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US Stamp 1954 Amusement Device Special Tax Revenue
US Stamps State Hunting, Duck, Wildlife, etc on Va
Germany Stamps Used 1950s -1980s identified and ne
Worldwide Stamps in 1924 Scott International Jr Al
US & Worldwide Stamps 1940-1946 in Scott Internati
Iceland Stamps 1950s-1980s Used & Mint Hinged on S
Haiti Stamps 1950s-1980s Used & Mint Hinged on S
Indonesia Stamps 1950s-1970s Used & Mint Hinged on
Ireland Stamps 1950s-1970s Used & Mint Hinged on S
Hungary Stamps 1950s-1970s Used & Mint Hinged on S
Honduras Stamps 1950s-1970s Used & Mint Hinged on
Iran Iraq India Hong Kong Stamps 1950s-1970s Used
Worldwide Stamps in 1954 Ambassador album, few hun
Burma Stamps 1940s-1950s Used & Mint Hinged on Sco
Ceylon Stamps 1880s-1960s Used & Mint Hinged on Sc
Hong Kong Stamps 1880s-1950s Used & Mint Hinged on
India Stamps 1860s-1960s Used & Mint Hinged on Sco
India States Stamps 1890s-1940s Used & Mint Hinged
US Stamps #O154 Mint NH Sheet of 100 - 1c Official
US Stamps on dealer pages, etc - mix of mostly mid
US Stamps Mint NH Celebrate the Century 2 sets in
US Stamps Mint NH 1970s-1980s in stockbook, uncoun
US Stamps Mint NH 1970s-1980s in 5 stockbooks
US Stamps Mint NH Yearsets 1969, 1970 etc, mostly
US Stamps Mint NH Uncounted in glassines, 1970s-19
US Stamps Used, FDCs, Covers, etc mostly late 20th
US Stamps Coil Rolls of 500, 1-4 cent denomination
US Stamps Coil Rolls of 100, Sealed 1970s includes
US Stamps Coil Rolls of 100, Sealed A, B, C & D ra
US Stamps Coil Rolls of 100, Sealed Definitives mo
US Stamps Booklets Mint NH mostly 1970s-80s, total
US Stamp #208 Mint HR with perf faults CV $800
US Stamp #215 Mint LH fresh and bright CV $180
US Stamp #217 Mint HR with paper adhesions CV $250
US Stamp #218 Used with light black cancel CV $225
US Stamp #241 Mint OG with mount damage CV $950
US Stamps 1850s-1890s Used & Mint No Gum (or regum
US Stamps 1902-1929 Mint LH, some NH and some Regu
US Stamps 1930-1959 Mint NH on Mystic pages, lots
US Stamps 1950-1977 Mint NH in Mystic album, lots
US Stamps Airmails Mint NH in Mystic album, a few
US Stamps Mint NH in bankers box - includes remain
India Used in Burma 11 Covers on 10 pages includes
Worldwide Stamps Harris Citation A to D countries,
Worldwide Stamps Harris Citation D to I countries
Worldwide Stamps Harris Citation J to P countries
Worldwide Stamps Harris Citation P to Z countries
Worldwide Stamps in glassines, 1000+ stamps mostly
US Stamps Plate Blocks 1969-1985 Mint NH in Harris
US Stamps Mail Early Blocks 1968-1985 Mint NH in H
US Stamps Plate Blocks 1938-78 Mint NH in Harris C
US Stamps Plate Blocks 1979-85 Mint NH on Harris p
US Stamps 1870s-1985 Used & Mint LH/NH, some scatt
US Stamps 1870s-1985 Used & Mint LH/NH, some scatt
US Stamps 1851-1907 Used & Mint stuck down in Scot
Stamps Supplies empty glassines (about 1000 total
US Stamps Mint NH modern Sheets, late 20th century
US Stamps Mint NH modern Sheets & blocks in Sheet
US Stamps Mint NH modern Sheets & blocks in Sheet
US Stamps Modern Used, in glassines, some on paper
US Stamps Modern Mint NH in glassines in small woo
US Stamps Used 1930s-1940 sparsely filled 3 albums
US & Worldwide Stamps Used & some Mint in box, mos
WW Stamps A-Z country Stamps in 8 Lighthouse
US Stamps in Lighthouse stock book, all used, incl
China Stamps 1895-1970 stamp collection in 9 Vario
Newfoundland Stamps collection in both white ace a
British Commonwealth Stamps on 12 Vario Pages, 190
Europa Stamps 1998 and 1999 Omnibus Stamps on Whit
US Stamps 1949-1950 First Flight Cover collection.
