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US Stamps 21 Advertising Covers, front & back ads,
Documents 14 Gas Ration Coupons WWII
US Stamps Used 1890s-1980s on mix of pages, many
Liberia Stamps #C56a Mint hinged perf and Imperf,
United Nations Stamps Mint Postal Cards, air lette
US Stamps #646 with PAID in Oval cancel, CV $150
US Stamps #73 Mint Regummed Block of 4, CV $1175
US Stamps #78b Used with light red cancel, CV $450
US Stamps #86 Used E grill with black cork,CV $450
US Stamps #90 Used with perf tip crease, CV $375
US Stamps #113 Mint hinged 1869 Post Rider with co
US Stamps #155 Used Fine horizontal crease,CV $325
US Stamps #189 Used with 4 large margins,CV $27.50
US Stamps #220 Mint NH with PSAG cert, CV $60
US Stamps #264 Mint NH reperforated, CV $17.50
US Stamps #300 Mint hinged Plate Number, CV $50
US Stamps #300-308 Mint hinged with some, CV $402
US Stamps #449 Used with thin at right, CV $650
US Stamps #693,696,700 Mint NH Blocks of 4,CV $164
US Stamps #O22 Mint No Gum with small, CV $180
US Stamps #PS15 Mint hinged $5 Postal Savings with
US Stamps Officially Sealed Mint hinged tete-beche
US Stamps #UX10 Mint Pre-printed old time pair wit
US Stamps #65 tied to Omaha, Nebraska CDS (Feb 8)
US Stamps #85 D grill Used on May 25, CV $1250
US Stamps #94 Used Green Oswego CDS, bright cover,
US Stamps #136A tied on cover with PF certificate,
US Stamps #207, J3 tied on cover Due 3 marking, NY
US Stamps1902 Cover Deer Lodge, Registered with ba
Great Britain Stamps #174 x5 Used group, CV $1700
Greece Stamps, #8 Used Coarse printing, CV $490
Greece Stamps, #107-116Mint HR, mixed CV $1062.25
Ukraine Stamp Unissued Essay mint NH
Worldwide Stamps on dealer cards, lots of variety
Worldwide Stamps on dealer cards, lots of variety
Worldwide Stamps on dealer cards, lots of variety
Germany occupationstamps6 covers, fresh philatelic
Austria Offices in Turkey stamps Used on pages plu
France Offices Stamps 1890s-1920s Used on pages, n
Germany occupation Stamps includes Poland, Serbia,
Danzig Semi-Postal Stamps Mint LH and Used on page
British Commonwealths Stamps Mint NH and Used Bloc
US Stamps 12 Travelers Bank Tags with Prexie Perfi
US Stamps Express Plate,FACE VALUE $262.20 Mint NH
US Stamps 4 Ship Covers Vietnam era, Philatelic Fr
US Stamps 1943 Submarine Patriotic Cover, excellen
Sabah and Tokelau Stamps Mint NH on pages
Pitcairn Islands Stamps 1940-1965 Mint NH collecti
Norfolk Islands Stamps mint NH 1947-1966 on Scott
Heligoland Stamps7 on dealer cards, uncertain if g
India Stamps on dealer cards, $20 and up, CV $250+
Hong Kong Stamps on dealer cards, $20, CV $750+
Hawaii Stamps on dealer cards, $20, CV $150+
Jordan Stamps on dealer cards, $20, CV $250+
German East Africa Stamps on dealer cards,CV $125+
Gibraltar Stamps on dealer cards, $20 and up catal
"G" Country Stamps on dealer cards, CV $500+
Greece Stamps on dealer cards, $20 and up,CV $600+
US Stamps Plate Blocks Mint NH 1950s-1960s in Harr
US Stamps Plate Blocks Mint NH 1960s-1970s in Harr
US Stamps 1930s-1970s Mint NH collection in Harris
Princess Diana Stamps 1997 First Day Cover Fleetwo
Princess Diana Stamps 100+ Tribute Covers 1997-199
US Stamps 1936-1982 Mint NH collection, well fille
US Stamps 1850s-1890s Used collection, with nicely
US Stamps 1893-1908 Used and Mint Collection on pa
US Stamps 1910s Washington Franklin collection Use
US Stamps 1920s-1930s Used and Mint collection on
US Stamps 1933-1935 Farley issues on Scott pages i
US Stamps #803-834 Mint hinged set of Prexies 1938
US Stamps #1 Used with horizontal crease, CV $350
US Stamps #121 Used with filled thins, CV $375
US Stamps #261 Mint HR with horizontal crease
US Stamps #292 Used wit small perf thin, CV $700
US Stamps #293 Used fine with pressed, CV $1050
US Stamps #459 Mint HR fresh and scarce, CV $275
US Stamps #500 Mint LH Type I Washington, CV $260
US Stamps #519 Mint LH attractive perf II, CV $425
US Stamps #538 Mint NH Fine Plate Block, CV $400+
US Stamps #581-591 Mint hinged set perf CV $176.75
