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US Postal Stationery Postal Cards to 2010s in 2
US Stamps Postal Stationery, Mint, in two albums
US Stamps Used Stock 1940s-2010s sorted on stockpa
US Stamps Mint NH booklet panes collection 1970s-1
US Stamps 1930-1989 Mint NH collection, huge uncou
US Stamps 1930-1980 Used collection on mix of page
US Stamps Mint Postal Card modern issues in card a
US Stamps Postal Stationary and cut squares collec
US Stamps Christmas Collection in album with singl
US Stamps Mint Collection to 1999 in binder in var
US Stamps Mint Collection 1991-1998 in binder in
US Stamps Used Collection 1980 to 1998 in binder i
US Stamps Mint Collection 1999 to 2003 in binder
US Stamps Used Collection 1999 to 2003 in binder i
US Stamps Mint and Used Collection 2004 to 2007 in
US Stamps Mint and Used Collection 2008 to 2011 in
US Stamps Mint and Used Collection 2012 to 2015 in
US Stamps Mint and Used Collection 2016 to 2018 in
US Stamps Federal Duck Collection 1934-2020 Mint
US Stamps Postage Due Collection Mint and Used
US Stamps #Q1-Q12Used and Mint hinged on pages, so
US Stamps #E1-E9 Used and Mint hinged Special Del
US Stamps Airmail Collection Mint hinged early iss
US Stamps Booklet Panel Collection Mint LH and NH
US Stamps1900-1920s Used and Mint assorted in mix
US Stamps Officials Used and Mint collection on pa
US Stamps Officials Mint NH Love sheets on sheet
US Stamps Mint NH Flag Sheets on Sheet pages
US Stamps 1850s-1890s Used and Mint hinged, assort
US Stamps 1890s-1920s Used and Mint Commemoratives
US Stamps #630 Mint Hinged White Plains Souvenir
Worldwide Stamps thousands in sheets of blocks, Mi
US Stamps1850s-1890son Scott pages, most classics
US Stamps Bach of Book collections on Scott pages,
US Stamps1900-1940s Used and Mint LH/NH on Scott p
US Stamps Mint NH1940-1979 on Scott pages in damag
Worldwide Stamps Elmer Long Demonstration album
US Stamps FACE VALE $600+ mostly 3 to 4 cent deno
Israel Stamps First Day Covers and Commercial Cove
Israel Stamps 2 albums loaded with stamps but with
Israel Stamps Bankers box of thousands of stamps l
Worldwide Stamps a few thousands in 2 bankers boxe
US First Day Covers in 3 bankers boxes in coffee
Worldwide Stamps4 Bankers Boxes in mixed of albums
US Stamps FACE VALUE $300+ in Bankers Box, mostly
Worldwide Stamps Bankers Box, mix of on and off pa
Worldwide Stamps a few thousand in remainders albu
US Stamps Federal Duck Artist signed prints x7
US Stamps Federal Duck Artist Signed Prints x25
Canada Stamps Federal Duck Artist Signed Prints x6
US Stamps Coast Guard Covers Collection in binder
Worldwide Stamps Princess Diana Collection Mint NH
Liechtenstein Stamps #94-107 Mint HR CV $681
Liechtenstein Stamps #55-69 Used missingCV $474.20
Liechtenstein Stamps #1-3 Used CV $90
Liechtenstein Stamps #82-89 Mint LH CV $435
Liechtenstein Stamps #85-89 Mint HHR CV $312.50
Liechtenstein Stamps #C9-C13 Mint NH light CV $300
Liechtenstein Stamps #C14 Mint NH CV $130
Liechtenstein Stamps #C15-C16 Mint NH 1936 CV $160
Liechtenstein Stamps Zumstein #1b Mint CV1,600
Liechtenstein Stamps #108-110 Used CV $492.50
Liechtenstein Stamps #111-113 Used CV $127.50
