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1986 Eagle $1 Grades GEM+++ Unc
1882-s Morgan $1 Graded ms63
1937-s Buffalo 5c Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1963-p Roosevelt 10c roll, 50 pieces
1920-p Lincoln 1c Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1886-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
Mint Error Blank Planchet Lincoln 1c Grades Select
1877-cc Seated Liberty 10c Grades vf details
1923-s Peace $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1838 Coronet Head 1c Grades vf++
1943-d /d Washington 25c Grades GEM+ Unc
Starter Lincoln cent page 1959-1961 8 coins
Hobo Buffalo 5c Grades Hand Carved
1944-s Mercury 10c Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1963 United States Mint proof set in Original Gove
1923-p Peace $1 Graded ms63
1810 Capped Bust 50c Grades vf details
1890-p Morgan $1 Graded ms63
1909 vdb Mint Error Lincoln 1c Grades Choice Unc R
1921-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1925-p Peace $1 Graded ms65
*Highlight* 1880-s Morgan $1 Graded GEM+ DMPL
1943-p Washington 25c Grades Choice+ Unc
1883-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
1936-p Buffalo 5c Grades Select AU
1887-p Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
1909 vdb Lincoln 1c Grades Gem+ Unc RB
1797 Stems Rev '97 Draped Bust 1c Grades g, good
1984-p Mint Error Lincoln 1c Grades Select+ Unc RB
1878-p 7tf Morgan $1 Grades xf+
1925-d Lincoln 1c Grades Choice AU
1911-p Barber 25c Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1879-s Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc+ PL
1919-s Mercury 10c Grades vf+
1923-d Peace $1 Grades Select Unc
1944-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades GEM+ Unc
1880-o Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
Mixed small cents 1c orig shotgun roll, 1919-s Whe
1837 GR-2 VLDS Capped Bust 50c Grades vf++
1904-o Vam 1b1 EDS Morgan $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1934-p Buffalo 5c Grades vf+
1879-p Morgan $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1927-p Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc RB
1888-p Morgan $1 Grades Unc Details
1846 Braided Hair 1c Grades vf details
*Highlight* 1881-s Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Graded
1934-s Peace $1 Grades xf
1961 United States Mint proof set in Original Gove
*Highlight* 1886-o Morgan $1 Graded Select Unc
***Auction Highlight*** Full Morgan/Peace silver d
(1863) Our Army cwt Grades Select Unc BN
*Highlight* 1890-p Morgan $1 Graded Choice Unc+ PL
1827 Capped Bust 50c Grades xf
1922-d Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc RD
*Highlight* 1880-s Morgan $1 Graded GEM Unc DMPL
1902 Indian 1c Grades GEM+ Unc BN
1871-p Seated Liberty 1/2 10c Grades Choice AU/BU
1899-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
*Highlight* 1937-p Washington 25c Graded GEM++ Unc
1881-s Morgan $1 Graded ms63
1947-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice+ Unc
1883-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1936 Cleveland Old Commem 50c Grades GEM+ Unc
Near Complete Lincoln cent page 1974-1983 35 coins
1836 Capped Bust 50c Grades f, fine
1934-p Peace $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1911-s Lincoln 1c Grades Choice AU
1899 $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Fr-1654 curre
1885-p Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
*Highlight* 1909-s Lincoln 1c Graded Choice+ Unc R
1863 Turban Liberty Mint error cwt Grades Select A
*Highlight* 1887-s Morgan $1 Graded Select Unc+ PL
1935-p Lincoln 1c Grades Select+ Unc RD
1890-s Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
1924-p Peace $1 Graded ms63
*Highlight* 1884-s Morgan $1 Graded Select Unc
1910-p Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc RD
*Highlight* 1929-d Walking Liberty 50c Graded Choi
*Highlight* 1885-s Morgan $1 Graded Select Unc+ DM
1863 Washington cwt Graded au53
*Highlight* 1879-s Rev '78 Top 100 Vam 9 Morgan $1
1942 Lincoln 1c Grades Select+ Proof Red
1925-p Peace $1 Grades GEM+ Unc
