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1998 Eagle $1 Grades Mint State
1957 $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades Gem+ C
1941-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice+ Unc
1955-p Franklin 50c Grades Select Unc+ FBL
1963 $5 Red seal United States Note Grades Choice
1887-p Morgan $1 Graded ms63
1944-p Jefferson 5c Grades Choice+ Unc
1912-d Barber 10c Grades vf++
1893 Columbian Old Commem 50c Grades Choice AU/BU
Mixed small cents 1c orig shotgun roll, 1918-d Whe
1936-p Washington 25c Grades Select Unc
1921-s Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1942-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice+ Unc
Military Payment Certificate Series 481 25c Grades
1928G $2 Red seal United States Note Grades vf++
1942-p Mercury 10c Grades Select Unc+ FSB
1889-p Morgan $1 Graded ms63+
1904-o Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1935-s Peace $1 Grades Choice AU
1948-s Washington 25c Graded ms66
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Los
1948-p Franklin 50c Grades Select Unc FBL
1943-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades GEM Unc
1936-s Mercury 10c Grades Unc Details
1935-p Peace $1 Grades AU Details
1936-s Buffalo 5c Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
Partial Washington Quarter Book 1966-1989 45 coins
1936-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice AU/BU Sli
1880-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
1922-d Peace $1 Grades Select Unc
1865 2c Grades f, fine
1887/18-7-p Vam 11 I3 Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1936-p Mercury 10c Grades Select Unc
1882-s Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1885-p Vam 7 Morgan $1 Grades GEM+ Unc
1943-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice+ Unc
1924-s Peace $1 Grades Select AU
1803 S-260 Draped Bust 1c Grades vg details
1926-p Vam 6 R5 Peace $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1936-p Buffalo 5c Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
Uncirculated Shotgun Lincoln 1c roll, 1973-s 50 pc
1937-d Lincoln 1c Grades Choice Unc RD
1889-p Colorfully Toned Vam 25 Morgan $1 Grades Se
*Highlight* 1879-s Morgan $1 Graded ms66
1902-p Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1830 N1 R1 Coronet Head 1c Grades vf++
1898-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1921-s Walking Liberty 50c Grades vg+
*Highlight* 1882-cc GSA Hoard Morgan $1 Graded ms6
1880 Indian 1c Grades xf+
1883-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
1935-p Mercury 10c Grades Select Unc
1882-o Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Graded ms63
1914 $5 Blue Seal Large Size Federal Reserve Note,
1901-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
1920-d Mercury 10c Grades Choice Unc
Near Complete Lincoln Cent Book 1909-1940 79 coins
1912-d Lincoln 1c Grades xf
1885-o Morgan $1 Grades GEM Unc
1927-p Mercury 10c Grades Select AU
***Auction Highlight*** AU/BU Slider Brinks Shotgu
(1864) Princess Head Liberty cwt Grades Choice AU
*Highlight* 1897-p Vam 5 Morgan $1 Graded Choice U
1935-p Buffalo 5c Grades GEM+ Unc
1921-p Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
*Highlight* 1869 Léopold II 20 Francs Graded Sele
1886-p Vam 6B R5 Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1918-s Standing Liberty 25c Grades Choice AU/BU Sl
1878-p 7tf Vam 163 Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1840 N10 Braided Hair 1c Grades xf
1890-s Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1866 Rays Shield 5c Grades Select AU
***Auction Highlight*** Old Casino 50c Roll $10 In
1914-d Lincoln 1c Grades f+
*Highlight* 1887-p Morgan $1 Graded GEM+ DMPL
1914-p Barber 50c Grades vg, very good
*Highlight* 1883-p Morgan $1 Graded Choice Unc DMP
1863 Liberty Cap cwt Grades vf++
1896-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc PL
1935E $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Mint Error F
***Auction Highlight*** 1923-p Uncirculated Peace
1909-s Lincoln 1c Grades vf++
1890-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
***Auction Highlight*** Continental Currency Janur
*Highlight* 1882-s Morgan $1 Graded Gem++ Unc
*Highlight* 1922 No D Die Pair #2 Strong Rev Linco
1886-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice AU
*Highlight* 1925-s California Old Commem 50c Grade
Uncirculated Shotgun Lincoln 1c roll, 1975-d 50 pc
***Auction Highlight*** 1899 "Black Eagle" Large S
*Highlight* 1879-s Morgan $1 Graded Gem++ Unc
1902-s Barber 10c Grades Choice AU
***Auction Highlight*** Complete Peace Dollar Book
*Highlight* 1866 Mint Error 'Struck Thru Obv' Indi
