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Wooden stool 17" tall
Wooden hutch with detail work on doors 39"W x
Wooden hutch 41 1/2"W x 17"D x 72 1/2" T
Side table 14"W x 12"D x 25"T and floor lamp
Mersman side table with drawer 19" W x 28"D x 21
Side table 15"W x 25"D x 23"T
Glass topped coffee table 39" in diameter and 16"
Drop sided table 3' W x 15"D x 30"T with 2' drop
Wooden framed rocking chair
Sentry safe 24"T: safe is currently open hoping
58" wooden headboard and footboard
Knock down wardrobe 53"W x 21"D x 90"T
Emperor mad in Germany grandmother clock
2 metal framed bar stools
2 wooden bar height swivel chairs
2 wooden chairs
4 wooden chairs
Wooden chest of drawers 32 1/2"W x 19"D x 45"T is
Wooden vanity 42"W x 18 1/2"D x 30"T with mirror
Wooden desk 50 1/2"W x 23"D x 30 1/2"T
Covalts clock
Mason's root beer clock is broken at the top
Seyferts potato chip tin and a Marhoefer lard tin
Quality Cornstroms service cooler
Producers glass 1 gallon milk jug
Glass canister
4 gallon crock
Small crock
2 gallon crock
Barclay Clarinet and Olympian mouth piece and
Nesting set of Pyrex bowls
Jadeite green fire king bowl
3 bowls: 1 Fire King, 1 Pyrex, 1 unmarked
Unmarked set of bowls (4 total)
3 vintage Coca-Cola trays
Flat of vintage pieces: cars, peanut dish, man on
Vintage Breadbox and serving bowl with grape
Lot of vintage irons and strainer
John Deere Metal toy pieces and additional parts
vintage metal toy grader
Buddy Hydraulic Heavy Hauling Dumper and Tru -
2 galvanized tubs and ash bucket
K International Tool Battery Charger
GM Motor w/ stand
8 Gal. Shop Vac
grinder on a singer sewing machine stand
Lot of electric hand tools, and metal tool b
Cutting torches with tanks
Lot of Case oil filters and hand tools
Work Bench with electrical outlets and grinder
Die Hard portable power pack, slow moving
Lincoln Arc Welder Model AC 225 S
Large wooden homemade toolbox
Press - Marked Enterprise
Contents of work bench: battery charger, jack,
Sickle blade guards
Penske DC Inductive timing light
Central Machine 16 speed heavy duty drill press
Vintage mirror with lights - does need a little
coat stand, shelving piece, and 2 lamp bases
vintage desk and wooden framed chair
Press with motor
PTO driven Generac generator on trailer
pair of car ramps
Troy - Bilt 5550 Watt generator
Lot of springs, work light, slow moving vehicle
Moor Mans wall "Arnold" wall clock
Bunny on a nest
Carnival Mug set (missing one) and stand
McCoy Mammy cookie jar
Lot of cast iron pans - one does have a lid
Floral stitched quilt
twin sized quilt does have a small hole
Lot of Ball, Mason, and Drey canning jars
Pair of green/blue lamp bases
Gone with the Wind dolls in original packaging
Lot of Gene Stratton - Porter Books
Marilyn Monroe and James Dean dolls in packaging
Holiday Barbies
3 seasonal Barbies - 2 are Avon Barbies
Little Debbie Barbies
8 Fire King Moor Mans coffee cups
16 Moor Mans drinking glasses
Lot of Jewel T dishes
Metal canister
Turtle shell and sand crab shell
Large lot of advertisement matches
Gerber baby doll in original packaging
Vintage talcum powder tins and a brush and
Shaffers superior genetics clock
Vintage Porcelian collection cabbage patch kid
Sans and streiffe microscope
Lot of vintage containers: juice bottle,cracker
Lot of Ball jars: shakers, and 2 jars, insulated
Lot of vintage toys: tops, drum and more
Lot of color craft cups and pitchers
Arizona cacti pitcher and class set
2 cast iron pans
Ball shaker set in original box
Vintage Walt Disney World Minnie and Mickey
Salesman's sample cresent stove
Lot of vintage medicine bottles
Moormans vintage jars and note pad
4 ball jars
Lockshors milk bottle and milk drinking glass
Lot of shells, and rocks!