1904 Indian 1c Grades Choice+ Unc RD
*Highlight* 1857-p Seated Liberty 1/2 10c Graded C
1887-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
***Auction Highlight*** Full solid Key date 1896-o
1931-s Lincoln 1c Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1819 O-109 Capped Bust 50c Grades vf, very fine
*Highlight* 1891-p Morgan $1 Graded Choice Unc
*Highlight* 1873 Open 3 Indian 1c Graded Select+ U
*Highlight* 1862 Seated Liberty 10c Graded Select+
*Highlight* 1896-p Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Graded
1954 Lincoln 1c Grades Choice Proof Red
*Highlight* 1880-s Morgan $1 Graded Gem++ Unc
*Highlight* 1883 G$3 Graded Select Unc PL
1902-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
*Highlight* 1873-s Arrows Seated Liberty 25c Grade
*Highlight* 1934 $500 Gren Seal Silver Certificate
1946-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select+ Unc
1924-s Peace $1 Grades Select Unc
*Highlight* 1878-s Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Graded
*Highlight* 1871-p WB-101 Seated Liberty 50c Grade
*Highlight* 1900-p Morgan $1 Graded GEM+ Unc
*Highlight* 1914 Buffalo 5c Graded GEM++ Proof
*Highlight* 1914-p Buffalo 5c Graded GEM+ Unc
*Highlight* 1892-cc Morgan $1 Graded Select Unc PL
Mixed small cents 1c orig shotgun roll, 1917-s Whe
1921-s Morgan $1 Graded ms63
*Highlight* 1916-d Walking Liberty 50c Graded Choi
1901-o Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
*Highlight* 1859-o Seated Liberty $1 Graded Select
*Highlight* 1832 Classic Head 1/2c Graded Select+
*Highlight* 1897-o Morgan $1 Graded BU+
*Highlight* 1880 Indian 1c Graded Choice+ Unc RD
1857-p Seated Liberty 1/2 10c Grades Select AU
1898-p Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1900-o Barber 25c Grades vf++
*Highlight* 1881-s Morgan $1 Graded Gem++ Unc
1922-d Peace $1 Grades Select Unc
1956 Lincoln 1c Grades Gem+= Proof Red
1853 Braided Hair 1c Grades vf++
(1863) Our Army cwt Grades Unc Details
1921-d Vam 1L1 Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1835 Capped Bust 50c Grades xf
1945-d Mercury 10c Grades GEM+ FSB
*Highlight* 1896/96-o Vam 7 Morgan $1 Graded Selec
***Auction Highlight*** Full solid Much Better dat
1965-p mint error Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc RD
1890-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
*Highlight* 1914-d Lincoln 1c Graded Select Unc BN
1888-o Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc+ PL
1946-s BTW Old Commem 50c Grades Select+ Unc
1862 Indian 1c Grades Select+ Unc
1889-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1961 Lincoln 1c Grades Gem+= Proof Red
Near Complete Lincoln Cent Page 1959-1972, 33 coin
1926-p Peace $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1917-s Ty I Standing Liberty 25c Grades xf
1921-p Lincoln 1c Grades AU Details
1887-p Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1943-d Washington 25c Grades GEM+ Unc
1912-s Lincoln 1c Grades f+
1884-o Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Grades Select+ Unc
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Be
1986 Eagle $1 Grades GEM++ Unc
1928-d Buffalo 5c Grades vf++
1903-p Morgan $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1928-d Lincoln 1c Grades Select+ Unc RB
*Highlight* 1884-p Morgan $1 Graded GEM++ Unc
1881-s Morgan $1 Grades GEM Unc PL
1881-o Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1952 Franklin 50c Grades GEM+ Proof
1944-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Choice+ Unc
1839-o O Above Bow Seated Liberty 1/2 10c Grades f
1923-s Peace $1 Grades Select Unc
1962 United States Mint proof set in Original Gove
1880/1880-s/s Vam 32 Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1940-s Mercury 10c Grades Choice+ Unc
1886-p Morgan $1 Grades Unc Details
Mixed small cents 1c orig shotgun roll, 1917-d Whe
Mint Error Jefferson 5c Grades GEM 5fs
1878/1878-p 7tf Vam 170a Hot 50 Morgan $1 Grades S
1885-o Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc DMPL
1944-s Washington 25c Grades Choice+ Unc
Near Complete Lincoln cent page 1921-1934 29 coins