*Highlight* 1884-o Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Graded
*Highlight* 1888 Seated Liberty 10c Graded Select
1880-s Colorfully Toned Morgan $1 Grades Choice Un
*Highlight* 1919-s Lincoln 1c Graded GEM Unc BN
*Highlight* 1904-s Vam 12 R5 Morgan $1 Graded Choi
1833 O-102 Capped Bust 50c Grades xf
*Highlight* 1880-s Morgan $1 Graded GEM++ Unc
Second Annual Fair June 15th, 1863 F-PA750W/1A R3
*Highlight* 1884-s Morgan $1 Graded Choice AU
*Highlight* 1897-p Barber 50c Graded Unc Details
***Auction Highlight*** 1896 & 0 Uncirculated Morg
*Highlight* 1861 Type 2 Liberty $2 1/2 Graded Choi
1902-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
***Auction Highlight*** Continental Currency May 1
1889-p Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Grades Select+ Unc
*Highlight* 1850 N-23 Braided Hair 1c Graded Selec
1884-o Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
*Highlight* 1867-s W/ Motto Seated Liberty 50c Gra
*Highlight* 1878-cc Vam 2b R5 Morgan $1 Graded Cho
*Highlight* 1926-d Lincoln 1c Graded Choice+ Unc R
1891-s Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1861-p Seated Liberty 25c Grades Choice AU+
1892 & 1893 Columbian Half Dollar Roll Grades
1863 New York F-630Bu/1A cwt Grades xf
*Highlight* 1898-o Tied Finest Known Morgan $1 Gra
1938-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select Unc
Bag of 100 Low Grade Morgan And Peace Dollars Grad
1916-d Lincoln 1c Grades Select AU
*Highlight* 1881-s Morgan $1 Graded GEM++ PL
*Highlight* 1915-p Buffalo 5c Graded GEM+ Unc
1934-p Peace $1 Grades Select Unc
1864 $5 Confederate Note, T69 Grades vf++
1884-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
1811 O-111 Capped Bust 50c Grades vf++
***Auction Highlight*** Full Morgan/Peace Sahara H
1934A $10 Silver Certificate North Africa WWII Eme
*Highlight* 1885-o Morgan $1 Graded Choice Unc DMP
***Auction Highlight*** Continental Currency May 1
Near Complete Presidential & Sacagawea Dollar Book
1851 G$1 Grades AU Details
*Highlight* 1896-p Colorfully Toned Morgan $1 Grad
1862-p Seated Liberty 1/2 10c Grades Unc Details
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Los
1863 Liberty Cap cwt Grades xf+
1881-s Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
1920-p Buffalo 5c Grades Choice Unc
*Highlight* 1884-cc GSA Hoard Morgan $1 Graded ms6
1863 Die Sinker F-450G/2a R4 cwt Grades xf
1891-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1917-s Obverse Walking Liberty 50c Grades vg+
***Auction Highlight*** AU/BU Slider Brinks Shotgu
1928B $20 Federal Reserve Note Redeemable In Gold
1889-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1876 3cn Grades vf, very fine
Uncirculated Shotgun Lincoln 1c roll, 1954-d 50 pc
1929-s Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc RB
1886-p Top 100 Vam 1A Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1936-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice+ Unc
1883-p Morgan $1 Graded ms64
1968-d Mint Error Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc RD
1881-o Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1863 US Fractional Currency 5c Second Issue fr-123
Starter Barber Dime Book (With 1 Seated Liberty Di
1901 Indian 1c Grades GEM Unc BN
1885-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
1936-p Buffalo 5c Grades GEM Unc
Mixed small cents 1c orig shotgun roll, 1919-s Whe
1863 Indian cwt Grades xf+
1887-s Morgan $1 Grades BU+
1929-s Buffalo 5c Grades Choice AU
***Auction Highlight*** Full solid date 1922-p Pea
1864 2c Grades xf
1899-o Morgan $1 Grades GEM+ Unc
1945-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select Unc
1926-s Peace $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1855 N7 Braided Hair 1c Grades vf++
1904-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
1936-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice AU/BU Sli
Bank of the State of South Carolina (Charleston, S
1909 Indian 1c Grades Select Unc BN
1921-d Vam 1BG R5 Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1945-p Mercury 10c Grades Choice Unc
Military Payment Certificate Series 472 5c Grades
1934-d Lincoln 1c Grades Gem+ Unc RD
1927-d Vam 2 Peace $1 Grades Select Unc
1910-p Barber 25c Grades f details
1936-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades AU Details
1916-p Mercury 10c Grades Select Unc FSB
1928B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
1935c $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades Gem C
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Los
