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lot of 4 York Gas Engine Flinchbaugh Mfg Books
Stanley No. 59 Dowel Jig w/ Guides
lot of 3 Porcelain Operation of Motor Buses Signs
lot of 4 Oil Stones, Files, York PA, others
Pulley w/ Steel Wheel
Studebaker Reach Plate
James Cam Draw Knife/ Barrel Plane
A H Patch Corn Sheller Clarksville Tenn
G M Rearick Compass/Divider
Shepard Planter Lid?
Hawley McClure & Co Grapple w/ attached Pulley
lot of 4 Primitive Twisted Cattle Breast Chains
L M Olmsted's Mole Trap
lot of 3 Porcelain Operation of Motor Buses Signs
lot of 4 York Gas Engine Flinchbaugh Mfg Books
Premier Coffee Poster,Wrightsville Hardware
lot of 4 Primitive Twisted Cattle Breast Chains
Hench & Dromgold York PA Corn Planter Lid
Improved Indiana Planter?
Simms SU4S Magnito
D M Sechler CGE Co. Corn Planter Lid
lot of 3 Porcelain Operation of Motor Buses Signs
(8)Speedometer, Carburetor, headlights, others
Primitive Tongs
Champion Farm Implement Seat
F E Myers & Bro. Steel Pulley
Primitive Mortise Ax stamped Mellinger
Hancock Steam Whistle possible Locomotive
Mountville MFG Cast Iron trough
lot of 2 Farquhar Albright York PA Planter lids
Cast Iron Farm Implement Seat
Steam Whistle
lot of 3 Porcelain Operation of Motor Buses Signs
lot of 2 Eagle Mountville Mfg Co Planter Lids
Tool Box
lot of 3 Whistles, Valves, Buell Mfg & others
lot of 2 J H Albright & Sons Planter Lids
(8) Lufkin, Stanley, Morrill's Tools, others
lot of 2 Grapples
Skinner Garden Hose Sprayer
Cast Iron Farm Implement Seat
Three Strand Rope Maker
A Buchs & Sons Cast Iron Trough
(2)Master Kicker Cow Restraint & Mixer/Churner
Primitive Hook/Clamp?
Wm Deering Catalogue of Graincutting Machinery
New Holland 16P Plate Pulverizer Brochure
Capital Gas & Engine Catalog Dissinger & Bro Co
The Ottawa Wood Sawing Encyclopedia Brochure
United Engine & Manuf. Co Gas Engine Booklet
IH Bluebell Cream Harvester Booklet
New Holland Geared-In Magneto Instructions
Gerber Manufacturing Co 1907 Catalog
Capital Gas Tractor Engine Catalog Dissinger & Bro
Capital Gas & Engine Catalog Dissinger & Bro Co
Spangler Manuf Agricultural Implements Booklet
John Deere Quality Farm Implements Tin Sign
Mountville MFG Cast Iron trough
Cast Iron Farm Implement Seat
Myers Hay Apparatus?
Trip Block for Wooden Tract Rundel Carrier
Premier Coffee Poster,Wrightsville Hardware
Little Giant Corn Sheller
Primitive Cast Iron Tool?
J W Cronin Cast Iron Horse Weight Tie Down
York Safe & Lock Co Cast Iron Trough
Myers Hay Apparatus?
Eureka Oiler
A Buchs & Sons Cast Iron Trough
A B Farquhar Manufacturer Catalog
A B Farquhar Catalog Request Mailing Card
York Gas Engine Flinchbaugh MFG Co Booklet
Farquhar 15-25 Farm Tractor Brochure
The Capital Self Starting Engine Pamphlet
Hopper Cooled Capital Gas Engine Sheet
Hench & Dromgold York PA Product Catalog
The Capital Self Starting Engine Sheet
Keystone Machine Co Catalog No. 25
Farquhar Implements 57th Catalog
York-Hoover Bodies for Chevrolets Catalog 45
Atlas Price List Model 21 Atlas Truck Corp.