1854-p Seated Liberty 10c Grades vf details
1878-p 8tf Morgan $1 Grades vf++
1923-p Peace $1 Graded ms63
1907 Indian 1c Grades Choice AU
1963 United States Mint proof set in Original Gove
1913-p Lincoln 1c Grades Choice AU
2000-d Mint error Jefferson 5c Grades Choice Unc
1923-s Peace $1 Grades Select Unc
1931-d Mercury 10c Grades Select AU
Partial Lincoln Cent page 1910-1920 18 coins
1899-o Morgan $1 Graded ms63
1925-s Buffalo 5c Grades vf details
1857 Large Braided Hair 1c Grades vf details
1863 Liberty Cap cwt Grades BU
1958-d Washington Quarter 25c roll, 40 pieces
1954 Franklin 50c Grades GEM+ Proof
1925-p Peace $1 Graded ms63
1885-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1945-s Washington 25c Grades Select+ Unc
1919-p Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc BN
1834 Capped Bust 50c Grades vf++
*Highlight* 1880-s Vam 77 Morgan $1 Graded GEM++ U
*Highlight* 1909 vdb Lincoln 1c Graded GEM++ RB
1887-p Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
Mixed small cents 1c orig shotgun roll, 1916-d Whe
1906 Indian 1c Grades Gem+ Unc RB
Mint Error Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc RB
1924-p Peace $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1927-p Buffalo 5c Grades Select Unc
1883-o Morgan $1 Grades BU+
1986 Eagle $1 Grades Gem++ Unc
1884-o Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc+ DMPL
*Highlight* 1927-s Standing Liberty 25c Graded vf+
1944-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Select+ Unc
*Highlight* 1888-o Morgan $1 Graded Select Unc+ DM
1923-p Peace $1 Graded ms64
1950-p Washington 25c Grades GEM+ Unc
1927-p Peace $1 Grades Select Unc
1925-d Mercury 10c Grades f+
1885-p Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
*Highlight* 1880-o Morgan $1 Graded Select+ Unc
1921-s Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1917-d Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc BN
1897-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1935-s San Diego Old Commem 50c Grades Choice+ Unc
1900 Indian 1c Grades Choice+ Unc RB
*Highlight* 1850-o /o WB-11 Seated Liberty 50c Gra
1887-p Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Grades GEM Unc
1931-d Lincoln 1c Grades xf+
1881-s Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc+ PL
1833 Capped Bust 50c Grades xf
*Highlight* 1890-s Morgan $1 Graded Select Unc DMP
1956 TY I Franklin 50c Grades GEM+ Proof
*Highlight* 1918 $1 National Kansas City Fr#738 EP
*Highlight* 1836 JR-3 Capped Bust 10c Graded Selec
1926-s Peace $1 Grades Select+ Unc
*Highlight* 1905-p Liberty $2 1/2 Graded Select+ U
*Highlight* 1883-s Morgan $1 Graded Select Unc
1863 Union For Ever cwt Grades Select Unc
*Highlight* 1896-s Morgan $1 Graded Choice AU/BU S
***Auction Highlight*** Full solid Key date 1886-o
1845 Braided Hair 1c Grades Select AU
*Highlight* 1793 Wreath Vine & Bars S-9 Flowing H
*Highlight* 1902-o Morgan $1 Graded Choice Unc+ DM
1858 LL Flying Eagle 1c Grades Unc Details
1891-o Morgan $1 Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1937-p Buffalo 5c Grades Select Unc
1924-d Lincoln 1c Grades vf+
*Highlight* 1918/7-s Standing Liberty 25c Graded S
*Highlight* 1901-p Morgan $1 Graded Select Unc
1924-d Mercury 10c Grades vf+
*Highlight* 1878-cc Morgan $1 Graded Select+ Unc
1943-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades GEM+ Unc
*Highlight* 1898-s Morgan $1 Graded Select Unc
1914-s Lincoln 1c Grades Select AU
*Highlight* 1934a $1000 San Fransisco Federal Rese
1898 Indian 1c Grades Select+ Unc BN
1927-d Peace $1 Grades Select Unc
1953 Washington 25c Grades GEM++ Proof
*Highlight* 1878-s Morgan $1 Graded GEM+ Unc
1861 3cs Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
*Highlight* 1893-cc Morgan $1 Graded Select Unc
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
1857 Large Braided Hair 1c Grades vf++
*Highlight* 1864-s Liberty $20 Graded BU+
1900-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1915-p Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc RD
1921-p Peace $1 Grades AU Details
*Highlight* 1877-s Seated Liberty 50c Graded Selec
