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Jefferson Blue Opal Zippers& Loops Ftd Vase
N'Wood Blue Opal Fluted Bars & Beads Ftd Vase
N'Wood Blue Opal Beads & Bark Ftd Chalice
Jefferson Blue Opal Aurora Borealis Handled Vase
Fenton Odd Powder Blue Boggy Bayou Vase
N'Wood Blue Opal Twigs Spittoon Shape Vase
N'Wood Blue Opal Leaf Chalice Rose Bowl Vase
N'Wood Blue Opal Fluted Scroll W/ Vines Ftd Vase
Jefferson Blue Opal Tokyo Swung Vase
Imperial Purple Beaded Bullseye 9" Vase
Imperial Marigold Parlor Panels 8 1/4" Vase
Studio Art Glass Cylinder Vase W/ Blue Threading
Fenton Aqua/ Sapphire Fine Rib Vase
Fenton MG/Vaseline Fine Rib 10 1/2" Vase
Fenton Marigold # 916 12 1/2" Vase
Dugan White Lined Lattice 10 3/4" Vase
N'Wood Green Diampnd Point Vase
N'Wood Blue Daisy & Drape Ftd Vase
N'Wood Electric Blue Drapery Variant Vase.
N'Wood Green Springtime 6 Pc water Set
N'Wood Amethyst Springtime Tumbler
N'Wood 2 Pc Wide Panel Stretch Glass Sherbet Lot
N'Wood Green Grape and Gothic Arches Water Pitcher
5 N'Wood Green Grape & Gothic Arches Tumblers
N'Wood Blue Embriodered Mums Ruffled Bowl
U.S. Glass Marigold Cosmos & Cane Rose Bowl
4 Imperial Pastel Marigold Wide Panel Plates
3 Imperial Teal Interior Panel Plates
Three Stretch Glass Items
Imperial Vaseline Star Spray 7 5/8" Plate
Imperial Elec. Purple Open Rose Ftd Ruffled Bowl
Imp. Elec. Purple Scroll Embossed Ruffled Sauce
Marigold Covered Enameled Decorated Ftd Powder Jar
M'Burg Marigold Little Stars Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Green Peacock @ Urn Large ICS BOwl
M'Burg Green Seaweed 3/1 Edge 10 3/8" Bowl
Dugan Purple Question Mark 2 Handled Bon-Bon
Dugan Marigold Lattice & Points Ruffled Plate
Dugan White Persian Gardens Lg ICS Bowl
Dugan P.O. Border Plants Handgrip Ftd Plate
Dugan Marigold Rambler Rose 6 Pc Water Set
Dugan Marigold Stork & Rushes 6 Pc Water Set
Dugan Three Piece Carnival Glass Lot
Fenton Green Leaf Chain 9 1/4" Plate
Fenton Blue Milady 7 Piece Tankard Water Set
Fenton Green Feathered Serpent 3/1 Edge Bowl
Fenton Green Butterfly & Berry 7 Pc Water Set
Fenton Aqua Cherry Circles Large Bon- Bon
Fenton Mg/Vaseline Cherry Circle Lg Bon-Bon
Fenton Blue Apple Tree Pitcher & 2 Tumbler
Fenton MG/Vaseline Lostus & Grape 4 Sided Bon Bon
Fenton Vaseline Leaf Chain Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Blue Bouquet 7 Piece water Set
Fenton Green Peacock Tail Ruffled Compote
Fenton Green Butterfly & Fern 7 Pc Water Set
Fenton Amethyst Holly Compote
Smith Purple Contemp. American Eagle Ashtray
Imperial IG Smoke Geometric Pattern Round Bowl
Eda Glasbruk Marigold Swirl Vase
Riihimaki Amber/Marigold Western Thistle Water Set
Riihamaki Blue Western Thistle Pitcher
Jain Marigold "Serpent" Vase
Jain Marigold Elephant Vase
Brockwitz Dk Marigold Sunflower & Diamond Vase
Eda marigold Falling Stars Cylinder Vase
Riihimaki Marigold/Pink Large Electra Vase
Brockwitz Dk Marigold Lattice & leaves Ftd Vase
Eda Dk Marigold Berlin Cylinder Vase
Riihamaki Marigold/Pink Jupiter Flared Vase
Eda Blue Rekford Cylinder Vase
Trumball Marigold Hobstar Reversed Vase
Eda Dk Marigold Charlie Cupped Rose Bowl
4 Christolarios Argentina Piccardo Band of Roses
Pastel Marigold Plume Panels & Bows Water Pitcher
Eda Amethyst Tre Fotter 3 Ftd Ruffled Bowl
