Stamps #32 Used with blue CDS, lovely CV $205
US Stamps #36 Mint Original Gum with, CV $1700
US Stamps #37 Mint Large, CV $1450 (as full og)
US Stamps #37A Mint No Gum, reperforated CV $500
US Stamps #38 Used with light cancel and s CV $475
US Stamps #64 Used Used with 2020 PSE cer CV $550
US Stamps #65 Mint LH bright and lovely 3c CV $125
US Stamps #67 Used with removed cancellati CV $750
US Stamps #67a Used Brown Yellow with 201 CV $1100
US Stamps #68 Mint Regummed with perf faul CV $375
US Stamps #70 Used with short perf at bott CV $300
US Stamps #72 Used CV $600
US Stamps #73 Mint HR with corner crease a CV $350
US Stamps #75 Used with multiple experts m CV $425
US Stamps #76 Used with perf tip crease at CV $125
US Stamps #77 Used with light pen cancel a CV $175
US Stamps #78 Mint No Gum with short perfs CV $950
US Stamps #83 Used CV $1100
US Stamps #85 Used with PF certificate st CV $1100
US Stamps #87 Mint No Gum bright E-grill w CV $650
US Stamps #86, 88, 89, 90 Used E-grills i CV $1205
US Stamps #91 Used with tiny perf tears at CV $575
US Stamps #95 Used and fresh F-grill with CV $850
US Stamps #97 Used with corner crease and CV $250
US Stamps #98 Mint Hinged CV $4250
US Stamps #99 Used with a few perf faults CV $1500
US Stamps #100 Used F-grill with perf fau CV $1000
US Stamps #101 Used 90 cent F-grill with CV $2500
US Stamps #112 Mint Regummed with gum soak CV $210
US Stamps #115 Mint Regummed with some gu CV $1000
US Stamps #118 Used Type I with some tonin CV $850
US Stamps #119 Mint Disturbed Original Gu CV $2750
US Stamps #120 Used with thin and pulled p CV $650
US Stamps #121 Used with filled thins at l CV $375
US Stamps #122 Used with pressed out cre CV $2000
US Stamps #123 Mint DG very bright 1875 R CV $550
US Stamps #134-136 1870 Grilled Banknotes CV $1355
US Stamps #138 Used with corner crease bot CV $525
US Stamps #150 Mint Regummed attractive 4 CV $800
US Stamps #151 Mint OG with short perfs a CV $2850
US Stamps #152 Used with sealed tear at up CV $210
US Stamps #153 Used with short perfs at to CV $210
US Stamps #154 Used with filled thin CV $275
US Stamps #155 Used 4 margin Perry with fa CV $325
US Stamps #159 Mint HR reperforated at ri CV $1000
US Stamps #162 Used with a few perf faults CV $135
US Stamps #163 Mint OG with crease and so CV $1900
US Stamps #166 Used with repaired bottom r CV $300
US Stamps #188 Mint HR with vertical crea CV $1800
US Stamps #189 Mint LH reperforated at bot CV $180
US Stamps #190 Mint Regummed with repaired CV $300
US Stamps #191 Mint No Gum with 5 perf cha CV $700
US Stamps #205 Mint LH attractive 5 cent 1 CV $240
US Stamps #208 Mint HR with a few speck th CV $825
US Stamps #209 Mint LH with small thins, n CV $160
US Stamps #211 Mint LH 4 cent 1883 CV $225
US Stamps #211B Mint NH with 2022 PSE cert CV $550
US Stamps #214 Mint NH Vermillion fresh wi CV $190
US Stamps #215 Mint NH with crease at uppe CV $525
US Stamps #217 Mint No Gum CV $90
US Stamps #218 Mint Disturbed OG. 2022 PSE CV $800
US Stamps #219D Mint NH with horizontal gu CV $475
US Stamps #225 Mint NH well centered CV $135
US Stamps #227 Mint LH bold color CV $180
US Stamps #228 Mint HR with crease at top CV $300
US Stamps #229 Mint NH with 2022 PSE cert CV $1575
US Stamps #233 Mint NH 4 cent Columbian, n CV $150
US Stamps #235 Mint NH fresh 6 cent Columb CV $140
US Stamps #239 Mint LH with tiny hinge thi CV $225
US Stamps #240 Mint LH fresh original gum CV $450
US Stamps #241 Mint LH with nibbed perf a CV $1000
US Stamps #242 Mint HR with speck thin at CV $1100
US Stamps #243 Mint Regummed with 2022 PSE CV $750
US Stamps #244 Mint hinged with 2022 PSE CV $2100
US Stamps #245 Mint HR original gum with CV $2400