China Stamps Pre-1949 collection on pages, Total 3
US Stamps postcard collection in 2 albums, total 1
Worldwide Stamps registered cover collection, 40 c
US Stamps 1894-1907 Cover collection in home made
US Stamps Early stamps on Cards, both mint
US Stamps 1930s Cover Collection, All to Brazil ,
Palestine/Israel Stamps 1938-1948 Revenue stamps o
WW Stamps Disney Stamp collection in original Myst
Ireland Stamps collection in 70+ Glassines all ind
French Colony Stamps in 70 + Glassine all indentif
US Stamps 100 Plate block Collection in glassines,
Egypt Stamps collection in 60+ Glassines all ident
Straits Settlements Stamps collection All identifi
Straits Settlements Stamps collection All identifi
US and WW Stamps in USPS Large Priority Mail Box I
WW Stamps cover collection in USPS large mail box,
US Stamp #C3 Mint NH with gum bend CV $130
US Stamp #C13 Mint NH fresh $0.65 Zeppelin CV $240
US Stamp #J64 Plate Block of 6 Mint NH CV $100
US Stamp #J64 Mint NH 20 singles on Vario CV $650
US Stamp #509 Mint NH 10 singles on Vario CV $250
US Stamp #C24 Mint NH 10 singles on Vario CV $110
Confederate States CSA Stamp #8 Mint NH XF 90 with
Confederate States CSA Stamp #13 Mint NG VF-XF 85
Canal Zone Stamps 1924-1974 Mint NH 10 Booklet Pan
Canal Zone Stamps 1925-1976 Plate Block 8
Guam Stamps #M5-M11 Guard Mail issues with a few d
Hawaii Stamps ##31 / 61 Used & Mint No Gum CV $133
Philippines Stamps 1863 Used Spanish era CV $105
Philippines Stamps 1871 Used Spanish era Espana Is
Philippines Stamps 1874 Used Spanish era Espana Pe
Philippines Stamps 1890-97 Used & Mint CV $280
Philippines Stamps 1898 Used Alfonso XIII CV $135
Philippines Stamps #215/366 (10 different) CV $239
Philippines Stamps #251/304 complete CV $144
Philippines Stamps #340/344 Imperf blocks Mint NH
Philippines Stamps #393 / 446 Hi Values CV $250
Philippines Stamps 33 stamps with Official handsta
Philippines Stamps 1935-46 Plate Blocks CV $98
Philippines Stamps 1943 NB4 First Day Cover, Phili
Philippines Stamps 1898-99 Filipino Rev Govt Issue
Bahamas Stamps 1921-29 Queen's Staircase, #71, 78,
Canada Stamps #21 Mint LH blind perf bottom CV $99
Canada Stamps #51, 54, 55, 56 Mint LH/HR CV $460
Canada Stamps #158 Used with partial CDS cancel, l
Canada Stamps #159 Used excellent centering and pa
FSAT Stamps 1956-93 Mint issues on page CV $248
US Stamps 10 Mint B & W Pan-Pacific Post Cards
US Stamps 10 Mint Sepia Pan-Pacific Post Cards
US Stamps 10 Mint Color Pan-Pacific Post Cards
US Stamps 14 Used Color Pan-Pacific Post Cards
France Stamps Singles, Partial Sets, Multiples
France Stamps Half Sheets and More
France Stamps Stock, Singles, Multiples, Etc
Ephemera 1940s Mostly Europe & United States
German Stamps Inflation Era Mint Sheets X 10
US Stamps 1930s FIrst Day Covers
Europa Stamps 1959 Issue X 105 Sets
US Stamps #69 on Cover to England
France Stamps Mint NH Sheets, Blocks, Positions, w
US Stamps #10A X 2 On Cover to Baltimore