Hench & Dromgold Product Catalog
Hench & Dromgold Farm Implements Catalog
Hench & Dromgold 1894-1895 Catalogue
Hopper Cooled Capital Gas Engine Sheet
Primitive Grapple
Iron Age Tool Box
lot of 4 Molds, Weights, Dies, Clamps, others
lot of 2 Sears & Queen Stove Covers
lot of 4 Pulley, Hooks, Tongs
lot of 3 Pulleys
Rogers & Nellis Hay Grapple
lot of 2 Pulleys Acme & other
IH Auburn USA Planter Lid
Frost & Wood Planter Lid
lot of 2 Pulleys Ney MFG & other
lot of 3 Hay Hooks
Primitive Grapple
Tool Box
Primitive Hay Tool?
Trade Mark Planter Lid
Case Planter Lid
A J Nellis & Co Grapple
lot of 2 Eagle Mountville MFG Planter Lids
Frost & Wood Planter Lid
lot of 3 Steel Pulleys
Mountville MFG Cast Iron trough
IH C B & Q Planter Lid
John Deere Wrench
Emerson Brantingham Planter Lid
Cast Iron Plate/Grate
Brass Valve/Whistle
Ney Hay Trolley & Pulley Drop
Cast Iron Eureka Implement Seat
Cast Iron Pulley
lot of 2 J H Albright & Sons Planter Lids
Cast Iron Counter
lot of 5 Lightning Rod Toppers
F W Wakefield Brass Co Spotlight
Cast Iron McCormick Implement Seat
Steam Whistle
Copper Looking Metal Pump
lot of 3 Bracket, Cutter, Oil Can Holder
Goshen Hay Trolley w/ 2 Pulleys
lot of 2 G G Vacuum Tank & Fan
H Belfield Pressure Gauge
lot of 5 Brass Door Jam Plates, others
lot of 12 Wrenches Farquhar, Leroy, others
lot of 5 Hay Trolley Brackets & others
(12) Hubcap, Torch, Padlock, Gauges, others
lot of 4 Primitive Twisted Cattle Breast Chains
(12) Hooks, Hoof tool, Wrench, File, Chisel, other
Hand Pump
lot of 7 Hammers
lot of 3 Wooden Toolbox & Knives
lot of 5 Brackets & Anglo Wooden Box
(13)Horse Tools, Hammers, Stone Toolbox others
Steel Pulley attached to a wooden bracket
Horse/Cattle Yoke w/ Chain
F Wilson Easton PA Grinder
Primitive H Disston & Son Cutter/Bender?
Hand Cranked Grinding Wheel
lot of 5 Starline, Myers Pulleys & Corn Tier
Milwaukee Grinder
Hay Knife stamped Bargen
3" Flat Belt w/ Splice
F Wilson Easton PA Grinder
lot of 3 York Gas Engine Flinchbaugh Mfg Books
lot of 2 Garden Sprinklers Rain King & Hercules
lot of 4 Metal Torches, Metal Case, Metal Caps
McCormick Deering Sickle Grinder
lot of 4 York Gas Engine Flinchbaugh Mfg Books
Premier Coffee Poster,Wrightsville Hardware
lot of Farquhar Albright Lid & Corn Grinder Plates
lot of 2 Garden Sprinklers
lot of 2 Iron Flywheels
Todd Protectograph Check Writer
Champion Farm Implement Seat
Primitive Grinder
Black Hawk Corn Sheller
Whitely Farm Implement Seat
Cin'ti Pump Co Gear, Handle, Water Lifter
lot of 2 Osborne & EB Toolbox Lids
lot of 4 Calf Weaners
Moe's Line Poultry Feeder
Primitive Iron Grapple
Pair of Horse Sleigh Bells
G B Weeks Hay Grapple
lot of 9 Calf Weaners
lot of 2 Hay Grapples
Steel Pulley Mounted on a Shaft Piece
Lee Bread Crumbler No. 21 Goodell Co
Sargent Osgood Randolph Governor Pulley
Multivane Blower & Elec. Autodraph Blower
Universal No. 8 Bread Maker
Peerless Buckeye Jack
Barry & Zechler Lancaster PA Pump
Liquid Field Standard Test Measure Can & Case
Liquid Field Standard Test Measure Can & Case
PRR Galvanized Milk Container
Galvanized Davis & Rankn Milk Can & Stand
