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Estate Sale Photo Gallery
Texas wild boar head mount
Michigan wild turkey
Michigan white tail antlers
Colorodo bull elk head mount
Flordia everglades air boat properller hand
Warthog tusk from Zimbawae Africa
Kuda head mont from Zimbawae Africa
Water buck head mount from Zimbawae Africa
Wildebeast head mount from Zimbawae Africa
Impala head mount from Zimbawae Africa
Warthog head mount from Zimbawae Africa
Cape buffalo skull head mount from Zambia Africa
Cape buffalo skull head mount from Zambia, Africa
Cast of elephant tusk
Elk hounted antlers from Colorado
Elk skull mount from Michigan
Mounted elk antlers from Colorado
Mounted stag from New Zeeland
Mounted Michigan white tail antlers
Colorado mule deer head mount
Wyoming mounted antlers
Montana white tail deer European skull mount
Mule deer mounted antles 5 point
Wyoming mule head mount 6 point
Texas white tail head mount 10 point
Texas white tail 11 point antler mount
White tail mounted skull 7 point
Coyote and Badger full mounts
African mask
African mask 14"x7 1/2"
African traditional mask
African traditioal mask
MIchigan wild turkey
Wild Pheasant
Green Wing teal mounted duck
Gagwall duck mount
Afican tradional mask
Deer skull
Mule Deer skull
skull mount
Mule Deer skull from Wyoming
mounted antlers
Elk antler mounted
Afican traditional mask
Afican traditional mask
Afican traditional mask
Afican Tradional mask
Afican traditional mask
African spear
Afican lion spear
Afican lion spear
Afican traditional mask
Afican statue
Guatemala traditional mask
Monkey statue
Australian Wood boomerang
Australian boomerang
Afican wart hog Mounted tusk
Scrimshaw Wart hog tusk mount
Scrimshaw hippoptous tusk from Zambia mount
Jade Wart hog / rhinoceros figurines
Afican carved wood figurines
Alaskian stone carved sea otter
Wart hog Carved tusk
39" aAfrican stature
Wildebest tail
Peacock tail
Mexico deer foot whip
Mexico bull whip
wart hog coat hanger
French Suden 1950's Fetish ferility figureine
wood carved knive
Totem Afican figurine
AFR Shona 9/15/05 stone carved leopard
Mountian Man antler handled knives
1970 10 dot knive collection aprox. 80 to 90
ABT 1946 Challenger table top arcade
Afican traditional mask
Afican traditional mask
moose antlers
Wood carved bear figurine
wood carved quils
Bronze pheasent bookends
Sportsman Cross bow
Case XX 395 knives
Hornet machete
U.S Airman pilot knive
KaBar steak knives set
Bronze elk figurine
Pheasant picture
Guy Crettenden "Land of the Grizzly"
Richard Timm "White tail Deer" plate #7 VII
Ducks Unlimited Jeannie Hough
Kromschrocher "Tiger"
Charles Frace "The Big Cats"
R.J. MacDonald, Ducks Unlimited
Jim Foote Partridge
Jack Paluh Indian Hunting turkeys,
Marion Anderson, Nationan Wild Turkey Federation
Bev Doolittle
Jon McNaughton "The Greatest Trick"
Richard Timm "Striped skunk"
Marion Anderson "First Houn"
Bea Doolittle
Jim Foote 1081
Jack Paluh
Richard Timm "Alaska Waterowl stamp"
N. Shumaker "Pallan Common Loons"
Herb Boots National Wold Federation
Bear picture clock
Al Agnew "Morning Stretch"
Heiner Hertling "Epections" Swans
Charles Frace white seals
Jon Van Zyle "The Yukon River"
Tom Waltzs Michian out doors
Picture 3-d --Roses an peacock feathers
C. McClug Pellated wood pecker
Phansent Bishop
E. Melton "85"
Mariam Anderson Man at camp
Bev Doolittel "Eagle Heart"
Richard Timm "Owl"
Larry Hayden 1997
James Meger "home Stead"
Richard Timm "Down River"
Michael Dumas "Early Hours"
John Bald- Ducks
Bell Rose "Boot Legges"
Michael Glandin 1991, 44th Michigan Duck tour
Jim Foote "Down River" Duck Unlimted
Craig Shumate "Down River"
Tom Taylor "Nature and the Artist"
Bev Doolittle "Prayers for the Wild Things"
Bev Doolittel "Prayers for the Wild Things"
Bev Doolittle "Scared Circle"
Jim Foote
Richard Plasschaert "Top of the Ridge"
Jim Foote Pheasants
Terry Redlin "The Conservationists"
Richard Timm, Artist Proof
Jim Foote, Ducks
David Maass Wild Wings Inc. of Lake City,
Larry Martin, fox
David Maass Wild Wing of Lake City
Bill Rose 'Hunters off Strawberry Island"
Bill Ross
Daivd Maass, ducks
Migratory Bird Hunting stamp collection
John A. Ruthvin Wetland #1 Habitot stamp
R. Dinomme Koala picture
Richard Timm 1978 Michigan Waterfoul
Ly Shen, 1982
Richard Timm 1983 Nevada Department of wildlife
Dietmar Krumrey "Michigan Waterfowl" 1981
Clark Sullivan "MDHA Waterfoul Habiat stamp
Terry Pyles "Puffins"
Zettie Jones "Arkansas Wild turkey stamp