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Daisy & Button Roller Skate Novelty
Signed Robert Hansen Green Hobnail Town Pump
N'Wood Vaseline Opal Pastel Swan Salt
Dugan Purple Pastel Swan Salt
Fenton Odd Green /MG Pastel Swan Salt
Fenton Teal Pastel Swan Salt
Dugan Light Peach Opal Pastel Swan Salt
Dugan Marigold Pastel swan Salt
Imperial Amethyst Scroll Embossed Mini Compote
Imp. Purple Ripple Miniature Morning Glory Vase
Imperial Purple Ripple Mini Morning Glory Vase
Imperial Smoke Miniature Morning Glory Vase
Imperial Marigold Miniature Ripple Vase
Imperial Dk MG Mini Interior Optic Paneled Vase
Imperial Electric Purple Loganberry Vase
Imperial Purple Free Fold Swung Vase
Imperial Smoke Free Fold Swung Vase
Imperial Smoke Poinsettia Milk Pitcher
Imperial Smoke Pansy Flat Oval Dresser Tray
Electric Purple Imperial Grape 8 Pc Wine Set
Two Imperial Green Six Sided Candlesticks
Two Imperial Smoke Dbl Scroll Candlesticks
Two Imp. Dk Marigold Double Scroll Candlesticks
Imperial Smoke Waffle Block Handled Basket
M'Burg Crystal Hobstar & Feather Crakcer Jar
M'Burg Crys/Frosted Hobstar & Feather Fruit Bowl
M'Burg Crys.Hobstar & Feather Oval Oval Fruit Bowl
M'Burg Crys/Frosted Hobstar & Feather Relish Tray
M'Burg Crys/Frosted Hobstar & Feather Flat C
M'Burg Crys/frosted Hobstar & Feather Tumbler
M'Burg Crys/FrostedHobstar & Feather Punch Base
6 M'Burg Crys/Frosted Hobstar & Feather Punch Cups
M'Burg Crys/Frosted Hobstar Sugar Base Only
Six M'Burg Crys/Frosted Hobstar Ind Berry Bowls
M'Burg Crys/Frosted Hobstar Spode Shape Nappy
4 M'Burg Cry/Frosted Hobstar & Feather Berry Bowls
M'Burg Crystal Hobstar & Feather ICS Compote
M'Burg Crystal Hobstar & Feather Ruffled Compote
M'Burg Crsytal Hobstar & Feather Flared Sherbet
M'Burg Crystal Country Kitchen Covered Butter Dish
M'Burg Crystal Potpourri 4 Ruffled Square Bowl
3 M'Burg Crystal Potpourri Ind. ICS Berrry Bowls
5 M'Burg Crystal Potpourri Ruffled Ind Berry Bowls
M'Burg Crytal Ohio Star Handled Toothpick
M'Burg Crystal Ohio Star Vase
M'Burg Crystal Ohio Star & 7 Pc Berry Set
M'Burg Crystal Palm Wreath Lg Cupped Bowl
2 Pc M'Burg Crystal Wreath Lot
M'Burg Green Blackberry Wreath 3/1 Edge Sauce
M'Burg Marigold Potpourri Lg Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg MG Rays & Ribbons Ruffled Crimped Bowl
M'Burg Marigold Little Stars Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Marigold Hanging Cherries Spooner
Two M'Burg MG Hanging Cherries Butter Lids Only
M'Burg Amethyst Country Kitchen Butter Lid Only
M'Burg Marigold Swirl Hobnail Rose Bowl
M'Burg Marigold Wild Rose Kerosene Lamp
M'Burg Crystal Ladies Head Medallion Lamp
Riverside Crys. "Clinch on Collar" Wild Rose Lamp
Imperial Dk Marigold Zipper Loop Kerosene Lamp
U.S. Glass Purple Princess Lamp Base Only
Imperial Amber Heavy Grape 8 1/8" Plate
Imperial Pastel marigold Heavy Grape 8 1/8" Plate
Imperial Purple Heavy Grape Lg Ruffled Bowl
Imperial Smoke Heavy Grape Chop Plate
Imperial Amber Heavy Grape Chop Plate
Imperial Amber Open Rose Plate
Imperial Purple Lustre Rose Ftd Ruffled Bowl
Imperial Purple Open Rose Round Flared Bowl
Imperial Purple Heavy Grape7 Pc. Water Set
Imperial Purple Heavy Grape Round Flared Bowl
2 Imperial Purple Heavy Grape Handled Nappies
Imperial Amehtyst Scroll embossed Lg Ruffled Bowl
Imperial Purple File Exterior Ruffled Bowl
Imperial Purple Beaded Bullseye Vase
Imperial Purple Ripple Vase
Imperial Amber Ripple Vase
Imperial Clear/iridised Optic Vase
Imperial Purple Windmill Ruffled Bowl
Imperial Lt. Marigold Poppy Show Vase
Imperial Smoke Soda Gold 3 Pc Console Set
Imperial Smoke Soda Gold Pitcher & One Tumbler
Imperial Smoke Hattie Flared Bowl
Imperial Smoke Acanthus Deep Rounnd Bowl
Fenton Blue 1911 BPOE Atlantic City Elks ICS Bowl
Fenton Blue Kittens 4 Sided Kittens Bowl
Fenton Dk. Marigold Kittens Saucer.