Cookie cutters and coffee press
3 Hummel annual plates
Lot of Randolph Cou tt Extension Homemakers
Oneida community flatware set Tudor plate and
Muppet show Pigs in Space metal Thermos lunch tin
Metal Ford tractor, Express way trailer, and more
Lot of Ball State items: 35 year book ends, paper
Metal train
Try -Scale metal farm toys
Corning and Anchor dishes
Lot of Christmas ordaments: some Hallmark
Lot of Little Golden Books
2 sets of pens: Eversharp and Cross
Large lot of costume jewelry
Jars of buttons
Vintage Porcelian Old Spice after shave and
Large lot of stamps, and first day covers! Have
Large lot of vintage metal toys
Randolph County books: 3 ( 1818-1990), Farmland
Lot of advertisment calendars, Muncie basketball
Lot of stuff foreign currency, foreign post
Lot of Randolph County and additional
Lot of advertisement pencils
Painted picture of what could be Wright Covered
Lot of Randolph County 4-H ribbons
Lot of Moor Mans feed advertisement pieces
GE desk lamp
Vintage ceramic Christmas tree
Funk's hybrid coffee cup
Large lot #1: Gourmet Garfield, linens, assorted
Large Lot # 2: Childrens toys, chicken figures,
Large Lot #3: jumper cables, 300 amp power box,
Large Lot #4: records, crochet pieces, childs toys
Large Lot #5: snack sets, plates, and serving
Large Lot of vintage Jars Ball and other brands
Large Lot #7: plates, cups, books, yarn, holiday
Lot of canning jars, lids and rings, foldable
Husqvarna chainsaw
Wooden cabinet with drawers with folding table on
Wheelchairs and walkers
Galvanized trash can and wooden cabinet and metal
Wooden cabinet does need some TLC
Great Plains 10' no till, solid stand 10
John Deere 7000 no till planter w/ liquid
IH 720 5 bottom plow
John Deere 7' rotary mower
Glenco 7 shank disc chisel
Sickle bar blade and row harrow wheels
draw bars, hydraulic cylinder
Metal stool, toolbox and gas can
Red line 97,000 BTU heater
Creeper and mover
wheel weights
Tractor weights
IH Disc
Metal yard cart
Fuel tank 1
Fuel tank 2
Fuel tank 3
Gilmore-Tatge auger
Concrete mixer
Livestock mover 3 point
Wooden extension ladder
Aluminum ladder
Wooden ladder needs some love
2 wooden ladders
Manure spreader
Arts Way feed grinder
Sickel bar mower
Pair of tractor tires with dual hubs
Pair of push mowers
Simplicity 61" zero-turn mower
1976 Chevy Truck w/ grain bed (mouse infested)
Implement pieces
1975 Chevy 20 square body (needs windshield)
Dodge T800 grain truck, air breaks, tarp, tandem
Billin Culter Packer
Inline PTO Auger
Killbros Hopper Wagon
John Deere Row Harrow 400
Jd rg4 row cultivator
1999 Chevy Blazer
Metal chicken nesting box and metal chicken
Wooden chicken nesting boxes
Pig feeder with no flaps
Three old rusty metal bicycles one is a Columbia,
Old fan, real mower, pitchfork, seeder
Set of six metal lawn chairs with whole punched
Double hinged window 2 glass panes are broken
2 old galvanized strainers
Apple baskets, metal baskets, antique rocking
Cast iron pot with stand
Cast iron pot with stand
Wooden chicken crate
4 galvanized metal crates, galvanized bucket with
Metal feeders, galvanized buckets, rubber feeders
Galvanized chicken waterers and feeders
Galvanized wash tub on stand and small milking
Wooden sled and small nail keg
Four piece red wooden patio set
Three round galvanized tubs
2 square galvanized tubs
Decorative craft lot with a variety of galvanized
Hay trolly and pulley
Two hand scythes
Lot of long-handled tools with a saw and windmill
Buzz saw
Sears rototiller with Briggs & Stratton 5
Hog feeder in rough shape
Vintage porcelain pedal sink
Box of rocks and crystals and other fun finds
Double sided wooden hog feeder
Lyre carved table and Mersman end table
Old Friends Church sign display
Bee boxes, honeycomb looms and smokers
Large law of tools, including wooden clamp, oil
Old lantern
2 red lanterns
Kraft perfected malted milk buckets
(2) 1 oz proof silver bullion coins
2 Miller milk House milk bottles, and two plain
Lot of military items, mortar school certificate
