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Range bucket of Remington 9mm Luger 115-grain
Range bucket of Remington 9mm Luger 115-grain
3- Boxes Winchester 9mm Luger 115-grain FMJ
Box Winchester 9mm Luger 115-grain FMJ
Box Federal Premium 9mm Luger 124-grain HST
Box Hornady 9mm Luger 115-grain FTX
Box PMC Gold 9mm Luger 124-grain SFHP
6- Cases of CCI .45 Auto shot shells, 10 Rds. per
4- Boxes Hornady Critical Defense .45 Auto
Bucket of Remington .22 LR hollow point
Brick of 500 American Eagle .22 LR cartridges
4- Boxes of PMC Bronze .380 Auto 90-grain FMJ
3- Boxes Remington .380 Auto 102-grain jacketed
Box of .380 Auto 95-grain FMJ cartridges, 50 Rds.
Box Blazer brass .380 Auto 95-grain FMJ
3- Cases .380 Auto 90-grain JHP Personal
Box Remington .380 Automatic 102-grain brass
3- Boxes Civil Defense .380 Auto 50-grain
2- Boxes American Eagle 9mm Luger 115-grain
Case of Federal Premium 9mm Luger 124-grain
2- Boxes Hornady Zombie 9mm Luger 115-grain
Case of 1500 Fiocchi small pistol primers
Case of 1500 Fiocchi small rifle primers
Case of 1500 Fiocchi large rifle primers
10- Cases Hornady .17 Match2 17-grain V-max
10- Cases Hornady .17 Mach2 17-grain V-max
12- Cases Hornady 17 Mach2 17-grain V-max
3- Cases Federal Premium .17 HMR V-Shok
7- Cases of CCI .17 HMR. Gamepoint cartridges,
Box Winchester .30-30 WIN 150-grain Power-Point
2- Boxes Remington .30-30 WIN 150-grain
8- Cases of CCI .22 Mag cartridges, 50 Rds. per
Box Federal .30-30 WIN. 150-grain SP cartridges,
3- Boxes Remington 6.5x55 Swedish 140-grain
Box of 6.5mm Swedish Mauser 139-grain
Box of PMC 6.5x55mm Swedish Mauser 139-grain
3- Boxes Federal 12 Ga. 2.75" No. 6 classic lead
3- Boxes Federal 12 Ga. 2.75" No. 7.5 Classic
Box of Federal Premium .25-06 117-grain Sierra
4- Boxes Federal 16 Ga. 2.75" No. 7.5 Game
Box Federal .25-06 REM 117grain SP Hi-Shok
Box of .50 cal. Pyrodex pellets, 100 pcs.
2- Boxes Ultramaxx .45 ACP 230-grain RN
10- Boxes Hornady .32 Auto 60-grain XTP
Metal ammo can, large
6- Metal ammo cans -x6 cans
Metal ammo can
2- Boxes PMC .30 M2 (.30-06) 150-grain FMJ
Box of Rmeington .30-06 Springfield 150-grain
Box of Federal .30-06 Springfield 150-grain SP
3- Bricks of 500 Fiocchi .22 LR cartridges, 500
Brick of 500 .22 LR sniper subsonic cartridges
2- Cases of Remington .22 LR hollow point
Brick of 500 Federal Premium HJ Match .22 LR
10- Boxes of .22 LR cartridges, 50 Rds. per box
Box of Browning 400 Rds. of .22 LR cartridges
Brick of 500 .22 lR hollow point cartridges
4- Bricks of 500 Remington Viper .22 LR
Brick of Remington Viper .22 LR cartridges
4- Boxes Federal .270 WIN Short Mag 130-grain
Brick of 500 Eley .22 LR target cartridges, 500
Brick of Eley Club .22 LR cartridges, 500 Rds.