1946-s Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice AU/BU Sli
1934 $10 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Signatures J
1892 Columbian Old Commem 50c Grades Select+ Unc
1899-o Morgan $1 Graded ms60
1963 $5 Red seal United States Note Grades Choice
1900-p Colorfully Toned Minor Mint error Morgan $1
Mixed small cents 1c orig shotgun roll, 1917-s Whe
1885-o Morgan $1 Graded ms63
1969D $1 Green Seal Federal Reserve Note (Boston,
1927-d Peace $1 Grades Choice AU
1883-o Morgan $1 Graded ms63
1857 Flying Eagle 1c Grades vg+
1963A $2 Red seal United States Note Grades Gem CU
1888-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
Mixed small cents 1c orig shotgun roll, 1858 Flyin
1910-p Lincoln 1c Grades Unc Details
1926-d Peace $1 Grades Select Unc
1864 2c Grades vf++
1886-p Morgan $1 Graded ms64
1936-p Lincoln 1c Grades Gem+ Unc RD
1881-s Morgan $1 Graded ms65
1899-o Morgan $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1893 Columbian Old Commem 50c Grades Choice AU/BU
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Los
1926-s Peace $1 Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
Series 641 5c Military Payment Certificate Grades
1935-p Peace $1 Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1928A $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades f+
1909 vdb Lincoln 1c Grades Select+ Unc BN
1936-p Buffalo 5c Grades GEM Unc
1900-p Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1947-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select Unc
1859 Indian 1c Grades vf++
1936-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice AU/BU Sli
1898-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1931-p Lincoln 1c Grades xf+
1904-o Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc PL
1887-p Colorfully Toned Morgan $1 Grades Choice Un
1945-s Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select Unc
Partial Lincoln Cent Book 1959-2007 115 coins
1936-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice AU/BU Sli
1863 Turban Liberty cwt Grades xf
1876 US Fractional Currency 50c Fifth Issue fr-138
Uncirculated shotgun Lincoln 1c roll, 1982-p Coppe
1934-d Buffalo 5c Grades Choice+ Unc
1882-s Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
Indian cent 1c orig roll, 1909 end S other end
1843 N6 Braided Hair 1c Grades vf, very fine
1883-o Vam 52A I3 R6 Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
1863 Indian F-362/93 cwt Grades Select AU
1936-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select Unc
1898-p Morgan $1 Grades Unc Details
1923-s Peace $1 Grades Select+ Unc
***Auction Highlight*** 1924-p Uncirculated Peace
1923-p Buffalo 5c Grades xf+
1884-o Colorfully Toned Morgan $1 Grades GEM Unc
1917-p Mercury 10c Grades Select Unc+ FSB
1926-s Lincoln 1c Grades Select AU
1963 $2 Red seal United States Note Grades Choice
1863 Army & Navy cwt Grades vf details
1917-d Reverse Walking Liberty 50c Grades f, fine
1856 N8 R4 Braided Hair 1c Grades vf++
1906-s Barber 10c Grades xf+
1897-o Morgan $1 Grades xf+
1935-p Texas Old Commem 50c Grades Choice Unc
Complete Eisenhower Book 1971-1978 32 coins
1833 JR1 Capped Bust 10c Grades f details
1890-s Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Los
1863 Benjamin Franklin F-151/430 cwt Grades Select
1936-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select Unc
1896-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
***Auction Highlight*** AU/BU Slider Brinks Shotgu
*Highlight* 1810 O-105 Capped Bust 50c Grades xf+
*Highlight* 1890-p Morgan $1 Graded Choice+ Unc
*Highlight* 1902 Indian 1c Graded GEM Unc RD
1916-p Buffalo 5c Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1889-p Vam 45 R5 Morgan $1 Grades Select+ Unc
Confederate $1 Dollar Richmond Virginia Treasury N
1862 Ty 3 G$1 Grades Select AU
1899 Indian 1c Grades GEM Unc RB
*Highlight* 1888-s Vam 1D R5 Morgan $1 Graded Sele
1885-p Morgan $1 Graded
1923-s Lincoln 1c Grades Select AU
***Auction Highlight*** Continental Currency Novem
*Highlight* 1889-s Morgan $1 Graded Choice Unc
*Highlight* 1933-s Walking Liberty 50c Graded Sele
1936-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select Unc
1878-p 8tf Vam 22B I2 R6 Hot 50 Morgan $1 Grades S
*Highlight* 1880-cc Vam 3A R5 Morgan $1 Graded GEM
1814 S-294 Classic Head 1c Grades vg+
1927-p Standing Liberty 25c Grades Select Unc
1879-s Morgan $1 Grades GEM+ Unc
*Highlight* 1882-cc GSA Hoard Morgan $1 Graded ms6
***Auction Highlight*** Old Casino 50c Roll $10 In
1813 O-108 R3 Capped Bust 50c Grades vf++
*Highlight* 1886-o Morgan $1 Graded Select Unc
1929 $20 National Currency 'First Wisconsin Nation
