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US Stamps Mint NH encased on 290+ Covers includes
US Postcards Mint and Used 700+ includes 275+ Cent
Supplies 12 Volume Scott International Album A-Z t
Supplies Stockbooks in Good condition
US Stamps 700+ pieces of Naval Support mail with N
US Stamps 500 New York State Covers 1900-59
US Stamps $200 Face Value of modern Mint Postal Ca
US Stamps 220+ Commercial Event Covers
Ephemera 425+ QSL Cards, worldwide
US Stamps 840+ Virginia Post Cards
US Stamps 500+ North Carolina Post Cards
Vatican City Stamps 1960-1994 Mint NH collection o
Vatican City Stamps 1929-1959 Mint Hinged
United Nations Stamps First Day covers, First Day
United States Stamps First Day covers, First Day C
Confederate States #11 on cover to Miss Julia Seld
United Nations Stamps UNTEA Mint never hinged bloc
Vatican City Stamps #1//Q3 CV $300, about 150 mint
Vatican City Stamps #35-40 Mint original CV $1560
US Stampless cover from Monterey VA on a July 25 t
Vatican City Stamps #C16-C17 Mint LH #C17,CV $450+
US Stamps $575+ Face Value in blocks, strips and s
US Stamps Uncounted Face on DCS Commemorative page
US and Worldwide Stamps loose in albums, etc, 1000
US Stamps First Day Covers in 5 binders, PCS, 1990
US Stamps USPS Souvenir Pages, several hundred, 19
US Stamps FDCs, 1990s-2000s mostly unaddressed and
US Stamps $550+ Face Value in uncut mint sheets, 1
Great Britain Stamps #1, Used in Postal Commemorat
US Stamps #630, Mint in Postal Commemorative Socie
US Stamps #294-299, Mint in Postal Commemorative S
US Stamps #C3, Mint in Postal Commemorative Societ
US Stamps Used Pictorials in Postal Commemorative
US Stamps #1, used in Postal Commemorative Society
US and Worldwide Stamps remainders includes Used U
US Stamps FACE VALUE $575+ includes large stack of
Stamp Supplies 3 Scott Albums, large sized 3 ring
US Stamps Mint NH 20 to 29 cent denominations in g
US Stamps Mint NH 3 cent to 18 cent denominations
US Stamps Mint NH 32 cent to 33 cent denominations
US hi value Stamps FACE VALUE $50+ in $2 and up st
US Stamps FACE VALUE $325+ in singles and blocks M
US Forever Stamps FACE VALUES $275+ in sealed USPS
US Stamps2001-2002 Complete Mint NH Collection on
US Stamps 2003-2004 Complete Mint NH Collection on
US Stamps 2005-2006 Complete Mint NH Collection on
US Stamps 2007-2008 Complete Mint NH Collection on
US Stamps 2009-2010 Complete Mint NH Collection on
US Stamps 2011-2012 Complete Mint NH Collection on
US Stamps 2013-2014 Complete Mint NH Collection on
US Stamps 2015-2016 Complete Mint NH Collection on
US Stamps 2017-2018 Complete Mint NH Collection on
US Stamps 2019-2020 Complete Mint NH Collection on
US Stamps 2021 Complete Mint NH Collection on
France Stamp #J24 Used with a small thin CV $825
US Stamp #228 Mint LH, fresh Original Gum CV $300
US Stamps 1934-1990 Mint NH collection complete in
US Stamps 1991-2000 Mint NH collection complete ex
US Stamps Mint NH Sheets mostly 29 to 32 cent deno
US Stamps Modern Mint Sheets 2000-2009, 34-42 cent
US FOREVER Stamps Sheets and Panes 2011-2012 Mint
US FOREVER Stamps Sheets and Panes 2013-2014 Mint
US FOREVER Stamps Sheets and Panes 2015 Mint NH, i
US FOREVER Stamps Sheets and Panes 2016 Mint NH, i
US FOREVER Stamps Sheets and Panes 2017 Mint NH, i
US FOREVER Stamps Sheets and Panes 2018 Mint NH, i