Box of 525 Rds. Blazer .22 LR cartridges
Brick of 500 .22 LR cartridges
Box of 325 Rds. of Federal .22 LR cartridges
4- Boxes of .30-06 Sprg. 180-grain FMJ cartridges,
10 - Boxes Herter's 12 Ga. 2.25 mini-buckshot
Box of Winchester 12 Ga. 3.5" OO buckshot,
4- Boxes of Remington 12 Ga. 2.75" OO Buck shot,
Box of Royal Buck 12 Ga. 2.75" OO Buck shot, 25
6- Boxes Remington 12 Ga. 2.75" OO Buckshot, 5
2- Boxes Federal 12 Ga. 2.75" OO Buckshot, 5
Box of Royal Buck 12 Ga. 2.75" OO Buckshot,
Box of 12 Ga. 2.75" OO Buckshot, 5 Rds.
5- Boxes of CCI .22 LR cartridges. 300 Rounds
Brick of 500 CCI .22 LR. cartridges
5- Cases of CCI .22 LR. Mini-Mag cartridges, 100
2- Cases of CCI .22 LR polymer coated subsonic
2- Boxes of CCI .22 LR cartridges, 50 Rds. per
Box of CCI .22 LR cartridges, 100 Rds.
5- Boxes of 1,000 Rds. Winchester .22 LR
2- Boxes Winchester M22 .22 LR. cartridges, 500
6- Cases of Remington Viper .22 LR cartridges,
3- Boxes of CCI Artactical .22 LR cartridges, 300
2- Boxes of 500 Remington .22 LR cartridges, 500
Box of 333 Rds. Winchester .22 LR hollow point
2- Boxes of 500 Rds. Winchester .22 LR hollow
Box of 525 Rds. Blazer .22 LR cartridges
Box of 55- Rds. Federal .22 LR hollow point
5- Cases of Remington .22 Golden Bullet .22 LR
4- Cases of Browning BPR .22 LR hollow point
Case of Winchester Wildcat .22 LR cartridges,
2- Boxes Remington .38 Spl. +P Golden Saber
2- Boxes Winchester .38 Spl. +P Ranger 130-grain
2- Boxes of PPU .38 Spl. 158-grain SWC
Box RWS .38 Spl. Match game 158-grain FMJ
Box of PMC Bronze .38 Spl. 132-grain FMJ
Box of .38 Spl. Ball 130-grain cartridges, 50 Rds.
Box of .38 Spl. 158-grain LRN cartridges, 50 Rds.
Box of Remington .38 Spl. 130-grain MC cartridges,
Box of CCI .17 HMR A17 Varmint Tip cartridges,
Box of Field & Stream .38 Spl. 158-grain FMJ
2- Boxes Hornady 7mm-08 REM 139-grain SST
3- Boxes Magtech .45 Auto 230-grain FMC
2- Boxes American Eagle .45 Auto 230-grain MC
Box of Federal .45 Auto 230-grain FMJ RN
Box of Federal .45 Auto 230-grain jacketed hollow
10- Cases of CCI .22 Short cartridges, 100 Rds.
2- Cases of Remington .22 Short Gold Bullet
4- Boxes Remington .22 Short cartridges, 50 Rds.