Christlarios Dk Marigold Snowflake Lg 15" Plattter
Sowerby Blue Flora Fern Dish
U.S. Glass White Cosmos & Cane ICS Bowl
Brockwitz Blue Curved Star Bowl
Purple Imperial Grape Water Carafe
Marigold Imperial Grape Nut Bowl
Two Imperial Marigold Compote Lot
Westmoreland Amber/ Yellow Leaf Swirl Compote
Dugan Peach Opal Interior Swirl Rose Bowl
Dugan Pastel Marigold Fishscales & Beads 7" Plate
Dugan Purple Grape Delight 6 Ftd Rose Bowl
Dugan Lm/Green Question Mark Handled Bon Bon
Dugan Amethyst Cosmos Variant Lg Ruffled Bowl
Cambridge Amethyst Inverted Strawberry Tablet Set
N'Wood Amethyst Grape & Cable 7 Pc Water Set
N'Wood Purple G&C Covered Sweetmeat
N'Wood Purple G&C PCE Bowl
N'Wood Blue Grape & Gothic Arches Master Berry
2 Piece N'Wood Grape Arbor Carnival Glass Lot
N'Wood Purple Star of David & Bows Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood MG 3 Fruits Medallion Ftd Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Blue Holly Bowl W 3/1 Edge
Fenton Amethyst Feathered Serpent Lg Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Amethyst Captive Rose Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Aqua/Marigold Peacock & Dahlia ICS Bowl
Fenton Red Two Row Open Edge 4 Sided Hat
Fenton Red Open Edge JIP Hat
Fenton Aqua 2 Row Open Edge Ruffled Hat
Fenton Marigold Lions Ruffled Bowl
2 Fenton Two Flowers Ftd Sauces
Two Fenton Carnival Glass Hat Lot
Two Fenton Acorn Carnival Glass Bowls
Three Piece Fenton Carnival Glass Compote Lot
Fenton Amethyst Vintage Grape 6 1/8" Plate
Fenton Blue Captive Rose 4 Sided Bon Bon
Two Piece Fenton Bon Bon Lot
Two Piece Fenton Blue Card Tray Lot
Imperial Marigold Nuart Decorated Lamp Shade
Imperial Marigold Nuart Decorated Lamp Shade
Imperial Marigold Nuart Grape Etched lamp Shade
Dugan P.O. Grapevine Lattice 6 3/4" Plate
Dugan White Grapevine Lattice Low Ruffled Plate
Fenton Blue Captive Rose 3/1 Edge Bowl
Fenton Amethyst Peacock Tail Low Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Green Vintage Grape Lg Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood White Grape & Cable Lg ICS Bowl
N'Wood Green Three Fruits PCE Bowl
N'Wood Pastel Margiold G&C Variant PCE Bowl
Three Piece Contemporary Carnival Glass Lot
Imperial IG Smoke Flower & Scroll Lg Flared Vase
Fenton Contemporary Sapphire Figural Owl
Westmoreland Contemporary White Covered Rooster
Imperial IG Smoke Chrysanthemum Chop Plate
Imperial IG White Chrysanthemum Chop Plate
ALIG Red Chrysanthemum Chop Plate
Imperial Purple Tiger Lily 7 Pc Water Set
Elec. Purple Imperial Grape Lg. Ruffled Bowl
Imperial Purple Scroll Embossed 7 1/2" Bowl
Imperial Smoke Shell Ruffled Bowl
Imperial Pastel MG Crab Claw ICS Bowl
Fenton Marigold Stag & Holly Ftd Chop Plate
Fenton Elec. Blue Stag & Holly Lg Ftd ICS Bowl
Fenton Blue Stag & Holly Ftd Lg ICS Bowl
Fenton Blue Stag & Holly Lg ICS Bowl
Fenton Marigold Stag & Holly Ftd Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Green Ten Mums Ruffled Bowl
FEnton Blue Dragon & Lotus Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Marigold Dragon & Lotus 3/1 Edge Bowl
Fenton Marigold Lotus & Grape JIP Ftd Bowl
Fenton Dk Marigold Lotus & Grape Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Amethyst Heart & Vine 9 1/4" Plate
Two Fenton Heart & Vine Bowls