1880-o Morgan $1 Graded ms62
1833 O-104 Capped Bust 50c Grades xf+
1889-s Morgan $1 Grades Choice AU
1930-p Lincoln 1c Grades Choice+ Unc RB
1881-s Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc+ DMPL
1863 New York cwt Graded au55
*Highlight* 1886-s Morgan $1 Graded Select Unc
*Highlight* 1934-d Walking Liberty 50c Graded GEM+
*Highlight* 1896 Indian 1c Graded Choice+ Unc RD
1872-p Seated Liberty 1/2 10c Grades Select Unc
1898-o Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1954 Washington 25c Grades GEM Proof Deep Cameo
Near complete Lincoln cent page 1959-1973 31 coins
1918 Lincoln Old Commem 50c Grades Choice Unc
1889-p Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Grades Choice Unc
***Auction Highlight*** 1879 & CC Uncirculated Mor
1941-d Mercury 10c Grades Choice Unc FSB
1865 3cn Grades Select Unc
1898-p Morgan $1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1918-s Mercury 10c Grades Select Unc
*Highlight* 1888-s Morgan $1 Graded Select Unc PL
1956 Roosevelt 10c Grades GEM+ Proof
*Highlight* 1891 Indian 1c Graded GEM+ Proof Rb
*Highlight* 1899-o Morgan $1 Graded GEM++ Unc
1916-d Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc RD
1878-p 7/8tf Vam 33 Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc PL
1942-p Walking Liberty 50c Grades Unc Details
*Highlight* 1887-p Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Graded
1951-d Washington 25c Grades Select+ Unc
1922-p Peace $1 Graded ms64
1832 Capped Bust 50c Grades xf details
*Highlight* 1886-p Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Graded
1924-p Buffalo 5c Grades vf++
1914 $5 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Chicago Fr-87
1884-o Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc DMPL
**Auction Highlight** Lincoln Wheat cent 1c orig r
*Highlight* 1887 Indian 1c Graded Gem+ Unc RD
1883-o Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1864 2c Grades Choice AU/BU Slider
1882-o/s Top 100 Vam 3 Morgan $1 Grades Choice AU
1888-p Morgan $1 Graded ms64
1954 Roosevelt 10c Grades GEM+ Proof
1881-s Morgan $1 Grades GEM+ PL
1863 Indian cwt Graded au58
1830 Capped Bust 50c Grades vf details
1882-s Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc DMPL
1906 Indian 1c Grades Choice AU
1880-s Morgan $1 Grades GEM+ Unc
1887-p Morgan $1 Graded ms64
*Highlight* 1883-p Vam 1b Morgan $1 Graded GEM+ Un
***Auction Highlight*** Full Morgan/Peace silver d
1920-d Buffalo 5c Grades f details
1880-o Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
1908-s Indian 1c Grades xf
*Highlight* 1880-p Rainbow Toned Morgan $1 Graded
*Highlight* 1909 vdb Lincoln 1c Graded GEM++ RB
Hobo Buffalo 5c Grades Hand Carved
*Highlight* 1879-s Morgan $1 Graded GEM+ PL
1941-d Mercury 10c Grades GEM+ FSB
1878-s Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc
*Highlight* 1951-d Washington 25c Graded GEM++ Unc
Uncirculated 1c orig shotgun roll, 1957-p
1882-s Morgan $1 Grades Select Unc+ PL
1930-p Lincoln 1c Grades Select+ Unc BN
1863 Liberty Cap cwt Grades Unc Details
Complete Lincoln Cent Page 1974-1988 36 coins
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
Blank Planchet Mint Error Lincoln 1c Grades Select
1885-o Morgan $1 Graded ms65
1917-p Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc BN
1922-p Peace $1 Graded ms63
1918-d Buffalo 5c Grades vf details
1954 Jefferson 5c Grades GEM+ Proof
1929-d Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc BN
1915-s Lincoln 1c Grades f, fine
1958 United States Mint proof set in Original Gove
1922-p Peace $1 Graded ms64
1824 Capped Bust 50c Grades f details
Mint Error Lincoln 1c Grades Select Unc RB
1888-p Morgan $1 Graded ms63
Mixed small cents 1c orig shotgun roll, 1920-d Whe
1952-p Wash/Car Old Commem 50c Grades Select+ Unc
1899-o Morgan $1 Graded ms64
1827 Capped Bust 50c Grades f+
1940-s Mercury 10c Grades GEM+ Unc
1962 United States Mint proof set in Original Gove
1956 Jefferson 5c Grades GEM+ Proof
1917-p Buffalo 5c Grades vf+
1921-s Morgan $1 Grades BU
1936-p Mercury 10c Grades Choice AU
1986 Eagle $1 Grades Gem++ Unc