12 Mint Sets in Hamelin Harvard Cases 1959-1964 P
*Highlight* 1875-s Seated Liberty 20c Graded Unc D
1881-s Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc DMPL
1921-d Mercury 10c Grades g, good
Near Complete Jefferson Nickel Book 1938-2001 174
*Highlight* 1869 Shield 5c Graded GEM Unc
*Highlight* 1883/18-3-s Vam 9 R5 Morgan $1 Graded
*Highlight* 1879-p Seated Liberty 25c Graded pr62
*Highlight* 1877-cc Liberty $20 Graded AU Details
*Highlight* 1834 O-120 R4 Capped Bust 50c Graded C
1884-o /o Vam 13 Morgan $1 Grades GEM+ Unc
1878-p 7tf Morgan $1 Graded ms63+ pl
***Auction Highlight*** 1881 & CC Uncirculated Mor
1945-s Mercury 10c Grades Select+ Unc
*Highlight* 1881-s Morgan $1 Graded GEM++ Unc
*Highlight* 1857-o Ty 2 WB-1 Seated Liberty 50c Gr
1851 N-38 Braided Hair 1c Grades vf+
1857 $5 The Merchants' Bank of SOUTH CAROLINA at C
1891-s Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
*Highlight* 1938-d Walking Liberty 50c Graded Choi
1783 (Circa 1820) Washington independence Baker-4
***Auction Highlight*** Continental Currency May 1
*Highlight* 1885-p Morgan $1 Graded Choice Unc+ DM
*Highlight* 1828 Classic Head 1/2c Graded Select U
1920-d Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc RD
***Auction Highlight*** 1907 $5 Large Size Legal T
1896-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
*Highlight* 1880-o Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Graded
1885 Indian 1c Grades Select Unc RB
*Highlight* 1916-p Walking Liberty 50c Graded Choi
1901-s Morgan $1 Grades AU Details
1883-cc Morgan $1 Graded ms64+
*Highlight* 1854-p Liberty $10 Graded Select Unc
1918-d Mercury 10c Grades vf+
1891-p Morgan $1 Grades Unc Details
1943-p Mercury 10c Grades Select+ Unc
***Auction Highlight*** AU/BU Slider Brinks Shotgu
*Highlight* 1902-p Morgan $1 Grades GEM+ Unc
*Highlight* 1885-o Morgan $1 Graded GEM++ Unc
1915-p Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc BN
1936-p Mercury 10c Grades Select+ Unc
*Highlight* 1885-s Morgan $1 Graded Select+ Unc
1869 US Fractional Currency 10c Forth Issue fr-125
***Auction Highlight*** Partial Walking Liberty Ha
1936-s Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select Unc
1904-o Morgan $1 Grades GEM Unc PL
1955-p Washington 25c Grades Choice Unc
***Auction Highlight*** Full solid date 1922-p Pea
1913-p Barber 10c Grades Select Unc
1903-p Morgan $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1919-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades vg, very good
*Highlight* 1911-p Indian $2 1/2 Graded Select+ Un
1928a $5 Red Seal United States Note Semi Key Date
1863 liberty Cap cwt Grades vf details
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Los
1867 Indian 1c Grades f, fine
1937-s Mercury 10c Grades Select Unc
1886-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
1902-o Vam 31A I3 R5 Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
Uncirculated Shotgun Lincoln 1c roll, 2000-p 50 pc
1976 $2 Federal Reserve Note 1st Day of Issue, wit
1884-o Morgan $1 Grades GEM+ Unc
1937-p Buffalo 5c Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
***Auction Highlight*** Full Morgan/Peace Aladdin
1941-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice+ Unc
1881-s Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc+ PL
1928A $5 Green Seal Federal Reserve Note Redeemabl
*Highlight* 1917-p Lincoln 1c Graded Gem+ Unc RD
1934 $20 Green Seal Federal Reserve Note (Clevelan
1921-p Morgan $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1946-d Jefferson 5c Grades Choice Unc+ 5fs
1913-p Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc BN
1936-p Washington 25c Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1880-s Colorfully Toned Morgan $1 Grades GEM+ Unc
1935c $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades Gem C
Complete Washington State Quarter Book 1999-2008 5
1942-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select Unc
1879-p Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1935-d Mercury 10c Grades Choice AU
1864 Union For Ever F-49/343 cwt Grades Select Unc
1936-p Buffalo 5c Grades GEM Unc
1925-p Peace $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1833 N-3 Coronet Head 1c Grades vf++
1893-o Morgan $1 Grades vf++
1943-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice AU/BU Sli
1901-p Barber 50c Grades vg+
1923-p Peace $1 Grades GEM Unc
1949-p Franklin 50c Grades Choice AU
1865 2c Grades vf++
1900-o Morgan $1 Graded ms64
1947-p Lincoln 1c Grades Choice Unc RB
1944-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select Unc