Fenton Amber Holly Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Dk Marigold Peacock @ Urn Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Marigold Pine Cone 7 3/4" Plate
Fenton Amethyst Fluffy peacock 7 Pc Water Set
Fenton Pastel Marigold Orange Tree Plate
Fenton Blue Orange Tree Orchard Pitcher& Tumbler
Fenton White Orange Tree Plate
Fenton Blue Butterfly & Fern Water Pitcher & Tumbr
Fenton Blue Chrysanthemum Ftd Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Marigold Chrysanthemum Ftd Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Marigold Chrysanthemum ICS FTD. Bowl
Fenton Green Arches Bowl W/ CRE
Fenton Amethyst Feathered Serpent Lg Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Amethyst Panther Ftd Sauce
Fenton Blue Panther Ftd Ruffled Sauce
FentonMarigold Panther Master Berry Bowl
Dugan Marigold Butterfly & Tulip Round Ftd Bowl
Dugan PO Garden Path Variant Lg Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Marigold Grape Leaves Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Marigold Holly Sprig Lg Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Marigold Fluer de Lis Lg Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Green Trout & Fly Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Margiold Trout & Fly Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood White Peacocks Ruffled Bowl
N'wood Purple Peacock @ Urn Master ICS Bowl
N'Wood Purple Goodluck PCE Bowl
Four N'Wood Purple Acorn Burrs Tumblers
N'Wood Green Dandlion Mug
Westmoreland PO Scales Ruffled Bowl
Westmoreland ? Green Pearly Dots Rose Bowl
Dunbar Light Marigold 5 Pc Water Set
Westmoreland Amber Corinth JIP Vase
Fenton Ice Green Rose Spray JIP Compote
3 N'wood Purple oriental Poppy Tumblers
4 N'Wood Purple Dandelion Tumblers
4 N'Wood Purple Singing Birds Tumblers
M'Burg Green Multi Fruits & Flowers Punch Cup
Two Carnival Glass Punch Cups
Fenton Blue Strawberry Scroll Tumbler
Fenton Blue Milady Tumbler
Fenton Blue Lattice & Grape Tumbler
Fenton Amethyst Fluffy Peacock Tumbler
N'Wood Purple Peacock @ the Fountain Tumbler
N'Wood Dk Marigold Rose Show Plate
Fenton Marigold Peacock @ Urn Plate
Fenton Marigold Ten Mums Tumbler
Two N'Wood Marigold Tumblers
Two Fenton Marigold Carnival Glass Tumblers
N'Wood Purple Town Pump
Two Dugan Marigold Heavy iris Tumblers
Two Marigold Carnival Glass Tumbler Lot
Fenton Blue Ground Cherries Pitcher/2 Tumblers
Two N'Wood Blue Enameled Cherries Tumblers
Imperial Crystal Zipper Heart Lg Ftd Rose Bowl
Imperial Amber Pansy Ruffled Bowl
Dugan White Fanciful ICS Bowl
Fenton Dk Marigold Dragon & Lotus Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood White Round Bushel Basket
N'Wood Purple G&C Lg ICS Bowl
N'Wood Amethyst G&C Lg ICS Bowl
N'Wood White G&C Lg ICS Bowl
N'Wood Purple G&C Ftd Hatpin Holder
N'Wood Purple G&C Cologne Bottle & Stopper
N'Wood Emerald Green G&C Stippled Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Horehound G&C variant Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Purple G&C Variant PCE Bowl
N'Wood Purple G&C PCE Bowl
N'Wood Green Three Fruits Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Green Strawberry PCE Bowl
N'Wood Amethyst Strawberry Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Pastel Marigold 3 Fruits PCE Bowl