Cast Iron Corn Sheller
F E Myers New Departure Hay & Grain Carrier
Nellis Two Pronged Harpoon Hay Fork
A S Shellenberger Corkscrew Hay Fork
Ideal Swivel Hay Trolley w/ Bracket & Drop Pulley
Henry & Reist Lancaster PA Champion Hay Fork
Myers Grappling Harpoon Hay Fork
Gardner's Hay Trolley w/ Drop Pulley
Primitive Hay Fork
Hench & Dromgold York PA Hay Fork
Ney MFG Co Hay Canton Ohio Hay Trolley
Primitve Hay Fork
Myers Hay Fork
F E Myers Sure Grip Hay Trolley
Hand Forged Hay Knife/Fork
Iron Corkscrew Hay Fork w/ Wooden Base
Boss Stricklers Hay Trolley Janesville Wisc
Hand Forged Hay Knife/Fork
Primitive Hay Fork
W C Ricker Hay Trolley Rochester
Nellis Two Pronged Harpoon Hay Fork
Primitive Harpoon Hay Fork
J Huy Bakerstown PA Hay Fork
Primitive Harpoon Hay Fork
Primitive Harpoon Hay Fork
Primitive Harpoon Hay Fork
Gladdings Four Prong Hay Fork
Primitive Harpoon Hay Fork
Primitive Harpoon Hay Fork w/ Brackets
Ney MFG Co Hay Canton Ohio Hay Fork
Primitive Hay Fork
Primitive Hay Fork
Primitve Harpoon Hay Fork
Primitive Hay Fork
Nellis Harpoon Hay Fork
Primitive Hay Fork
J S Durning Eagle Harpoon Hay Fork
Primitive Hay Fork Stamped J S 1879
Primitive Hapoon Hay Fork Stamped Pat 74
J R Fitzhugh Harpoon Hay Fork Phila PA
Primitive Hay Fork w/ Pitchfork end
Primitive Hay Fork
Lobdell Hay Fork
Primitive Hand Forged Hay Knife
Primitive Hay Fork w/ Pitchfork end
Primitive Double Harpoon Hay Fork
Primitive Hay Fork
Henry & Reist Lancaster PA Champion Hay Fork
Louden Trident Hay Fork
Primitive Hay Fork
Louden Trident Hay Fork
F E Myers Ashland Ohio Harpoon Hay Fork
Primitive Hay Fork
Primitive Hay Fork
Primitive Hand Made Hay Fork
Primitive Hay Fork
Primitive Hay Fork w/ Points/Forks Harpoon
D Brooks Hay Fork
Primitive Hay Fork
Henry & Reist Lancaster PA Champion Hay Fork
Primitive Harpoon Hay Fork
Ashland Pump & Haying Tool Works Hay Trolley
F M & G York PA Flinchbaugh Pump Jack
Hench & Dromgold York PA Hay Fork & Pulley
Blacksmith Forge Blower Pulley Assembly
Primitive Hay Fork w/ Pitchfork end
Four Pronged Hay Grapple w/ Pulley
Iron Claw Four Pronged Hay Grapple
Primitve Hay Fork Stamped Lobdell
Ney MFG Hay Trolley w/ Trip Pulley
Primitive Corkscrew Hay Fork
Myers OK Unloaded Hay Trolley Ashland Ohio
Primitive Harpoon Hay Fork w/ Pulley
Boomer Hay Trolley
Hench & Dromgold York PA Hay Fork
Livestock Equip. Co. Hog Oiler Sioux City Iowa
J A Cross Hay Trolley Fultonville NY
Myers Harpoon Hay Fork w/ Pulley
Primitive Hay Trolley w/ Trip Pulley
F E Myers Harpoon Hay Fork Ashland Ohio
Jamesway Hay Trolley
Hench & Dromgold York PA Hay Fork & Pulley
Porter Hay Trolley w/ Drop Pulley
Eureka Hay Fork
Primitive Hay Fork
J Farrell & Son Hay Trolley Newton NJ
Four Pronged Myers Hay Grapple w/ Pulley
The Ashland Hay Trolley
Primitive Hay Fork w/ Pitchfork end
Myers Unloaded Hay Trolley
Two Pronged Primitive Hay Grapple
Jamesway Hay Trolley
Four Pronged Hay Grapple
The Ohio Imp Seed Planter
Starline Inc. Star Hay Carrier
Crown Grinder
Myers OK Unloaded Hay Trolley Ashland Ohio
Luther Grinder MFG Co Grinder
Grinding Mill
N C Baughman York PA Corn Cutter?
