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Germany Stamps 20+ Postal Cards mostly 1930s-40s
Oman Stamps #473, 477, 478 Mint NH Sheets CV $180
Saudi Arabia Stamps #1362A, 1363A, Mint NH CV $72
US Stamps 1880s Advertising Cover - Oil & Axle
US Stamps James Farley Autographed 1940 Cover
US Stamps #2468 Mint NH Plate # Strips of 5 FV $95
US Stamps Mint & Used incl #1053, etc
Isle of Man Stamps #J1-8 Pairs Mint NH CV $118
Cook Islands Stamps #406-7, 406a, Mint NH CV $400+
Monaco Stamps #904a error & Color Trials Mint NH
US Stamps Mint NH Plate Blocks 1953-1964 FV $28+
Luxembourg Stamps Mint NH 1990s-2000s CV $195
Germany Stamps Mint NH Semi-Postals 1970s CV $128
Sweden Stamps #427-467 Mint NH on pages CV $62.50
DDR Stamps #706-710 Mint NH 1964 Olympics CV $180
French Polynesia Stamps #191-202, J1-7 etc CV $182
Vietnam & Far East Stamps - 85 Covers wide variety
Middle East Stamps - 12 Covers wide variety of cou
Worldwide Stamps WWII Censor Covers x45
Worldwide Stamps WWII Censor Covers x7
Worldwide Stamps WWII Censor Covers x10
Worldwide Stamps WWII Censor Covers x31
Worldwide Stamps WWII Censor Covers x18
Worldwide Stamps WWII Censor Covers x20
US & Canal Zone Stamps WWII Censor Covers x12
Dubai Stamps #C28-C35 Perf & Imperf CV $33
Sweden Stamps Mint & Used Back of Book CV $243
Bavaria Stamps Used on dealer pages CV $325+
German Stamps Berlin Coils Mint NH CV $160+
German Stamps Hindenberg Used Pairs Strip CV $50
German Stamps Mint NH & Used CTO S/S CV $180
German Stamps Mint LH & Used Semi-Postals on pages
Mongolia Stamps Mint NH singles & sets CV $75+
Norway Stamps Mint NH 17 sets CV $218
Sweden Stamps Mint NH Booklet Panes CV $343
British Commonwealths Stamps Used Coronati CV $164
Canada Stamps 22 FDC 1994-2008 on Official Covers
Switzerland Stamps Tete-beche #W1, W3 etc CV $250+
Worldwide Stamps Mint NH dealer pages CV $270
Switzerland Stamps Remainder collection to search
US Stamps 12 STS-8 Space flight covers, etc
Bavaria Stamps 32 Used Postal Cards/Covers
US Stamps 13 Pugh Hand Painted Full Sheet FDCs
US Stamps 25 Pane/Sheet FDCs ArtCraft Cachets
French Polynesia Stamps Airmails Mint NH CV $132
US & Worldwide 800+ Picture Postcards Used & Mint
US & Worldwide 800+ Picture Postcards Used & Mint
Worldwide Stamps 1916 Scott International 1000+ st
Worldwide Stamps 1926 Scott International 1000+ st
Worldwide Stamps 1940-1949 Scott International
Worldwide Stamps 1943 Scott International
British Commonwealths Stamps Mint NH/LH & Used
US Stamps 1900-1945 Mint & Used Scott American
US Stamps 1851-1945 Mint & Used Scott American
US Stamps 1851-1945 Mint & Used Scott American
US Stamps 1860s-190s Mint & Used Stockbook & Vario
US Stamps #RM277 Embossed Revenue Paper
Canada Stamps 18 Mint Duck Stamps 1980s-2000
US Stamps 1851-1936 Mint & Used Scott National
US Stamps 20 Duck Stamp FDC 1980s-2000
Worldwide & US Stamps Used in envelopes & loose
US & WW Stamps 36 Masonic Topical Covers and Cards
US Stamps 1992 Columbian Issue X17 + FDCs
US Stamps 140 High Value First Day Covers $1 & Up
US Stamps Mint collection 1935-1998 FV $150+
US Stamps Collection in Scott National 1851-1994
US Stamps BOB Collection in Scott National
US Stamps 24 Mint Duck Stamps CV $400+
US Stamp Collection in Stockbook, Early Group
US Stamps #2870 Mint NH Legends/West recalled
US Stamps Wine Revenues Collection CV $320+
Orange River Colony Small Collection
Cape Of Good Hope Collection #3-13 CV $3000+
Denmark Stamp Collection Scott National 1851-2005
Germany Stamps in Binder Hundreds Used & Mint
Worldwide Stamps Scott International 1840-1940
Worldwide Stamps 3 Scott Jr Vol 2 thousands stamps
Worldwide & US Stamps Variety Mix in Bankers Box
US Used in 4 albums/binders, mostly 20th century
US Stamps 100+ First Day Covers (Cachets and Addre
US Stamps Mint NH Sheets 32-44c FACE VALUE $400+
US Stamps Mint NH3-22c FACE VALUE $225+