1921-d Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
Mixed small cents 1c orig shotgun roll, 1913-d Whe
1888-p Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Graded ms63
1976 $2 Federal Reserve Note 1st Day of Issue, wit
1917-p Mercury 10c Grades Select AU
1887-p Morgan $1 Graded ms63
1934D $5 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades AU, A
1950D $5 Green Seal Federal Reserve Note (New York
1885-o Morgan $1 Graded ms63
1976 $2 Federal Reserve Note 1st Day of Issue, wit
1952-p Wash/Car Old Commem 50c Grades Select Unc
1887-p Morgan $1 Graded ms63
1899-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
Mixed small cents 1c orig shotgun roll, 1919-d Whe
1926-s Peace $1 Grades Select Unc
1936-p Lincoln 1c Grades Choice+ Unc RD
1934 $50 Green Seal Federal Reserve Note (Chicago,
1946-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select Unc
1900-o Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1942-p Jefferson 5c Grades Choice+ Unc
1888-p Morgan $1 Graded ms63
1883-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Los
1944-s Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice AU/BU Sli
*Highlight* 1879-cc Morgan $1 Grades xf+
1898-s Morgan $1 Grades Choice AU
1963A $2 Red seal United States Note Grades Gem CU
1897-p Morgan $1 Graded ms65
1902-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
***Auction Highlight*** Complete Eisenhower Book 1
1943-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select+ Unc
1881-s Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
*Highlight* 1914-p Indian $2 1/2 Graded Select+ Un
1884-o Morgan $1 Graded ms63
1928B $20 Federal Reserve Note Redeemable In Gold
1909-d Barber 10c Grades f+
1942-s Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice AU/BU Sli
1853-p Arrows Seated Liberty 10c Grades vg+
1941-s Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice AU/BU Sli
1903-s Morgan $1 Grades vf details
***Auction Highlight*** Old Casino 50c Roll $10 In
1895 Indian 1c Grades Choice Unc BN
1949-p Roosevelt 10c Grades Select Unc
1969D $1 Green Seal Federal Reserve Note (Boston,
1914-d Barber 10c Grades Select Unc
1931-s Lincoln 1c Grades Choice AU
1939-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice AU/BU Sli
1936-d Washington 25c Grades xf+
Uncirculated shotgun Lincoln 1c roll, 1982-p Coppe
1870 Indian 1c Grades vf, very fine
1896-o Barber 25c Grades g+
1923 $1 large size Blue Seal Silver Certificate, S
***Auction Highlight*** Near Complete Franklin Hal
1863 Army & Navy cwt Grades Select AU
1886-p Morgan $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1938-d Buffalo 5c Grades GEM+ Unc
***Auction Highlight*** AU/BU Slider Brinks Shotgu
1852 N-11 Braided Hair 1c Grades vf++
1897-s Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1865 2c Grades Choice AU
1936-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select Unc
1863 Indian F-630L/5A cwt Grades vf details
1889-p Vam 6 I3 R5 Morgan $1 Grades GEM Unc
1913-p TY I Buffalo 5c Grades GEM+ Unc
*Highlight* 1895 Liberty 5c Graded Choice Unc
1927-s Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc RB
1886-p Morgan $1 Grades GEM+ Unc
1914-d Indian $2 1/2 Grades AU, Almost Unc
1936-p Buffalo 5c Grades GEM++ Unc
1863 Not One Cent cwt Grades xf+
*Highlight* 1890-p Top POP! Morgan $1 Graded GEM+
*Highlight* 1834 Browning 1 FS-905 Capped Bust 25c
***Auction Highlight*** Continental Currency July
*Highlight* 1857 Braided Hair 1/2c Graded Choice U
1885-o Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1936-s Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select+ Unc
***Auction Highlight*** Full solid Key date 1878-c
*Highlight* 1863 Indian 1c Graded Choice+ Unc
1885-o Rainbow Toned Vam 20 R5 Morgan $1 Grades Se
*Highlight* 1829 LM-1 Capped Bust 1/2 10c Graded S
1923-s Peace $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1826 O-108A Capped Bust 50c Grades AU, Almost Unc
1887-p Morgan $1 Grades Unc Details
***Auction Highlight*** 1928C $10 Gren Seal Federe
Bag of 100 Low Grade Morgan And Peace Dollars Grad
*Highlight* 1902-p Barber 50c Graded Choice Unc
1887-o Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
*Highlight* 1915-s Panama Pacific Old Commem 50c G
1925-s Peace $1 Grades Select Unc
1863 Union cwt Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
*Highlight* 1888-s Morgan $1 Graded GEM Unc
*Highlight* 1860-p R4 Liberty $5 Graded Choice AU
Near Complete Walking Liberty Half Dollar Book 191
*Highlight* 1920-p Walking Liberty 50c Graded Sele
*Highlight* 1794 S-24 Flowing Hair 1c Graded vf+
*Highlight* 1881-cc GSA Hoard Morgan $1 Graded ms6