Liechtenstein Stamps #C1-C6 Used CV $280
Liechtenstein Stamps #C116-129 Used CV $218.60
Liechtenstein Stamps #131 Used 1934 high CV $1050
Liechtenstein Stamps #157-159 Used 1939 CV $112.50
Liechtenstein Stamps #171 Used 1941 Mad CV $97.50
Liechtenstein Stamps #B1-B10 Used CV $227
Liechtenstein Stamps #C8-13 Used CV $157.50
Liechtenstein Stamps #C1-C6 Mint HR CV $157.50
Liechtenstein Stamps #C7-C8 Mint HR CV $210
Liechtenstein Stamps #C9-C13 Mint LH CV $151.50
Liechtenstein Stamps #108-110 Mint HR CV $295
Liechtenstein Stamps #114 Used CV $250
Liechtenstein Stamps #1-3 Mint small HR CV $212.50
Liechtenstein Stamps #55-69 Mint CV $368.70
Liechtenstein Stamps #94-107 Used CV $1,117.00
Austria Stamps #142 Mint LH CV $110
Austria Stamps #405-423 Mint NH 1945 mostlyCV $130
Austria Stamps #B185a-B188a Mint NH S/S CV $250
Liechtenstein Stamps 1920s-1940s Used and Mint
United Nations Stamps Mint NH and Mint Postal Stat
US Stamps Mint Postal Stationary and Cards, 13.5
US Stamps Mint Postal Stationary and Cards, 9
US Stamps Mint Postal Stationary and Cards, 6.5
Europa Stamps1959 Mint NH sets x100 on dealer card
Danish West Indies Stamps 18-50s-1920s Used and Mi
Eritrea Stamps 1890s Mint hinged and Used on pages
Natal Stamps 1902-1909 Used better group CV $425+
Columbia Stamps 1860s-1940s Used collection CV$350
Israel Stamps Mint and used mostly with tabs, incl
US and Worldwide Stamps 1880s-1930s Used and Mint,
Worldwide Stamps50+Souvenir Sheets on dealer card,
Worldwide Stamps50+Souvenir Sheets on dealer card,
Worldwide Stamps50+Souvenir Sheets on dealer card,
Worldwide Stamps50+Souvenir Sheets on dealer card,
US Stamps #UY7 Mint Paid Reply Postal Cards, 125+
US Stamps FACE VALUE $375+ Mint NH Mix of Singles
US Stamps FACE VALUE $80+ Plate Blocks 1958-1969
US Stamps on Dealer Cards, nice items
US Stamps 5 Registered Covers small Maine Towns
US Stamps Mint NH Multiples, with light mount dama
US Stamps #U293 Series1-7 CV $210
US Stamps #441 Mint OG Paste up strip of 5
US Stamps #RW26 Mint NH CV $130
US Stamps #C18 Mint NH CV $75
US Stamps #540 Plate Number Block of 4 MintCV $175
US Stamps #578 and 579 Mint NH Coil Waste CV $290
US Stamps #E3 Mint NH with gum crease CV $650
US Stamps #704-715 Mint NH Plate Blocks CV $370
US Stamps #242 Used with crease CV $525
US Stamps #212 Mint NH CV $290
US Stamps #441 Mint strips of 4 with line CV $67+
Canada Stamps #158 Mint LH Bluenose CV $225
Canada Stamps #122 Mint NH P.O. fresh gum CV $210
US Stamps #112,113,114,115,117 Used CV $591
Worldwide Stamps in 2 Brown Scott albums, hundreds
British Commonwealths Stamps Silver Jubilee issues
US Stamps FACE VALUE $450+ in albums in 2 Bankers
Worldwide stamps Album Bulk lot in 5 Bankers Boxes
US Stamps Used on and off paper in 2 Bankers Boxes
Worldwide Stamps on and off paper plus misc covers
Worldwide Stamps accumulation in variety of format
United Nations Stamps in Bankers Box includes Flag
US Stamps FACE VALUE $200+ in Bankers Box on prese
US Stamps On and Off Paper in Bankers Box 1,000+
US Stamps Covers Group with FDCs, Mint Postal Stat
US Stamps Mint and Used Year sets, Souvenir Sheets
US Stamps and Coins Gold Plated Quarters ($60+ FAC
