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Ace Hardware 1953 White 3000 stake truck w/ cumber
International KB-10 tow truck - Ernest Holmes - 19
1953 White 3000 tractor w/ tank trailer - Marion V
1957 International R-190 w/ fuel tanker - Gulf Oil
1953 Ford F-100 Ford tractor - 10-1547
1953 Ford Gulf Pride - 19-1618
1953 White 3000 stake truck - Texaco - 18-2238
1957 International R-190 fire truck - Shell Oil -
International KB-10 tow truck - Ernest Holmes - 19
Mack Model AC tanker truck - Bulldog Oil - 19-2587
1953 Ford Texaco -19-1688
Mack AC Bulldog stake truck - USA Army - 19-2547
1957 International R-190 van - Bardahl - 19-1415
1957 International stake truck - Shell Motor Oil -
Mack Granite Roll Off refuse truck - 19-0046
1953 Ford - Shell Road Service - 19-1554
1957 International R-190 fuel tanker - Zephyr Gaso
Mack Granite tractor w/ Cowboy trailer - 19-0043
1951 Ford F-6 fuel tanker - Richfield Oil Corporat
1952 GMC dry goods van - GMC - 10-1065
1953 White 3000 w/ tanker body - Shell No. 6 - 19-
1957 International R-190 w/ fuel tanker - Mobil Ga
1953 International R-190 w/ fuel tanker - Esso - 1
1953 Ford pick-up - Dr. Pepper - 19-2185
1957 International R-190 w/ dry goods van - Bardah
1957 International R-190 w/ fuel tanker - Shell Av
1957 International R-190 w/ dry goods van - Hot Wh
1957 International R-190 w/ fuel tanker - Citgo -
1951 Ford F-6 stake truck - Magnolia - 18-1056
1957 International R-200 tow truck - Exxon - 10-11
1957 International R-200 tow truck - Zephyr Gasoli
1951 Ford F-6 half rack stake truck - Special Expo
1951 Ford F-6 dry goods van - Bardahl - 29-1372
1951 Ford F-6 dry goods van - Ford - 10-1057
1951 Ford F-6 dry goods van - Ford - 20-1123
1951 Ford F-7 fire truck - Shell Oil - 18-2051
1951 Ford F-6 fuel tanker - Golf - 19-1020
Dodge Power wagon fire unit - Civil Defense - 19-2
1949 Chevrolet panel truck - Mobil Oil - 19-1500
1951 Ford F-6 bottler's truck - Double Cola - 19-1
1951 Ford F-6 bottler's truck - Pepsi - 19-0110
1951 Ford F-6 half rack stake truck - Rockies Brew
1951 Ford F-6 bottler's truck - Pepsi - 19-1092
1951 Ford F-6 bottler's truck - Nitro Cola - 19-01
1951 Ford F-6 bottler's truck - Pepsi - 10-1087
1951 Ford F-6 bottler's truck - Nitro Cola - 19-01
1952 GMC insulated van - Falstaff - 20-1245
1960 Model B-61 Mack Truck w/ tank trailer - Shell
1960 Model B-61 Mack Truck w/ trailer - Mack Truck
1952 GMC heavy duty wrecker - Storey - 18-1068
1937 Chevrolet tow truck - Ernest Holmes - 19-2659
Freightliner M-2 w/ rear loader refuse body - 19-0
1952 GMC insulated van - O'Doul's Oasis - 19-1352
1951 Ford F-6 bottler's truck - Barq's - 19-1080
1953 White fuel tanker - Mobil Gas - 19-2370
1953 Ford C-600 straight truck - Jax Beer - 29-146
1951 Ford F-6 full rack stake truck - Custom Chrom
International KB-8 stake truck - 19-0020
1953 Ford pick-up - 19-0006
1953 Ford C-600 straight truck - Cotter & Co. - 60
1952 GMC fuel tanker - Kendall - 28-1083
1949 Ford Tudor - 19-0025
1951 Ford F-6 half rack stake truck - 19-0120