Fenton Marigold Kittens plate
Fenton Marigold Horse Head Medallion Plate
Fenton Dk Marigold Peacock @ th Urn Plate
Fenton Blue Peacock @ the Urn Flared Plate
Fenton Blue Peacock @ the Urns ICS Bowl
Fenton Green Peacock @ the Urn Ruffled Compote
Fenton Lm/Green Vaseline Peacock @ the Urn Compote
Fenton Ice Green Three Row OE Two Side Bowl
Fenton Celeste BlueThree Row OE Two Bowl
Fenton Marigold Three Row OE 2 Sided Bowl
Fenton Celeste Blue Three Row Lg OE Bowl
Fenton White Two Row OE ICS Hat
Fenton White Blackberry Two Row OE JIP Hat
Fenton White Blackberry Two Row OE 2 Sided Hat
Fenton Celeste Blue Lg 2 Row OE 2 Sided Hat
Fenton Ice Green Lg 2 Row OE 4 Sided Hat
Fenton Ice Green Lg 2 Row OE 4 Sided Hat
Fenton Marigold 2 Row OE Round Flared Hat
Fenton Celeste Blue 2 Row OE ICS Bowl
Fenton Celeste Blue Lg Two Row OE Four Sided Hat
Fenton Ice Green Two Row OE 4 Sided Hat
Fenton Ice Green Two Row OE Two Sided Hat
Fenton Aqua/MG Blackberry Two Row OE Ruffled Hat
Fenton Aqua Two Row OE Ruffled Hat
Fenton Lt Amethyst Two Row OE Ruffled Hat
Fenton Amethyst Horlacher Advertising Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Holly Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Green Holly Plate
Fenton Blue Holly Plate
Fenton White Holly Plate
Fenton Marigold Holly Flat Plate
Fenton Blue Holly ICS Bowl
Fenton Amethyst Captive Rose Flat Plate
Fenton Marigold Fantail Lg ICS Bowl
Fenton Green Ten Mums Lg Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Elec. Blue Two Flowers Lg Ftd Ruffled Bowl
Fenton red Blackberry Spray 4 Sided Hat
Fenton Lime Green Opalescent Strawberry Bon Bon
Fenton Reverse Amberina Strawberry Bon Bon
Fenton Green Strawberry Bon Bon
N'Wood Blue G&C Stippled Bon Bon
N'Wood Green G&C Stippled Bon Bon
N'Wood Blue G& C Stippled 8 Pc Punch Set
6 N'Wood Blue G&C Stippled Punch Cups
N'Wood Ren. Blue G&C Stippled Banded Fruit Bowl
N'Wood Elec. Blue G&C Stippled Variant PCE Bowl
2 N'Wood G&C Powder Jar Bases Only
N'Wood Purple G&C Stippled Covered Powder Jar
N'Wood Purple G&C Covered Powder Jar
N'Wood Purple G&C Single Candlestick
N'Wood Purple G&C Pin Nappy From Punch Cup
N'Wood Dk Marigold G&C Oval dresser Tray
N'Wood Purple G&C 8 Pc Ruffled Punch Set
N'Wood Green G&C 7 Pc Water Set
N'Wood Green G&C 6 Pc Table set
N'Wood Emerald Green G&C Variant PCE Bowl
N'Wood Purple G&C Covered Sweetmeat
N'Wood Ice Green G&C Ftd Banana Bowl
N'Wood Ice Green Lg Ice Cream Bowl
Two N'Wood Ice Green G&C Ind. Ice Cream Bowl
N'Wood Ice Green G&C Ftd Plate
N'Wood Ice Blue G&C Stippled PCE Bowl
N'Wood White G&C Small Size Ftd Fruit Bowl
N'Wood Marigold G&C Ftd Hatpin Holder
N'Wood Elec. Blue Signing Birds Stippled Mug
N'Wood Dk. Marigold Stippled Singing Birds Mug
N'wood Custard/ Nutmeg Signing Birds Stippled Mug
N'Wood Ice Green Dandelion Knights Templar Mug
N'Wood Ice Blue Dandelion Knights Templar Mug
N'Wood Dk. MG Dandelion/ Knights Templar Mug
N'Wood Aqua Opal Dandelion Mug
N'Wood Blue Dandelion Mug
N'Wood Pearlized Custard Lef & Beads Ftd Rose Bowl
N'Wood Aqua Opal Leaf & Beads Rose Bowl
N'Wood Blue Leaf & Beads Ftd Flared Nut Bowl
N'Wood Aqua Opal Beaded Cable Rose Bowl
N'Wood Ice Green Round Bushel Basket
