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US Stamps Mint NH Duck Plate Blocks x3 $15 issues
Canton Island to US Cover 1940 with Airmail Stamps
US Stamps Hindenberg Cover 1936 with Bureau Issues
US Stamps 1890s-1930s on stock & album pages, plus
US Stamp Supplies 10 Packs of Showgard Mounts 44 S
Bermuda Stamps # 97 Used revenue cancel CV $425
Australian States Stamps, few dozen in glassines
Germany Stamps Mi #651-659 First Day Covers Blocks
Germany Stamps Mi #675-683 First Day Covers Blocks
Korea Stamps #C12-C22 Mint NH Airmails CV $90
Australia Stamps Flying Doctor 1987-88 Covers
Official NASA Photos x13 incl designer signed, etc
Canada Stamps Expo Cards #1 & #2 - x25 each
Germany Stamps Inflation Sheet with perf seps
Cuba Stamps 1980s Tourist Pack with Mint NH stamps
Israel Stamps Mint NH 1994 Yearbook
St Vincent Stamps Mint NH 1991 Football S/S x50
Worldwide Stamps Statue of Liberty 1987 Mint NH
Germany Autographs collection Photocards, etc
France Signed Letter Entomologist Hippolyte Lucas
France Signed Lettersheets x7 - 1880s-1906
France Signed Card by Sebastien Charlety 1927
Canada stamps #79 Mint HR F/VF 1899 QV CV $250
Canada stamps #141-148 Mint HR 1927 CV $81.50
Canada stamps 1870s-1950s Mint & Used collection
Worldwide Stamps 131 Mint NH Booklets - wide varie
Great Britain Stamps 66 Mint NH Booklets w/ Machin
US Stamps Mint NH Plate Blocks 1939-1950
United Nations Stamps 1951-1990 Mint Hinged on pag
Worldwide Stamps 1962 Malaria Topicals White Ace
British America Stamps Mint Used Minkus CV $3000+
British Commonwealths Stamps Mint NH Souvenir Shee
Worldwide Stamps Mint NH in stockbook - includes
New Zealand Stamps Used Officials incl 5 & 10 Shil
Belgium Stamps #B466A-B466B Mint HR stuck CV $400
Monaco Stamps Unlisted Souvenir Sheet 1956 Airmail
US Stamps #1053 Mint NH Block of 4 VF $5 Hamilton
Great Britain Stamps #1 Used 3 margin Penny Black
Italian Colonies Stamps 1933 #23-31 Mint HR CV$350
Greenland Stamps #10-15 Mint LH VF CV $150
Worldwide Stamps 1978 Capt Cook Mint NH Topical
Worldwide Stamps 1930 Scott International Jr spars
Great Britain Stamps #BK144 Mint NH corner dings C
Worldwide Stamps Misc accum on Vario pages
Worldwide Stamps 10+ vintage PPCs - China, Hong Ko
Bolivia & Paraguay Stamps 1867-1965 CV $3000+
Denmark Stamps many hundreds on stock & album page
France & Colonies Collection on Vario & Stock page
Finland Stamps on Vario & Stock pages 20th century
Ecuador and Dominican Republic Stamps on pages
British Commonwealths Stamps on Vario & Stockpages
Grenada Grenadines Stamps mix hundreds in bag
Worldwide Stamps better singles & sets CV $900+
Denmark Stamps 3000+ Used stockbook CV $1000+
Iran Stamps Mint & Used on Approval pgs CV $8200+
Austria Stamps Mint & Used on Approval pgs CV$325+
US Stamps Mint NH Officials & Postal Stationery
US Stamps Mint NGAI Imperf National Parks Plate #
US Stamps Coil Strips 1950s-2000s Mint NH CV $800+
US Stamps Airmails 1920s-2000s Mint NH CV $375+
US Stamps Mint NH Booklets BK117/BK146 CV $165
US Stamps 1920s-1940s on dealer pages Used & Mint
US Stamps EFOs on dealer pages Used & Mint
Sweden Stamps Mint NH & uncounted Used CV $75+
US Stamps Mint NH Plate Blocks 1970s-1980s Uncount
US Stamps Mint NH Plate Blocks 1984 Olympics