3- Boxes Winchester Supreme .410 Ga. 2.5" PDXI
2- Boxes of Winchester Elite .410 3" PDXI Defender
5- Boxes of Lightfield .410 Ga. 2.5" Home Defender
2- Boxes Winchester .410 Ga. 2.5" 000 Buckshot,
Box of Winchester .410 Ga. 2.5" rifle hollow point
Vintage package of Peters .410 Ga. 2.5" rifled
Box of Winchester SuperX 28 Ga. 2.75" No.7
2- Boxes Hotshot 6.5x55mm 139-grain SP
Box of Remington .30-06 Springfield 165-grain
4- Boxes of PMC 5.56mm 62-grain LAP cartridges,
2- Boxes American Eagle .223 REM 50-grain JHP
Box of Amercian Eagle .223 REM 50-grain tipped
2- Bxoes of .30 Cal. Ball M2 (.30-06) cartridges,
2- Boxes .30 Cal. (.30-06) Ball M2 cartridges, 20
2- Boxes of PPU .30-06 Springfield 150-grain FMJ
10- Cases of Hornady .17 HMR. V-max cartridges,
3- Boxes of 7.62 x 25 Tokarev 85-grain FMJ
2- Boxes of .45 Cal. Ball M1911 cartridges, 50
Box of Blazer brass .45 Auto 230-grain FMJ
5- Boxes of Federal Synthetic .45 Auto 220-grain
5- Boxes of SBR .45 Auto 140-grain Frangible
200 Rd box of Winchester .45 Auto 230-grain FMJ
4- Boxes of PMC .45 Auto military cartridges,
4- Boxes of American Eagle .45 Auto 230-grain
3- Boxes of Fiocchi .45 ACP 230-grain FMJ
Box of Remington .45 Auto 230-grain MC
Box of Fiocchi .45 Auto 230-grain FMJ cartridges,
10- Boxes Remington 20 Ga. 2.75" No. 7.5 gun
10- Boxes of 20 Ga. 2.75" rifled slugs, 5 Rds. per
3- Boxes of Winchester 20 Ga. 2.75" sabot slugs,
Box of PMC Bronze .45 Auto 230-grain FMJ
Box of Samson .45 ACP 185-grain Match FMJ
2- Packages f Glaser Safety Slug .38 Spl. +P,
3- Packages of Glaser Saftey Slug .357 Mag,
2- Boxes of UMC .357 Mag 158-grain lead
2- Boxes Remington .357 Mag multiball loads
Box of Ultramaxx .32-20 WIN. 115-grain RN-FP
Box of HSM .50 S & W 350-grain jacketed hollow
Bag of Center Mass .40 S & W 180-grain poly
9- cases of CCI .22 LR mini-mag cartridges, 100
5- Cases of Winchester .22 LR cartridges, 100
2- Cases of CCI .22 LR Mini-Mag cartridges, 100
11- Boxes of CCI .22 LR cartridges, 30 Rds. per
Case of CCI .22 Short hollow point cartridges, 100
2- Cases of CCI .22 LR Mini-Mag cartridges, 100
Box of TulAmmo .223 REM 55-grain FMJ cartridges,
Box of Wolf .223 REM 62-grain copper FMJ
Box of Winchester .45 WIN Mag., new unprimed
Package of Glaser Safety Slug .45 ACP, 6 rounds
18- Boxes of Remington .22 LR cartridges,
5- Cases of Eley Standard .22 LR cartridges,
2- Cases of Eley Silhouex .22 LR cartridges,
Case of Eley Tenex .22 LR cartridges, 50 rounds
8- Boxes of Hornady .30 Cal. 208-grain ELD Match
2- Boxes of Hornady .400 Cal. 400-grain DGX
2- Boxes of Hornady .500 Cal. 570-grain DGX
3- Boxes of Winchester .350 Legend 180-grain
2- Boxes of Hornady .500 Cal. 570-grain DGS
2- Boxes of Hornady .470 Cal. 500-grain DGS
Bag of new .45/90 brass, 50 cases
Box of Hornady .400 Cal. 400-grain DGX bullets,
Box of Hornady .475 Cal. 325-grain XTP Mag.bullets
Box of Hornady .423 Cal. 400-grain DGX bullets,
Box of Hornady .45 Cal. 250-grain Mono Flex
Box of Hornady .416 Cal. 400-grain RN Interlock
2- Box of Hornady .375 Cal. 300-grain FMJ DGS