US Stamps Collection 1880s-1970s in Liberty Album,
US Stamps 1928-37 Mint Plate Block Collection in a
US Stamps 4-10 cent Plate Blocks in glassines, $50
US Stamps Uncounted Face Value in every format, gu
US Stamps Space lot with 50+ NASA FDC and Event Co
US Stamps 1938-1980s Plate Block Collection includ
US Stamps First Day Covers, a few mint stamps misc
US Stamps $260+ FACE VALUE in Mint Sheets 10-15 ce
US Stamps $115+ FACE VALUE in Mint Sheets and mult
US Stamps $200+ FACE VALUE in Mint Sheets 13-15 ce
US Stamps $115+ FACE VALUE in Mint Sheets and mult
US Stamps $350+ FACE VALUE in Mint Sheets in mostl
US Stamps $400+ FACE VALUE in Mint Sheets/Multiple
United Nations Stamps Flag First Day Covers dealer
US Stamps Mint Postal Stationery and Cards in bank
US Stamps Souvenir Cards collections, hundreds in
US Stamps FACE VALUE $50+ in small chocolates box
Israel Stamps, First Day Covers, etc in neat accum
Ryukyus Islands Stamps Mint NH blocks and sheets i
1892 Mekeel's US Stamp album, fresh cover, one pag
US Stamp Show Covers Lancaster and York County, PA
Philippines Stamps many hundreds mint and used, mo
Vatican City Stamps First Day Covers hundreds most
US Stamps Used postal cards early 20th century
Togo Stamps 1970s Mint NH collection on White Ace
US Stamps 1901-1949 Mint NH/LH Collection on White
US Stamps 1950-1965 Mint NH Collection on White Ac
US Stamps 1966-1975 Mint NH Collection on White Ac
US Stamps 1976-1979 Mint NH Collection on White Ac
US Airmail Stamps 1930-1974 Mint NH Collection on
US Stamps 1945-1958 Matched Plate Blocks Mint NH C
US Stamps 1960 Matched Plate Blocks Mint NH Collec
US Stamps 3 cent Plate Blocks Mint NH in binder, g
Vatican City Stamps Mint dealer stock in stockbook
US Stamps Mint and Used 20th century in stockbook
Greece Stamps 1980 Olympics commemorative album, m
Canada Stamps 1880s-1950s Used in safety deposit b
US Stamps #PR2,PR6, PR7 Mint No Gum, CV $850
US Stamps #Q1-Q12 Mint HR with faults, CV $860
US Stamps #112-114 Mint No Gum bright, CV $370
US Stamps #117 Mint No Gum fresh SS, CV $725
US Stamps #241 Mint HHR wit thins, CV $1000
US Stamps #242 Mint OG with a crease, CV $1100
US Stamps #292 Mint disturbed, CV $1500
US Stamps #293 Mint disturbed original, CV $1900
US Stamps #295 Used Fast Train Printing EFO, well
US Stamps #311 Mint OG Sound and bright, CV $600
US Stamps #312 Mint HR with small hinge, CV $600
US Stamps #323-327 Mint HR with small, CV $305
US Stamps #342 Mint OG with large thin, CV $450
US Stamps #374-382 Mint OG perf 12, CV $522.50
US Stamps #403 Mint HR with small thin, CV $160
US Stamps #414-421 Mint HR with thins, CV $905
US Stamps #423 Mint Regummed over small thins, $1
US Stamps #460 Mint Regummed with crease, scarce
US Stamps #462-466, 468-475 Mint HR perf, CV $985
US Stamps #476 Mint LH Fresh 20 cent, CV $240
US Stamps #477 Mint LH with tiny hinge, CV $850
US Stamps #479 Mint large part original, CV $210
US Stamps #498-499, 501-504, 506-518 Mint, CV $325
US Stamps #545 Mint LH Coil Waste perf II, CV $225
US Stamps #546 Mint HR Fresh perf II, CV $105
US Stamps #547 Mint HR with thins, CV $125
US Stamps #C1-C6 Mint HR with thins, CV $322
US Stamps #C1-C6 Mint HR with thins, CV $322
US Stamps #C13 Mint HR with small thin 65, CV $180
US Stamps #PR4 Mint No Gum with perf, CV $850
US and Worldwide remainders lot including Scott In
US Stamps in Albums/First Day Covers, etc, with so
Literature Small Group including 1926 Scott Public
Canada Stamps #213 Full Mint NH Sheet, CV $150
US Stamps 100+ Highway Post Office Event and First
US Stamps 150+ First Flight Covers in album, 1930s
US Stamps Stampless Cover with Black New York
US Stamps Stampless Cover with Black Portsmouth, N
US Stamps Stampless Cover with Black Zanesville, O
US Stamps Stampless Cover with Blue Hudson, Ohio o
US Stamps #26 Used on Cover with "Chicopee, MA Sta
US Stamps #113c Used on Cover with PF, CV $6,000
Liechtenstein Stamps 1912-1959 Mint LH and Used, n
Austria Stamps 1850s-1860s Used Fresh collection