N'Wood Blue Diamod Points Basket
N'Wood Crystal Diamond Point Basket
N'Wood Crystal Diamond Point Ftd Oval Bowl
N'Wood Lavender Wild Rose Ftd Flared OE Bowl
N'Wood Dk marigold Wild Rose Ftd Flared OE Bowl
N'Wood Blue Peacocks Flared Plate
N'Wood Ice Green Peacocks Plate
N'Wood Dk. Marigold Peacocks Plate
N'Wood White Peacocks PCE Bowl
N'Wood Purple Wishbone Ftd Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Dk Marigold Wishbone Flared Chop Plate
Imperial Light Amethyst Flute Toothpick Holder
Four Imperial Purple Toothpick Holders
Three Imperial Green Flute Toothpick Holders
Two Imperial Dk Marigold Flute Toothpick Holders
Imperial Purple Diamond Lace 7 Pc Water Set
Imperial Purple Flute Creamer & Sugar
Imperial Purple Lustre Rose Creamer
Imperial Purle Lustre Rose Handled Sugar
Imperial Purple Hobstar Creamer & Sugar
Purple Imperial Grape Water Carafe
Imperial Purple Pansy Sugar & Creamer
Imperial Amber Pansy Creamer & Sugar
Two Imperial Hobstar Butter Dishes
Imperial Purple Grape Plate
Impertial Amethyst Scroll Embossed Plate
Two Imperial Grape 6 1/2" Plates
Imperial Purple Miniature Morning Glory Vase
Imperial Purple Miniature Morning Glory Vase
Imperial Purple Ripple Vase
Imperial Red Double Scroll 2 Pc Console Set
Imperial Red Wide Panel Stretch Glass Plate
Imperial Marigold File Ftd Ruffled Vase
Imperial Dk Marigold Morning Glory MId Size Vase
Imoerial MG/MG Floral & Optic Ftd Bowl
Imperial Amber Lustre Rose Ftd Centerpiece Bowl
Two Smoke Imperial Grape Handled Baskets
Helios Green Imperial Grape Chop Plate
Pastel Marigold Imperial Grape Open Rose Plate
Purple Imperial Grape Ruffled Bowl
Imperial Elec. Purple Scroll Embossed Plate
Imperial Dk Marigold Fashion Rose Bowl
Imperial Dk Marigold 3 in One Tri Cornered Bowl
Imperial Marigold Tulip and Cane Stemmed Compote
Amber Imperial Grape Tumbler
N'Wood Elec. Blue Grape Arbor Tumbler
N'Wood Blue Oriental Poppy Tumbler
N'Wood Ice Blue Grape Arbor Tumbler
N'Wood Purple Wishbone Tumbler
N'Wood Pearl/Custard Grape & Gothic Arches Tumbler
Phoenix Peralized MG Lacy Dew Drop Tumbler
Imerial Purple Flute # 1 Tumbler
IMperial Purple Flute # 2 Tumbler
Imperial Purple 474 Tumbler
Imperial Smoke Fashion Tumbler
Imperial Purple Windmill Tumbler
Dugan Blue God & Home Tumbler
Fenton Blue Orange Tree Orchard Tumbler
Fenton Dk Marigold Milady Tumbler
Crown Crystal Purple Banded Diamonds Tumbler
M'Burg Aqua Rosalind Lg Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Green Holly Sprig Ruffled Crimped Sauce
M'Burg Amethyst Holly Sprig Ruffled Crimped Sauce
M'Burg Dk MG Holly Sprig Crimped Ruffled Sauce
M'burg Dk Marigold Hobnail Sugar Lid Only
M'Burg Green Peacocks Lg ICS Bowl
M'Burg Amethyst Peacock Deep Round Ind. Berry Bowl
M'Burg MG Peacocks Deep Round Ind. Berry Bowl
M'Burg MG Peacocks Deep Round Ind. Berry Bowl
M'Burg Green Hanging Cherries Butter Lid Only
M'Burg Marigold Holly Sprig Ftd Compote
M'Burg Amethyst Strawberry Wreath Ftd Compote
M'Burg Marigold Strawberry Wreath Compote
M'Burg Marigold Little Stars Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Green Cosmos ICS Bowl
M'Burg Amethyst Zig Zag 3/1 Edge Bowl