US & Worldwide Stamps and Covers accumulation
British Commonwealths Stamps Mint NH 1978 Coronati
Austria Stamps Mint NH/LH etc glssines CV $600+
DDR Stamps incl Marx Imperf Souvenir Sheet
Ceylon Stamps 6 Queen Victoria Revenues, Large For
Malaya Stamps Used fiscal cancels CV $1612
Malta Stamps Mint NH Dealer pack of 100+ singles
Canada Stamps 1981 Royal Wedding Set of 5 Sheets
Germany Stamps WWII era Mint NH blocks
New South Wales Stamps #14/31 Used early Australia
Russia Stamps Mint LH on stockpage early issues
Hong Kong Stamps 20 Used QEII Revenues incl B of E
12 Nasa Moon Landing Official Photos with Stamp Ev
Belgium Stamps #54 Mint HR Fine CV $750
Sweden Stamps #2 Mint No Gum toned CV $1600
Worldwide Stamps better items CV $25-$100 wide var
New Zealand Stamps Plate Proof Pair Chalon Head 2p
1871 US Check with Brig Gen Meserole signature
US Stamps Mint 1880s-1890s most OG, a few RG or NG
US Stamps 2 Albino Postal Stationery Mint Entires,
Worldwide & US Stamps & FDCs in Bankers Box
US Stamps 1984-1987 Federal Duck Folios
West Germany Stamps Mint NH 1954-1980 CV 500
Germany Stamps Specialized Dealer Stock CV $2500+
Germany Stamps Occupations Dealer Stock CV $900+
Germany Stamps Back of Book Dealer Stock CV $3000+
US Checks 1870s-1930s 100+ various banks & marking
US Stamps 100+ Revenues on documents 1864-1871
New Zealand Stamps 1882-2006 Dealer Stock CV$3900+
Worldwide Stamps Hundreds in Kenmore glassines
US Stamps Mint 1909-1920s plus some modern
US Stampless Covers 8 from 1840s-1850s northeaster
Canada Stamps 1859-1953 Used & Mint CV $3000+
China (ROC) Stamps 1000+ Mint & Used Mix
Germany Stamps #C40 Pair Zeppelin Cover Polar Flig
Great Britain Stamps Wedgewood Booklet Mint NH CV
Egypt Stamps Interpostal Seals x19, Semi-Officials
Canal Zone 1880 Stock Certificates x3 with revenue
Netherlands Stamps #6 on Cover 1868 to London with
Japan Occupation of Korea Stamps 9 Covers to USA
Russia Stamps #131d Mint NH Pair CV $400
US Stamps STS-8 Flight Cover with Original Folder
US Stamps 4 Rocket Mail Covers - 1948, 1960 x2, 19
US Stamps #220 Plate Number pieces Mint HR & NH
US Stamps 1850s-1976 Used & Mint Collection incl
US Stamps 38 Newspaper Fakes on Vario page - excel
US Stamps Dealer Stockbook Mint & Used CV $3400+
British Commonwealths Stamps 1935 Silver Jubilee
Great Britain Stamps 1841-2000 Used & Mint NH
Great Britain Stamps Mint NH FACE VALUE £110+
US State Ducks Artist Signed Prints x15 with folde
US Federal Ducks Artist Signed Print 1972 RW39
Latin America Stamps few hundred on stockpages
Croatia Stamps 1941-1945 Mint NH & LH on pages
Worldwide Stamps Mint & Used on pages : India, Fre
German Occupations Stamps Mint & Used on pages 194
Fiume Stamps Mint LH & Used collection CV $2200+
Sweden Stamps Used 1855-1910 collection CV $1700+
Switzerland Stamps Used 1878-1940 cllctn CV $1400+
Netherlands Stamps Used 1852-1947 cllctn CV $800+
Netherlands Stamps Semi-Postals 1906-1948 CV $425+
Tannu Tuva Stamps 1926-1942 collection CV $420+
US Stamps 100+/- Covers 1860s-1930s nice variety
Guam Stamps #M6 on 1930 Cover Agana CDS
US Stamps 70+FDCs & Event Covers VA, MD, DE relate
Crete Stamps Unissued Revolutionary Stamps
Germany Stamps 300 Registry Covers to Finland
Baseball Cards 1000+ Cards from the 1980s & 90s