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US Stamps 1928 Graf Zeppelin First Flight Postcard
US Stamps 1928 Graf Zeppelin First Flight Postcard
US Stamps #909-921 Mint NH Name Blocks of 4
US Stamps #QE1, QE3 Mint NH Plate Blocks of 6
Bulgaria Stamps #C1-C4 Mint HR Airmails CV $59.80
Saar Stamps #263-282 Mint NH Pres Huess
US Stamps Stampless Covers Navy & Post Office Dept
Turkey Stamps #1059-1074 var Mint NH Imperf CV $90
US Stamps 2 Advertising Covers 1868 & 1869 with en
US Stamps UY1 Used Unsevered Color Advertising
British Stamp Collection on Album & Stockpages
British Stamp Collection on Album & Stockpages
British Stamp Collection on Album & Stockpages
British Stamp Collection on Album & Stockpages
China Stamp Collection on Album & Stockpages
Egypt Stamp Collection on Album & Stockpages
Ecuador Stamp Collection on Album & Stockpages
New Zealand Stamp Collection on Album & Stockpages
Turkey Stamp Collection on Album & Stockpages
Sweden Stamp Collection on Album & Stockpages
Solomon Stamp Collection on Album & Stockpages
Russia Stamp Collection on Album & Stockpages
Vietnam Stamp Collection on Album Pages
New Zealand Stamp Collection on Album Pages
Mongolia Stamp Collection on Album Pages
Czechoslovakia Stamp Collection on Album Pages
WW Stamp Collection on Album Pages
Great Britain Stamp Collection on Album Pages
WW & US On & Off Paper 18 Pounds
Worldwide & US Stamps in Scott International
Worldwide Stamps on Pages + Covers in Bankers Box
China ROC Stamps Mint NH S/S & Mint LH on page
US Stamps 17 Native American Advertising Covers 18
Canada Stamps Thousands Used 19th & 20th century
Europa Stamps 3 Volume Collection 1956-90
France Stamps Collection 1980-91 CV $375+
France Stamps Collection 1992-98 CV $340
France Stamps Collection 1999-2005 CV $380
Belgium Stamps Semi Postal Accumulation CV $230
US Stamps 260+ Artcraft FDC UA
WW Stamps 400+ Covers
US Stamps 425+ Used U432 #10 Size Envelopes
US Stamps 825+ Used U436 #10 Size Envelopes
US Stamps 500+ Used Postal Stationery
Europe Stamps Mostly Mediterranean 475+ Used
Europa Stamps Mint NH Mini-Sheets CV $200+
Belgium Stamps 1200+ Used, a few duplicates & nice
Belgium Stamps 450+ Used Parcel Post issues, plus
Switzerland Stamps 500+ Used with a few duplicates
Switzerland Stamps Used Semi-Postals CV $150+
Switzerland Stamps Mint& Used tete-beche issues
Netherlands Stamps 500+ incl early Queens
Eastern Europe Stamps Collections 2000+ Mint & Use
US Stamps Mint & Used small group of interesting
US Stamps Mint NH Plate Number Coils Bulk Rate,
US Stamps Mint HR/NH Stockbook 1890s-1930s
Finland Stamps 350+ Used incl some early issues, s
Iceland Stamps Used Assortment CV $250+
Iceland Stamps Mint NH Sheets & Blocks CV $700+
Denmark Stamps Used sets & singles CV $650+
Denmark Stamps Mint NH 1965-1986 CV $200+
Norway Stamps Mint NH 1994-2008 S/S CV $235+
Norway Stamps Mint NH 1968-1994 CV $300+
Norway Stamps Mint NH 1993-1999 CV $425+
Norway Stamps Mint NH 2000-2008 CV $875+
Norway Stamps Mint NH 2008-2011 CV $600+
Sweden Stamps Used 1936-1981 CV $500+