M'Burg Amethyst Nesting Swan Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Green Nesting Swan Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Pastel Marigold Nesting Swan Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Marigold Nesting Swan Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Amethyst 6 pointed Many Stars Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Pastel Marigold Many Stars 3/1 Edge Bowl
M'Burg Amethyst Fleur de Lis ICS Bowl
M'Burg Green Holly Sprig 2 Sided Card Tray
1973 Holmes County Antique Festival Plate
N'Wood Green Hearts & Flowers Plate
N'Wood Purple Hearts & Flowers Plate
N'Wood Aqua/MG Hearts & Flowers Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Ice Green Hearts & Flowers Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood White Hearts & Flowers Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Aqua Opal Herts & Flowers Compote
N'Wood White Hearts & Flowers Compote
N'Wood Blue Embroidered Mums Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Elec. Blue Good Luck Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Dk Marigold Good Luck PCE Bowl
N'Wood Blue 3 Fruits Stippled Plate
N'Wood Emerald Green 3 Fruits Stippled Bowl
N'Wood Aqua Opal 3 Fruits Medallion Ruffled Bowl
N'Wod Ice Green Fruits & Flowers Handled Bon Bon
N'Wood Amethyst Three Fruits Plate
N'Wood Ice Green Strawberry Stippled Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Dk Marigold Stippled Strawberry PCE Bowl
N'Wood Honey Amber/ Smoke Stawberry PCE Bowl
N'Wood Dk Marigold Strawberry Plate
N'Wood Dk Marigold Strawberry Plate
Dugan Purple Many Fruits Round Punch Bowl & Base
Dugan Purple Lined Lattice Vase
Dugan Purple Lattice & Points Vase
Dugan Purple Many Ribs JIP Vase
Dugan Blue Spiralex Vase
Dugan Purple Ski Star Lg Ruffled Bowl
Dugan P.O. Ski Star Tri Cornered Crimped Edge Bowl
Dugan P.O. Interior Swirl Tri Cornered Rose Bowl
Dugan P.O. Honeycomb Rose Bowl
Dugan P.O. Floer & Beads Exterior Only Plate
Dugan P.O. Wishbone & Spade Plate
Dugan P.O. Four Flowers Plate
Dugan Purple Fishscale & Beads Plate
Dugan Pastel Marigold Fishscale & Beads Plate
Dugan White Fishscale & Beads Plate
Dugan Amethyst Persian Gardens Plate
Dugan White Persian Garden Plate
Dugan Purple Wishbone & Spades Plate
Dugan Purple Leaf Ray Nappy
Dugan Amethyst Grape Delight Rose Bowl
Dugan Purple Victorian Large Ruffled Bowl
Dugan Blue Grapevine Lattice Tumbler
Dugan Purple Nautilus Novelty Open Sugar
Dugan Purple Cherries Ruffled Sauce
Dugan Purple Holly Whirl Tri Cornered Nappy
Dugan Marigold Brooklyn Bridge Ruffled Bowl
Dugan Marigold Fishermans Mug
Dugan Amethyst Fishermans Mug
Dugan White Double Stem Rose Domed Ftd Plate
Dugan White Persian Gardens Basketweave Base
N'Wood Ice Green Rose Show Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Aqua Opal Rose Show Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood White Rose Show Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Green Rose Show Plate
N'Wood Blue Rose Show Plate
N'Wood Dk Marigold Rose Show Plate
N'Wood Blue Poppy Show Plate
N'Wood Ice Green Poppy Show Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood White Poppy Show Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Marigold Poppy Show Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Elec. Blue Rose Show Variant Plate
