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Estate Sale Photo Gallery
brown leather love seat
4 shelved wooden plant stand
teddy bear with pillow slippers and bottle
Cinderella blanket
satin like Burgundy pillow
two shopping bags
CPK "sittin pretty"
3 ragady ann dolls
metal frame vintage chair
wooden straight back chair with cushion
metal walker
vintage cast iron fireplace tea pot
ceramic crock
butter churn paddle for a crock
butter churn crock
butter churn crock
butter churn crock
butter churn crock
set of purple candles with base/ clear vase
assorted glass housewares
two glass candle holder houses
aunt Jemima S&P shakers
assorted ceramic figurines
assorted ceramic geese
avon lucy figurine
assorted decor
horse figurine (mother & colt)
dog S&P shakers
ceramic floral vase and creamer
two kittens with yarn figurines
wooden bullfrog
avon collectibles
angel praying with child figurine
puppy duo figurines
puppy duo figurines
puppy duo figurines
carriage and people figurine
assorted candle holders glass
miniature vases
rubber squishy coke bottle
1 bird S&P shakers
miniature ceramic watering can and vase
ceramic turtle figurine
miniature assorted vases
ceramic bird figurines
ceramic bird on stump
2 soap dishes
2 vases & 1 candle holder
5 shelf corner shelf graduating widths
ceramic tray with wooden handle
glass dish pin cushion
two vases
small glass candy dish
glass candle holder
glass brown bottle
clear pig shaped soap dish
clear grape shaped candy dish
ceramic nativity scene figurine
candle with metal stand
candle burner
Avon plum pudding decorative plate
miniature house figurine
miniature house figurine
ceramic couple figurine
ceramic rooster and hen figurines
ceramic rooster and hen figurines
ceramic rooster and hen figurines
3 ceramic flamingos
chicken covered dish
white chicken dish
white chicken dish
white chicken dish
white chicken dish
white chicken dish
white chicken dish 3.5"x5"
hummingbird clock
ceramic robin and baby birds in nest
steam boat planter
red covered candy dish
ceramic squirrel
angel with lamb
two clear vases 6" tall
glass clear candle holders
assorted glassware
set of 6 clear drinking glasses
set of 6 duck drinking glasses
"my graduation" 2002 Barbie
girl and sheep figurine
wooden wall plaque
ceramic birdhouse
cardinal Christmas candle holder
small wicker basket with lid
ceramic candle holder
ceramic decorative vase
weaved basket
wooden pencil holder
floral oven mit with three plastic utensils
man & woman & outhouse ceramics
glass rose decor with mirrors
plastic baby doll
ceramic planter with man
mushroom S&P shakers
rooster and hen ceramic figurines
ceramic rooster figurine
girl figurine
dog S&P shakers
owl S&P shakers
alligator S&P shakers
rooster and hen figurines
ceramic cat figurine
shallow glass dish
green floral dish
ceramic owl planter
musical motion skiing scene
porcelain doll with metal stand
baby carriage decor
candle holder with metal stand
heavy dog door stopper
duck family
duck family
glass grape clusters
ceramic cats and table figurine
rabbit with bouquet pepper shaker
assorted glassware
ceramic rooster pepper shaker and apple tray
fruit and vegetable S&P shakers
3 vegetable S&P shakers
ceramic miniature figurines
rooster S&P shakers
wooden S&P shaker holder
two ceramic musician figurines 3" tall
glass figurine
ceramic blue and white cat figurine
two flamingo S&P shakers
spade shaped shallow dish
singing figurine bell
miniature ceramic dog
cat salt shaker
ceramic alligator ash tray
mama and baby pig S&P shakers