US FOREVER Stamps Sheets and Panes 2019 Mint NH, i
US FOREVER Stamps Sheets and Panes 2020 Mint NH, i
US FOREVER Stamps Sheets and Panes 2021 Mint NH, i
US Stamps #2870 Mint NH Legends of West Recalled E
US Stamps #3138 Mint NH Imperf Bugs Bunny Mint NH
Worldwide Stamps Remembering Princess Diana in two
Jersey Stamps 1969-1990 Mostly MNH, some used on A
Isle of Man Stamps 1973 to 1990s mostly MNH, some
Yugoslavia Stamps collection in Minkus album from
India Stamps in a loose leaf binder on vario and s
French Colonies Stamps 1900s-1930s, arranged by co
US Stamps Mint NH Plate Blocks 1940s includes Over
Panama Stamps collection in manila folder, 1887 to
Liechtenstein Stamps on 10 quadrille pages, mostly
Bosnia and Herzegovina Stamps 1879-1918 in manila
Canada Stamps, 2 Souvenir packets, 1987 CAPEX issu
US Stamps 1999 Mint NH year set in USPS book
US Stamps #2870 Mint NH Legends of the West Error
Bulgaria Stamps on mix pages, hundreds of stamps f
Czechoslovakia Stamps on mix pages, hundreds of st
Dominican Republic Stamps, 45 covers 1940s-1950s
Haiti Stamps, 40 covers 1940s-1960s
France Stamps 1930s-1970s Mint and Used includes C
Jamaica Stamps, country collection on Minkus pages
Lincoln Stamps and memorabilia on set of homemade
Switzerland Stamps Post Office year packs for 1992
Worldwide Stamps hi catalog value items CV $2000+
France Stamps Used Airmails on Vario page, plus
Romania Stamps Used and Mint on Vario pages, inclu
Austria Stamps better issues in mixed condition on
Lombardy, Venetia Austria Stamps, small seCV $900+
Indonesia Sumatra and Java occupation CV 90+
Nicaragua Stamps #3//12 Mint selection CV $172
Angola Stamps #61-69 mint and used with CV $200+
Ascension Stamps #40-41A, 42, 43,44-49, CV $201.35
Austria Stamps #142, Used Birthday Jubilee CV $225
Austria Stamps #143, Used 1910 5K Franz CV $225
Austria Stamps #144, Used 1910 hi value CV $325
Belgium Stamps #B521-522, Mint HR CV $320(as NH)
British Guiana Stamps #210-222 Mint LH CV $174.75
Ceylon Stamps #49 Used #53 Mint OG, scarce CV$525
Cyprus Stamps #125-135 Mint NH 1934 CV $405
Falkland Islands Stamps #71-72 Mint LH CV$150
Falkland Islands Stamps #107-120 CV$240.40(as NH)
France Stamp #300c, Mint NH, 1936 turquoise CV$400
New Zealand Stamps #14e Used 4margin 1863 CV $115
New Zealand Stamps #15 Used bright, fresh CV $375
US Stamps 1860s includes 1 cent Franklin on card,
US Stamps #219-229 Used Small Banknotes CV $250
US Stamps Parcel Post used includes 15 #Q12 $1, r
US Stamps Mint NH booklets, BK57 with detached bac
US Stamps EFO and tagging varieties on Vario page,
US Stamps #909-921 Mint NH overrun countries group
US Stamps #909-921 First Day Cover Smart- Craft Ca
US Stamps 1930s National Parks Mint hinged singles
US Stamps Mint LH/NH Coil pairs and strips 20th ce
US Stamps 1870s Officials 100+ stamps mostly Used,
US Stamps 1940s-1980s mint NH Plate Blocks and sin
US Stamps 1880s-1930s Mint NH (a few no gum) selec
US Stamps #830-834 Mint NH Plate Blocks CV $475+
US Stamps 1908-1909 Used Washington perf 12 issues
US Stamps #246//319 Used attractive groups of smal
US Stamps #148//215 Large Banknotes selection most
US Stamps #658-668 Mint NH Kansas CV $431.50
Canada Stamps #116//262 Mint Hinged with many well
Canada Back of Book Stamps Mint Selection on Vario
Cuba, Italy, Romania Stamps thousands of stamps in