3- Boxes of Nosler Partition .35 Cal. 250-grain
2- Boxes of Nosler Accubond .376 Cal. 300-grain
2- Boxes of Nosler .22 Cal. 60-grain Ballistic Tip
5- Boxes of Barnes .22 Cal. 52-grain FB Match
Box of Nosler .20 Cal. 32-grain Ballistic Tip
2- Boxes of Hornady V-Max .20 Cal. 32-grain V-Max
Box of Hornady .20 Cal. 40-grain V-Max bullets,
Box of Hornady .20 Cal. 32-grain V-Max bullets,
4- Boxes of Nosler .22 Cal. 60-grain Ballistic Tip
3- Boxes of Nosler .22 Cal. 60-grain Ballistic Tip
Case of Barnes .22 Cal. 50-grain HP bullets,
Box of Nosler .22 Cal. 40-grain FBHP bullets,
2- Boxes of Hornady .22 Cal. 45-grain HP/BEE
Box of Hornady .22 Cal. 50-grain SP SX bullets,
Box of Hornady .22 Cal. 35-grain NTX bullets,
4- Cases of Sierra .22 Cal. 60-grain HP bullets,
2- Cases of Sierra .22 Cal. 69-grain HPBT bullets,
2- Cases of Sierra .25 Cal. 90-grain Blitzking
2- Boxes of Hornady .22 Cal. 45-grain HP/BEE
Lot of 6 boxes of assorted .22 Cal. bullets
2- Boxes of Hornady .270 Cal. 130-rain GMX bullets
2- Boxes of Hornady .270/618 120-grain SST bullets
Box of Hornady 6mm 887-grain SP Varmint bullets,
3- Cases of Sierra .25 Cal. 120-grain hollow point
2- Boxes of Nosler Partition .416 Cal. 400-grain
2- Boxes of Nosler .25 Cal. 115-grain Ballistic
5- Boxes of Hornady .20 Cal. 32-grain V-Max
Box of Hornady .20 Cal. 32-grain V-Ma bullets,
3- Cases of Sierra 6.5mm 85-grain HP bullets,
Lot of assorted .25 Cal. bullets, 3 boxes
3- Boxes of Sierra .25 Cal. 100-grain Spitzer
Box of Nosler .22 Cal. 60-grain Ballistic Tip
Box of Nosler .22 Cal. 60-grain Ballistic Tip
Box of Nosler 6mm 55-grain Spitzer bullets,
2- Boxes of Nosler .416 Cal. 400-grain Spitzer
3- Boxes of Hornady .25 Cal. 110-grain Interbond
2- Boxes of Hornady .45 Cal. lead balls for
Box of Nosler .41 Cal. 210-grain JHP handgun
5- Boxes of Hornady black powder .36 Cal. lead
3- Boxes of Nosler Partition .25 Cal. 100-grain
3- Cases of Sierrra .30 Cal. 85-grain round nose
Box of Nosler .22 Cal. 60-grain Ballistic Tip
2- Boxes of Nosler Partition .25 Cal.
Case of Barnes .25 Cal. 115-grain TSX flat base
2- Boxes of Hornady .22 Cal. 45-grain HP/BEE
Case of Sierra .270 Cal. 135-grain HPBT bullets,
Lot of 50 Sharps .50-90 Cal. brass
Box of Hornady 265-grain FTX cartridges,
2- Ruger 10/22 10-round magazines -x2 magazines
Remington .257 Roberts magazine
SIG Sauer Mosquito .22 Cal. 10-round magazine
14- Boxes of TulAmmo 7.62 x 39mm 122-grain FMJ
2- Boxes of Remington 12 Ga. 2.75" No. 6 game
Box of Hornady .45 Colt 185-grain FTX cartridges,
Box of S&W .38 Spl. 158-grain LRN cartridges,
Box of Magtech .357 Mag. 125-grain JHP
Box of Winchester .38 SPL 130-grain FMJ cartridges
3- Boxes of Armco 7.62 x 39mm cartridges,
8- Boxes of .22 LR cartridges, 50 rounds per box
4- Boxes of Remington .22 LR cartridges, 50 rounds
Box of 500 Remington .22 LR hollow point
Bag of 350 Remington Golden Bullet .22 LR
11- Boxes of Remington .22 LR cartridges,
3- Cases of CCI .22 LR HP Stinger cartridges,
2- Boxes of Winchester .22 LR Subsonic truncated
13- Assorted boxes of .22 LR cartridges, 50 lbs.