2 N'Wood Grape & Cable Punch Cups
N'Wood White G&C Lg ICS Bowl
N'Wood White G&C Individual ICS Bowl
N'Wood Purple G&C Master ICS Bowl
N'Wood Dk Marigold G&C Humidor
N'Wood Dk Marigold G&C Covered Cracker Jar
N'Wood Purple G&C Covered Cracker Jar
N'Wood Purle G&C Ftd Centerpiece Bowl
N'Wood Dk Marigold G&C Ftd Centerpiece Bowl
N'Wood Marigold G&C 6 Pc Tankard Water Set
N'Wood Marigold G&C Pintray
N'Wood Purple G&C Candlestick Only
N'Wood Purple G&C Five Piece Berry Set
N'Wood Green G&C Sugar & Creamer Breakfast Set
N'Wood Green Singing Birds Water Pitcher
Three N'Wood Green Singing Birds Tumblers
N'Wood Green Singing Birds Mug
N'Wood ice Blue Singing Birds Mug
Two N'Wood Singing Birds Mugs
N'Wood Purple Dandelion Mug
N'Wood Marigold Dandelion Mug
N'Wood Horehound Peacock @ Fountain Tumbler
N'Wood Electric Blue Peacock @ Urn Tumbler
N'Wood Electric Blue Peacock @ Urn Individual Bowl
N'Wood MG Peacock @ the Fountain 6 Pc Table Set
N'Wood Elec. Blue Poppy Pickle Tray
N'Wood Green Wishbone Ftd Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Green Three Fruits Domed Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Purple Star of David & Bows Bowl
N'Wood White Grape Arbor 7 Pc Water Set
N'Wood Marigold Grape Arbor 7 Pc Tankard Set
N'Wood Purple Acorn Burr Handled Spooner
N'Wood Green Thin Rib Vase
N'Wood Green Tree Trunk Squatty Vase
N'Wood Dk Marigold Squatty Leaf Columns Vase
N'Wood Green Leaf Columns Vase
N'Wood Purple Leaf Columns Vase
N'Wood Dk Marigold Ftd Drapery Vase
N'Wood Marigold Ftd Drapery Vase
Dugan Marigold Beaded Shell 6 Pc Water Set
Dugan P.O. Garden Path Variant Plate
Dugan Purple Wishbone & Spades Plate
Dugna White Dahlia Ftd Butterdish
Dugan Amethyst Vintage Grape Powder Jar
Sowerby Amethyst Diving Dolphin Ftd Compote
Sowerby Amethyst Pineapple Rose Bowl
Imwald Dk MG Drapery Variant Squatty Pitcher
Stevens & Williams MG /Clear Round Ruffled Bowl
Crown Crystal Purple Gum Tips Vase
Westmorelans Blue Opal File & Fan Compote
Westmoreland MG/MG File & Fan Compte
Westmoreland MG/MG Smooth Rays Ruffled Bowl
Westmoreland MG/MG Rayed Stemmed Compote
Westmoreland Peach Opal Scales Flared Plate
Westmoreland P.O. Hobstart Fruit Banana Dish
Consolidated Marigold Roses & Ruffles Font Base
Fostoria Ice Green Brocaded Palm Handled Plate
St. Clair White Sheaf of Wheat Toothpick Whimsy
U.S. Glass Lt Marigold Field Thistle Water Pitcher
U.S. Glass Lt Marigold Field Thistle Swung Vase
U.S. Glass Lt Marigold Field Thistle Swung Vase
U.S. Glass Pastel Marigold Palm Beach Vase
Imperial Dk. Marigold Fashion Water Pitcher
Imperial Dk Marigold Waffle Block Punch Vase Only
Imperial Electric Purple Acanthus Deep Round Bowl
Imperial Purple Windmill Deep Round Bowl
Imperial Purple Star of David Ruffled Bowl
Imperial Marigold Diamond Lace Tumbler
Imperial Marigold Chesterfield Handled Toothpick
Beautiful N'Wood Aqua Opal Tree Trunk Vase
N'Wood Ice Blue Nippon PCE Bowl
N'Wood Ice Blue Grape Arbor Tumbler
N'Wood Ice Blue Fine Cut & Roses Rose Bowl
N'Wood White Drapery Rose Bowl
Beautiful N'Wood Purple Town Pump
N'Wood Purple Peacock @ Fountain Punch Base Only
