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Estate Sale Photo Gallery
US Stamps 50+ Used Postal Cards 1890s-1910s
United Nations Stamps 1951-1971 Used incl #38 Souv
US Stamps 1920s-1930s Mint Hinged on pages in old
US Stamps Airmails 1920s-1930s Mint Hinged on page
Canada Stamps Dealer Book 1870s-1950s Used & Mint
Canada Stamps 1977-1982 Mint NH on White Ace pages
Worldwide Stamps 1000+ in Voyager album, mostly 20
India & States Stamps 1880s-1950s in Scott Special
Kenya, Uganda & Taganyika Stamps #103-117 Mint Hin
US Stamps Western Union Telegraph - Telegram enclo
US Stamps 1850s-1930s Used & Mint Hinged on pages,
US Stamps #906 Used on First Day Cover 1942 Fleetw
US Stamps #906 Used Block of 4 on First Day Cover
US Stamps 1938-1939 FDCs incl Baseball, Golden Gat
US Stamps 1938 Prexie First Day Covers incl #832 x
US Stamps #833 Used on FDC, addressed with Anderso
US Stamps #834 Used on FDC, addressed with Anderso
US Stamps 1938 Prexie First Day Covers 45 incl #83
Worldwide Stamps a few hundred mostly South Americ
US Coast & Geological Survey Chart No. 128 VA
US Stamps #RW7 Mint DG fresh and never hinged but
US Stamps #RW12 Mint NH some light natural CV $100
US Stamps #RW13 x2 Mint NH a light spot at CV $100
US Stamps #RW14 Mint NH fresh CV $55
US Stamps #RW15 x3 Mint NH trio - very nic CV $180
US Stamps #RW16 Mint NH Plate Number Single CV $70
US Stamps #RW16 x2 Mint NH duo - nicely ce CV $140
US Stamps #RW17 Mint NH 4 margin duck stamp CV $90
US Stamps #RW18 Mint NH Plate Number Single CV $90
US Stamps #RW19 & RW20 Mint NH CV $180
US Stamps #RW22 Mint NH with fresh color CV $85
US Stamps #RW23-RW25 Mint NH lovely trio CV $255
US Stamps #RW16 Mint NH toned & RW21 Mint Regummed
US Stamps #RW11 // RW37 Mint LH - 10 attra CV $665
US Stamps #RW12 Mint NH Plate Block of 6 CV $600
Olivia de Havilland TLS, stylish Autograph on type
US Stamps #C20, C22 Mint NH Plate Blocks CV $105
US Stamps #O74 Mint NH/LH Pair with Plate CV $340
US Stamps #151 x2 Used, 1 on piece, both w CV $400
US Stamps #9, 10A, 14, 15 Used with small CV $520
US Stamps #834 Mint NH CL Block of 4, scar CV $350
US Stamps #138 Used Reperf at top, clear H CV $525
US Stamps #90 & 116 Used each with small t CV $485
US Stamps #213 Kicking Mule Fancy Cancel partial s
US Stamps #212P3 Proof Pair on India paper CV $70
US Stamps #E3P3 Proof on India paper lovely CV $75
US Stamps #143L2 Unused with no gum, a thi CV $850
US Stamps #64b Used with lovely rose pink CV $140
US Stamps #J3 Mint RG with crease, looks NH, brigh
US Stamps #RW2 Mint DG - never hinged but very sma
US Stamps VA 50 Covers & Postcards, 19th and 20th
US Stamps VA 50 Covers & Postcards, 19th and 20th
US Stamps VA 50 Covers & Postcards, 19th and 20th
US Stamps VA 50 Covers & Postcards, 19th and 20th
US Stamps VA 50 Covers & Postcards, 19th and 20th
US Stamps VA 50 Covers & Postcards, 19th and 20th
US Stamps VA 50 Covers & Postcards, 19th and 20th
France Stamps Mint 20th century collection, better
Worldwide Stamps several thousand in Scott Interna
Netherlands Stamps Mint & Used collection on homem
US Stamps Postal Cards Collection Mint & Used 125
Worldwide Stamps to 1967 in Scott International Fr
Austria Stamps 1890s-1910s Used with duplication,
Austria Stamps early 20th century Mint (lots of NH
Europe Stamps Used 1930s-1950s mostly with some du