21- Assorted boxes of .22 LR cartridges, 50 per
4- Cases of assorted .22 LR cartridges, 100
4- Boxes of Western SuperX .22 Long cartridges,
Lot, assorted .22 Cal. cartridges, some partials
Box of Remington .357 Mag. 158-grain lead
2- Boxes of Winchester .40 S&W 180-grain FMJ
Box of Remington .35 Whelan 200-grain SP
Box of Remington .444 Marlin 240-grain SP
Box of Remington .222 REM 50-grain Power-Point
2- Boxes of Remington .250 Savage 100-grain
3- Boxes of assorted 28 Ga. 2.75" No. 7.5 shot
Lot, 2 boxes of Super 7 x 61 brass, 40 pcs.,
2- Vintage boxes of Western .38 SPL 158-grain
Box of .284 WIN, 20 rounds
9- Boxes of .22 Short cartridges, 50 per box,
2- Cases of CCI .44 SPL/.44 Mag. shotshells,
Case of CCI .22 Magnum hollow point cartridges,
2- Cases of CCI .22 Mag. hollow point cartridges,
Box of .300 Savage reloads, 20 rounds
Box of Weatherby .300 Weatherby Magnum 150-grain
Box of Remington .38 Auto Colt cartridges,
Box of Winchester .38 S&W 145-grain lead
Box of .410 Ga. 3" No. 6 shot shells, 10 rounds
18- Boxes of Fiocchi 9mm Luger 115-grain FMJ
10- Boxes of Activ 20 Ga. 2.75" No. 9 target loads
3- Bags of .22 Cal. 55-grain SP bullets, 500 per
Box of Nosler .375 Cal. 300-grain Spitzer Accubond
10- Bags of Winchester .243 WIN 80-grain PSP
Box of Federal Premium .300 WIN Short Mag.
Box of Federal Premium Safari .375 H&H Magnum
Box of Winchester .22 LR hollow point cartridges,
Box of Remington .22 LR hollow point cartridges,
Box of .22 LR hollow point cartridges, 550 rounds
Box of Winchester .22 LR hollow point cartridges,
4- Boxes of .22 L Golden Bullet cartridges, 225
Case of CCI large rifle primers No. 200, 1000 pcs.
Box of Federal 12 Ga. 2.75" 00 buckshot, 25 rounds
Box of Winchester 12 Ga. 2.75" No. 7.5 lead
Box of Federal 20 Ga. 2.75" No. 4 steel
2- Boxes of Remington 12 Ga. 2.75" 00 buckshot,
3- Assorted boxes 20 Ga. 2.75" rifled slugs,
Box of Winchester 20Ga. 2.75" Platinum Tip sabot
Box of Remington 16 Ga. 2.75" hollow point
3-Boxes of assorted .22 LR cartridges, 50 rounds
Box of Remington .410 Ga. 2.5" rifled slugs
Case of CCI .22 CB cartridges, 100 rounds
5- Boxes of Speer Lawman 9mm Luger 115-grain
Spam can of 9mm Luger, 900 rounds
Spam can of TulAmmo .223 REM 55-grain steel
2- Boxes of Freedom Munitions 9mm Luger 115-grain
2- Boxes of Freedom Munitions 9mm Luger 115-grain
2- Boxes of Brass Maxx 9mm Luger 115-grain FMJ
Can of Brass Maxx 9mm Luger 115-grain FMJ
5- Boxes of 9mm Luger 115-grain FMJ cartridges,
2- Boxes of Freedom Munitions .40 S&W 165-grain
Box of .45 Auto 230-grain FMJ cartridges, 100 rds.