US Stamps Mint NH and LH in 2 albums includes bloc
US Stamps $325+FACE VALUE Mostly Sheets of Partial
US Stamps $375+ FACE VALUE Mostly Sheets of Partia
US Stamps $360+ FACE VALUE Mostly Sheets of Partia
US Stamps $340+ FACE VALUE Mostly Sheets of Partia
US Stamps $325+ FACE VALUE Mostly Sheets of Partia
US Stamps $375+ FACE VALUE Mostly Sheets of Partia
US Stamps $350+ FACE VALUE Mostly Sheets of Partia
US Stamps 1920s-1930s mostly Mint old Stolow aucti
Armenia Stamps Mint Sheets Mostly 20th Century
Cyprus Stamps 1989//2001 Year Sets in Presentation
US and Worldwide Stamps 1970s Souvenir Cards 40+
Iran Stamps 20th Century mint sheets, 1,000+ stamp
Worldwide Stamps, Thousands on stockpages, mint sh
United Nations Stamps 1970s-80s singles and postal
US Stamps Uncounted Face Value, many 50 cent and
Armenia Stamps Accumulations, singles, covers, etc
Supplies Mount Strips,Vario Pages, etc
Worldwide Stamps thousands in stockbooks, mostly e
Worldwide Stamps Thousands in 2 Banker's Boxes, al
Worldwide Stamps hundreds on stockpages, fills lar
Israel Stamps 1940s-70s mint collection in 2 Minku
France Stamps 1965-76 in album, mint
Germany DDR Stamps Used, hundreds in stockbook
Great Britain and Area Stamps Royal Wedding Collec
United Nations Stamps 1951-76 Mint Inscription Blo
Karabagh Stamps Unofficial stamps in nice album wi
US Stamps Mint NH Year books in 3 Banker's Boxes,
Canada Stamps Mint NH Yearbooks 1980s-2000s in Ban
US Post cards in Banker's Box, Mint and Used with
US Stamps Used 20th Century in albums in Banker's
US Stamps FACE VALUE $78 Mint NH 2 folded up press
Worldwide Stamps eclectic remainders group, mix of
US Stamps 1860s-1910s Used collection in mixed con
Worldwide Revenue Stamps in old approval books
US Stamps Used 1870s-1940s in stockbook, will be a
US Stamps 1898 Battleship Documentary Revenues Min
Supplies Garni Armenian Hingeless Album Volume 1-3
Armenia First Day Covers and Stamps Collection #1
Armenia First Day Covers and Stamps Collection #2
Worldwide Stamps in 20 smaller stockbooks
Armenia First Day Covers and Stamps Collection #3
Great Britain and area stamps silver Jubilee and R
Worldwide Stamps many hundreds in stockbooks early
Worldwide Stamps hundreds in stockbooks, mostly ea
Armenia Stamps Postal Cards and Stationary Mint an
Worldwide Stamps Princess Diana Collection in Myst
US Stamps $250+ FACE VALUE in forever booklets
US Stamps $300+ FACE VALUE in 37 cent sheets
US Stamps $420+ FACE VALUE in Forever Stamps
US Stamps $375+ FACE VALUE in mostly 30cent and up
US Stamps $560+ FACE VALUE in mostly 33 cent and u
US Stamps $570+ FACE VALUE in mostly 33 cent and u
US Stamps $150+ FACE VALUE in higher value stamps
Switzerland Stamps Mint Year sets 1980s-90s
United Nations Stamps Mint sets and more, many in
US and Worldwide Stamps on dealer cards, hundreds+
Worldwide Stamps thousands in year sets, glassines
Worldwide Stamps thousands in year sets, glassines
Worldwide Stamps thousands in year sets, glassines
US Stamps 21 Postage Due Covers with Postage Due S
Switzerland Stamps Mint in Stockbook
US Stamps Back of Book on page including Special D
2 Vintage Photographs Graded by CGC