***Auction Highlight*** 1901 & P Uncirculated Morg
*Highlight* 1795 Letter Edge Cohen-1 Liberty Cap 1
*Highlight* 1894-o Vam 11A I3 R5 Morgan $1 Graded
*Highlight* 1880-o Top 100 vam 48 I4 R6 'Hangnail
***Auction Highlight*** Continental Currency May 1
*Highlight* 1804 S-266 R2 Draped Bust 1c Graded xf
*Highlight* 1853-p Arrows & Rays Seated Liberty 50
1810 C-1 Classic Head 1/2c Graded xf details
*Highlight* 1955/1955 DDO Lincoln 1c Graded Select
*Highlight* 1881-cc Morgan $1 Graded Select Unc DM
*Highlight* 1854 TYPE 2 G$1 Graded Select Unc
*Highlight* 1915-s Indian $10 Graded Choice AU/BU
*Highlight* 1930-p Mercury 10c Graded GEM+ FSB
*Highlight* 1886-s /s Vam 2 Morgan $1 Graded GEM+
*Highlight* 1838 GR-2 Capped Bust 50c Graded Selec
1935-p Peace $1 Grades Unc Details
1863 United States Of Aemerica cwt Grades vf++
*Highlight* 1882/1882-cc Vam 3A R5 Morgan $1 Grade
*Highlight* 1900 Lafayette Old Commem $1 Graded Se
*Highlight* 1881-s Morgan $1 Graded Choice Unc+ DM
1924-s Lincoln 1c Grades Choice AU
*Highlight* 1890-s Morgan $1 Graded GEM Unc
1917-s Buffalo 5c Grades AU Details
***Auction Highlight*** Full Morgan/Peace Stardust
Series 1934A $5 Federal Reserve Note WWII Emergenc
1890-p Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1918-d Mercury 10c Grades Select AU
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Los
1921-p Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc RD
1879-s Morgan $1 Grades GEM+ Unc
1856 Ty3 3cs Grades vf+
*Highlight* 1878-s Morgan $1 Graded Select Unc+ DM
1913-s Lincoln 1c Grades Choice+ Unc BN
1880-s Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc+ DMPL
*Highlight* 1925-s Buffalo 5c Graded Unc Details
1878-p 8tf Vam 14.2 Morgan $1 Grades Choice AU/BU
*Highlight* 1918-d Lincoln 1c Graded GEM+ Unc BN
1881-p Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
***Auction Highlight*** Continental Currency Novem
Partial Barber Half Dollar Book 1892-1903 21 coins
*Star Note * 1928A $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate
1885-p Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
*Highlight* 1883-cc GSA Hoard Morgan $1 Graded ms6
1883/18-3-s Vam 9 R5 Morgan $1 Grades Choice AU/BU
1915-s Lincoln 1c Grades Select AU
1903-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
1936-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice Unc
***Auction Highlight*** 1923-s Uncirculated Peace
1863 Union For Ever F-174/272 cwt Grades vf detail
1886-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1924-d Mercury 10c Grades AU Details
1846 N-8 Braided Hair 1c Grades vf++
1904-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
1916-s Rainbow Toned Lincoln 1c Grades Select+ Unc
1914 Large Size $10 Blue Seal Federal Reserve Note
1936-p Buffalo 5c Grades Choice AU
1891-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1936-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice AU
1879-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
1911-p Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc BN
1921-d Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1944-p Mercury 10c Grades Choice Unc
1906 Indian 1c Grades Choice Unc RB
1884-s Morgan $1 Grades AU Details
1936-p Mercury 10c Grades GEM+ Unc
1936-p Buffalo 5c Grades Choice Unc
1909 vdb Lincoln 1c Grades GEM+ Unc RB
1892-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice AU
1858 $1 The Bank of Macomb County MI BN-6 Confeder
Starter Sacagawea & Susan B. Anthony Dollar Book 1
1863 Indian F-87/356 cwt Grades Choice AU
1884-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1936-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice AU
Lincoln Wheat cent 1c orig roll, 1909-s end, VDB o
1835 N-7 Coronet Head 1c Grades f+
1884-o Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
*Star Note * 1957 $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate
1940-p Mercury 10c Grades Choice Unc
1858 SL Flying Eagle 1c Grades vf++
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Los
1864 2c Grades vf++
1976 $2 Federal Reserve Note 1st Day of Issue, wit
1928 $20 Federal Reserve Note Redeemable In Gold (
1921-s Morgan $1 Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1881-s Colorfully Toned Morgan $1 Graded ms64
1922-p Colorfully Toned Peace $1 Graded ms63
1934-d Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice Unc
1934-d Peace $1 Grades Unc Details
1916-d Walking Liberty 50c Grades vg+
1928 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades xf
1950-d Franklin 50c Grades Select Unc FBL
1927-s Peace $1 Grades AU Details
1902-o Morgan $1 Graded ms64
Mixed small cents 1c orig shotgun roll, 1857 Flyin
