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US Stamps Revenues Documentary & Stock Transfers
US Stamps 1880s-1920s Used in old dealer glassines
Worldwide Stamps Mint NH Packs incl Hong Kong, Gre
Worldwide Stamps Mint NH Packs, glassines, sheets,
Worldwide Stamps Mint NH Packs, glassines, sheets,
Worldwide Stamps Mint NH Packs, glassines, sheets,
Worldwide Stamps Mint NH Packs, glassines, sheets,
Worldwide Stamps Mint NH Packs, books, etc
UN Stamps Mint NH Packs & booklets
Brazil Stamps Mint NH 1979-1981 in stockbook
US Stamp #76 Used Ave with sm faults CV $120
US Stamps #26, 32 x2, 17, 73 Used CV $425
US Stamps #63 x2, 73 x2 Mint NG/RG/DG CV $480+
US Stamp #14 Used F/VF cleaned cancel APS CV $140
US Stamp #134 Used Fine Grilled 1c Banknot CV $200
US Stamps #219D Mint DG Block of 4 CV $675
US Stamps #240 Mint DG/HR CV $425
US Stamps #291 Mint RG 50c Trans-Miss CV $600
US Stamps #246 Mint NH Block of 4 CV $390
US Stamps better group on dealer cards CV $600+
US Stamps #308 Mint NH Block of 6 CV $660
US Stamps #O15 Mint LH Block of 4 CV $300
US Stamps better group on dealer cards CV $925+
US Stamps 1998-2002 Mint NH Blocks FACE VALUE $360
US Stamps 1982-1988 Mint NH Blocks FACE VALUE $321
US Stamps #2915 Flags Over Porch specialized cllct
US Stamps 8 Mint NH Booklets incl Airmail CV $80
US Stamps Mint NH 25-45c FACE VALUE $33.80
US Stamps #11, 33, 17, 112-117, 119, 123 $1750+
US Stamps Transportation Coils Specialized Collect
US Stamps 1870-1880 Large Banknotes CV $2400+
US Stamps 1954-1955 Coils Collection CV $91
US Stamps Bulk Rate, Presort & few 34c Mint NH Coi
US Stamps #300-312, 319-320 Used CV $499
US Stamps 1908-1921 Mint & Used CV $820+
US Stamps Mint NH 20c & up FACE VALUE $217
Australia Stamps Mint & Used dealer cards CV $550+
Ionian Islands Stamps #1-3 Mint LH CV $156
Liechtenstein Stamps #287-288 Mint NH CV $140
DDR Thuringia Stamps #16NB4 Mint NH CV $300
Romania Stamps 1908 Charity stamps - 2 sheets
Worldwide Stamps 1940-44 Scott International Vol 2
Worldwide Stamps 1949-60 in 2 Scott International
United Arab Republic Stamps 215+ Covers 1950s-80s
US Stamps 76 Basketball FDC incl Hand Painted
US Stamps 50+FDCs #4136 Jamestown 400th Anniv
US Stamps 70+FDCs & Event Covers VA, MD, DE relate
US Stamps 17 Pugh Handpainted First Day Covers
Netherlands Stamps Postal History & FDCs
WW Stamps in General Album Several Hundred
WW Stamps in Binder Singles Sets Souvenir Sheets
WW Stamps 2000+ on Album Pages
Canada Stamps in Harris Album 1870-2007
Sweden Stamps on Pages Mint & Used
Vatican Stamps Well Stocked Stockbook
Worldwide Stamps Topicals Group
WW Stamps in International Junior to 1942
US Paper Money 25 Confederate CSA Fakes
QSL Cards 152 Many Illustrated/Colorful
US Stamps 500+ PNC & Coils Mostly Used
France Stamp #9c Used APS Cert with thins CV $1075
Nicaragua Stamps UPS Set with Souvenir Sheets
Ascension Stamps Small Group on Pages
Iran Stamps Small Group on Pages
Asia Stamps Small Group on Pages
United States Stamps in Albums & Pages
Ghana Stamps on White Ace Pages 1957-68
US Stamps 2 cent Washington Group
Europe Stamps Hundreds on Pages
US Stamps Plate Blocks 1030s-50s Mint NH
Canada Stamps in Album CV $1000+
WW Stamps in Stockbook many MNH Stamps
Netherlands Stamps Mint NH & Used CV $250
US Stamps Cancelled Blocks of 4 #334-2500+BOB
US Stamps Used Accumulation Airmails & Prexies
Great Britain #33 126 Different for Study CV $215
Great Britain #33 126 Different for Study CV $215
Great Britain #33 Plate 78 125 Copies CV $210
Germany Stamps Collection 1850s-1986 CV $10,000+
Luxembourg Stamps Mint & Used collection on stockp
Liechtenstein Stamps Mint & Used Collection
Japan Stamps Mint & Used Collection, incl National
Ireland Stamps Mint & Used Collection on stockpage
Brazil Stamps Mint dealer stock on cards,
Netherlands & Area Stamps Mint NH glassin CV $450+
Belgium Stamps 1849-1960s, several thousand Mint &
US Stamps 1860s-1930s Used & Mint on pages, incl
US Stamps #C23 Mint NH Plate Block Collection on p
Japan Stamps 20 Covers 1910s-1950s
Canada Stamps KG VI & QEII Booklets Collection, ne
US Stamps 39 Cut Squares mostly Mint on page
Korea Stamps Mint NH Sheets & Blocks CV $540
Italy Stamps 1850s-1970s Collection CV $6500+
Philippines Stamps 15 Covers 1945-1950 very fresh
Stamp Supplies Davo Albums (2) French Polynesia
Stamp Supplies Davo Album French Southern Antarcti
Stamp Supplies Davo Album St. Pierre & Miquellon
France Stamps Mint NH 1960s-1990s Collection Balan
Wallis & Futuna Stamps on hingeless Lighthouse pag
Austria Stamps Used 1850-1990 well-filled stockboo
Austria Stamps 1965-1992 Mint NH CV $750+
Germany Stamps WWII Military Covers X 16
Germany Stamps Hitler's Birthday Issue & Cancel
US Stamps 2 Confederate Covers
Germany Stamps #401-414 Mint HR CV $162.90
US Stamps Banker's Box of Covers 1980s-2000s
Worldwide Stamps Thousands in Mix
Worldwide Stamps Mint & Used dealer card CV $2000+
Syria Stamps Mint & Used Glassines & dealer cards
Belgium Stamps #883-891 & Q437 Mint NH
US Stamps #E1 Mint DG Fine CV $550
Costa Rica Stamps 220+ Used on Vario pages
Lithuania Stamp # C5 Used Imperforate Single
Crete Stamps Unissued Revolutionary Stamps
Liberia Stamps #330-1, C57 Imperf Specimen Sheet
Italian Possessions Stamps Mint stockpage CV $139
Germany Stamps 300 Registry Covers to Finland
Laos Stamps 1359 Used CTO Sheets (50 sets) CV $475
US Stamps 1912 Advertising Cover Overall - Hotel
US Stamps Large Banknote Covers Lot X 22
US Stamps 3 Cent 18502 & 60s Covers Lot X 13
US Stamps Advertising Covers X 15
US Stamps 20+ New York State Covers
US Stamps 85 Stampless covers with NY Markings