US Stamps #245 Mint LH fresh and scarce CV $150
US Stamps #251 Mint NH Plate Number Singl CV $1200
US Stamps #252 Mint LH Type 3 with blind p CV $135
US Stamps #258 Mint HR with original gum a CV $275
US Stamps #259 Mint LH with deep, rich col CV $275
US Stamps #260 Mint LH with some lightly d CV $475
US Stamps #261 Mint LH with horizontal cr CV $1000
US Stamps #261A Mint LH original gum Type CV $2100
US Stamps #262 Mint Hinged with 2022 PSE CV $2750
US Stamps #263 Mint Hinged with 2022 PSE CV $4000
US Stamps #271 Mint NH Plate Number Single CV $325
US Stamps #274 Mint LH bold color and 4 ma CV $200
US Stamps #275 Mint HR lightly oxidized wi CV $240
US Stamps #276 Mint Regummed gorgeous Type CV $250
US Stamps #276A Mint LH with perf tip tea CV $1250
US Stamps #277 Mint LH $2 Madison with str CV $900
US Stamps #278 Mint HR with a few thins CV $2000
US Stamps #282 Mint LH fresh 4 margins and CV $45
US Stamps #282C Mint LH fresh Type I Webst CV $175
US Stamps #285, 286, 288 Mint group, very nice sta
US Stamps #287 Mint LH and fresh 4 margin CV $110
US Stamps #289 Mint NH fresh 8 cent Trans- CV $430
US Stamps #290 Mint OG with hinge thin, go CV $140
US Stamps #291 Mint HR with small thin in CV $600
US Stamps #292 Mint HR with speck thin, v CV $1500
US Stamps #293 Mint Hinged CV with 2022 P CV $1900
US Stamps #294-299 Mint NH/HR with #297 h CV $650+
US Stamps #309 Mint LH fresh 15 cent Clay CV $185
US Stamps #310 Mint HR 50 cent 1902 Jeffer CV $425
US Stamps #311 Mint LH gorgeous $1 Farragu CV $600
US Stamps #312 Mint Regummed Graded 95 PSE
US Stamps #313 Mint LH $5 Marshall with s CV $2100
US Stamps #315 Mint NH with 2022 PSE certi CV $600
US Stamps #325 Mint NH with rich color CV $170
US Stamps #326 Mint LH and fresh CV $70
US Stamps #327 Mint NH with BEP inscriptio CV $300
US Stamps #330 Mint NH with 4 large margin CV $375
US Stamps #339 Mint NH well centered perf 1 CV $90
US Stamps #340 Mint NH well centered perf CV $160
US Stamps #341 Mint DG with vertical creas CV $275
US Stamps #342 Mint Hinged with 2022 PSE c CV $450
US Stamps #343-347 Mint LH Imperf 1908 CV $78.50
US Stamps #348-355 Mint NH/LH (#351, 354, CV $1690
US Stamps #350 Mint hinged Joint Line Pai CV $1175
US Stamps #354 Mint Regummed Joint Line Pair with
US Stamps #355 Mint Hinged Line Pair wit CV $1,500
US Stamps #356 Mint Hinged with 2022 PSE CV $1,500
US Stamps #357-358 Mint HR fresh and well CV $170
US Stamps #362 Mint LH Blue paper, sound CV $1250
US Stamps #366 Mint LH sound, fresh 15 ce CV $1300
US Stamps #369 Mint NH blue paper with lig CV $300
US Stamps #367-368, 370-373 Mint NH fre CV $139.50
US Stamps #380 Mint LH very well centered S CV $90
US Stamps #381 Mint NH fresh CV $200
US Stamps #382 mint LH with light natural CV $500
US Stamps #385 Mint NH Line Pair with 198 CV $1000
US Stamps #393 Mint NH Joint Line Pair wit CV $650
US Stamps #394 Mint NH Joint Line Pair wit CV $925
US Stamps #395 Mint NH Joint Line Pair wi CV $1100
US Stamps #399 Mint NH attractive and brig CV $160
US Stamps #400 Mint NH lovely perf 12 oran CV $260
US Stamps #400A Mint NH well centered scar CV $390
US Stamps #402 Mint LH extremely well cente CV $70
US Stamps #403 Mint NH bright perf 10 Pan- CV $400
US Stamps #404 Mint LH and sound with 2022 CV $675
US Stamps #410-413 Mint Line Pairs, #410, CV $600
US Stamps #420 Mint NH with rich centering CV $250
US Stamps #421 Mint LH attractive and fres CV $350
US Stamps #422 Mint DG perf 12 with small CV $225
US Stamps #423 Mint HR with heavy hinge an CV $475
US Stamps #438 Mint NH with small inclusio CV $450
US Stamps #439 Mint DG four margin 30 cent CV $225
US Stamps #440 Mint HR with large paper ad CV $450
