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1951 Union Pacific employee time tables printers
Two Union Pacific Streamliner city of Los A
18 Amtrak time tables 2002 and 2016
Union Pacific and Burlington Northern time table
6 railroad magazines from various dates between
3 magazines - September 1989 trains Illustrated,
2 books - the Milwaukee Road steam, diesel,
3 books - comprehensive railroad Atlas
Illinois Central Railroad system binder with
Union Pacific aluminum milepost signs for miles
Union Pacific adlake four-way signal light two
Union Pacific 5 gallon bucket with styrofoam
Western railroad Supply Company of Chicago
4 pieces Union Pacific signal Department
52" x 28" picture of the Dewitt Clinton
Union Pacific aluminum milepost markers all
Canadian Pacific conductors uniform - 3 pieces
Missouri Pacific Igloo stainless 3 gallon water
Missouri Pacific kerosene can
Lionel Pennsylvania Flyer train set with Track,
Union Pacific Spade handle
5 empty vintage model train boxes, lion L,
4 Jim Beam decanters no boxes, locomotive, coal
9 Union Pacific caps and leather portfolio /
2 Burlington Northern HO scale locomotives. sd60m
Lionel sheet metal yellow flat car number 6121
Beams track for Jim Beam train decanters
Chicago Burlington and Quincy 3/4" by 1"
Union Pacific 2 1/4" x 2 3/8" curved open-ended
Union Pacific yellow hard hat and Burlington
Union Pacific 3-ring binder with Maintenance of
2 train clocks. One produces smoke and makes
Union Pacific flip calendars- 1969 Centennial,
Lot of track iron - spikes, tie plates, anchors,
5 1/2" rail section
6" rail section
18 1/2" rail section
Glass insulators. Large assortment
3 binders with 27 trains magazines from 1996 to
Two binders with 22 trains magazines from 1990 to
24 trains magazines from 2011 to 2012
26 trains magazines from 1978 to 1980
24 trains magazines from 1981 to 1982
24 trains magazines from 1983 to 1984
24 trains magazines from 1985 to 1986
23 trains magazines from 1987 to 1988
12 trains magazines from 1989
Coca Cola Santa Claus commemorative plate from
4 Union Pacific cast-iron number plates. The
2 Lionel popcorn tins. Toy train included in one