Japan Stamps Mint NH (mostly) on 2 Vario pages, so
Pokemon Cards 8 Cards in Sleeve
Pokemon Cards 9 Cards in Sleeve
Pokemon Cards Blastoise
Pokemon Cards Mewtwo
Pokemon Cards Venusaur
Japan Stamps 1960-1969 Mint Hinged on Scott pages,
US Stamps Maine 5 Turn of the Century Registered C
US Stamps Maine 5 Turn of the Century Registered C
US Stamps New Hampshire 7 Turn of the Century Regi
Germany Stamps with US 10 cent Postage Due on Cove
Germany Stamps 25+ Postcards and Postal Cards 1900
Germany Stamps 25+ Postcards and Postal Cards 1900
Japan/China Stamps in Stockbook
China ROC Stamps 1890s-1940s used and Mint Hinged
US Stamps #803-831 First Day Covers Addressed with
Italian Colonies Stamps includes Eritrea, Tripolit
Ireland Stamps 1922-56 Mint Hinged in presentation
US Stamps 1850-1860s 3 cent Washingtons Used on pa
US Stamps Used 19th century on pages, many faulty
US Stamps Used 1900s-1920s Used on pages, some bet
US Stamps Used 1850s-1860s Covers 35 with 3 cent W
US Stamps Match and Medicine issues on Vario page
US Stamps #610 Covers, group of 20+ 1920s
Space Stamps Jet Propulsion Laboratory Labels and
Belgium Stamps Parcel Post Issues on documents
US Stamps #740-749 Plate Blocks Mint hinged
US Stamps #RW50-RW62 Mint NH Plate Blocks and Sing
US Stamps 1860s-1960s Used on mix of pages
Great Britain and Canada Stamps, 1,000+ used in st
Worldwide and US Stamps 69 pounds on paper,
Netherlands Stamps 1940s-50s FDCs CV $900
US Stamps #14 lifted and replaced on piece with Ne
US Stamps 250+ FDCs including 30 USPS bulletins, 1
France Stamps 50+ Censor Covers, mostly Eastern Fr
US Stamps 200 Stock Transfer slips with Revenue st
US Stamps 100+ Golden Replica First Day Covers in
US Stamps FDC Coffee Table Collections, mostly PCS
US Stamps 50+ Golden Replica First Day Covers in 2
US Stamps First Day Covers, hundreds on pages, in
US Stamps First Day Covers in Mystic album, a few
US Stamps 150+/- Interesting Covers
US Stamps 300+ Small Banknote Covers
US Stamps 250+ Covers Meter Cancels incl Advertisi
Worldwide Stamps 100+ Covers wide variety incl Pos
WW Stamps Postal History Lot
WW Stamps Several Hundred Covers
US Stamps First Day Covers 1950-90s
Worldwide Stamp Covers Bankers Box Mix in various
US Stamps Covers Remainder Lot
US Stamps 300+ First Day Covers in 8 Albums
US Stamps 300+ First Day Covers in 8 Albums
US Stamps 1000+ Covers in Bankers Box incl FDCs, C
US Stamps 350+ First Day Covers UA/CA 1960s & 70s
US Stamps 400+ Covers incl FDCs, mostly mid-20th
US Stamps 180 Richmond related items mostly covers
US Stamps $150+ FACE VALUE, in 8 cent sheets, with
US Stamps $200 FACE VALUE, in 8 cent sheets, with
US Stamps $260+ FACE VALUE, in 10 cent sheets, wit
US Stamps $675+ FACE VALUE, in 15 cent sheets, wit
US Stamps $260+ FACE VALUE, in 22 cent sheets, wit
US Stamps $250 FACE VALUE, in 25 cent sheets, with
US Stamps $250+ FACE VALUE, in 29 cent sheets, wit
US Stamps $210+ FACE VALUE, in 29 cent sheets, wit
US Stamps $190+ FACE VALUE, in 32 cent sheets, wit
US Stamps $260+ FACE VALUE, in 32 cent sheets, wit
US Stamps $198 FACE VALUE, in 33 cent booklets
Ascension Stamps #23-31 Mint HR lovely CV $98
Worldwide and US Stamps remainders group, some