N'Wood Purple Acorn Burrs Tumbler
N'Wood Purple Grape Leaves Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Blue Grape & Gothic Arches Creamer
N'Wood Blue Three Fruits Stippled Plate
N'Wood Green Sunflower Ftd Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Crystal Memphis 6 Pc Punch Set
N'Wood Ice Blue Memphis Punch Cup
N'Wood Green Acorn Burrs Sugar Lid Only
N'Wood Pastel Marigold Greek Key 6 Pc Tankard Set
N'Wood Ice Green Peacock @ Urn LG ICS Bowl
N'Wood Marigold Stippled Peacock @ Urn Lg ICS Bowl
N'Wood Blue Peacock @ Urn Indvidual ICS Bowl
2 N'Wood Amethyst Pecock @ Urn Individ. ICS Bowls
M'Burg Amethyst Seacoast Pin Tray
M'Burg Green Seacoast Pin Tray
M'Burg Marigold Seacoast Pin Tray
M'Burg Green Sunflower Pin Tray
M'Burg Amethyst Sunflower Pin Tray
M'Burg Marigold Sunflower Pin Tray
M'Burg Amethyst Hanging Cherries Lg ICS Bowl
M'Burg Green Holly Sprig Variant ICS Bowl
M'Burg Dk Marigold Holly Sprig Variant ICS Bowl
M'Burg MG Holly Sprig Variant Crimped Edge Bowl
M'Burg Amethyst Holly Sprig Deep Round Bowl
M'Burg Amethyst Holly Sprig ICS Bowl
M'Burg Lt. Marigold Holly Sprig Round Flared Bowl
M'Burg Marigold Holly Sprig Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Marigold Holly Sprig Tri Corned Bowl
M'Burg Green Holly Sprig Tri Cornered Bowl
M'Burg Dk Marigold Grape Wreath Variant Bowl
M'Burg Dk Marigold Grape Wreath 3/1 Edge Bowl
M'Burg Green Blackberry Wreath ICS Bowl
M'Burg Lt Marigold Blackberry Wreath 3/1 Edge Bowl
M'Burg Green Primrose Ruffled Crimped Edge Bowl
M'Burg Green Whirling leaves Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Green Whirling leaves Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Odd Amethyst Whirling Leaves Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Lt. Marigold Whirling Leaves Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Crystal Hobstar & Feather Cracker Jar
M'Burg Crystal Hobstar & Feather Tankard Pitcher
M'Burg Crystal Frosted Hobsat & Feather Rose Bowl
M'Burg Crys. Frosted Hobstar & Feather Plate
M'Burg Crystal Hobstar & Feather Oval Banana Boat
M'Burg Crystal Frosted Hobstar & Feather ICS Bowl
M'Burg Crystal Frosted Hobstar & Feather Oval Bowl
M'Burg Crystal Poypourri Lg Square Bowl
M'Burg Crystal Potpourri Stemmed Compote
M'Burg Crystal Ohio Star Short Stemmed Compote
M'Burg Crystal Ohio Star Cruet
M'Burg Green Hanging Cherries Tumbler
2 M'Burg Diamond Tumblers
M'Burg Green Peacock Tail Variant
M'Burg Lt MG Peacock Tail Variant Stemmed Compote
M'Burg Green Rays & Ribbons Tri Cornered Bowl
M'Burg Green Rays & Ribbons Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Amethyst Rays & Ribbons Bowl
M'Burg Marigold Rays & Ribbons 3/1 Edge Bowl
M'Burg Marigold Rays & Ribbons Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Amethyst Lettered Court House Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Amethyst Wild Rose kerosene Lamp
2 M'Burg Marigold Blackberry Wreath Ruffled Sauces
M'Burg Blackberry Wreath Indivudual ICS Bowl
M'Burg Pastel Marigold Blackberry Wreath Sauce
M'Burg Amethyst Strawberry Wreath Lg ICS Bowl
M'Burg Amethyst Strawberry Wreath Square Bowl
M'Burg Amethyst Strawberry Wreath Square Bowl