Whittemore's No. 2 Victor Corn Cutter
New Holland Machine Co. Mill
Engine Truck Wheels & Axle for Farquhar w/ tongue
4 HP Keystone York Flinchbaugh Engine
3 HP Farm Type York Flinchbaugh Engine
1 1/2 HP John Deere Engine
1 1/2 HP Alpha De Leval Engine
1 1/2 HP McCormick Deering Engine
1 1/2 HP Fairbanks Z
1 1/2 Emerson EB Engine
1 1/2 HP Hercules Engine
5 HP Nelson Brothers Jumbo Engine
3 1/2 HP Economy Engine
1 1/2 HP International Titan Engine
1 3/4 HP Hercules Engine
2 HP Economy Engine
1 1/2 Headless Fairbanks Z
2 HP Cushman Bean Special Cub Engine
2 HP Fairbanks Z
1 1/2 - 2 1/2 HP New Idea Engine
lot of 20+ Grease Cups, Caps, Gas Engine Parts
lot of 15 Grease Cups
lot of 16 Primers & Fittings Fordson, Trerice, oth
lot of 18 Grease Cups
lot of 15 Spring Key Cocks
lot of 4 Oilers
lot of 4 Miscellaneous Engine Parts
Grease Cup
Webster Polar Oscillator Magneto w/ Ignitor
lot of 6 Grease Cups, 3 marked Lunkenheimer
Lunkenheimer Oiler
Miscellaneous Engine Part
Thordarson Electric Coil
Webster Polar Oscillator Magneto
Engine Muffler
Thordarson Electric Coil
Webster Polar Oscillator Magneto w/ Ignitor
Wico Electric Co Magneto Type EK
lot of 6 Coils
Sumter Electric Co. Magneto 3-M No. 15
lot of 2 Miscellaneous Engine Parts
Webster Polar Oscillator Magneto
lot of 5 Miscellaneous Engine Parts
Webster Polar Oscillator Magneto & Ignitor
Bosch DU4/2 ED 18 Magneto
York Engine Part Holds Push Rod For Ignitor
IH Crank Stamped 9758
lot of 10+ Engine Parts & Wing Nuts
lot of 4 Engine Cranks
lot of 3 Engine Cranks
lot of 3 Engine Cranks
Large Battery Box
(10)Oilers & Oiler Parts Lunkenheimer, Michigan
Flinchbaugh York PA Grease Cap & Battery Box
lot of 4 Spring Key Cocks
Wooden Trip Pulley for Hay Carrier
lot of 6 Hammers, Wrenches, others
L B Sprout Muncy PA Wooden Hay Trolley
Bishop & Babcock Shallow Water Air Pump
lot of 2 Steel Pulleys
Hand Cranked Seeder/Fertilizer?
