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Estate Sale Photo Gallery
"Atlas Antiquus," by Dr. Henry Kiepert 1892
"Famous Leaders & Battle Scenes of the Civil War"
"Asher & Adams Atlas of New York"
"Atlas of Wayne County," by DG Beers,1874
"History of Onondaga County, New York"
"The Life & Public Services of Horatio Seymore,"
"The Official Inaugural Program-January 20, 1961"
"Military Commission to Europe, 1855 & 1856,"
"New York at the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition"
"The Century War Book- People's Pictorial Edition"
The White House Cookbook, 1903
"Military Minutes of the Council of Appointment
"New York at Gettysburg, July 1-2-3, 1863"
"Life and Travels of General Grant,"
"San Francisco's Horror of Earthquake and Fire,"
"WH Sewards Travels Around the World"
"Our Islands and Their People,"
"The 28th Division in the World War,"
"The Polite Lady,"
"Disaster, Struggle, Triumph," by AM Wilson,
"Notes of a Military Recogonnoissance
"Issues of '92," By JP Boyd, 1892
"History of the Army of the Potomach,"
"Around the World with a Camera," 1950
"This is America my Country," By DH Sheehan,
"Biographical Sketches of Pre-eminent Americans,"
Lot, Soft cover Civil War books
Lot, Time Life Voices of the Civil War
Lot, Hard cover, mostly Civil War books
Lot, Hard and soft cover Civil War books
Lot, Lincoln books
Lot, Yanks Army Weekly, 1945
Lot, Arch Merrill Books
Lot, Hardcover Civil War books
Lot, Hardcover Civil War books
Lot, Large hardcover Civil War books
Lot, mostly Presidential & History hardcover books
Lot, Public Papers of George Clinton,
Lot, large lot of Life magazines
Large lot, hardcover political books
Lot, Messages from the Governors,
Lot, Art pottery books
Lot, Hardcover history books
Lot, Mostly leather bound, books
Lot, Legislative Manuals New York 1918-1964
Lot, "Proceedings of Wayne County
Lot, Nautical books
Lot, HW Clume Rochester Area books
Lot, Stamp catalogs and collecting books
Lot, New York State Red books, 1920's-1960's
Lot, History and Misc. books
Lot, "The Restored Ford" Magazines
Lot, History books
Lot, Gun, fishing, and bird books
Lot, "Home Craft" magazines, 1940's
Lot, Pamplets and misc. papers
Lot, Steuben glass and pamphlets
Lot, Postcards, divided by topic
Lot, Postcards, divided by topic & state
Lot, Postcards, divided by state
Lot, Postcards and souvenir packets
Album of cover bridges post cards
Early post card album, over 200 cards
Lot, Framed stereo views, Lincoln, Sherman,
Lot, Stereo views, 5 are black americana
Lot, Framed Civil War era newspaper prints
Lot, Framed Civil War type prints, playing cards,
Lot, small frames
Lot, Framed Civil War type paper
Lot, Framed Confederate type paper
Lot, Framed advertising Civil War type paper
Lot, Railroad receipts and correspondence
Lot, Railroad receipts and correspondence
Victorian photo album, no photos
Framed survey map Mississippi fortification 1863
Framed print of Prussian royal family
Framed floral print
Framed print of a woman
Framed print of patriotic child
Framed vintage print of a girl with lamb
Framed confederate flag
Framed confederate flag, with 1862 map
Framed print, The confederate note memorial
Framed O/C winter scene, signed Barrister
Framed print LaLiberation De Bruxelles
Framed print, "Custer's Last Fight"
2-O/C framed fruit and vegetable studies,
Framed, Imperial German Calvary Recruit
Framed, Imperial German Calvary Recruit
2 Acrylic modern art pieces, by K Stowell
Framed, print, sailing and fishing scene
Framed, print, natures gems
Framed, Centennial confederate battle flag
Framed, 1885 Facsimile of the 1863
Framed, print of US Grant and RE Lee
3 Norman Rockwell framed prints
Downs & Co's Manufacturing catalog, 1868-1869
"Little Women," By Louisa M Alcott, with
"Seneca County Directory 1867"