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#1 Detroit Police Deputy Chief Badge
#2 Detroit Police Lieutenant Badge No.72
#3 Detroit Police Transit Badge No.35
#4 Detroit Police badge set incl. No.2
#5 Detroit Police Commissioner Badge
#6 Detroit Police Sargent Badge
#7 Detroit Police Director of Personnel
#8 Detroit Police No.1 Badge
#9 Detroit Detective No.7 Badge
#10 Auburn Hills Police sergeant 108
#11 Lot of 7 Wyoming, MI Police Badges
#12 7 Wyoming Police incl. Patrolman
#13 Elk Rapids Police Badge No.4
#14 Grosse Pointe Shores Police Badge 4
#15 Wyoming, MI Police sergeant Badges
#16 Detroit Police Chief Nathaniel Topp
#17 Wayne County Deputy Sherriff badges
#18 DC Police 1981 Inauguration of Pres
#19 Armada MI Sergeant and No. 30 Badge
#20 Pair Village of Armada Badges
#21 Macomb County Deputy Sherriff Badge
#22 Lot of 3- GR Captain, Shelby police
#23 Lot of 3- Richland M. Costello, #64
#24 Pair of Cleveland, Ohio police badge
#25 Cleveland Badges No.747 & No.644
#26 Pair of Cleveland, OH badges 1336
#27 V.A. Chief Protective Section Badge
#28 Winchester, Mass. school traffic
#29 Lot of 11 NY State police items
#30 Lot of 3 Bullion badges (2) East Lan
#31 Lot of 3 Flint badges No. 328, 303
#32 Lot of 5 Ingham County Sherriff Dept
#33 Pair of North Muskegon MI Lieutenant
#34 Pair of UN Security Officer Badges
#35 4 Badges Escanaba public saftey
#36 Boston Police, State Constable IN
#37 Adrian, MI Chief, Wayne County, Etc.
#38 Lot of 10 Fire Dept Badges- Niagara
#39 Lot of 11 Fire Badges- Port Allegany
#40 Lot of 8 Fire Badges, Elkhart, IN
#41 Lot of 7 Police Badges, MI Etc.
#42 Registered Shauffeur MI 1915 184
#43 Grosse Pointe Park Chief of Police
#44 United States Census Badge 1910
#45 Motor City Casino Security Badges
#46 Police Dept. Enamel Badge 114
#47 News Boys Badges Highland Park 1918
#48 Pensacola, FL Patrolman Badge
#49 Matching Pair of Royal Oak Police
#50 Washington D.C. Metro Police- 866
#51 Detroit, Michigan Deputy Chief Badge
#52 Detroit Police Lieutenant Detective
#53 West Bloomfield, MI Lieutenant
#54 Constable Geo. Davis Badge
#55 Woodhaven Chief of Police Badge
#56 City of Pontiac Chief Police Badge
#57 Auburn Hills, MI Chief of Police
#58 Armada Chief of Police Badge
#57 Auburn Hills, MI Chief of Police
#60 Macomb County Deputy Sherriff Badge
#61 Wayne County Prosecutor #90
#62 Police Chief Badges Beulah
#63 Williams Port Police No. 13 Badge
#64 Muskegon County Sherriff Badge 69
#65 Matching set of Cheboygan No. 2
#66 Cheboygan Police Badge No. 5
#67 Pontiac Police Badge No. 38
#68 Detroit Corrections Badges #103
#69 Taylor Police Badge No. 26
#70 Detroit Police Badge No. 2877
#71 Detroit Badges incl. Officer H.C.
#72 Pair of Detroit Police Badges
#73 Detroit Police Badges No. 46
#74 Huge Collectors Lot (27) Alaska, etc
#75 Pair of Police Badges- Columbus
#76 Duncan Field San Antonio, Texas
#77 Lot of 3 War Service Ship Building
#78 Pair of Liberty Loan Badges
#79 US Meat Inspector Badge
#80 Lot of 3 Badges, Master at Arms Navy
#81 3 American Legion Police Badges
#82 Patrolman Badge Junior Safety GR MI
#83 Lot of 10 Police Badges
#84 7 American Protective League US
#85 Plant Patrols, Oliver Corp., Sutherl
#86 Council of National Defense Badges
#87 Lot of 8 Badges incl. Security
#88 10 Badges- Peace Officer Services
#89 Lot of 9 Police Badges- Pensioner MI
#90 Grosse PTE Shores Chief of Police
#91 Lot of 12 Police Badges- PA Chief
#92 Lot of 8 Badges -1 with Patch, etc.
#93 District Warden NJ Forest Fire, RR
#94 Plymouth, MI Police Chief Badge
#95 US Mail Badge PO Dept Motor Vehicle
#96 Lot of 8 Police Badges incl. East GR
#97 State of Michigan Park Officer Badge
#98 Cass County, IND Deputy Sherriff
#99 Lot of 4 Grand Traverse CO, MI, IN
#100 Republican National Convention 1916
#101 Ford Work Badge- Cleveland Stamping
#102 Police Badges Perry, Port Huron MI
#103 Lot of 8 Badges- Master at Army