Sweden Stamps Used early issues CV $550+
South & Central America Stamps 700+ Used, lots of
Mexico Stamps 300+ Used, lots of Exporta issues
Japan Stamps 650+ Used, lots of early issues
Japan Offices Abroad Stamps Used CV $335
Sweden Stamps Used #75 / 1192 CV $325
Belgium Stamps #B315-316, B605a Mint NH CV $243
Austria Stamps Mint NH (CV $100+) & 225+ Used
Australia Stamps 375+ Used includes some early
Great Britain Stamps 500+ Used Machin Heads
Great Britain & Cmnwlth, Ireland Stamps 1500+ Used
British Commonwealths Stamps Mint Omnibus CV $160+
Palau, Marshall Islands, Micronesia Stamps Mint NH
Worldwide Stamps 'C' Countries 1000+ Used
Italy, Japan, Korea, Ivory Coast Stamps Used
Worldwide Stamps 'S' Countries Used & Mint LH/NH
Cuba Stamps 1988-2000 Used in Stockbook
Worldwide Stamps Statue of Liberty Centennial Mint
British Commonwealths Stamps 1981 Royal Wedding
Micronesia Stamps Mint NH, plus Black Proofs
Russia Stamps 1000+ Used in Stockbook
Worldwide Stamps incl Mint NH Monaco in stockbook
Cuba Stamps Used to 2001 in stockbook & loose
Cuba Stamps Mint NH 1961-2008 in stockbook
Australia, New Zealand, Oceana Stamps Mint NH LH
Worldwide Stamps Halley's Comet Topical Collection
United Nations Stamps 1951-1978 Mint NH incl Genev
Marshall Islands Stamps Mint NH in White Ace album
Belgium & Congo Stamps Collection 1849-1965 in Sco
Worldwide Stamps 'N-P' Countries in Harris
Nicaragua Stamps Collection 1869-1976 in Scott
Worldwide Stamps 'G-P' Countries in Scott Internat
Luxembourg Stamps 1865-1990 in Scott Specialty
Philippines Stamps in Stockbook Hundreds Used & Mi
Surinam Stamps 1927-1975 Used on Scott Pages
GDR Stamps #B21a Mint LH 1950 Souvenir Sheet
New Zealand Stamps Proof on Card, 1855 2p
Russia Stamps #87h Mint NH Imperforate Pair
Switzerland Stamps #J14 Used Fine CV $210
Nova Scotia Stamps #5 Used with faults CV $2250
United States Stamps #R21c Used w/ faults CV $750
United States Stamps #230 Mint NH with PSE Certifi
Malaya Trengganu Stamps #B1 Mint NH Block of 4
Great Britain Stamps #138 (x2), 139, 140 Used on p
French Area Stamps 1937 Complete Set of 14 Souveni
US Stamps #RB2a Used Block of 21 Ex-Joyce CV $210+
Great Britain Stamps Mint NH QEII Issues in stockb
US Political Autograph W. J. Bryan & 1896 Ballot
Bill Burns T206 Tobacco Baseball Card SGC Graded 5
US Stamps #807 x116 on Parcel Front incl full Shee
French Colonies & Offices Stamps on old Scott Page
Israel Stamps #33-34 Mint LH with tabs CV (as NH)$
Czechoslovakia Stamps 1968 Praga Stamp Show
Mexico Stamps #1541b Complete Booklet CV $250
1930s Churchman Tobacco Cards 1930s 50 Uniforms
Austria Stamps incl #1, 1a, 2-5, 33, etc plus Offi
Iran Azerbaijan Soviet Puppet Government Stamps
John C Fremont Engraving for Abbott's Civil War
US Texas Dove Stamps 2 panes Mint NH Retail $120
US Texas Dove Stamps Booklet Mint NH Retail $60
US Texas Archery Stamps Booklet Mint NH Ret $300
US Stamps #165 (2), 159, 158 on 1870s Cover
US Stamps #1295 on 1979 Registered Cover, $5
Bolivia Stamps 1867-1940s Mint & Used CV $800+
Great Britain Stamps 1841-1864 200+ 1p issues