Box of Federal .45 Auto 230-grain FMJ RN
Box of Barnes Vor-Tx .308 WIN 168-grain TTSX BT
2- Boxes of Winchester .22 Mag. hollow point
Box of Winchester 12 Ga. 2.75 rifled hollow point
2- Boxes of Winchester Elite 12 Ga. 2.75" sabot
Case of CCI .22 Mag. TNT green point cartridges,
Box of Nosler .2 Cal. 52-grain HPBT bullets,
4- Bricks of 500 Aguila .22 Short cartridges, 500
2- Bricks Federal Premium .22 LR cartridges, 500
Brick of Aguila .225 Short cartridges, 500 rounds
3- Boxes of Federal .22 LR hollow point cartridges
Box of Federal .22 LR cartridges, 275 rounds
2- Cases of Remington .22 LR cartridges, 100
5- Cases of CCI .2 Short cartridges, 100 per case,
4- Boxes of 12 Ga. 2.25 00 buckshot, 10 rounds per
2- Cases of Sierra .22 Cal. 65-grain Spitzer boat
4- Boxes of Sierra .22 Cal. 45-grain .224 Hornet
Case of Barnes .22 Cal. 69-grain BT Match bullets,
Box of Hornady .22 Cal. 52-grain BT HP bullets,
2- Boxes of Hornady .22 Cal. 55-grain bullets,
Case of Berger .22 Cal. 70-grain VLD Match Grade
Case of Sierra .22 Cal. 53-grain HP bullets,
Case of Berger .22 Cal. 52-grain FB target bullets
Case of Sierra .25 Cal. 100-grain SBT bullets,
3- Boxes of Sierra 6.5mm bullets, 100 per box
Box of Hornady .22 Cal. 60-grain spire point
Box of Hornady 6.5mm 129-grain spire point bullets
10- Cases of .17 HMR 17-grain Accutip-V boat tail
6- Boxes of Remington 16 Ga. 2.75" No. 6
5- Boxes of Remington 12 Ga. 2.75" No. 7.5
3- Vintage boxes of 16 Ga. shotgun shells,
Box of PMC Bronze 10mm Auto 200-grain FMJ-TC
Box of Fusion .270 WIN 130-grain cartridges,
Box of Hornady 7mm-08 REM 139-grain Interlock
Box of Barnes Vor-TX .270 WIN 130-grain tipped
2- Boxes of Federal Premium 6.5 Creedmoor
2- Boxes of Federal .280 REM 150-grain SP
Box of Blazer Brass 9mm Luger 124-grain FMJ
2- Boxes of Winchester .22 Hornet 46-grain hollow
2- Boxes of Wolf 7.62 x 39mm 122-grain FMJ
2- Boxes of 16Ga. 2.75" No. 4 shotgun shells,
Box of PMC .357 Mag. 158-grain cartridges,
Box of Remington 12 Ga. 2.75" No. 8 dove/quail
Box of Remington 20 Ga. 2.75" No. 9 skeet loads,
Box of Winchester 12 Ga. No. 6 rabbit and squirrel
Box of Federal 16 Ga. 2.75" No. 2 steel shot
Box of Remington 12 Ga. No. 4 duck/pheasant loads,
20 lb. bag of hard lead shot
Ruger SR9 9mm 10-round magazine, new
Ruger SR9 9mm 10-round magazine, new
Ruger SR9 9mm 10-round magazine, new
Ruger SR9 9mm 10-round magaine, new
2- Boxes of Hornady .376 Steyr 270-grain SP
9- Boxes of Winchester SuperX .38 SPL blanks,
18- Boxes of Remington 19 Ga. 2.75" rifled hollow
2- Cases of CCI .38/357 shot shells, 10 per case
3- Boxes of Federal .30-30 WIN 150-grain Hi-Shok
Can of 22 Thunderbolt .22 LR cartridges, 375 rds.
Can of 22 Thunderbolt .22 LR cartridges, 375 rds
Can of 22 Thunderbolt .22 LR cartridges, 375 rds
Can of Remington 22 Thunderbolt .22 LR cartridges,
2- Boxes of Remington 12 Ga. 2.75" No. 6 shot
2- Boxes of Remington 12 Ga. 2.75" No. 6
2- Boxes of Remington 16 Ga. 2.75" No. 6 game
Box of Remington 12 Ga. 2.75" No. 6 game
3- Boxes of Federal 12 Ga. 2.75" Hi-Shok hollow
2- Boxes of Federal 12 Ga. 2.75" rifled hollow
Box of Winchester 12 Ga. 2.75" No. 4 turkey loads,
2- Boxes of Federal .410 Ga. 2.5" rifled hollow
6- Boxes of Thunderbolt .22LR cartridges, 50 per
4- Boxes of Federal .38 SPL 148-grain lead
2- Cases of Remington .2 LR cartridges,
2- Metal ammunition cans -x2 cans
2- Metal ammunition cans -x2 cans
3- Boxes of American Value Packs 9mm Luger
Lot of .223 REM once fired brass, 50 pcs.