McCormick Deering Sickle Grinder
lot of 2 Steel Pulleys one marked Stowell Mfg Co
Primitive Axe
lot of 2 Steel Pulleys
lot of 4 Steel Trip Pulleys
lot of 3 Grapples & Brackets
Champion Duster
A H Mutschler Middleberg PA Pulleys
lot of 3 Pulleys
Primitive Hay Trolley
lot of 7 Myers Trolley Bracket & Hooks
Primitive Corn Sheller
lot of 3 Pulleys, Trip Release & others
Olson MFG Pulley Apparatus
New Departure Tool
lot of 13 Horse Hoof Tools AnviL Hardys & others
lot of 2 F E Myers & Superior Drill Co. Pulleys
lot of 2 Pulleys Myers & Bro, & other
Patch's Black Hawk Corn Sheller
lot of 2 Hoisting Single Tree items
lot of 2 Wooden Pulleys
lot fo 2 Hay Carrier Pulleys WS & CN, other
lot of 4 Pulleys Hudson & others
lot of 7 Wrenches, Wagon Wheel & others
Primitive Steel Wheeled Pulley
Primitive Steel Wheeled Pulley
Primitive Steel Pulley w/ Wooden Wheel
Primitive Steel Wheeled Pulley
lot of 4 Steel Wheeled Pulleys
(4) Steel Wheeled Pulleys one marked Louden
Briggs & Stratton Model WMB Engine
Iron Horse 4 Cycle Engine Model X-405
Briggs & Stratton Model FH Engine
Briggs & Stratton 4 Cycle Engine & Gas Tank
Maytag One Cylinder Engine
One Cylinder Engine Manufacturer Unknown
Maytag One Cylinder Engine w/ Cover
Primitive Cutter
T B Woods Chambersburg Cast Iron Rain Trough
One Cylinder Engine Manufacturer Unknown
Enterprise MFG Grinder/Cracker
Champion Blower & Forge Co Blower
F. T. F. Products York PA Water Pump
American Steel & Wire Co Fence Tool
lot of 15+ Pistons, Magneto Parts, Others
lot of 6 Engine Parts, Parts Bags, others
20+ Gaskets, Valves, Springs & others
lot of 6 Coils, Maytag Cover, Engine part, Box
Engine Gas Tank
lot of 7 Kidden/Kidder? Barn Door Pulleys
lot of 2 Hay Trolley tracks
lot of 3 Hay Trolley Tracks
lot of 3 Hay Trolley Tracks
lot of 2 Hay Trolley tracks
Loudens Hoisting Single Tree Whipple
Minneapolis Moline Air Filter in Box
Box of 10 Nu-Star Sparkplugs in individual Boxes
lot of 4 York Gas Engine Flinchbaugh Mfg Books
15+ Sparkplugs & Boxes AC, Champion, others
Box of 8 Nu-Star Sparkplugs in individual Boxes
Lunkenheimer Oiler
Lot of 2 Lunkenheimer Oilers
lot of 3 Oilers Michigan Lubricator & others
Lot of 2 Lunkenheimer Oilers
Lot of 3 Oiler Parts Lonergan, S S Essex
Lonergan Oiler
Hanover Water Systems Catalog HWS-1
Manley Garage Equipment Catalogue #4 1926
lot of 2 Fitz Water Wheel Catalogs
The Hamilton Advance MFG Co Post Card Ad
Genco Light 1928 Catalog 1A
lot of 4 Lonergan Oilers
lot of 6 Oilers Michigan Oiler Co, American Lub'R
Lot of 2 Lunkenheimer Oilers
Lot of 3 Essex Brass Oilers
Lot of 3 Lonergan Oilers
Lot of 9 Barley Coffee & Peanuts Signs
Hoover Delivery Wagons Catalog 27
lot of 4 York Gas Engine Flinchbaugh Mfg Books
Lot of 2 Lunkenheimer Oilers
Lot of 3 Essex Brass Oilers
Powell Cincinnati Ohio Oiler
Lot of 3 Lunkenheimer Oilers & others
Lot of 3 Essex Oilers & other
Lot of 3 Lonergan Oilers
Lot of 2 G B Essex Oilers
Lunkenheimer Oiler
lot of 7 Oilers
Lot of 3 Lonergan Oilers
lot of 3 Oilers
Lot of 4 WM Nugent Valve Engine Parts & others
Lunkenheimer Oiler
Lot of 2 Lunkenheimer Oilers
Lonergan Oiler
lot of 4 Lonergan Oilers
lot of 4 Oilers American Injector & others
lot of 3 Oilers Michigan Lubricator & others
lot of 3 Oilers
lot of 16 Grease Cups
lot of 3 Oilers Gits Bros Manuf, Howell's & other
lot of 8 Oilers Detroit Lubricators & others
lot of 2 Penberthy Oilers
lot of 2 Oilers American & Detroit Lubricator
lot of 3 Oilers
ot of 3 Hay Grapples Chatman & others
lot of 6 Adjustable Wrench, Clevis & others
(6)Box Saw Sets Distons, Haikens, Sargent others
lot of 4 Pulleys J.N.T. & others
lot of 2 Hay Grapples C B Weeks. J H Chapman
Primitive Hay Knife
lot of 2 Pulleys Superior Drill & Ney Co
lot of 4 Grapple, Pulley, Hay Tools
lot of 2 F E Myers & Bro Trolleys
lot of 2 Steel Hudson Pulleys
Primitive Tool w/ Hooks on the End?