CSA Stamps #56x1 Mint no gum, fresh genuine CV$100
CSA Stamps #56x2 Mint no gum, fresh CV $150
CSA Stamps #6 Mint NH, Margin Block of 4, fresh wi
CSA Stamps #11 x6 variety of cancels, Confederate
CSA Stamps #11 x2 with Demopolis Ala and Washingto
CSA Stamps #11 Mint NH Jumbo with PSE certificate
CSA Stamps #12 Mint no gum, Margin Block of 4, bri
CSA Stamps #8, 11, 13, 14 Mint no gum CV $248
CSA Stamps #6, 7, 11, 12 Sheet Margin group, nice
US Stamps #R33a Used fresh with large CV $400
US Stamps #R65a Used Imperf 70 cent 1st CV $750
US Stamps #R74a Used Imperf with purple hanCV $350
US Stamps #R82a Used lovely $2 Mortgage CV $200
US Stamps #R85a Used with light Soiled CV $250
US Stamps #R95a Used with PSE certificate CV $800
US Stamps #R97a Used with APS certificate CV $4500
US Stamps #R98a Used $20 Conveyance CV $150
US Stamps #R100a Used with PF certificate CV $3250
US Stamps #R101a Used 1st Issue $50 USIR CV $325
US Revenue Stamps Imperf collection on CV $700+
US Stamps #R15c used with Gettysburg date, Frederi
US Stamps #R21c Used 4 cent Playing Cards CV $700
US Stamps #R31c Used with PSE certificate CV $1800
US Stamps #R73c Used $1 Mortgage Revenue CV $300
US Stamps #R74c Used $1 Passage Ticket CV $350
US Stamps #R97c Used with blue handstamps CV $300
US Stamps #R99c Used rare $20 Probate of CV $3000
US Stamps #R102c Used $200 Revenue with CV $750
US Stamps #R1c//R101c Used 1st Issue CV $3000+
US and Worldwide Stamps $40+ Face Value in mint sh
US Postcards 900+ Chrome, nice selection, with a f
Worldwide Postcards 475+ Continental, nice and nea
US Postcards 1000+ Linen and earlier, very nice gr
US and Worldwide Stamps collection and accumulatio
US Stamps Covers, a few hundred includes 1977-1981
US Postcards and Photos in vintage album, some pas
US Postcards and Photos in vintage album, some pas
US Stamps Bloods Penny Post Local Cover with stamp
US Stamps Civil War era Revenues, mostly perforate
US Stamps #65 Used Plate Blocks of 16, Revenue usa
US and Worldwide Stamps in 4 Scott modern albums,
US Stamps 1850s-1890s Used and Mint includes #230-
US Stamps 1900s-1930s Mint hinged collection in vi
US Stamps #287 Mint HR bright attractive 4 CV $110
US Stamps #C6 Mint HR very well centered CV $65
US Stamps #C13-C15 Mint HR fresh well CV $1080
Worldwide and US Stamps remainders includes covers
US and Worldwide Stamps 1860s-1940s in Scott Moder
Worldwide Stamps 1000+ in stockbook, wide variety
Worldwide Stamps 1000+ in stockbook, wide variety
Germany and Area Stamps 500+ in Light House album
Nigeria Stamps and Covers, mint hinged includes bl
US Stamps 1940s-1976 Mint hinged and Used, many hu
Egypt Stamps and Covers 1860s-1950s collection on
US Stamps 1850s-1890s Used on Scott pages, fresh g
US Stamps 1901-1940 Used and some Mint hinged on S
Worldwide Stamps1000+ in 3 Minkus Supreme Global A
US Stamps Mint NH USPS Year Sets in original books
Worldwide and US Stamps 1000+ in 3 sparse albums
US Stamps First Day Covers includes 2002 State Gre
Canada Stamps 1000+ Used to Mint NH on quadrille p
Vatican City Stamps 1940s-1970s Mint NH mostly, in
Vatican City Stamps 1950s-19760s Mint NH, in Scott
Switzerland Stamps 1880s-1970s Used collection on
Worldwide Stamps about 1000 in Scott International
US Stamps Jail Inmate Covers, 2 to DEA from Suffol