Lot of .308 WIN once fired brass, 39 pcs.
Lot of .243 WIN once fired brass, 46 pcs.
Lot of 7mm-08 REM once fired brass, 17 pcs.
10- AR-9 10-round 9mm magazines -x10 magazines
ZFH 1500 tactical flashlight holder
Lot, 100 Winchester 7.62 51mm NATO primed brass
Box of Winchester .22 LR cartridges, 1000 rounds
2- Boxes of Winchester 9mm Luger 115-grain FMJ
5- Boxes of .308 WIN 145-grain FMJ BT cartridges,
Box of Federal 9mm Luger 115-grain FMJ RN
Box of 9mm Luger 115-grain FMJ cartridges,
Box of Remington .22 LR cartridges, 225 rounds
1 lb. bottle of SW50BMG rifle D100 powder
3- Cases .17 HMR V-Max cartridges, 50 rounds per
2- Boxes o Federal 16 Ga. 2.75" No. 7.5 game loads
Box of Winchester 12 Ga. 2.75" rifled hollow point
Box of Winchester 12 Ga. 3" No. 6 turkey loads,
3- Boxes of American Eagle .22 LR cartridges,
4- Boxes of 16 Ga. 2.75" rifled slugs, 5 per box
6- Cases of Berger 6mm 80-grain bullets,
2- Cases of Speer 6mm 85-grain boat tail bullets,
Case of Sierra 6mm 107-grain HPBT bullets, 100 pcs
2- Boxes of Hornady 6mm 75-grain V-Max bullets,
2- Boxes of Hornady .375 Cal. 220-grain flat point
Box of Hornady 6mm 87-grain V-Max bullets, 100 pcs
Box of Hornady 6mm 87-grain V-Max bullets, 100 pcs
Springfield XD-E .45 ACP 6-round magazine
Springfield XD-E .45 ACP 6-round magazine, new
Springfield XD-E .45 ACP 6-round magazine, new
Springfield XD-E .45 ACP 6-round magazine, new
Springfield XD-E .45 ACP 6-round magazine, new
Springfield XD-E .45 ACP 6-round magazine, new
Springfield XD-E .45 ACP 6-round magazine, new
Can of 7.62 NATO M80 cartridges with some
Large plastic field/utility box
Case of Federal Premium Match large rifle primers,
Case of Federal shotshell primers No. 209A,
Case of Federal magnum rifle primers No. 215,
Case of Remington No. 7.5 small rifle bench rest
Lot, Remington 9.5 large rifle primers (9 boxes of
Package of Remington 209 black powder primers,
2- Boxes of Winchester .243 WIN 100-grain
Box of Winchester 38 Super Auto +P 125-grain
Box of Civil Defense .45 ACP +P 78-grain
Box of Winchester .308 WIN 180-grain Power Point
Case of .22 Mag. shot shells, 20 rounds
Case of CCI .22 Mag., 50 rounds
Lot, Federal No. 209 shot shell primers, 200 pcs.