US Stamps #445 Mint DG Line Pair, hard to CV $1200
US Stamps #446 Mint LH Joint Line Pair wit CV $700
US Stamps #453 Mint NH Line Pair with 202 CV $1450
US Stamps #454 Line Pair Mint H with 2022 CV $400
US Stamps #456 Mint LH Line Pair, sound w CV $1300
US Stamps #460 Mint NH reperforated with CV $1450
US Stamps #464 Mint NH fresh 3 cent 1916 CV $165
US Stamps #465 Mint NH 4 margins CV $125
US Stamps #467 Mint HR 5 cent perf 10 erro CV $425
US Stamps #469 Mint HR bold color CV $120
US Stamps #471 Mint NH with margins clear CV $190
US Stamps #472 Mint LH great example CV $120
US Stamps #475 Mint LH fresh 15 cent perf CV $170
US Stamps #476 Mint LH attractive light ul CV $240
US Stamps #477 Mint LH centered high, bery CV $850
US Stamps #478 Mint LH with upper right CV $600
US Stamps #479 Mint NH bright $2 Madison CV $475
US Stamps #480 Mint NH HR lovely centering CV $170
US Stamps #500 Mint NH Type Ia with faint CV $570
US Stamps #505 Mint NH 5 cent error, cente CV $625
US Stamps #507 Mint NH with offset on rever CV $55
US Stamps #509 Mint NH gorgeous example CV $25
US Stamps #514 Mint NH lovely 15 cent perf CV $75
US Stamps #515 Mint NH attractive 20 cent CV $85
US Stamps #516 Mint NH well centered CV $70
US Stamps #517 Mint OG with offset and adhe CV $50
US Stamps #518 Mint NH $1 perf 11 CV $95
US Stamps #519 Mint HR with short perf at CV $425
US Stamps #523 Mint HR with thin, very bri CV $525
US Stamps #524 Mint NH 4 margins and rich CV $340
US Stamps #525-530 Mint LH/NH offset set CV $175+
US Stamps #532 Mint LH Imperf Pair CV $100
US Stamps #533 Mint LH fresh Type V Imperf CV $120
US Stamps #534B Mint NH with natural pape CV $3750
US Stamps #545 Mint NH Coil waste issue wi CV $550
US Stamps #546 Mint NH Coil Waste Issue wi CV $230
US Stamps #547a Mint HR lake & black CV $200
US Stamps #547 Mint NH well centered $2 Fr CV $275
US Stamps #578-579 Mint NH Rotary Coil was CV $290
US Stamps #581-591 Mint NH Flat Plate 1 CV $371.25
US Stamps #595 Mint Hinged CV $240
US Stamps #599A Mint NH Line Pair with 20 CV $1150
US Stamps #599A Mint Type II Washington 19 CV $120
US Stamps #634A Mint NH Type II Washington CV $600
US Stamps #658-668 Mint NH/LH (#659, 66 CV $410.75
US Stamps #669-679 Mint LH (a few with CV $265.25
US Stamps EFO #1926 Mint NH Block of 4 with Black
US Stamps EFO #1926a Mint NH Pair with in CV $400
US Stamps #C1-C6 Mint NH 1st airmails set CV $645
US Stamps #C13 Mint LH fresh 4 margin 65 c CV $180
US Stamps #C14 Mint Regummed with 2022 PSE certifi
US Stamps #C15 Mint NH 4 margin Zeppelin w CV $850
US Stamps #E1 Mint Regummed 1886 Special Delivery
US Stamps #E2 Mint NH with short perf at CV $1150
US Stamps #E3 Mint NH bright 1893 Special CV $650
US Stamps #E4 Mint Regummed very attractive well c
US Stamps #E5 Mint HR with small crease ne CV $210
US Stamps #E6 Mint LH 1902 Special Deliver CV $230
US Stamps #E7 Mint HR with adhesion on reve CV $65
US Stamps #E8 Mint HR with small hinge thi CV $120
US Stamps #E9 Mint NH fresh ultramarine CV $190
US Stamps #E10 Mint NH and bright CV $700
US Stamps #E11 var Mint NH Pink back sheet CV $180
US Stamps 1851-1869 Classics Used and Min CV $2300
US Stamps 1870-1883 Large Banknotes Coll CV $1600+
US Stamps 1880s - 1890s Mint Collection CV $1750+
US Stamps 1902-1914 Mint Collection remai CV $600+
US Stamps 1908-22 Mint Was potential CV of $6,000+
US Stamps 1908-1920 Mint Washington CV of $6,000+
US Stamps 1919-1933 Mint NH collection on pages a
US Stamps #551-573 Mint NH 1922-1925 Fl CV $940.60
US Stamps #630 Mint HR (hinged in selvage) CV $275
US Stamps US Airmail Collection Mint NH #C7 // C14
US Stamps Back of Book remainders on pages includi
US Stamps Airmail Plate Block Mint NH collection