Primitive Hay Knife
lot of 3 F E Myers Hay Trolley, Pulley, other
A H Patch Frictionless Corn Sheller
lot of 3 Pulleys, Hay Grapple, F E Myers & others
(13) Myers Hay Trolley Brackets, Hooks, others
Root-Heath MFG Never Fail Corn Sheller
lot of 4 Champion Hay Trolley, Pulleys, other
lot of 11 Trolley & Pulley Steel Wheels
Perfection Mountville PA Corn Sheller & Flywheel
lot of 2 Pulleys F E Myers & other
Primitive Corn Sheller w/ Nubber
Bracket w/ Steel Pulley Wheel
Hawley McClure & Co Hay Grapple
lot of 3 Pulleys Collins?, Perinagaff?, other
lot of 2 Louden's Floor Pulleys
lot of 2 Pulleys H Beard & EU & Wy Scoville?
C B Weeks Hay Grapple
Primitive Iron Die?
Primitve Press/ Grinder
Primitive Corn Sheller w/ Nubber
Primitive Cast Iron Pulley
Primitive Cast Iron Chisel Tool?
Plano MFG Tool Box
Cheney & Son Pulley
Primitive Corn Sheller w/ Handle
Gaisser's Corn Sheller
Hand Forged Hay Knife
Primitive Hay Fork
Primitive Hay Knife
Primitive Hay Knife
Primitive Hay Knife
Primitive Hay Knife
Primitive Hay Knife
Ashland Hay Trolley
(6) Hay Trolley Brackets Louden Porter, others
Hunt Helm & Ferris Hay Trolley w/ Drop Pulley
Dead Lock Hay Trolley
Peerless Bag Holder
Wooden Plaque Containing 4 Pipe wrenches
Louden Junior Hay Trolley Cable w/ Pulley
Primitive Hay Trolley w/ Trip Pulley
F M & G Flinchbaugh York PA Pump Jack
F E Myers OK Unloader Hay Trolley
Primitive Hay Trolley
Louden Hay Trolley w/ 2 Pulleys
Leader Hay Trolley w/ Trip Pulley
Porter Hay Trolley w/ Pulley
J A Cross Hay Trolley Fultonville NY
J A Cross Hay Trolley Fultonville NY
Ney Hay Trolley & Pulley
Leader Hay Trolley w/ Trip Pulley & Extra Pulley
Boss Dead Lock Swivel Hay Trolley & Trip Pulley
Myers OK Unloaded Hay Trolley Ashland Ohio
Myers OK Unloaded Hay Trolley Ashland Ohio
Stricklers Hay Trolley
A B Farquhar Ajax Steam Engine Cover
AM Co Lawn Tool Canton Ohio
Auchey Planter w/ Attachments
Keystone Farm Machine Works Corn Sheller
Partial Homemade Lawn tractor
lot of 2 Steel Hay Trolley Tracks
Curved Track for a Louden Litter Carrier
lot of 2 Wooden Hay Trolley Tracks
lot of 2 Wooden Hay Trolley Tracks
Wooden Hay Trolley Track
Geiser MFG Co. Elevator for a Corn Sheller?
Four Prong Hay Fork
Modern Dairy Man No.2 Cow Dehorner
Four Prong Hay Fork
Myers Hay Tools Display Stand
Primitive Bale Fork
Four Pronged Hay Grapple w/ Pulley
Three Prong Hay Fork
Four Prong Hay Fork
H K Porter Bolt Cutter?