1953 Ford C-600 straight truck - Lionel Trains - 1
1952 GMC dry goods van - Miss Bardahl - 19-1044
Dodge Power wagon brush fire unit - 19-0021
1952 GMC bottler truck - Moxie - 19-0119
1952 GMC bottler truck - Mtn. Dew - 19-1730
1952 GMC heavy duty wrecker - Model Garage - 19-11
Ford F-650 w/ miller slide back - 19-0043
Mack R-model mixer - R. Fredrick - 19-2532
1953 White 3000 w/ tank trailer - Humble Oil - 19-
Mack R-model w/ 3 s trailer - 19-0013
Mack 1960 B-model miter - American - 19-2855
Mack R-model mixer - Manitou - 19-2260
Mack R-model dump truck - 19-0019
1953 White 3000 w/ tank trailer - Shell Oil - 19-1
1953 Kenworthy bull nose w/ trailer - Lionel - 19-
Front discharge mixer - 19-0032
1958 GMC tow truck - Chevrolet wrecker - 19-2405
International KB-10 dump truck - International - 1
1952 GMC fuel tanker - Valvoline - 19-1060
Mack R-600 tanker and hat - Mack - 19-2317
1951 Ford F-6 bottler's truck - Mtn. Dew - 19-1075
1952 GMC fuel tanker - Shell - 28-0105
1960 Mack B-61 dump truck - Bechtel - 19-2033
1953 White 3000 w/ tank trailer - Pepsi - 19-2004
White tractor and trailer - Coca Cola - 19-3264
1959 IH tractor w/ 35' trailer - Campbell 66 Expre
1951 Ford F-6 bottler's truck - Nehi - 19-1074
1952 GMC fuel tanker - Bloomington - 19-1257
1952 GMC insulation van - Old Style Light - 19-155
1937 Chevrolet tow truck - Ernest Holmes - 19-2659
1960 Mack B-61 dump truck - Blue Diamond - 19-1834
1953 White 3000 w/ tank trailer - Esso - 19-1934
Mack R-model logging truck - 19-0035
1960 Mack B-61 w/ tank trailer - Sohio - 19-1916
1959 International RF-200 - 19-0011
Mack Vision - 59-0003
Brockway Huskie 200 series tow truck - 19-0045
International Paystar w/ dump body - 19-0049
1960 Mack B-61 w/ hat No. 102 - Mack - 19-2126
1953 Ford pick-up - Super Ford Magazine - 19-1674
1960 Mack B-61 - British Petroleum - 19-2006
Mack Granite w/ bridge master mixer - 19-0048
Mack R-model tow truck - 19-0029
1952 GMC stake truck - Esso Inger's - 19-1244
1951 Ford F-6 bottler's truck - Dad's Root Beer -
1960 Mack B-61 dump truck - E. J. Wallace Shell -
1960 B-model Mack dump truck - 19-0047
1955 Diamond-T tow truck - 19-0009
1937 Chevrolet full stake truck - 19-0024
Mack MR front-end loader refuse truck - 19-0037
International 4400 series - EMS - 19-0039
1953 White 3000 w/ stake body - Shellane - 19-2066
1953 Kenworthy bull nose tow truck - 19-0022
1958 GMC cargo truck - 19-0014
1951 Ford F-6 bottler's truck - Grapette - 19-1144
1960 Mack B-61 dump truck - Palumbo - 19-1819
1960 Mack B-model w/ dump trailer - Manitou - 18-2
1959 International RF-200 - E. J. Wallace - 19-210
1953 Kenworth bull nose w/ 35' trailer - Kenworth
1960 Mack B-61 dump truck - 19-0008
Mack R-model fuel tanker - 19-0015
1960 Model B-61 Mack w/ tank trailer - Exxon - 19-
1953 White 3000 w/ trailer - Canadian Pacific Tran
1960 Mack B-61 w/trailer - Campbell 66 Express - 1
1953 White 3000 freight truck w/ 16' trailer - 19-
1953 Kenworth bull nose w/ trailer - 19-0007
1960 Mack B-61 dump truck - Department of Roads -