Germany Stamps 1900-1940s Mint (lots of NH) includ
Serbia & Bosnia Stamps Used to Mint NH, great sele
US Stamps Used 1860s-1940s on stockpages including
Worldwide Stamps Used to Mint NH, great selection,
Worldwide Stamps Q to R countries remainders on pa
Austria Stamps #C57-C59 Mint NH 1950 Ai CV $292.50
US Stamps #285-288 Mint LH (286 is NH) fre CV $310
Worldwide Stamps Souvenir Sheets, a few dozen most
US Stamps Mint Plate Number Single Washington-Fran
US Stamps 2 Columbian 1893 Covers, 1 to Switzerlan
US Stamps #231 & 232 x3 on Registered Cover, all o
US Stamps #232, 235, , 236 x2 on Registered Cover,
US Stamps #237 on1893 Cover, single usage to Germa
US Stamps #238 on 1926 Registered 2c Stationery Co
US Stamps 1898 Trans-Mississippi issues on page, m
Sierra Leone Stamps 1860s-1960s Used to Mint NH on
Spanish Colonies Stamps 1900s-1940s Used to Mint N
Turks & Caicos Stamps 1900s-1990s Used to Mint NH
Libya Fezzan-Ghadames Stamps Mint Hinged on pages,
Madeira Stamps Used to Mint NH modern issues on pa
Azores Stamps Mint NH modern issues on pages
Greenland Stamps 1938-2010 Used to Mint NH collect
Hungary Stamps 1881-2015 Used to Mint NH collectio
New Zealand Stamps on hundreds of dealer cards, so
Great Britain Stamps Used Classics on Vario page,
US Stamps #630 Mint NH White Plains S/S CV $500
Canada Stamps Accumulation, lots of Mint NH, some
Worldwide Stamps Accumulation in glassines, mostly
China ROC Stamps 1956-1965 Used on pages including
Worldwide Stamps Accumulation of stamps on pages,
Worldwide Stamps 1920-1929 Collection in brown Sco
Guatemala Stamps 1871-2001 Mint and Used on pages,
Malta Stamps Accumulation on variety of approvals
Romania Stamps Accumulation in glassines
Danzig and Memel Stamps Mint Hinged 1920s-1930s mo
Worldwide Stamps Animal Topicals on Vario pages
Japan Stamps in dealer counter book, Used & Mint,
Mexico Stamps in dealer counter book, Used & Mint,
Worldwide Stamps Accumulation on pages, small stoc
Fiji Stamps 1870s-1940s Used & Mint Hinged on page
Belgium Stamps Accumulation on pages, cards, etc
Finland Stamps Mint mid 20th century issues on pag
Spain & Area Stamps 1860s-1950s Used & Mint Hinged
Chile Stamps Collection Used & Mint Hinged on page
Peru Stamps Collection Used & Mint Hinged on page
Bulgaria Stamps Collection 1880s-1980s Used & Mint
US Stamps 50+ Ship Covers 1960s-1980s with launchi
US Stamps 30 Ship Covers all 1933 and different, b
US Stamps 21 Ship Covers 1930s-1980s
US Stamps 37 First Flight Covers 1920s-1980s (abou
US Stamps 10 Helicopter First Flight Covers mostly
US Stamps 51 Covers - 1 from each State plus DC, v
US Stamps New York State Revenues, Stock Transfers
US Stamps 40+ First Flight Covers 1960s-1980s lots
US Stamps 54 APO Covers from England, lots of vari
Germany Stamps 50+ Covers & Cards from early to mi
US Stamps 1984-1995 First Day Covers in 4 PCS albu
US Stamps First Day Covers in various albums, fill
US Stamps Used many thousands of 20th century issu
US Stamps First Day Covers in various albums, fill
Channel Islands Stamps Mint NH in stockbook
Russia Stamps Mint NH in stockbook
St Thomas & Principe Stamps Mint NH in stockbook
Australia & New Zealand Stamps Mint NH in stockboo
Chad & Africa Stamps Mint NH in stockbook
Europe Stamps Mint NH in stockbook
Worldwide Stamps Mint NH in stockbook, nice select
Worldwide Stamps Mint NH in stockbook, nice select