N'Wood Marigold 3 Fruits Ruffled Bowl
N'Wood Green Strawberry Plate
N'Wood Purple Three Fruits Plate
N'wood Dk Purple Three Fruits Plate
Fenton Green Three Fruits 12 Sided Plate
Fenton Amethyst Three Fruits 12 Sided Plate
Fenton Green Leaf Chain Plate
N'Wood Ice Green Peacocks Plate
Dugan Blue Wind Flower 9 3/8" Plate
N'Wood Purple G&C 9" Plate
N'Wood Amethyst G&C Lg PCE Salad Bowl
N'Wood Marigold G&C Lg PCE Salad Bowl
M'Burg Amethyst Peacock @ Urn Lg Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Amethys Holly Whirl Lg Ruffled Bowl
M'Burg Dk Marigold Primrose Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Blue Persian Medallion 6 3/8" Plate
Fenton Blue Blackberry Lg 2 Row OE Basket
Fenton Red Basketweave 2 Row OE JIP Hat
Fenton Red 2 Row OE Ruffled Basket
Imperial Amber/MG 10 7/8" Ripple vase
Impertial Green Miniature Morming Glory Vase
Imperial IG Green Loganberry Ruffled Vase
Brockwitz Blue Curved Star Ftd Chalice
Dugan PO Triple Pinched Swirl Vase
Dugan Marigold Mary Ann 2 Handled Vase
Dugan PO Six petals Ruffled Crimped Bowl
Westmoreland Marigold Opaque Carolina Dogwood Bowl
Fenton Amethyst Diamond Rib Squatty Vase
Fenton Blue April Showers 13" Vase
N'Wood Purple leaf Columns Swung Vase
Fenton Amethyst Rustic Mid Size Vase
Brockwitz Marigold /Clear Tartan Trumpet Vase
Black Suns Up Hat Pin with Gold Decoration
Fenton Amethyst Diamond Rib Swung Vase
Fenton Marigold Diamond Rib Swung Vase
Fenton Green April Showers Squatty Vase
Fenton Purple Long Thumbprint Vase
Fenton Reverse Amberina Opal Blackberry Spray Hat
Fenton Aqua Opal Blackberry Spray Ruffled Hat
Fenton Ameth. Butterfly & Berry Master Berry Bowl
N'Wood Green/MG Feather Stitch Squatty Vase
M'Burg Marigold Holly Whirl Isaac Benesch Bon Bon
Imperial Red/Amberina 11 1/2" Stretch Vase
N'Wood Amethyst Tree Trunk Vase
N'Wood Marigold Tree Trunk Squatty Vase
N'Wood Purple Thin Rib Vase
N'Wood Russet Green Thin Rib Vase
Two Piece N'Wood Thin Rib Vase Lot
N'Wood Green Diamond Points Squatty Vase
Purple Diamond Point Squatty Vase
Three N'wood Diamond Point Vases
U.S. Glass Marigold/Googus Palm Beach Banana Boat
Fenton White Rose Bouquet Handled Bon-Bon
Fenton Powder Blue/MG Lotus & Grape Bon Bon
Dugan Purple Round Puzzle Bon Bon
Dugan PO Nautilaus Whimsy Creamer
Dugan Dk Marigold G&C Perfume Bottom Only
N'Wood Lavender Strawberry PCE Bowl
3 N'wood Electric Purple Acoen Burrs Punch Cups
3 N'Wood Electric Purple Acorn Burrs Punch Cups
Fenton Blue Captive Rose Plate
Fenton Clambroth Holly Plate
N'Wood Blue Leaf & Beads Ftd Rose Bowl
M'Burg Amethyst Holly Sprig Ruffled Bowl
IMperial Marigold Rococco Ftd Vase
2 N'Wood Purple Peacock @ Urn Individual ICS Bowls
Fenton Lime Green /MG Holly Compote
Imperial Purple Ripple 15" Vase
Imperial Purple Ripple Vase
Dugan Puple Lined Lattice Squatty Vase
Dugan Dk Purple Lined Lattice Vase
Dugan Purple Lined Lattice 9 3/4" Vase
Dugan Amethyst Lined Lattice 8 7/8" Vase
Dugan Marigold Lined Lattice Vase
Dugan Marigold Lined Lattice Vase
Fenton Amethyst Long Thumbprint Squatty Vase
Fenton Aqua Marigold Blackberry 2 Sided Hat
N'Wood White Raspberry Milk Pitcher
N'Wood White Peacocks Plate
Two N'Wood Carnival Glass Tumblers
U.S. Glass Marigold Field Thistle Tumbler
N'Wood Amethyst Beaded Cable Rose Bowl
Sowerby Marigold Pineapple Rose Bowl