US Stamps #9 on Cover with New York CDS
US Stamps #11 & #9 on Cover to California
US Stamps Wells Fargo Cover w/Union Pacific RR Can
US Stamps #10A on Cover to Wisconsin
US Stamps #10A on Cover to Massachusetts
US Stamps #32 On Cover to California
US Stamps #68 On Cover to California
US Stamps #114 on Cover to Pennsylvania
US Stamps Stampless Cover From Gardners Tavern VA
US Stamps Stampless Cover From Mountain House VA
US Stamps Stampless Cover From Knoxville KY 1831
US Stamps Stampless Cover From Tallahassee 1836
US Stamps Private Perforation Cover #384
Worldwide Stamps Souvenir Sheets on identified dea
US Stamps Private Perforation Cover
US Stamps Carriage Advertising Cover with Contents
WW Stamps on Pages, New Zealand, Pitcairn, Christm
Hungary Stamps in Stockbook, Impressive Collection
New Zealand Stamps on Pages 1930s-70s
British Colonies Stamps on Stockpages
Isle of Man Stamps on Stockpages
Germany Stamps on Album Pages
Cigarette Cards 40 Wills's Flight Cards
Zeppelin Trade Cards
Italy Postage Tuscany #6 Used On Cover CV $725
Cape of Good Hope Stamps #60 Used on Cover
US Stamps #69-E6d (59P3) VF CV $350
US Stamps #248P4, E3P4 CV $170
US Stamps #832g Mint NH Plate Block CV $400
US Stamps #93 Used X 5 CV $275
US Stamps #PR34a Mint No Gum CV $550
US Stamps #PR13 Blue Brush Cancel CV $200
US Stamps #PR17 Used CV $375
US Stamps #PR74 Used CV $750
US Stamps #PR72 Used CV $230
US Stamps #PR61-62 Mint OG CV $270
US Stamps #PR116-117 X 2 Each CV $110
US Stamps #566 Mint NH XF CV $70+
US Stamps #468 X 2 Mint NH & Hinged CV $285
US Stamps #476 Mint Hinged X 2 CV $400
US Stamps #464 Mint NH CV $165
US Stamps #464 Mint NH CV $165
US Stamps #471 Mint X 2 NH & LH CV $180
US Stamps #428, 133, Mint NH CV $170
US Stamps #429 Mint NH CV $105
US Stamps #70, 78 Group of 8 CV $2400
US Stamps #224 Used XF Jumbo CV $25
US Stamps #68, 71, 75, 76 Used Group CV $830
US Stamps #276 & 276A CV $295
US Stamps #220-221, 224-227 Mint OG CV $510
US Stamps #228 Used X 10 CV $300
US Stamps #RW1 on Form 3333
US Stamps Telegraph Stamps CV $72.50
US Stamps #227 Used X 8 CV $200
US Stamps Telegraph Stamps CV $102.50
US Stamps #73 Used X 4 CV $220
US Stamps Trans-Miss Group CV $475
US Stamps #367 X5 & 370 X 2 CV $77.50
US Stamps #234 Mint NH CV $140
US Stamps #230 & 231 Mint OG X 15 CV $400
US Stamps #R63b & R72a, CV $50+
US Stamps #R667//678 Mint NH CV $30+
US Stamps #68//77 Used CV $675
US Stamps #21, 22 X 2 on Cover to California
US Stamps #C22 Mint NH Plate Block CV $85
US Stamps #296, 297, & 330 CV $270
US Stamps Pan-Pacific Group CV $377
US Stamps #J1, J22, J23 Mint OG CV $150+
US Stamps #319 Mint NH X 10 CV $150
US Stamps Airmail Lot CV $250
US Stamps #617-619 Group CV $146
US Stamps #295 Mint NH
WW Stamps Used Duplicates in Glassines
US Stamps Advertising Cover with RPO Cancel
Ephemera War Ration Wallets & 4 Stamp Ration Bookl
Bahrain & Egypt Visa Fee Stamps on passport page
US Stamps $380 Face Value 2c-Forever
US Stamps $350 Face Value 2c-Forever