Brown Clark's dairy milk bottle one quart
Lot of Randolph County 4-H items, people's loan
Cowboys book, Hallmark ornament, vintage
Flat with tractor guides, crop fact guides, John
Lot of war items: ration books, Swiss Army knife,
Lot of Randolph county items: postcards, money
Large lot of vintage Black and white photos
Ball state 40 years of service print
Metal toy crain
Atlas watch, jewelry pieces and a vintage two
Tru-View and 7 adventure color pictures
2 vintage game boards (one is metal)
Lot of advertisement yard sticks
Ornate full size headboard and footboard
Ornate parlor settee
Library table with drawer
Antique kitchen cabinetantique kitchen cabinet
Muncie Indiana milk can
Two small wooden tables and a rocking chair
Smidley Double-sided pig feeder
Bookshelf, two chairs, sewing notions table
Three pieces, coat rack and two small tables
Black milk can with eagle on the front
Large blue and white pfaltzgraff bowl
Marshall Pottery 2 gallon butter churn crock from
A McCoy ovenware number 10 brown and white bowl
A wooden shipping crate, large woven basket with
Four pieces, calf milking bucket, ash bucket,
The globe Wernicke co sectional bookcase
Antique trunk
Cast iron campfire pot and two small skillets
Handmade costume jewelry Christmas tree framed
Type tray
Wash stand with towel bar and acrylic door pulls
Green chest with lid, very primitive
Ford 8N tractor
Bobcat 440B skidsteer
Set of 4 - Hi-way livestock equipment farrowing
Set of 4 - Hi-way livestock equipment farrowing
3 Barbie dolls: holiday voyage, Halloween glow,
Large lot of dolls
Lot of dolls
Lot of small kitchen appliances
Southern bell McCoy cookie jar
McCoy wishing well cookie jar
Baker's McCoy cookie jar
3 animal cookie jars: bear pig, and cow (does
John Deere barn cookie jar
Barn with animals cookie jar
Mouse and clock cookie jar does have a chip on
Ice cream cone cookie jar
Turkey cookie jar
Kitten cookie jar
5 mushroom canister 1 is missing a lid and a tea
Howard Miller mantel clock
Seth Thomas mantel clock
National Washboard Co. Washboard
Magee company framed print
Chalkware is damaged on the windmill blade
Assorted pins, watches, and pieces
Lot of Monroe Central Letter Jacket, FFA jacket,
2 irons
Ceramic spittune
2 gallon crock iced tea cooler
Eskimo small fan
Shaker sets and spice containers
Cans full of marbles
Unique dependable typewriter metal
Lot of advertisment thermometers, and tape
Lot of assorted money pieces, Cantone, ear muffs,
One once proof silver bullion coins
3 arrow heads
Assorted child's games, shaving brushes, paper
Large crock
Cast iron pot: dated August 18, 1874
Silver plated tea set, serving tray, plate and
Aladin oil lamp with extra chimney
Vintage stereo optic viewer with cards
Trail neck blazer radio does have some damage
1936 Walking liberty, 8 buffalo nickles,and a
6 rolls of wheat pennies
Proof sets from 1972-1974, two dollar bills,
Goebel figures
Lot of costume jewelry
Small longaberger basket
Hurricane lamp with floral detail
Lot of small oil lamps
Chickens on a nest
Set of 3 halls nesting bowls
Cobalt blue glasses and small pitchers
Pyrex baking dish
2 guitars: conquer cn-15s aquistic, penncrest
Jadeite bowl and 9 saucers
Porcelian doll with cloth body
Coin glass compots
Small table and wooden chair
Servus size 16 boots
MK 14 MOD 2 Gun Sight spare parts box
Enamel pot and wash tub
Water bath canners and roaster pan
Aluminum roasters, pot, and pressure canner
Crock jug
Aladin oil lamp
Queen Ann 1 and 2 oil lamps
2 unmarked oil lamps
Lot of serving plates and bowls
Large set of unmarked plates,bowls, cups, B's
Large lot of dishes and decor pieces
Lot of decor, dishes, kitchenware, and more
lot of assorted decor pieces, dolls, baskets,
Aluminum 3 tier cart on wheels
Treasure lot: magazine rack, decor pieces, slaw
metal tool box with Craftsman wrenches and sockets
Ball State hand written letters to professors
Holiday small chest deep freezer
scrap pile #1
scrap pile #2
scrap pile # 3
Truck parts