1960 Mack B-61 w/ trailer - Humble Oil & Refining
1960 Mack B-61 w/ trailer - Valley Asphalt - 19-19
1960 Mack B-61 w/ trailer - Railway Express Agency
1953 White 3000 w/ tank trailer - Hamilton- Wilber
1937 Chevrolet tow truck - Ernest Holmes - 19-2659
Ford F-650 w/ Jerr-Dan tow body - 19-0033
Dodge Ram van - 19-0041
1960 Mack B-61 w/ tank trailer - Holtzman - 19-212
1960 Mack B-61 w/ trailer - Shell Oil Company - 19
1960 Mack B-61 w/ trailer - Lionel Trains - 19-011
1937 Chevrolet tow truck - Ernest Holmes - 19-2659
Mack concrete mixer No. 500 - 19-2878
Freightliner FLD 120 w/ trailer - 59-0001
Mack B-model mixer - 19-0028
GMC stake truck - Texaco - 18-2503
Mack L-model pumper - 19-0042
1960 Mack B-61 w/ tank trailer - Carlos R. Leffler
1951 Ford F-6 bottler's truck - Nehi Corp. - 19-10
Ford 1956 stock car and 1951 F-6 Shell Oil - 19-14
International 4900 stake truck - 59-0101
International 4900 stake truck - 59-0101
1953 Ford pick-up - Atlas Van Lines - 19-1768
Ford F-650 propane truck - 19-0040
1953 Ford pick-up - Blue Diamond - 19-1842
1951 Ford F-6 bottler's truck - Squirt - 18-1180
1953 White 3000 w/ tank trailer - 19-0010
1952 GMC fuel tanker - Richfield Oil Corp. - 28-10
1953 Ford C-600 straight truck - O'Doul's - 19-156
International 4400 - FG Parts - 19-0030
1957 International R-190 w/ fuel tanker - Signal G
1960 Mack B-61 dump truck - Valley Asphalt - 19-19
Ford F-250 - 19-0038
1953 Ford pick-up - Roy Ferguson Sales - 19-1538
1953 Ford C-600 straight truck - Atlas Hydroplane
International 4400 boom truck - 19-0031
1952 GMC bottler's truck - Pepsi - Ice Cold - 19-1
1937 Chevrolet tow truck - Ernest Holmes - 19-2659
1953 White 3000 w/ trailer - GM Goodwrench - 10-19
1951 Ford F-6 - Lionel Trains - 19-0104
1952 GMC dry goods van - Miss Bardahl
Mack Granite dump truck - 19-0036
1951 Ford F-6 bottler's truck - RC Cola - 19-1131
1937 Chevrolet tow truck - Ernest Holmes - 19-2659
1953 White 3000 w/ tank trailer - Shell Oil Co. -
1951 Ford F-6 half rack stake truck - Gulfpride -
1957 International R-190 tanker - Custom Chrome/Re
1953 White 3000 w/ tanker trailer - Hamilton-Wil
International 4900 stake truck
1951 Ford F-6 bottler's truck - Nehi - 19-1074
International KB-8 fire truck - 19-0027
1951 Ford F-6 stake truck - Pennzoil - 19-1097
1949 Chevrolet panel truck - Genuine Chevrolet - 1
1960 Mack B-model pumper - 19-0017
1951 Ford F-6 bottler's truck - RC Cola - 18-1073
1952 GMC dry goods van - Union Service Motors - 10
International KB-10 dump truck - 19-0026
1952 GMC fuel tanker - Kendall - 18-1076
1951 Ford F-6 dry goods van - Wolf's Head - 19-113
Mack AC bulldog fuel tanker - 19-0023
1952 GMC dry goods van - GMC Engine - 19-1265
1951 Ford F-6 bottler's truck - Wayne - 19-1054
1958 GMC tow truck - 19-0018
1960 Mack B-61 and trailer - Roadway Express Inc.
1953 White 3000 w/ tank trailer - Gulf Oil - 19-19
1960 Mack B-61 w/ tank trailer - Mobil Gas - 19-19
Mack R-model mixer - 19-0016
1953 Kenworth bull nose w/ trailer - Kenworth - 19