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#150 Royal Crest "Castle Rose"
#150 55pc Sterling Silver set
#150 1,799 grams
#151 Traub Bros Detorit 59pc Sterling Silver set-
#151 1,737 grams
#152 Towle "Cascade" 73pc Sterling Silver set
#152 2,500 grams
#153 Towle "Royal Windsor" 76pc Sterling Silver set
#153 2,453 grams
#154 International "Enchantress" 75pc Sterling Silver set
#154 2,780 grams
#155 Towle "Candle Light" 71pc Sterling Silver set
#155 2,531 grams
#156 Towle "Candle Light" 71pc Sterling Silver set-
#156 Grams incl. ½ Knife Reduction
#156 2,561 grams
#157 Chippendale Sterling Silver Oval Tray- 296 grams
#158 "Wallace" Sterling Silver Round Tray- 227 grams
#159 Large Sterling Silver Ladle- 241 grams
#160 Tiffany San Lorenzo Sterling Silver spoon- 85 grams
#161 "Empire" Sterling bowls- 129 grams
#162 10" Sterling Silver Plate and Towle bowl- 317 grams
#163 Gorham Sterling Silver Plate & "Prelude" bowl- 455 grams
#164 (2) Oval bowls & childs cup- 349 grams
#165 Decorative Sterling Silver bowls- 175 grams
#166 Pair of Fisher Candelabras- Weighted
#167 10" Sterling Vase and Crystal decanter
#168 "Hawkes" Cocktail Shaker and stirring glass
#169 "Gorham" Sterling Cups & Tray + - 637 gram
#170 "Gorham" Sterling, Preisner, etc. - 470 grams
#171 (2) Sterling Silver bowls- 457 grams
#172 (2) Sterling Silver bowls- 473 grams
#173 Sterling "Crown" Bowl- 340 grams
#174 12" Oval Sterling bowl- 532 grams
#175 "Edgeworth" Sterling Silver Oval Bowl- 422 grams
#176 (2) Large Sterling Silver plate- 959 grams
#177 Sterling Silverware lot of 29 spoons- 524 grams
#178 16 Sterling Silver Spoons- 406 grams
#179 Large Sterling Spoon lot- 11 pcs- 566 grams
#180 12 Sterling Silver Spoon- 400 grams
#181 Sterling Lot of (23)- Spoons, Forks, etc. 682 grams
#182 Alvin- Southern Charm Sterling butter knives- 366 grams
#183 Sterling Water Pitcher- 646 grams
#184 Sterling Vase and Pitcher- 604 grams
#185 Sterling Silver Compote and tray- 386 grams
#186 Lot of 2 Sterling bowl- 244 grams
#187 Large Oval Tray- 563 grams
#188 Triangular 3 foot Sterling bowl- 332 grams
#189 (3) Whiting "Talisman Rose" Wine Coasters
#190 Sterling 8 pcs. Assortment- 587 gram
#191 6 Sterling pcs.- 335 grams
#192 Baby Rattle, S&P, etc. - 402 grams
#193 Toast Rack, Cups, Taper Candle, etc.- 476 grams
#194 Pair of 10" weighted candle stand bowl
#195 (3) Triple Candle stick toppers
#196 Lot of 9 serving pcs.- Sterling- 517 grams
#197 Lot of 17 Sterling Silver Spoons- 367 grams
#198 27 Sterling Silver Spoons- 529 grams
#199 32 Sterling Silver Spoons- 447 grams
#200 17 Sterling Silver Spoons & 4 tongs- 322 grams
#201 Lot of 16 Lunt Sterling- 747 grams
#202 14 Flatware in original wraps & Demitasse spoons
#203 Sterling- 18 spoons- 408 grams
#204 Sterling- 23 spoons- 395 grams
#350 Lot of Arrow Heads & Knives
#351 Lot of Arrow Heads
#352 Indian carved stones incl. Bird Effigy
#353 Indian carved stones incl. Turtle, Faces, Hand Axe w/ COA
photo of the COA from lot #353
#354 Lot of carved birds -2 large, 3small
#355 Lot of carved stones incl. Bear, Buffalo, 2 Horses, Turtle, poss. Seal
#356 Indian Bird Effigys
#357 Indian carved Bears
#358 Lot incl. 2 Birds, Large Bear, Horse, and "Bear Claw"
#359 Lot incl. Ancor, hammer stones, Nutting Stone, Gaming Stones & Tools
#360 Lot of larger Indian Head Stones
#361Lot of 2 Large Grinding Stones & 2 Gaming Stones
#362 Lot of Indian Axes
#363 Lot of Indian Tools incl. 3 way Axe and Hand Plow
#364 Lot of 2 Grinding Stones incl. large halfed Sharpening Stone
#365 Lot of Indian Stones incl. 3 Way Axe, 2 Hand Plows, 2 Hatchet Axes
#366 Large Hand Carved Flint Bird Effigy -approx 70LB
#366 reverse
#367 Large Hand Plow
#368 Large Hand Plow - looks like Deer Head Effigy - Solid Quartz
#369 Lot of 3 Sharpening Stones - 1 Large, 2 Small
#370 Nice lot of Indian Axe Heads
#371 Lot of 3 Hammer Stones
#372 Lot of 5 Hand Plows
#373 Lot of 3 Hand Plows incl. 1 Quartz
#374 Lot of Axes and Hatchets
#375 Large lot of Indian Stones incl. Hand Axes & Axes #1
#376 Large lot of Indian Stones incl. Hand Axes & Axes #2
#377 Large lot of Indian Stones incl. Hand Axes & Axes #3
#378 Large Bird Head Effigy