ceramic figurine bell
white and blue angel figurine
3 miniature flower decor
coffee pitcher
ceramic gold colored S&P shakers
ceramic gold colored creamer
ceramic gold colored pitcher
ceramic gold colored sugar dish
pitcher and basin
mushroom S&P shaker
3 candle holders
[sally] doll gown with accessories
[sally] doll gown with accessories
[sally] doll gown with accessories
[sally] doll gown with accessories
glass assorted desert dishes
8 ceramic plates
clear glass hurricane globe
clear glass hurricane globe
colorful flowers paperweight
white electric hurricane lantern with roses
aquarium paper weight
hurricane lamp with reflector 12" tall
candle holder with metal base
hurricane lantern w/ metal base
candle holder with globe
dutch ceramic shoe planters
cat S&P shakers
rooster and hen S&P shakers
miniature tea cup and saucer
holiday turtle dove S&P shakers
patchwork pig S&P shakers
flower S&P shakers
chick S&P shakers
two miniature geese figurines
plastic corn S&P shakers
metal miniature tea pot S&P shaker
ceramic dog
rooster and hen S&P shakers
3 ceramic baseball mice figurines
tea pot pepper shaker
rose and butterfly bell
fish S&P shakers
ceramic duck covered dish
diamond, spade, and heart dishes
assorted glass candle holders
4 assorted glass candle holders
clear glass S&P shakers
2 shot glasses
humpty dumpty S&P shakers
two ceramic bird S&P shakers
Scottish boy and girl S&P shaker
male and female S&P shakers
Santa and Mrs.clause S&P shakers
humpty dumpty S&P shakers
rock or stone donkey's
miniature glass dishes
miniature candle holders
ceramic frog
glass baking dish with lid
glass butter dish
goose planter
"native american children" figurine
two plastic horses
boy and girl figurine
girl and puppy figurine
angel bell
dog planter
small ceramic vase
two vases
ceramic donkey and man figurine
children S&P shakers
dog and cat in baskets figurines
momma and baby bell
goose S&P shakers
precious moments S&P shakers
man and woman S&P shakers
goose S&P shakers
duck S&P shakers
pepper S&P shakers
dutch boy and girl S&P shakers
little brown jug S&P shakers
chicken ceramic figurine
two metal bells
puppy S&P shakers
water girl ceramic bell
baseball boy and girl figurines
man and woman figurine
girl and boy baseball figurines
set of miniature vases
momma and baby cat figurines
guardian angel figurine
beet S&P shakers
violin player and puppy figurine
dog S&P shakers
boys with dog figurines
ceramic rose
squirrel S&P shakers
set of tea cups
glass assorted candle holders
large glass salt shaker w/ metal lid- 4" tall
m&m S&P shakers
assorted miniature glassware
boy S&P shaker with figurine
assorted candle holders
cat figurine and toothpick holder
wooden dog
great smokey mountains tea cup and saucer
miniature tea cup and saucer
set of 2 miniature pitchers and saucers
clear glass S&P shakers with lids
glass floral vase
plastic Santa clause cookie jar
black vase
glass red colored vase
ceramic vase
ceramic decorative iron with handle
3 packages oxweld llinde lenses
metal decorative goose
decorative ceramic cup
misc. decorations
peach colored glass candy dish
assorted candles
assorted ceramic figurines
man and woman bell S&P shaker
miniature good decor
rat S&P shaker holder
lady ceramic figurine
man ceramic figurine
white ceramic piggy bank
assorted glass ashtrays
ceramic couple figurine
boy and girl figurines 4" tall
miniature glass covered chicken dish
ceramic floral miniature tea pot
two girls ceramic figurines
red colored miniature covered chicken dish
desk ornament .