M'Burg Amethyst Strawberry Wreath ICS Sauce
M'Burg? Green Four Pillar Swung Vase
M'Burg Green Leaf & Little Flowers Compote
M'Burg Marigold Holly Whirl 2 Sided Card Tray
M'Burg Marigold Holly Whirl Handled Bon Bon
M'Burg Green Trout & Fly 3/1 Edge Bowl
M'Burg Green Trout & Fly 3/1 Edge Bowl
Fenton? M'Burg? Amethyst Hobnail Jardinere Whimsy
M'Burg Purple Hobnail Swirl Spittoon
M'Burg Marigold Seaweed 3/1 Edge Bowl
M'Burg Marigold Seaweed ICS Bowl
M'Burg Marigold Grape Wreath Tri Cornered Bowl
M'Burg Amethyst Grape Wreath Variant Crimped Bowl
M'Burg Amethyst Grape Wreath 3/1 Edge Bowl
M'Burg Marigold Grape Wreath Variant ICS Bowl
M'Burg Green Grape Wreath Variant Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Marigold Grape Wreath Variant Ruffled Bowl
Cambridge Marigold Near Cut Cologne Bottle
Cambridge Marigold Inverted Strawberry Powder Jar
Cambridge Marigold Inverted Strawberry Tumbler
Cambridge Amethyst Inverted Strawberry Tumbler
Cambridge Amethyst Inverted Strawberry Berry Bowl
Cambridge Ameth. Inverted Strawberry Berry Compote
Cambridge Amethyst Inverted Strawberry Berry Bowl
Fenton White Apple Tree Water Pitcher
Fenton Marigold Apple Tree 7 Pc Water Set
Fenton Marigold Bouquet Water Pitcher
Dugan Marigold Quill Water Pitcher
Dugan P.O. Cherries Crimped Edge Plate
Dugan Marigold Jeweled Heart Tumbler
Dugan Amethyst Dahlia Tumbler
Three Dugan Purple Many Fruits Cups
Fenton Green Thistle Plate.
Fenton Amethyst Autumn Acorn 3/1 Edge Bowl
Fenton Amethyst Dragon & Lotus Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Amethyst Dragon & Lotus Ftd Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Blue Dragon & Lotus Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Green Butterfly & Berry Centerpiece Bowl
Fenton Green Butterfly & Berry Ftd Master Bowl
Fenton Lime Grn Holly Flared Round Salad Bowl
Fenton Powder Blue/MG G&C Ball Shape Flared Bowl
Fenton Light Amethyst Strawberry Handled Bon Bon
Fenton Green G&C Round Flared Fruit Bowl
Fenton Blue Chrysanthemum Ftd ICS Bowl
Fenton Blue Cherry Circles Handled Bon Bon
Fenton Blue Concord CRE Bowl
Fenton Blue Illusions Handled Card Tray
Fenton MG/Custard Prayer Rug Bon Bon
Fnton Marigold Ruffled Rib Tri Cornered Spittoon
Fenton Marigold Daisy Cut Dinner Bell
Fenton Marigold Orange Tree Covered Powder Jar
Fenton Marigold Orange Tree Hat Pin Holder
Fenton Red Butterfly and Berry Vase
Fenton Aqua Fine Rib Vase
Fenton White Diamond Rib Squatty Vase
Fenton White Rustic Sweet Pea Squatty Vase
Fenton Green Rustic Mid Size Vase
Fenton Dk Marigold Coral Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Marigold Plaid Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Marigold Kittens Ruffled Toothpick
Fenton Marigold Kittens 2 Sided Banana Dish
Fenton Marigold Kittens Saucer Only
Fenton Rev. Amberina Stippled Rays Ruffled Sauce
Fenton Red Orange Tree Standard Mug
Fenton Amethyst Fluffy Peacock Tumbler
Fenton Dk Marigold Fluffy Peacock Tumbler
Fenton Aqua Sailboat Round Flared Sauce
Fenton Root Beer /Amber Pine Cone Plate
Fenton Aqua Leaf Chain ICS Bowl
Fenton White Orange Tree Plate
Fenton Marigold Sailboat Plate
Fenton Marigold Lttle Flowers Plate
Fenton Lime Grn/Marigold Orange Tree Mug