Surinam Stamps Mint NH in stockbook
Micronesia Stamps Mint NH in stockbook
Palau Stamps Mint NH in stockbook
Malta Stamps in Album Mint and Used
British Commonwealth Stamps on Stockpages
WW Stamps in Scott International Album 1923-35
WW Stamps 100 Years of Scouting in 2 Mystic Albums
US Stamps Tobacco Stamps 1950s on Mystic Pages
US Stamps Tobacco Strip Stamps 1950s on Mystic Pag
US Stamps Snuff Stamps 1917-50s on Mystic Pages
US Stamps Cigar Stamps 1950s on Mystic Pages, clas
US Stamps Cigarette Stamps 1950s on Mystic Pages
US Stamps Cigarette Stamps 1950s on Mystic Pages
US Stamps Playing Card Stamps 1940s on Mystic Page
US Stamps Process Butter Stamps on Mystic Pages
US Stamps Puerto Rico Rectified Spirit Stamps on M
US Stamps Wine Revenue Stamps on Mystic Pages
US Stamps Firearms Transfer Tax Stamp on Mystic Pa
US Stamps Silver Tax Stamps on Mystic Pages
US Stamps Stock Transfer Stamps on Mystic Pages
US Stamps Documentary Stamps on Mystic Pages
US Stamps Tobacco Stamps from Mystic
Germany Stamps 1872-1945 Mint LH Collection in Kab
Germany Stamps 1872-1996 Used Collection in Minkus
Germany Stamps 1945-1949 Mint LH/NH Collection in
Germany Stamps 1948-1975 Mint LH/NH Collection in
Germany - Russian Allied Zones & DDR Stamps 1945-1
Switzerland Stamps Mint & Used on dealer cards, pa
Nauru Stamps 1924-1937 Mint LH on page
New Guinea Stamps 1925-1939 Mint LH & Used on page
New Hebrides Stamps 1908-1949 Mint LH on pages
US Stamps #424 'COIL STAMPS' block of 10 CV $175
US Stamps #425 'COIL STAMPS' imprint block CV $175
Switzerland Stamps early Semi-Postal dealer lot Mi
Sweden Stamps 1916-1962 Semi-Postal Mint CV $650+
Liechtenstein Stamps Mint LH on pages, s CV $450+
Great Britain Stamps Officials Used on S CV $8500+
US Stamps 1853-1999 Cut Squares Used on Scott page
US Stamp #256P4 Proof on Card, large margi CV $450
Canada Stamps 158-159 Mint HR, $1 with sma CV $525
China ROC Stamps #2 Used with perf faults CV $400
Dominican Republic Stamps #RAC4-RAC5 Inverts varie
Finland Stamps #46-55 Used Complete to CV $234.50
Germany Berlin Stamps #9N61-9N63 Mint NH & CV $375
Great Britain Stamps #24-26, 26a Used sin CV $1190
Great Britain Stamps #79 Mint LH/NH Block CV $165
Great Britain Stamps #108, 127-140, 179-1 CV $1428
Sweden Stamps #3 Used with perf faults at CV $1600
Sweden Stamps #6-12, 10a Used with perf fa CV $504
Sweden Stamps #17-27 Used and fresh overal CV $498
Switzerland Stamps #B1-B40 Used and fresh CV $877
Germany Stamps Mint NH Zusammendrucke CV 850
Germany Stamps Michel #S2 Mint NH Zusamme CV 550
Germany Stamps Michel #S60 Used 1928 Arms CV 900
Germany Stamps Michel #S80, S85, W37, W38 CV 1050
Germany Stamps Michel #S88, S89, S90, S91 CV 1595
Germany Stamps Michel # WZ8 Used Zusammend CV 600
Germany Berlin Stamps 9N42, 9N49 Mint NH ( CV 640
Germany Berlin Stamps 9N43, 9N47, 9N49 Min CV 840
Germany Stamps #C37 tied to First flight DOX-1929
Germany Stamps #C38 VF tied on registered 1930 Net
Germany Stamps #C38, C39 (x2) tied on legal size c
Danish West Indies Stamps 1856-1915 Used collectio
Denmark Stamps 1851-1940 Used collection of regula
Denmark Back of Book Stamps 1875-1942 Used collect
Greenland Stamps 1905-1945 Used collection on page
Iceland Stamps 1876-1938 Used collection of regula
Iceland Back of Book Stamps 1873-1936 Used collect
US Stamps #F1 Used x7 on Fronts or cut down covers