Austria Stamps 1880s-1910s Used fresh collection o
Austria Stamps 1920s-1930s Used fresh collection o
Austria Postage Due Stamps 1890s-1930s Used fresh
Austria Military Post Stamps 1915-1918 Used and Mi
Spain Airmail Stamps on mix of pages, a bit
Russia Airmail Stamps on mix of pages, a bit disor
Mexico Airmail Stamps on mix of pages, a bit disor
India Azad Hind Stamps Mint NH on 2 pages
Serbia Stamps 1941-1943 Mint LH/NH sets and single
Worldwide Airmail Stamps on mix of pages, a bit
Berlin Germany Stamps 1948-1969 in Kabe hingeless
Hungary Back of the Book Stamps Specialized collec
Worldwide Stamps on vintage approvals pages, inclu
Sweden Stamps Used 1970s-1990s dealer stockbook wi
Liechtenstein Stamps 1960-1995 Mint NH in Leuchttu
Germany Stamps 1950s-1982 Mint NH in Leuchtturm hi
US and Worldwide Stamps 1860s-1960s Used and Mint
Danzig Stamps 1920-1939 Used and Mint LH collecti
Worldwide Stamps 1000+ in Scott Brown 1928-1935 al
Germany occupied zones stamps 1946-1949 collection
United Nations Stamps 1950s-1970s Mint LH/NH and u
Germany Official Stamps dealer stock used with dup
Romania Stamps 1000+ Used dealer stock mostly mid
Stamp Supplies empty Canada album 1851-1952 like n
Canada Stamps 1974-1979 Used and Mint NH collectio
Canada Stamps 1942-1997 Used collection in Scott M
Canada Stamps Used accumulation in binder, a few h
Canada Stamps 1850s-1970s Used and Mint Collection
Newfoundland Stamps collection 1890s-1930s on Clif
Germany Stamps Used World War II Postcard
Germany Stamps Used World War II Postcard
Germany Stamps Used World War II Postcard
Germany Stamps Used World War II Postcard
Germany Stamps Used World War II Postcard
Germany Stamps Used World War II Postcard
Germany Stamps Mint World War II Postcard
Germany Stamps Mint World War II Postcard
Germany Stamps Mint World War II Postal Card
Germany Stamps Mint World War II Postcard
Germany Ration Card World War II for Soap Powder
Germany Ration Card World War II for Bread
Germany Ration Card World War II for Meat
US and Worldwide Stamps on and off paper, thousand
US and Worldwide Stamps in bankers box, mostly on
US Stamps 150+ Golden Replica First Day Covers in
Worldwide Stamps 1000+ in bankers box of remainder
Worldwide Stamps 10,000+ in 3 volumes Minkus Maste
BEP Souvenir Cards Numismatic mostly, in binder, n
Israel Stamps Mint NH booklets, sheet lets, positi
United Nations Stamps Mint NH and Used in jam pack
US Stamps Tractor Topical collection, seldom seen
Austria Stamps 1982-2008 Used dealer stockbook, th
Austria Back of Book Stamps Specialized Collection
Worldwide Stamps 1000+ variety mostly 20th century
Romania Stamps 1960s Used Dealer Stockbook, neatly
Switzerland Stamps 1880s-1959 Used and Mint hinged
Worldwide Stamps Collection in 1958 Minkus Master
Worldwide Stamps 1000+ in 1920 Scott brown Interna
Berlin Germany Stamps 1970-1979 Mint NH in Linder
Worldwide Stamps C to G countries in Scott Interna
Finland Stamps 1000+ Used 19th and 20th century ac
Netherlands Stamps 1980-2010 Used dealer stockbook
South America Stamps Used Collection in Stockbook
France Stamps Used 20th century in stockbook, lots
Great Britain, Kenya, Malta, etc Used selection of
Germany WWII Zone Stamps includes Saxony, Strausbe
US Stamps #65//554 dealer stock Mint on pages in d
US Stamps #65//800 Used dealer stock in #1 glassin
Libya Stamps #1023 m-p 29 sheets of 16, CV $1113+
Antigua Stamps #989 Full Roll, CV $1.75 per stamp
Mexico Stamps #C49 34 Mint Sheets of 60, CV $2040
Worldwide Stamps and Souvenir Sheets Mint NH with
Worldwide Covers and Cards groups, handful with
Gibraltar and UN Stamps Booklets Mint NH, 16 Gibra
Grenada Grenadines Disney Stamps, CV $4437.75
Grenada Grenadines Disney Stamps, CV $4437.75
US Vintage Playing cards, State Monuments and Scen
US Stamps 85+ Covers from 1900s to 1990 in binder
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika Stamps 1958 Cover, wi
Barbados Stamps 1927 Cover, with detailed write-up
Malta Stamps #178-183 Mint HR CV $280