vintage metal bike w/ S&P shakers
cat S&P shakers
Siamese cat S&P shakers
bird S&P shakers with toothpick holder
wood carved train
chick and egg S&P shakers
miniature covered chicken dish
man and woman S&P shakers
mama and deer planter
metal elephant decor
metal cat decor
ceramic dancing couple figurine
mama and baby bird figurine
lady and gent figurine
two doves
ceramic lady and gent figurine
two metal geese
two bluebird ceramic figurines
ceramic vase
ceramic robin bird family figurine
2 miniature vases 3.5" tall
ceramic dog figurine
clear glass vase
glass covered chicken dish
lady ceramic figurine
bluebird ceramic decor
ceramic pitcher with lid
miniature tea set with tray and tea cup
miniature vase
vase with girl sitting
grandma and grandpa reading figurine
miniature vase
ceramic dog figurine
wooden basket type wagon
ceramic squirrel decor
electric lighted school house
assorted dish towels
2 wall hanging ceramic birds
assorted coffee mugs
glass vase with two handles
assorted glass votive candle holders
miniature brush and dust pan
ceramic miniature nativity scene
metal car S&P shakers
pottery planters
clown planter
ceramic kissing couple figurine
S&P shakers
boy and girl ceramic figurines
plastic S&P shakers
ceramic boy figurine
dog S&P shakers
wooden people S&P shakers
boy figurine
bell S&P shakers
ceramic girl figurine
ceramic Florida S&P shakers
miniature vintage medicine bottles
boy and rabbit figurine
ceramic swan figurine
tea cup and saucer
dutch girl figurine
needlepoint girl and cat figurine
grandma with goose and eggs figurine 6.5" tall
ceramic man and goose figurine
ceramic man sitting figurine
chef and girl figurine
deer ceramic figurine
ceramic vase with flowers
momma and baby elephant decor
pedestal candy dish decor
miniature pedestal candle holder
glass angel holding bird figurine
ceramic "tea party" figurines
salt shaker girl with ceramic figurine
resin boy and girl figurines
cheese S&P shakers
cowgirl and cowboy S&P shakers
two angel bells
fish paper weight
boy and girl on bench S&P shakers
angel and rabbit bell
angel and rabbit bell
boy and girl on bench S&P shakers
sea horse family wall decor
"Kings island" bell
two ceramic black geese
ceramic squirrel
Japanese house decor
light blue decorative dish
La Verona collection girl figurine
vase with roses
vintage wooden cradle with doll
3 glass coasters with metal stand
ceramic parrot
ceramic girl and bird figurine
winter children music box
ceramic girl and bouquet figurine
green pedestal dish
clear glass decorative dish
man and camel S&P shakers
ceramic couple
whale S&P shakers
cow S&P shakers
chef man and woman S&P shakers
miniature glass S&P shakers
clear glass S&P shakers
man and woman S&P shakers
clear glass S&P shakers
votive candle holder
porcelain and plastic S&P shakers
frog S&P shakers
dog S&P shakers
miniature people S&P shakers
female head S&P shakers
red berry S&P shakers
rabbit S&P shakers
Indian children in moccasins S&P shakers
fish S&P shakers
boy and girl figurines
two chefs S&P shakers
head shaped stein S&P shakers
swan planter
mini wire basket
raggedy ann's on bench S&P shakers
4 miniature hurricane lanterns
cat S&P shakers
miniature hurricane lanterns
assorted miniature glassware
miniature tea set on saucer
cow S&P shakers
assorted miniature plastic hurricane lanterns
cat S&P shakers and toothpick holder
black cat S&P shakers
glass decorative dish with fake ivy
glass kettle with handle
2 ceramic running deer
2 ceramic running deer
ceramic deer
ceramic deer
tea cup and saucer
peaches tea cup and saucer
tea cup and saucer
three leaf clover tea cup and saucer
Florida oranges tea cup and saucer
roses tea cup and saucer
peach colored tea cup and saucer
rose tea cup and saucer
tea cup and saucer
tea cup and saucer
tea cup and saucer
tea cup and saucer
tea cup and saucer
tea cup and saucer
mini soup bowl and saucer
2 miniature tea cups
clear glass santa
tea cup and saucer
tea cup and saucer
tea cup
pepper shaker
tea cup
S&P shaker holder
decorative saucer
clear glass votive candle holder
tea cup
tea cup and saucer
metal umbrella decor
dutch boy figurine
Indian explorer figurine
blue decorative vase
man figurine
cup and saucer
elderly lady figurine
black marble colored vase
small girl figurine
ceramic lassie dog figurine
frog kitchen scrub pad holder
angel music box
tea cup and saucer
baby bear S&P shakers
pigs figurine
birds and tree S&P shakers
angel candle holder
Minnie mouse ceramic figurine
garden children figurine
ceramic bluebird
Siamese cat figurines
ceramic wheelbarrow decor
2 dog figurines
ceramic basket with fake flowers
clear plastic wall plug in nightlight
small ceramic goose
2 donkey S&P shakers
small vase
ceramic shoe
tea cup
small kettle with handle
misc. housewares
large metal jacks
assorted glass decor
metal soap holder
miniature ceramic basket
miniature ceramic school
magnetic pin holder
duck planter
2 ceramic duck figurines
girl and boy on bench
boy and girl figurine
two cello glass bottles
gray office chair