1957 $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades Gem CU
1936-p Mercury 10c Grades Choice Unc
1893 Columbian Old Commem 50c Grades Select Unc
*Star Note * 1957 $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate
1928A $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades f+
1953-s Franklin 50c Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
2014-p Baseball Hall Of Fame Modern Commem $1 Grad
1893 Columbian Old Commem 50c Grades Select+ Unc
1946-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select Unc
1886-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
Mixed small cents 1c orig shotgun roll, 1919-s Whe
1885-p Morgan $1 Graded ms63
1858 LL Flying Eagle 1c Grades vg+
1921-s Morgan $1 Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1864 2c Grades f, fine
1950B $20 Green Seal Federal Reserve Note (St. Lou
1881-s Colorfully Toned OGH Morgan $1 Graded ms64
1904-o Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1936-d Lincoln 1c Grades GEM+ Unc RD
1945-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select+ Unc
1887/18-p Vam 10 R5 Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Los
1874 25c Fractional Currency, 5th Issue, Long Key
1909-p Barber 50c Grades f+
1875-p Seated Liberty 50c Grades vg, very good
Partial Flying Eagle & Indian Cent Book 1857-1909
1943-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades GEM+ Unc
1927-d Peace $1 Grades Choice AU
1935A $1 Silver Certificate Hawaii WWII Emergency
1928-d Lincoln 1c Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1916-s Barber 10c Grades vf++
1926-p Peace $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1936-d Buffalo 5c Grades Choice+ Unc
***Auction Highlight*** AU/BU Slider Brinks Shotgu
1878-s Morgan $1 Graded ms63
1921-d Morgan $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1935A $1 Silver Certificate Hawaii WWII Emergency
1932-p Lincoln 1c Grades Choice+ Unc RD
1943-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice+ Unc
1881-o Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
*Highlight* 1911-p Indian $2 1/2 Graded Select Unc
Uncirculated Shotgun Lincoln 1c roll, 1982-d Zinc
No Date Mint Error Jefferson 5c Grades Select Unc
1885-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Los
1904-o Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Graded ms64
1942-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice+ Unc
1887-p Morgan $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1911-p Barber 10c Grades vf++
1883 n/c Liberty 5c Grades AU Details
1853 N-13 Braided Hair 1c Grades vf details
1882-o Morgan $1 Grades Unc Details
1943-p Jefferson 5c Grades Select+ Unc
***Auction Highlight*** Full Morgan/Peace Sands Ho
(1863) US Copper, Bronze Mint Error F-221/327BR R7
1897-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
1925-p Peace $1 Graded ms64
1879-s Morgan $1 Grades Unc Details
1863 Army & Navy cwt Grades xf
1883-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
Proof 1890 $5 Bureau of Engraving & Printing Treas
***Auction Highlight*** Near complete Roosevelt Di
1909 vdb Lincoln 1c Grades GEM Unc BN
1885-o Colorfully Toned Morgan $1 Grades GEM+ Unc
1880-s Morgan $1 Grades GEM Unc
1939-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice AU/BU Sli
1904-o Morgan $1 Grades GEM Unc
***Auction Highlight*** Continental Currency Janur
1898-p Morgan $1 Graded ms63 pl
1907 Indian 1c Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1881-s Morgan $1 Grades Unc Details DMPL
*Highlight* 1926-p Indian $2 1/2 Graded Choice+ Un
***Auction Highlight*** 1923-p Uncirculated Peace
1935A $1 "Short Snorter" Silver Certificate Hawaii
1879-o Vam 44 R5 Morgan $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1929 $100 National Currency 'The Federal Reserve B
1938-d/s Buffalo 5c Grades Choice+ Unc
1863 liberty Cap F-5/288BR cwt Grades vf+
1889-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
*Highlight* 1834 LM-2 Capped Bust 1/2 10c Graded S
*Highlight* 1829 O-117 R2 Capped Bust 50c Graded S
1917-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select Unc
1880-o Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
*Highlight* 1892-s Barber 50c Graded f+
*Highlight* Solid Gold 20 Years of Service 1876-s
*Highlight* 1925-d Major Mint Error Lincoln 1c Gra
*Highlight* 1887-s Morgan $1 Graded Select+ Unc
*Highlight* 1876-cc Liberty $20 Graded Choice AU/B
*Highlight* 1882-cc Rainbow Toned Vam 3B R5 Morgan
*Highlight* 1937 Antietam Old Commem 50c Graded GE
*Highlight* 1896-o Morgan $1 Graded Select Unc
Indian cent 1c orig roll, 1909 end S other end