2- Boxes of Federal 12 Ga. 2.75" 00 buckshot,
2- Boxes of Federal 12 Ga. 2.75" Super Slug hollow
7- Boxes of Federal .380 Auto 95-grain FMJ
2- Boxes of TulAmmo .223 REM 55-grain FMJ
Box of Magtech .40 S&W 180-grain JHP cartridges,
4- Boxes of Aguila .22 LR HP cartridges, 50 per
2- Boxes of Blazer .22 LR cartridges, 50 rounds
4- Boxes of Blazer 9mm Luger 115-grain FMJ
6- Boxes of 7.62 x 39mm 122-grain HP cartridges,
3- Boxes of Aguila .22 LR hollow point cartridges,
2- Cases of CCI .22 LR Mini-Mag cartridges,
Case of CCI .22 LR hollow point cartridges,
Case of Winchester .22 LR cartridges, 100 rounds
Box of Aguila .22 LR cartridges, 50 rounds
Box of Winchester 12 Ga. 3.5" BB steel waterfowl
Box of Remington 12 Ga. 3" No. 2 steel waterfowl
8- Boxes of Winchester 12 Ga. 2.75" BB Xpert steel
2- Boxes of Winchester 12 Ga. 2.75" No. 2 shot
2- Boxes of Federal .22LR hollow point cartridges,
10- Boxes of Remington 12 Ga. 2.75" No. 6 game
30- Boxes of Remington 12 Ga. 2.75" rifled slugs,
Box of Winchester 12 Ga. 2.75"No. 9 target loads,
6- Boxes of Remington 20 Ga. 2.75" rifled hollow
4- Cases of CCI .22Mag. cartridges, 50 per case
3- Boxes of Federal Premium 12 Ga. 2.75" Truball
12-Boxes of 16 Ga.2.75" rifled HP slugs, 5 per box
Box of Federal 20 Ga. 2.75" No. 6 game loads,
Box of Federal 20 Ga. 2.75" No. 6 duck and
2- Boxes of Remington 12 Ga. 2.75" No. 4 steel
10- Cases of Hornady .17 Mach 2 V-Max cartridges,
10- Cases of Hornady .17 Mach 2 V-Max cartridges,
10- Cases of Hornady .17 Mach 2 V-Max cartridges,
10- Cases of Hornady .17 Mach 2 V-Max cartridges,
Replica skull mount for whitetail or mule deer
Martin Fast-Four quiver, new
Zero Effect Universal right/left hand arrow rest,
Golden Premier Deluxe Microdrive arrow rest system
Scout Mountain T1 3-pin bow sight, new
Universal 12 Ga. barrel shroud, new
Impact Archery 3-pin bow sight, new
Impact Archery 3-pin bow sight, new
Impact Archery 3-pin bow sight, new
Dozen Eastern XX78 Super Slam 2317 arrows
Lot, Champion Zebra slim earmuffs and
Lot, Champion Zebra slim earmuffs and
Lot, Champion Zebra slim earmuffs and
Bushnell compact headllamp, new
Lot, 3 pairs Champion shooting glasses
Lot, two pairs of Champion Balistica shooting
Lot, two pairs of Champion Zebra earmuffs, new
Uncle Mike's size 20 right hand internal retention
Browning BAR Mark II, Safari, Lightweight Stalker
Trench bag 35" x 16.5" x 16.5", new
Flextone "Thunder Check" turkey decoy, new
Lot, three Weaver See-Thru 1" detachable scope
Lot, three Weaver assorted mounts, new
Lot, three Weaver Classic Quad Lock .22 tip-off
Weaver extended multi-slot base for Savage 110,
Limbsaver slip-on recoil pad, small, new
Limbsaver recoil pad, small, new
Limbsaver slip-on recoil pad, large, new
Solid Aim shooting stick, new
Bog-Pod rapid shooting rest, new
Case of 12 Child Guard gun locks, new
Black Hawk double magazine pouch for Glock 21, new
Black Hawk double magazine pouch for Glock 21, new
Black Hawk double magazine pouch for Glock 21, new
Bog Pod rapid shooting rest, new
Hot Lips loader, loads all .22 LR ammunition, new
Trivex three-blade mechanical broadheads, 100-gr.
Grim Reaper three-blade broadheads, 100 gr.
NAP Kill Zone two-blade mechanical broadheads,
Allen compact caliper release
Broadhead vault
Ground auger target stand
Box of six Carbon Express 250 hunting arrows, new
Beeman box of six Carbon 400 hunting arrows, new
Eastern box of six 6mm Carbon 330 arrows, new
Eastern box of six 6mm Carbon 240 arrows, new
Cumings landing/bait net
Range Ready 2"x 4" steel target hanger
Uncle Mike's internal retention holster for
Night Guard firearm mount with holster and LED
28" Remington Model 870 12 Ga. 3" vent ribbed
28" Mossberg Model 500 12 Ga. 3" vent ribbed
28" Remington Model 870 12 GA. 3" vent ribbed
28" Remington Model 870 12 Ga. 3" vent ribbed
28" Mossberg Model 500 12 Ga. 3" vent ribbed