Primitve Hay Knife
Lot of 7 Blacksmith Tongs & Pokers
Weitman & Barnes MFG Ideal Corn Sheller
Primitive Axe stamped A Miller
lot of 6 Blacksmith Tongs
Lot of 7 Blacksmith Tongs
Lot of 8 Blacksmith Tongs
lot of 6 Blacksmith Tongs
lot of 6 Blacksmith Tongs
Primitive Auger Stamped Holland
Set of Horse Yokes
Primitive Auger Stamped Holland
Primitive Auger Stamped Holland
Wells Bros. Swage Block
Primitive Screw Jack
Swage Block
Blacksmith Anvil
Swage Block
Floor Vise
Molten Metal Mold
Farm Master Cow Dehorner
Disston Ice Saw
Forge w/ Blower Attachment
D H Potts Lancaster PA Blower on Stand
Small Forge on Wooden Cart / Blower & Motor
Farquhar Iron Age Farm Machinery Porcelain Sign
Hinman Milkers Single Sided Tin Sign
Milkeeper Bulk Farming Cooling Tank Tin Sign
Hinman Milkers Single Sided Tin Sign
Hunter Automatic Barn Fans Tin Sign
Hinman Milkers Single Sided Tin Sign
Milkeeper Bulk Farming Cooling Tank Tin Sign
Hinman Milkers Single Sided Tin Sign
Hinman Milkers Single Sided Tin Sign
W Butcher Sheffield Adze
Rising Hammer
Primitive Broad Axe
Primitive Axe
Mortise Axe
Primitive Broad Axe
Large Primitive Snips
Primitive Broad Axe
Primitive Broad Axe
Primitive Adze
Large Primitive Snips
Primitive Broad Axe
Primitive Axe
Pair Of Ford Headlights
Primitive Hammer/Pic
Primitive Iron Cleaver/Cutter/Chopper?
Primitive Tongs
Primitive Axe
Primitive Hammer
Primitive Pic Axe stamped Hagen
Primitive Pic Axe
Anvil Hardy
Anvil Hardy
Anvil Hardy
lot of 8 Farrier Tongs
Hunter Automatic Barn Fans Tin Sign
lot of 5 Nail Pullers
lot of 6 Nail Pullers & Chain repair Pliers
lot of 6 Cast Iron Molds
lot of 5 Hammer Heads, Nail head Maker, other
lot of 6 Farrier Tongs, Nail Pullers, others
lot of 6 Nail Pullers & tongs
lot of 9 Anvil Hardys
Premier Coffee Poster,Wrightsville Hardware
lot of 4 Anvil Hardys & Swage Blocks
lot of 4 Hammer, Hammer Head, Wedges
lot of 5 Tongs
Swage Block
Swage Block
Swage Block
Swage Block
Floor Vise
Hay Budden Brooklyn NY Anvil
Hornless Anvil stamped 1737
Swage Block
Floor Vise
I I & B Co Horizontal Drill Press w/ Attachment
Cone Anvil
Swage Block
Cone Anvil
Swage Block
Swage Block
Swage Block
Cone Anvil
Swage Block
Swage Block
Swage Block
Swage Block
Primitive Roller/Cutting Tool?
Primitive Iron Mold?
Anvil w/ Eagle stamped on the side
Anvil Hardy
Cone Anvil
Large Anvil Hardy
Anvil marked 154 LBS
Cone Anvil
lot of 2 Chisel & other
lot of 9 Anvil Hardys
Hardy shaped like an Anvil
Anvil Hardy
lot of 9 Anvil Hardys
Right Angle Anvil Hardy
Anvil Hardy
Primitive Iron Clamp/Vise/Guide?
lot of 2 Tongs
Premier Coffee Poster,Wrightsville Hardware
Anvil Hardy
lot of 3 Tongs
lot of 2 hammers
lot of 3 Hammers
lot of 4 Tongs, Wrench
lot of 4 Hammers
lot of 6 Tongs
lot of 3 Hammers
lot of 5 Tongs
lot of 2 Hammers
lot of 4 Tongs
lot of 2 Hammers
lot of 6 Tongs
Box of York MFG Boring Machine Parts & pieces
Swage Block
Swage Block
Swage Block
Swage Block
Hornless Anvil
Swage Block
Floor Vise
Cone Anvil
Large Steel Mold/ Bracket?
Swage Block
Primitive Cast Iron Object/Anvil?
Cone Anvil
Cast Iron Part/Stand?