***Auction Highlight*** 1889 & CC Uncirculated Mor
1863 Army & Navy cwt Grades xf+
*Highlight* 1893-p Morgan $1 Graded Choice AU/BU S
***Auction Highlight*** Continental Currency Janur
*Highlight* 1917-p TY I Standing Liberty 25c Grade
*Highlight* 1873-cc FS-301 MPD Trade $1 Graded Sel
*Highlight* 1889-cc Morgan $1 Graded Select Unc
*Highlight* 1922 Grant w/Star Old Commem 50c Grade
*Highlight* 1900-p Barber 25c Graded GEM Unc
*Highlight* 1914-d Lincoln 1c Graded xf
*Highlight* 1884-s Morgan $1 Graded Select Unc
*Highlight* 1844-p Seated Liberty 25c Graded Selec
***Auction Highlight*** Near Complete Walking Li
*Highlight* 1864 L Indian 1c Graded Choice Unc RB
1939-s Washington 25c Grades GEM Unc
*Highlight* 1878 G$3 Graded AU, Almost Unc
*Highlight* 1896-o Barber 10c Graded GEM Unc
*Highlight* 1801 S-222 Draped Bust 1c Graded vf++
*Highlight* 1901-p Vam 6 I3 R5 Morgan $1 Graded Se
1913-s Ty I Buffalo 5c Grades Unc Details
Uncirculated Shotgun Lincoln 1c roll, 1970-s 50 pc
1911-s Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc BN
1891-s Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1875-p Seated Liberty 10c Grades Select Unc
***Auction Highlight*** Full solid Key date 1896-s
***Auction Highlight*** Continental Currency Janur
*Highlight* 1899-p Morgan $1 Graded Choice+ Unc
1865 3cn Grades Select Unc
*Highlight* 1885-cc GSA Hoard Morgan $1 Graded ms6
1919-p Lincoln 1c Grades Select+ Unc RB
*Highlight* 1898-o Morgan $1 Graded GEM Unc DMPL
1927-s Buffalo 5c Grades AU Details
1934-p Mercury 10c Grades GEM+ FSB
1820 N-10 Coronet Head 1c Grades vf++
1919-s Mercury 10c Grades vf++
*Highlight* 1834 HM-2 LG head Classic Head $2.5 Gr
*Highlight* 1806 Draped Bust 1/2c Graded xf+
1922-d Lincoln 1c Grades Choice AU
1884-o Morgan $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1882-s Morgan $1 Grades GEM+ Unc
***Auction Highlight*** Old Casino 50c Roll $10 In
1937-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select Unc
1925-s Mercury 10c Grades xf
1863 Liberty Cap cwt Grades Choice AU
1897-s Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Los
U.S. Presidential Dollar Book 2012-2016 73 coins
1936-d Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice AU/BU Sli
*Highlight* 1890-s Morgan $1 Graded Choice+ Unc
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
*Highlight* 1928-p Peace $1 Graded Select Unc
1837 Executive Experiment htt Grades vf++
1885-s Morgan $1 Grades Unc Details
1919-d Walking Liberty 50c Grades vg details
1936-p Mercury 10c Grades Choice+ Unc
1916-p Lincoln 1c Grades Select+ Unc BN
1902-o Morgan $1 Grades GEM Unc
1935A $1 Silver Certificate Hawaii WWII Emergency
***Auction Highlight*** AU/BU Slider Brinks Shotgu
1863 Shoot Him on the Spot Dix cwt Grades AU Detai
1891-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1919-p Buffalo 5c Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1878-p 7/8tf Vam 39 Hit List 40 7/5 I4 R5 Morgan $
1936-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select Unc
1899-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
1934 $10 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Signatures J
Uncirculated Shotgun Lincoln 1c roll, 1958-p 50 pc
1936-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice AU/BU Sli
1904-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1936-p Buffalo 5c Grades Choice Unc
1887-p Morgan $1 Graded
1896 Indian 1c Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1885-p Colorfully Toned Morgan $1 Grades Choice Un
Partial Roosevelt Dime Book 1964-2013 87 coins
1936-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select AU
*Highlight* 1884-o Colorfully Toned Morgan $1 Grad
1936-d Mercury 10c Grades GEM+ Unc
1875 Indian 1c Grades vf++
1883-o Morgan $1 Grades Select+ Unc
4 Consecutive Serial Number 1935E $1 Blue Seal Sil
1935-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades AU Details
1900-p Morgan $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1935-s Peace $1 Grades vf++
1847 N-4 R3 Braided Hair 1c Grades vf details
1938-d Walking Liberty 50c Grades vg details
1969 $10 Green Seal Federal Reserve Note Grades Se
1941-p Mercury 10c Grades Select Unc+ FSB
1921-d Walking Liberty 50c Grades vg details
1887-p Morgan $1 Graded ms63
Mixed small cents 1c orig shotgun roll, 1919-d Whe
1934-d Peace $1 Grades Unc Details
1870 2c Grades vf+
1885-o Morgan $1 Graded ms63
1913-p Indian $2 1/2 Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
Military Payment Certificate Series 481 25c Grades
1886-p Morgan $1 Graded ms63
1944-d Mercury 10c Grades Choice Unc FSB
1934a $10 Green Seal Federal Reserve Note Chicago,